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Written By Avita

Feb. 28, 2021, 9:10 p.m.(1/12/1015 AR)

Ciaphas still refuses to use his breasts to distract our foes.

I am disappointed by his lack of dedication to the cause.

Written By Raven

Feb. 28, 2021, 9:01 p.m.(1/12/1015 AR)

I still cannot fathom why anyone'd choose to settle in a place that is unliveable half of the year. There is nothing natural about ice falling from the sky!

Written By Lianne

Feb. 28, 2021, 8:27 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Natasha

I am grateful for Princess Natasha Thrax and the Inquisition for their diligence in pursuing the case of my husband's murder to its conclusion, even as the months drew long. Your meticulousness and persistence are appreciated more than you can know.

Even an unsatisfying answer is better than no answer at all.

Written By Keely

Feb. 28, 2021, 8:13 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Liara

Sister, you never cease to amaze me. Your party was everything I could have dreamed of, and more! How do you do it? So many people, and you never for a moment looked flustered. I hope one day to live up to the example you set.

Written By Keely

Feb. 28, 2021, 8:12 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Oh my goodness, it has been so very busy since I returned to Arx! I feel like I have attended an event almost every day. And some of the events were downright huge! It was rather intimidating, scholar, I can't lie, but I stuck it out and refused to run off. And in every single instance, I ended up having a wonderful time and meeting so many marvellous people. Thank you to everyone who hosted me! Some day I hope to throw an event even half as excellent!

Written By Raymesin

Feb. 28, 2021, 7:59 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

The start of another winter in Arx, Scholar, and I'm coping a bit better this year than I was last year. It helps that the house is weathertight, of course, and that I get someone warm to curl up with at night, but I suspect I'm getting accustomed to the Arxian climate again.

Five years in the Lyceum was time well-spent, and I learned a great deal while I was there, but there wasn't any snow.

I shall have to see how well I do later in the season, when the cold really bites.

Written By Haakon

Feb. 28, 2021, 7:37 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

For those who know not:
A reaving is a gathering of free warriors, sworn or unsworn, who gather in their own ships toward a prize.

This prize can be the ambush if a particular ship, the raiding of a named settlement, or a more general voyage into enemy waters to take what prizes fortune grants. Every reaver draws an even share of the voyage's profit, once done.

In the past year, I've led three reavings into the Near Saffron and a fourth into Abandoned waters, gathering freebooters and any number of rough and unsworn men toward a fit prize, a goodly number of which took service with a house of the Compact, after.

Alongside these unsworn sorts, I have reaved alongside nobles of all six Fealties, as well as Crownsworn.

Fuck any who say reaving is wicked.

Written By Valencia

Feb. 28, 2021, 7:35 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Nothing makes my heart happier than being able to offer assistance when I am able to. That feeling is second only to the pride and gratitude I experience when I think of the generosity of those who support my Hart's efforts to support good causes.

To be able to offer help with the relief efforts in Astarrea is something that my Hart and I are sincerely honoured to do. Especially if it means that more survivors might be better able to recover. I cannot imagine how they have suffered.

Thanks to donations from Prince Patrizio of Prauvus, Lady Emberly of Crovane and a few others for whom we await permission to share their names so we may thank them publicly, we were able to raise 686,000 silver at this event.

I know it is a small amount, but it is one offered with deepest hope.


Written By Jhond

Feb. 28, 2021, 7:07 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

I really like ships. The rigging, the press of people about and watching the sailors keeping at task or just keeping busy to pass the time. It's a pity they're on the water though with all the waves. Bleh.

Written By Sunaia

Feb. 28, 2021, 6:08 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

There's been a lot going on, Scholar Einar, and you'll manage to keep up with this - or not - and that's how it'll be because Parker already said that they don't have to come back and listen to me tell all of this for a third (a THIRD) time. I told them I wanted to get it right. They rolled their eyes. I threw a perfectly good butter tart at them. They have horrible reflexes. Just the worst.

(See, now, that's in my White Journal forever -- )

(I didn't really mean it.)

No. I did.)

First, let's address the most obvious. Betrothed. That's a thing now. Never thought I would write it - say it - and actually believe that. But, here I am. Saying that I do. I'm not sure what that means for the future. Which, no, still not afraid of -- can't be controlled, so what? What? WHO. I'm afraid of myself. I admitted to a friend (more than one, even) some of my worries, and I was given good advice. Each time. My East. My South. I'll need to explain that to the Silent Reflection later, I think, and I'm afraid of myself mostly I keep wanting to run. The idea of being settled is really, really, really terrifying. As frightening as when I considered swearing to the Faith, or the Knights of Solace, or for being promoted in the Inquisition. There's a finality that makes me want to tear the throat out of it -- if it was a tangible, horrible monster. Establish residence. Put down roots. Domesticated.

But, Scholar Einar, imagine it for a moment --

No, I can't sit still. I'll be back. Need to get it out of my system before I write about the next part.

Written By Amari

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:53 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

My prayers of late have been for my friends, the Laurents. It's difficult to put to words what you wish to truly express in times such as these. Words alone never feel sufficient, nor are they much of a balm for grief and pain. If only they were. I could then do something tangible to lessen their suffering beyond offering whatever support I can.

Written By Martino

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:51 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Locating the complete works of Archscholar Py is quite the challenge but one that I shall admit needles at me with curious read.

To understand the journey taken, the events and actions they saw opens the eyes to the history like little else.

That is, until I m distracted by something else.

Written By Martino

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:48 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Took my first daughter, Lady Arsenia, out to meet a few in the Ambassador Salon.

She was the centre of attention with everyone present and not me.

Something to think twice on next time.

Written By Duarte

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:36 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)


I quit my job with the merchant and carrying his missives to work instead with the Merchant Prince. Lest anyone feel this is morbid - I got more money. And he liked me. And, I believe, there is a saying about types of people and how you keep them close.

His business dealings were far more expansive and lucrative. He liked how I talked. He said, 'You have a way with people'.

He taught me quite a bit, actually, in how to parley. "This one is a squirrelly sort, you'll have to appeal to his anxieties." "This one is prideful, let them know how impressive they are." And so on.

Nothing will quite show you the colors of people like doing business with them. You'll have scoundrels and uprights. And the uprights are some times also inepts, and the scoundrels effective. One can't base associations in business on personalities. Only results matter.

Many remarkable things about people that I learned from the man who killed my father; including how far they'll go to keep something secret...

Written By Thea

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:26 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Here it is...The unsurprising entry regarding the weather. It's cold, it's snowy. The layers of clothes I have to wear are...a bit of a nightmare. And I cannot stress how much I can't wait until summer. But that said...I will tell you the few things I've learned to enjoy about winter. Fires, warm drinks, and someone to enjoy those cold nights with. Finn? He loves it a little too much. Damn dog comes back from where ever it is he goes, covered in a blanket of white and shakes it all around the manor. I suppose it's better than mud?

Written By Martino

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:23 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

And today we sign the contract between Lady Thea and Lord Drake. A long period of the two suiting, being used to each other and understanding each other.

The strength of their union will strengthen that between House Malvici and House Wyvernheart for such a long time. While it is always sad to see a member of the family move to another, Lady Thea will always be in the heart of Southport.

Plus she has that bar along the docks that has to be maintained.

Written By Rosalind

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:17 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

All this talk about a new bow. Now I have to go see....I already have two of the best ones imaginable, made by two of the best people I know, but a third couldn't hurt...RIGHT?!

Written By Rosalind

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:09 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Attended to the Snowfall Competition was somuchfun! Connal may have enjoyed himself too, trying to catch all the balls. The snowball fight? My team didn't win, but it was so super close! And it was---needed for the SOUL! Now to go for a run, clear my head.

Written By Thea

Feb. 28, 2021, 5:02 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Well it's there. Official. For every amount of sad news, there needs to be--something good. I appreciate the congratulations and such that have been received. Change will certainly be different as I never thought I would ever leave my home. But here we are. Lagoma has been listening to my prayers for awhile now, and I look forward to finding to starting this new chapter.

Written By Apollo

Feb. 28, 2021, 4:17 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Handing off pieces of the work involved in the project I started with the Crafters and Scholars has been such a relief. Caprice's enthusiasm for the project is fortifying, and - with the confidence I have in her attention to it, I've felt as if I can pursue a contribution of my own. Speaking with Marquis Cadern was a pleasure - he's generous with his time and knowledge. And there's something about a very flowery hat that puts me in a better mood - a much needed lift.

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