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Written By Lisebet

Nov. 12, 2020, 11:16 a.m.(5/15/1014 AR)

I find myself bemused and saddened at the deaths and violence that have overtaken our city. I mourn with everyone, I think.

Written By Esme

Nov. 12, 2020, 10:06 a.m.(5/15/1014 AR)

My dearest readers,

There are so many words that could be used and for a moment; I had none. My heart breaks as do many others over the deaths that have happened and the destruction that is left in it's wake. I can feel the city mourning for all of this and it pains me to know this feeling it out there. I also can feel the deep breath of the city growing in rage. The shift is upon the air as each speaks and moves and plots.

I caution you, dearest ones, be careful in feeding your dark concepts. Be careful in being rage-minded. We will be victorious. We have the Gods on our side and who can stand against us in that, but caution. For as our honor and duty bleed strength to Limerance, Then does our rage and hatred bleed strength into other things. Move as you should. Mourn as you should. I ask that you clear your head before you touch your blade.

You are loved. You are love. You are peace in a world that that so needs the light to shine upon it right now. Your light reflects outwards, but also allow it to reflect inwards. Allow yourself to bask in the calm of Limerance. I know we will win this war. I know your rage and anger is justified. I know your sorrow is devastating. The Gods feel your heart. They know as well. They weep with us as the rain fell.

We will rebuild the structures lost. We will rejoice the lives that were lost for the lives they lived. We will show that our unity cannot be broken and that our oaths and our bonds of honor still stand. My heart goes out to all of you. My peace is offered to each of you. Do not take these as words of a pacifist. For we will fight. We will rise up.

It is not weak to feel. Just do not let that feel become your weakness that may allow Darkness to settle in.

Written By Eirene

Nov. 12, 2020, 9:50 a.m.(5/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

I've known Dominus Orazio longer than any of you. He and I served together in the Southport military when we were younger. The stories I could tell. But I won't. They serve no purpose other than to bring a smile to the memory of those who were there.

Mostly I remember even then he was a man of faith and principle. Devoted to duty, whether it was to the Gods or our Duchess.

Gods, I'm crying. Heh. I've lost so many old friends that his loss really stings. Especially since I had thought he would pass peacefully in his bed with a holy book half-read on his lap and a cup of tea on a table.

He approached me years ago to help him investigate the sighting of something horrific near Sanctum. It was what you would call a horedling, a demonic flesh construct created by the sacrifice of the Legate of the Shield and her Knights of Solace. It was the first known sighting in centuries. The beast was destroyed at the cost of many fine knights but we watched it die.

Even before he became Dominus he was fighting to push back the dark Reflections of the Gods he loved so dear.

His duties eventually consumed his time but he still found a few hours to occasionally sit with an old friend (me) and share the wisdom he had learned. All of my knowledge of the Gods came from him.

And you know you've made a mark on the world when your enemies mourn your loss and call for vengeance and justice.

May the Wheel spin Razi into another incarnation as noble as this one. And fuck you, Helianthus. Your end is coming.

Written By Esme

Nov. 12, 2020, 9:31 a.m.(5/15/1014 AR)

I have cancelled the event of Swords of Valor for Devotional praise and understanding of oaths and strength.

We have just witnessed all the swords of valor and I would think it not right to do so in the aftermath.

Written By Adrienne

Nov. 12, 2020, 7:26 a.m.(5/15/1014 AR)

I was at the docks. My husband and I were near when the fires started. Our enemy sought to destroy ships, burn warehouses, and assassinate the Archduchess. They struck from the shadows. They killed indiscriminately. They failed. Belladonna Pravus lives. The scions of House Pravus and their valiant allies were quicksilver against those who would harm their own. Those without swords took up the bucket and the bandage.

The enemy sacrificed many, meaningless kindling to their pyre of ambition and evil. Do you, villains, celebrate tonight? I think you must. Afterall, you sought to start a fire in the heart of the Compact. This you assuredly have done.

One final note: Captain Seina Perros saved my life. May Gloria smile on you again.

Written By Wylla

Nov. 12, 2020, 12:55 a.m.(5/15/1014 AR)

A voice has gone silent. The grief-

Even so, while despair edges my heart and my vision, the sweet fingers of anguish curl around my heart and promise to cradle this sorrow-

It's a trick.

I will remember the lively discourse, the disagreements, the rare smile, the moments of calm. I will remember and celebrate the tumultuous act of LIFE that was our Dominus.

But for now ... I weep.

And regret.

Written By Aureth

Nov. 12, 2020, 12:08 a.m.(5/15/1014 AR)

Hold your family close. Tell them you love them when you can. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Written By Avary

Nov. 11, 2020, 11:42 p.m.(5/15/1014 AR)

The Sentinel sees all, make no mistake.

Murder, arson, oathbreaking, violators of sanctuary. The actions of those who killed templars, my mentor Orazio, of innocents and tried to wound the Faith will find that while they might live today, they will not outrun the Sentinel's justice.The moment they decided to forsake the gods and do what they've done, they have judged themselves guilty. The apostates may feel as though they are safe, plotting their heretical actions in the dark but already the Sentinel is coming.

It is coming for you.

Written By Nina

Nov. 11, 2020, 11:23 p.m.(5/14/1014 AR)

Unfortunately, I must lock the doors of Sirens in Silk temporarily. I write this as I am laid in bed having been shot with a stray arrow between the shoulders, which has slowed my artistic progress considerably. I do think I'll make a full recovery within the week. I must credit Princess Adrienne for checking in on me...

and... reluctantly, as a Lycene, I must also thank this cloak of Oathlands Ironwool, without which I fear that arrow would've embedded much deeper.

Written By Damiana

Nov. 11, 2020, 9:22 p.m.(5/14/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

The Faith is not one man, and yet even if it was it would be still as strong as it is now. Within each of us is a font of strength rarely drawn from and yet how often we’ve felt powerless when faced with insurmountable challenge?

While traitors may have with their dishonorable blades struck down the closest to the gods, where one great man has fallen may thousands rise up. We, children of the Faith, are given signs. Evil lurks so close by, our enemies near. Will we shake in fear? Or rise as the sun after an evening storm, bright and full of hope?

So we should pray, and pray like we haven’t before. For ourselves and for each other. And no more is this a time for idleness or empty words, may Limerance embolden us with our oaths and promises for we live in a time where action is required.

Slavers desire to shackle. Tyrants desire to step on our necks. But we are the children of the faith and our world is crying out in need.

So pray, sing, be active in the church as our enemies are being active with their sinful darkness. May our lights shine and drive out that darkness.

Shine bright, Dominus Orazio.

Written By Thea

Nov. 11, 2020, 9:15 p.m.(5/14/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

Sometimes there are no words...And this is that time. I don't have any. Just that--I will miss our talks. It's all I can write right now...coherently anyway.

Written By Zyanya

Nov. 11, 2020, 9:08 p.m.(5/14/1014 AR)

I have been privileged under the shadow of the Platinum Throne. Safe from war, safe from men with swords and torches. My mother did not fear to let me play in the sunlight--there were no dangers in our streets.

I have never heard screams like those heard today.

If you are tired of this--the threat of war, these acts of violence, the grand speeches and grand gestures of the highborn, wealthy and mighty--there is another way. Another place. For eight hundred years and more its children have not known war, they have been kept safe at borders and in cities. They are are fed the same, clothed the same, protected and taught the same as any other. Serf and peasant and commoners are not known there. They are citizens and counted of equal worth--and they may be taught wonders, and power great as any hero this land has produced, to rise and shelter others in turn. You do not need to fear for yourself there or for your children. The gods are there too, the Pantheon as it has been always.

I am here and here I will stay. But if you wish to be safe and you do not wish to be here in this, if Skald's choice and sacrifice are honored here, you may choose to walk this path. Emissary Zulana can show you and she will keep you safe.

Written By Piccola

Nov. 11, 2020, 8:47 p.m.(5/14/1014 AR)

There are two ways of coping with fear. One is to diminish the danger giving rise to such fear; the other is to cultivate endurance.

The conquest of fear is of very great importance. Fear is in itself degrading: it becomes an obsession; it produces hate; it leads to excesses of cruelty.

Nothing has so beneficent an effect on human beings as security. And the best security is knowing that you can withstand the howling wind's glory.

Written By Ember

Nov. 11, 2020, 11:35 a.m.(5/13/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Shyanne

Lady Shyanne Eswynd has been made a foster of House Redreef. Marquessa Norah Eswynd and Lord Haakon Eswynd have proven themselves to be allies and friends of Redreef Shores, and so in a moment of need, House Redreef is honored to step forward and offer its assistance. I have every faith that Lady Shyanne's skills and knowledge will flourish within our House, and that the ties between Redreef Shores and Eswynd Rock will only grow stronger from this point.

Written By Sydney

Nov. 11, 2020, 1 a.m.(5/13/1014 AR)

Always temper your pride with common sense.

If you are offered a gift in good faith, accept. But always know what the giver intends, and if they gain more from such a gift than your smile.

Written By Piccola

Nov. 10, 2020, 8:40 p.m.(5/12/1014 AR)

History is about the past, yet it exists only in the present.

At the moment of its creation, it is a story after the events with which it is concerned. The story must relate to the moment of its creation as much as its subject. It must exist between the past and the present, but these are two points which cannot be fixed. History therefore is a continuous interaction between the storyteller and the past truth, always affected by the former and never quite resembling the latter.

A wise general must recognize the role and importance of subjectivity in the crafting of a story. All stories are but a fabrication of the storyteller, and by implication is never completely objective. There will always be context and consequently a voice, be it hidden in the order of the words or the notes of the melody. And this sleight of hand, which gives the audience a sense of immediate contact with the past, is the sublime taste of truth which may be savored in each fireside tale.

A story's reality then is an illusion from which we must grasp the truth which we want to believe or we must believe. In this way, each history is but a myth or ideology as it purports to be reality. Indeed, storytelling is often seen as one of the most important functions of constructing our political realities as nobles, as generals, or as leaders.

Heed well then the power of the hearth, wise general.

Written By Rysen

Nov. 10, 2020, 8:02 p.m.(5/12/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Harlex

I have known the Sword of Lenosia, Harlex Valtyr for a little over four years. I first met him when I embarked on an expedition with the Physician's Guild after Rukhnis had first expressed an interest in joining. We traveled to a village called Eresport, and I fought by Harlex's side as we evacuated the party from relentless enemies.

We have, on occasion, met at festivals or trained together in Arx - the outcome of those duels I hardly need to relate here. I have always found him to be a consummate warrior: not unfriendly, but not one to relish unnecessary conversation - at least with me. His swordsmanship is worthy of the greatest admiration and emulation, and I have studied his technique as best one might while fighting desperately. He has written some in the Whites about the techniques he favors, including a lethal slashing attack made while drawing a weapon from its scabbard. I have had great success with this technique in the field. Deor, my longtime retainer who left my service to attend Lady Genevieve Stahlben, used to call the technique "Wolf's Fang."

I had a recent encounter with the Sword of Lenosia in which, had I been in his position, I would have seriously considered killing me. Instead, after briefly attending to his ward, he dragged me to safety, with the words: "Come poet. You've a verse or two left to left to scribe." Such is the mercy of one unshaken by fear. I mean to make the most of it by quill and sword.

Written By Orland

Nov. 10, 2020, 3:53 p.m.(5/12/1014 AR)

I had the opportunity to attend Princess Graziella's birthday party. I came away with a fancy prize, one that will sit on my table as a center piece. Her party was amusing to say the least and lasted to the sun came up. I think I'll have Nostalgic dreams for at least the better part of the new day.

Written By Valerius

Nov. 10, 2020, 2:20 p.m.(5/12/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Romulius

It's good to see that maybe my initial advice is helping you in the court. If one is to believe what they read anyway.

Written By Mabelle

Nov. 10, 2020, 2:08 p.m.(5/12/1014 AR)

I have been struggling a lot with my birthday celebration this year. I thought that even in time of crisis the routine of life should go on. To keep normalcy, to keep the morale. Birthday feasts for me are a routine. I still felt guilty however and decided to keep it small.

Yesterday I was given the best cause to divert my celebration to: A fundraiser for the physicians, so in this war those will defend us will be cared for better if they must be cared for. I pray for people to arrive, open their hearts to generousity and offer support of those who stitch you up in the end.

A raffle will be held in favor of all those who place a donation for a sweet reward (not cake).

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