June 20, 2020, 5:31 p.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
It will be my birthday in a few days, which often leads to me finding a quiet place to sit and think on what has occurred over the past year. Sometimes I forget to write them down, or at least don't do so publicly, but I think the time reflecting is the most important. Have I done any good over the past twelve months? Is there anything I might change, if I could go back and do so? Have I been upholding my duties properly? What do I hope to accomplish in the coming year that I may not have managed before? I'm not sure I have the answers to all of these just yet, but they are important things I feel I need to ask each year and my birthday seems a pretty reliable remind to do as much.
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June 20, 2020, 5:19 p.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
I enjoyed the last Festival of Death a great deal. The crafting were themes I'd never tried before, and the events and final picnic were all wonderful. It changed me, a little, which sound silly but so be it. So as we find ourselves celebrating again, I'm glad. New themes to try, new events to attend. Mostly I am glad for the reminder that the Queen is like our shepherd, and knowing those I've loved and lost found themselves returned to her embrace. It makes loss a little easier to bear.
June 20, 2020, 4:08 p.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
I am not an artist, so 'not' an artist. Trying to sketch this tapestry concept and the scales for Archlector Avary has occupied my day and a dozen sheets (or more, I lost count) of parchment. One effort looked like a broken ship mast, and one like perhaps a device to torment someone, one like .... well, there are no words to describe it. I finally laid a three-candle candlestick down and traced the outline of it on paper and then dangled little plates off the arms of it. I hope that is enough for the tailor who weaves this to use for their effort in fulfilling that idea.
June 20, 2020, 4:02 p.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
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It is just easing into early summer, how can it be 'too hot' already?
June 20, 2020, 12:22 p.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
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Whoever told you that a good general has already won a battle before it begins has possibly never actually set foot on a battlefield. Speaking as someone who has led soldiers into battle, to assume a battle is already won is the territory of hubris, regardless of whatever confidence, skill, or experience one can have. Warfare can change, the climate of a battle can change, the morale of an entire can change. These and so many other factors can impact a battle that any plans beforehand may not be able to anticipate. Even the well built and laid out plans. No plan is foolproof, there is always an element of risk that entire affair can and will fall apart at the seams.
A good general will have contingencies for most of these, and while perhaps not always anticipate them, is at least acutely aware of them. They understand the flow of war better than most, but no one is perfect, and not all will expect every single change that possible. But to assume victory before the battle begins? That would seem, in my eyes, a general who does not deserve the rank of which they have been afforded. Speaking plainly, that would veer from confidence into outright arrogance. And arrogance, just as well doubt, can spell doom for any army that steps onto the field. Victory is never a sure thing, even after the battle is over. I have seen good, capable, and confident generals have to recall a retreat because their plan, solid in its foundation, preparation, and execution, dissolved in the eleventh hour due to, well, unforseen circumstances.
As for honor, well, that is an entirely different topic, regardless of how it plays into war. And this entry would be a great deal longer were I to expand upon that. Should you ever wish to discuss this, my office is open.
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June 20, 2020, 12:17 p.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
This week I met with Cahal Blackram regarding his idea for a crop sharing program among the houses in the oathlands the event of a crop shortage such that should one experience a shortage their nearest neighbor would send the majority of their food stores and then the other houses would reimburse th neighbor giving a small percentage. i've agreed to help him recruit. A noble idea from a warm bright man
June 20, 2020, 12:11 p.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
I have started to look into what became of Oeric and the Oriel Wood. It seems that a lot has been done by others, but the more I contact, the more I can't seem to get a coherent story. It seems a bit maddening. As if people have done bits and pieces, but no one knows the whole of it.
I plan to speak with Blessed Brigida on transporting a beech sapling to the wood to replace the one that was blasted. I have little interest in what was found there. But the stories of the great stag that once walked the woods intrigue me. And to perhaps deepen my connection with nature. Mirk Halfshav has already made it clear he would accompany on such a mission.
I just need to figure out where to start.
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June 20, 2020, 12:07 p.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
journal/write This was the week for social events and meeting lots of new people. First, the Valaridin Family dinner. The princesses all seem quite nice. Then there was the festival of death pet parade. I never attended a more unique event but everybody there seemed lovely as well and i can't forget the chance meet wit Veronica Keaton and Insaya Bergere. It all reminds that arx has wonderful people and we can get through whatever comes together
June 20, 2020, 11:59 a.m.(7/6/1013 AR)
I went last night with Sapphira to the Pet Parade at the Blackram Estate. I believe that Umber is as smart as any pet, so I entered her. I did not expect her to be of one of the only two competitors. And to come away with a prize. A small plush corgi. I do not collect such things, but I thought it would be better in the hands of Lady Whitehawk. She was grateful for the gift and thanked me for it.
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June 20, 2020, 8:51 a.m.(7/5/1013 AR)
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I'm so glad Aunt Margerie has finally returned to Arx. I've missed her terribly.
June 20, 2020, 4:25 a.m.(7/5/1013 AR)
Of all the skills most valuable that I've learned through the years, it is temperance which has most preserved me. Some would be aghast to hear a Lycene confess to such but it is true-- for what is temperance but discipline? When one looks deep into the mirror, unflinching in their regard, the flaws seen must be recognized, they must be understood and then they may be used. They are tools, the same as our given or cultivated virtues. But they outdo our virtues in strength: they are more slippery, less willing to be bound. One must master them. For that... temperance. Discipline. The ability to look calmly ahead and draw back on the reins, to consider which tool is best used in any given situation, or if a response is needed at all.
A lovely side effect of achieving discipline is patience, you see. With patience, a problem often resolves itself... or him, or herself, at that.
The Peers of Arx are in great need of mirrors, though mirrors profit nothing without the courage to look into one's own eyes, to contemplate what is revealed there.
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June 20, 2020, 3:39 a.m.(7/5/1013 AR)
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I visited Apollo at his shop today. The heel on my favorite riding boots had worn down on the trip from Oakhaven and needed to be repaired. I was surprised by how much he's changed since I saw him last! Rather than repair my old boots he gifted me a beautiful new pair, which I'll be wearing for quite some time to come.
June 20, 2020, 3:38 a.m.(7/5/1013 AR)
I've met someone from the Lowers and a lovely Tea maker as well as one of the Lords of Fidante who is working on the Roseward. Each of them has given me proper advice for the city and each of them has also given me a new angle to look at Arx from. Lord Santiago has helped me buy some new clothes so that I do not look out of place and given me a larger than a typical stipend to fill any gaps in my wardrobe. With each day my eagerness to know the city and it's people grow and every morning I wake up I am faced with a new adventure. I hope that the alluring newness of this city lasts a long time, it's almost more nourishing than food.
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June 20, 2020, 3:24 a.m.(7/5/1013 AR)
Huh. So, it seems I've been invited to join the Crown because I'm a Voice of Grayson. I'm not quite so certain how I should feel about this and cannot recall if I was part of the Crown when I was Voice before. It's probably a time that I grayed out through copious amounts of exploration.
A part of me tells me to run for the hills and go explore all the things, but soon enough I'll be on a boat to Brightshore with several other individuals. We've almost gathered all of our needed and necessary supplies for the trip. And, then, I'll be gone for several months.
I guess we'll see how things shake out; assuming I survive the trip, of course.
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June 20, 2020, 1:26 a.m.(7/5/1013 AR)
I know, I'm at a questioning place in my life, but it's fitting. I have been in Arx for a bit of time now.
I am reflecting on the people that have come into my life. Some are still around and I cherish each of them. Some have left for various reasons. There are people that I talked to daily, that I never see anymore. There are people I never thought would be anything in my life, that have shown me what was missing.
There are also those that I just want to re-engage with, but I know I won't. That moment when you reach out, but the answer back isn't for them to pull you closer, it's for them to push you away. That's not to say it's bad. Paths in life are about those that walk with you for a very short time and those that walk with you for a lifetime. Still everyone has an impact.
Love those near you with passion while you can. Live a life without regret. Let kindness win.
June 20, 2020, 12:15 a.m.(7/5/1013 AR)
I don't spend nearly enough time with my siblings, the two that aren't dead, I mean. I don't spend time with the dead ones either, if that's what you're wondering, Scholar.
June 19, 2020, 10:33 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)
I don't need to convince those that know me, but many of you do not. Perhaps you've read me in the Whites, perhaps you had no cause to pay attention until this election for The Commoners' Council was announced.
There will, without doubt, be rousing speeches from those who are vying for the position, but I'll keep my own pitch concise:
If you wish to see the Lowers have an actual advocate who has put her money and actions where her mouth is, consider me.
I will not pretend that my words shall always be placed correctly, or in proper turn, as diplomacy is not my strength - but I have yet to balk from speaking truths that need to be spoken or putting forth proposals to better our situation.
Consider me.
June 19, 2020, 9:41 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)
I have taken a couple of days, after having spoken with a Princess of House Valardin, to think about honor.
All warfare is deception. A successful general has already won the battle before taking the field. Victory with ease is the acme of a general's skill.
I am electing to remain silent as to my thoughts on the truth of honor.
June 19, 2020, 9 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)
Should I ever be challenged, I believe I will set for the Champions to fight with scraps. Rusted metal, damaged pelts, weapons and armour cobbled together. It sounds like fun. Or at the very least a change of pace.
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June 19, 2020, 5:13 p.m.(7/4/1013 AR)
What makes a life interesting?
Or when one talks about living life, what do they mean?