Written By Sylvi
Jan. 11, 2020, 6:14 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
The Shrine itself was quite empty during my visit. When I arrived, I was the single soul that decided to make the visit this morning, though evidence of the Priests that come and visit and keep the place tidied up. There is something so strangely tragic about a god that has yet to do anything in our lifetimes that we can see, just a silent dreamer with so few truly aware of everything he has done. I can't help but wonder if this is how things are supposed to be, or if we must do more to raise awareness. The lost have been found, and yet I still feel as though something is missing. I hope we figure out what that is sooner rather than later.
I waited for some time, and prayed in silence for much of my visit, when I wasn't just trying to look around and learn what I can of this place. Though nobody arrived that I could speak with, I feel I at least made a connection to something that is so rarely tapped into. I hope to learn more as I continue my path, and tomorrow I intend on finding my way into the Shrine of the Queen of Endings, another of the lost. I will write my thoughts the same as I did today.
Written By Evaristo
Jan. 11, 2020, 5:54 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Josephine Arcuri will do the finishing touches on Death's Crown soon, which means it will be displayed at the Shrine of the Queen for all to see. A ceremony of some kind will take place for this, of course. An artifact of the Queen, created by human hands.
Bard's College is buzzing with activity as we practice for an upcoming concert of LEGENDARY proportion. The song I will sing is mostly finished, I'm working on some details. Others are finished or working on theirs. The concert will be in about a month. PLenty of time! Backgrounds and decor is being built. There will be a quite amazing surprise!
Written By Arcadia
Jan. 11, 2020, 4:47 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Tonight I was told something new. Part of being a noble is to protect those who need it. To speak up against injustice and cruelty. I would of thought that would be part of being human. That when we look into the mirror, when we examine our true selves, are we happy with what we see? Are you content with your actions? Your words? Have you made life better for those considered below your station?
So I ask, are you happy with your choices?
Written By Perronne
Jan. 11, 2020, 4:45 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Mayir
Written By Gwenna
Jan. 11, 2020, 4:37 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Michael
Rather than one of the two I had asked about, Lord Michael sent me Stompy, an aptly named whirlwind of fur and sight that seems keen enough to see things no one else can see. He attacks those things, and pretty much everything that moves. Thankfully his bite is a playful one and it's our hope that he may grow of out this. Or be trained out of it. Or sleep. I suppose I should have expected this; the wounds of Sir Bunnibus are deep, indeed. Yet we will love Stompy and give him a good home. I will hope that someday, perhaps, this will help mend the rift, if even just a little bit.
Written By Rafael
Jan. 11, 2020, 2:50 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Written By Jules
Jan. 11, 2020, 2:47 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Written By Edward
Jan. 11, 2020, 2:23 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Mabelle
Written By Richard
Jan. 11, 2020, 1:32 p.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Written By Mayir
Jan. 11, 2020, 10:24 a.m.(7/17/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Perronne
I can't wait to see my Best Business Partner And Friend Ever!
Written By Corban
Jan. 11, 2020, 9:40 a.m.(7/16/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Amari
From the time of the First Knight in Caer'alfar to today, Lady Amari joins a proud tradition of chivalry.
Written By Vitalis
Jan. 11, 2020, 9:19 a.m.(7/16/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Mirari
Written By Ida
Jan. 11, 2020, 6:52 a.m.(7/16/1012 AR)
Written By Juliette
Jan. 11, 2020, 12:21 a.m.(7/16/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Mirari
Love is when you are willing to /live/ for it/them.
And by live, I mean put in the hard work of keeping your days by the precepts of the person/thing, to act sometimes against your own interests, wants, desire, instead putting it or them ahead of yourself, sometimes at great cost.
Written By Esme
Jan. 10, 2020, 11:13 p.m.(7/16/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Mirari
There is Eros love or that of affection between two people. It is an intimate form of love. It is that which we give to those we having longing for. It is the love between lovers when one longs and feels the burn of that desire. It is also, most times, without control. This can be a majestic chaos to be wrapped in, or it can be a vicious inferno to be burned alive. It also gives birth sometimes to control and jealousy, not that those are bad things in their forms either.
There is then philia love which is that we hold for our common man around us. It is composed of loyalty, compassion, sacrifice, appreciation, and it is the noble of courtly love. It is the acts that we hold and help also define our integrity. This that we feel for our friends. Those that we choose to surround ourselves with. There is a derivative of it that is an inherent love. One that just is and manifests, it falls under this as well. However, it is normally found in a parent for a child. Something that comes from the very soul of the person.
The third one I will touch on is agape. It is a universal love that is not specific. It is found in charity. It is in helping people that you don't know just because it is right. Because you love the humanity around you. I also subscribe this a Godly love. For the Gods have loved us before they knew us. They care for us and they lead us to redemption and forgive us. They direct out paths. They love us no matter what and without the knowledge on if we love them back. It is the kindest of loves and I believe the one that changes the fate of our lives.
This said, I find that love is defined by the person feeling it. If you feel you love a person, then you do. You are the only one that knows your heart and how to define it. Most of the time, I find it all consuming and without true lines and definition when I personally feel it. I have been burned by it, but still I seek the flames of it. I have longed for it. I have forsaken it. We all have this glorious path in life to walk and you, my dearest, are walking yours. I am so honored that you would have us define our definitions for you. I do hope that you find your own. I shall pray that Limerance gives you the information you seek. That your heart becomes full and you become full with the knowledge of your own definition.
Written By Lenne
Jan. 10, 2020, 7:01 p.m.(7/15/1012 AR)
More importantly, however, it is actual field experience. Well, at least this sort, I certainly have no shortage of experience simply traveling the wilds. I expect it will be easier than the time I had to set my own leg, splint it with sticks and hobble for countless miles to get home, that winter. But then, what isn't? At least this time I'll be prepared, and will be packing enough supplies to risk falling over backward (Well, perhaps a more manageable amount than that). To say nothing of being surrounded by extremely capable allies.
I'm still in rather a shabby state, in terms of my combat abilities, I'm sad to say. But I expect I'll be able to at least pull my weight as a medic, or scout. I don't expect a shaman will be terribly useful, especially outside of the North, and their version of Abandoned, but one never does know.
The hardest part, I expect, will be acting like a proper soldier or squire. Does one salute a lot? Bow? Grovel? Those aren't exactly well-practiced skills for a Ducal Lady. I'm sure nobody expects that from a medic, but it's perhaps something I should inquire about.
I wonder if we will be passing through the Telmarch? I'd be interested to see Mother's home.
Written By Jules
Jan. 10, 2020, 5:43 p.m.(7/15/1012 AR)
Written By Martino
Jan. 10, 2020, 3:13 p.m.(7/15/1012 AR)
Some learn to sing, to barter and trade. To drink or learn the finest wines, spirits possible, in the entire Compact. To sail, read or dance.
One hobby though that I will not understand is the baiting of commoners for a reaction.
That is a strange hobby.
Written By Sydney
Jan. 10, 2020, 2:42 p.m.(7/15/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Mirari
It is transient and selfish, all-consuming in its hunger to remove our freedoms slowly and systematically until we are nothing but starry eyed prisoners to it.
None deserve unconditional love, and yet it's so frequently hammered into us that we must put family over self, loved ones over self.
Abandon your birth family? Dishonor.
Preserve oneself over another? Cowardice.
Love has conditions, always, and the greatest hypocrisies lie in pretending it isn't so. I suppose the flowery poetry don't have provisions for if you discover your parents or children are monstrous in nature, and no longer deserving of even the most basic forms of your affection, to say naught of love.
Affection is a wonderful thing. Intimacy. Friendship. Even simple dalliances have their place.
Love is a gaoler, and I have no interest.
Written By Perronne
Jan. 10, 2020, 10:45 a.m.(7/15/1012 AR)
But that's not the point! The POINT is that here's something I didn't write down on the journey, but that I've been thinking about since coming back to Arx.
It was deep winter, and we were traversing the passes between the areas that are mostly agreed to be Northern and those mostly agreed to be Oathlands. I'm not gonna say which particulars, because that 'mostly' always starts a fight, and you could see it in those passes. It was easy to stumble upon old graveyards, or lost patrols in a myriad of livery, united in death as they never were in life. We had stopped for a rest on a mountain terrace, scrubbed mostly clean by the wind, and I noticed a gap in the rock face, a deep vertical slash in the stone. Now, it was only barely big enough for me, skinny as I am, but I was bored, and the beasts absolutely needed another few hours rest, at a minimum, so I grabbed a lantern and went exploring. If you've never squeezed yourself into a crevice with a city's worth of stone over your head, smelling the ice and the cold stone, I recommend it! If you wanna know what it's like to be entombed without that tedious 'dying' thing, anyway.
Anyway. I got through, and the crevice opened up into a sort of platform, naturally broken off from some long ago avalanche. It wasn't large, and it was icy; I tied a rope around a rock formation and my waist before stepping out on it and looking out over the sheer drop. The world spread out before me - only a small piece of it, but for a moment it felt like the /whole world/, written in perfect scale, for my eyes only. After the claustrophobic tightness of the crevice, it was doubly immense. I was so small! But, at the same time, I saw /everything/. At once humbling and intoxicating.
And for a moment, the space of a heartbeat (or maybe I should say a space WITHOUT heartbeat, because I swear everything stopped, including such silly things like 'hearts' and 'lungs'), I wanted to jump. Just spread my arms, and leap.
Not to die. I like being alive! The whole thing is pretty neat, and while I could do without blisters, I don't think rotting and desiccating would be an improvement. No, death wasn't on my mind at all. I just wanted to be a PART of that immense sky, and I had the crazy, stupid, wishful thought that if I leapt into the air, that in this place and at this time, the wind wouldn't let me fall. It would lift me up, and I could see everything just as the birds did, or the wind did.
I didn't jump. Obviously. I'm not an idiot. But I cried. They were happy tears, sort of. At least they weren't sad. And then they froze and my eyes hurt like five kinds of nasty, because WINTER does not appreciate DRAMATIC MOMENTS.
But it's worth thinking about, sometimes. What both humbles and exalts you, in your life?
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.