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Written By Arcadia

Nov. 15, 2019, 3:45 a.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

I was so glad that so many came to the taste of the Everwinter. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in our own problems, our own lives and winter keeps us much closer to home. I won't lie, it can be lonely going from such a huge loud family who are constantly talking (even if it is over the latest research coming from arx) to big empty halls where silence is preferred.

Thank you to those who came and filled my home with laughter and a special thanks to those who few who made me laugh even as it ended. My heart is fuller because of you.

Written By Iliana

Nov. 15, 2019, 12:32 a.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Coming back to Arx is always like meeting an old friend, unexpectedly. There's joy and hugging and a lot of time spent catching up on things that have happened since you parted, both grand and minute. But there's always something off, something different, some subtle change that has turned them into someone that you don't quite recognize anymore.

And yet Arx endures.

Perhaps I'm the one who has changed.

Written By Mirari

Nov. 15, 2019, 12:11 a.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

Do us all a favor and go ask the scholars what happened in the wake of Marquis Ford Kennex declaring that Thralldom was done and gone, with no plan for how to end it. Ask them what happened to hundreds-- or was it thousands --of thralls who were suddenly freed with their lord giving no care as to what might happen? I agree with you that Thralldom is just a more socially acceptable form of slavery that the majority of our society refuses to acknowledge as such. But it is foolish and insulting to attack the High Lord who has finally had not only the courage, but the wisdom to form a plan, to end thralldom.

Go look up Donrai Thrax if you want to learn about a true Prince of Slavery.

You're common so you're allowed to have whatever opinions you want, but I am also common and therefore get to have what ever opinions I want.

And my opinion is that you're an idiot.

Written By Mirari

Nov. 15, 2019, 12:06 a.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Ingrid

What a shameful way for nobility to act. Challenging the common folk to a duel. You do your house a disserve in acting like such a bully. Are you going to go steal apples from small orphans in the lowers next?

Written By Strozza

Nov. 14, 2019, 11:21 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

I have to admit that the drink of juniper berry to be the worthwhile product of Everwinter.

It warms, it tastes of fresh cold air, and smells of the rich evergreens I have taken a favoring to.

I should think it less worthwhile if not for the company that brought it with.

Written By Strozza

Nov. 14, 2019, 11:20 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

When one often declares of the nature of princesses, the beauty of person, the grace of personality, the ability to bend the room by crook of the finger and the hint of a sigh... They speak of this woman.

She is a fantasy risen from the pages of epic ballad.

Written By Strozza

Nov. 14, 2019, 11:18 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Footsteps swift and sweet
Spinning and speaking to me
Kindle poets heart

Written By Aureth

Nov. 14, 2019, 11:02 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Do you ever wonder, when reading the whites, whether someone has dictated their words, or claimed a quill to write themselves? I usually like to write my own. There's something very satisfying about watching your own rage bloom words in ink across the parchment.

Of course, there's the question of what you do with all of that fire and vinegar after you've written it. "I started this as a White," you think, "but perhaps this level of vitriol is too much and I should take it to the seal of the confessional."

Some of you may be surprised to hear that there are times when I do this, but it really is true.

Written By Sydney

Nov. 14, 2019, 10:28 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

A noble, challenging a commoner. Scandal. Shock.

We all wake up with the shits after a night of heavy drinking. We all bleed. Challenge who you will, if they've pissed you off.

Just don't hide behind your coin.

Written By Sydney

Nov. 14, 2019, 10:07 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Oh, praise be to tanners. I can scarce remember since I've last felt so warm and snug this winter, but the new clothing that I was helped to afford is absolutely divine.

It won't go turning heads, but it's got no holes. No gashes from axes. No mysterious stains that I'd rather not discuss the particulars of.

It's tournament legal, to boot. Not that I'm thrilled by the prospect of another mishap akin to the Rite of Gloria, but... perhaps after I've bettered myself.

Written By Harlex

Nov. 14, 2019, 9:54 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

One of the unsung things about abolishing Thralldom is, some day, I'll never have to hear about it again.

Written By Shard

Nov. 14, 2019, 9:34 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Turo

Funny you should write that, considering what sparked the conversation. When someone from Thrax sells Abandoned prisoners to the Eurusi, it's slavery and punishable by (temporary in this case) condemnation by the Faith and being de-nobled. When someone from Thrax sells Abandoned prisoners to the Mourning Isles, it's called Thralldom, and we all dance around and pretend that's meaningfully different because we gave it a different word.

Written By Teagan

Nov. 14, 2019, 6:13 p.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

I have never been one to make much of my birthday, but for my most recent, Lord Arik hosted me for a quiet dinner.

It was altogether a pleasant evening of conversation with a friend and I appreciate the thought extended by his invitation. It may have 'simply' been an alteration of our usual meetings to have a drink and catch up, but it will nevertheless not be forgotten.

Written By Turo

Nov. 14, 2019, 3:01 p.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

I see Aleksei's decided to spout his nonsense about thralldom being slavery. Of course it isn't, not that facts have ever gotten in the way of his idiotic crusades against Things He Does Not Understand.

His departure from the position of Archlector was a merry respite from having to try to educate the unteachable about things he stubbornly refused to grasp.

Written By Saoirse

Nov. 14, 2019, 1:17 p.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

Oh -- oh -- Please note that I am just positively WINCING at a ducal house challenging a commoner. How -- oh.

Written By Victus

Nov. 14, 2019, 10:12 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

I got a little carried away with my last entry.

For what it's worth, I accept Miss Tatienne's apology. I hope this has been a good learning experience and that you find fulfillment in pursuing the end of thralldom alongside us.

Written By Victus

Nov. 14, 2019, 10 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

I don't often go to the archives to read through journals of people I don't know or those outside of the peerage. Sometimes though there's such a commotion being drummed up that you just /need/ to look. After bringing myself up to speed on Miss Tatienne's words, I do have to say that yes, that's very rude. I appreciate that she's taken the time to take stock of how things stand in the present and how they are progressing toward the future.

However, I can't say that I've seen much in her words that I haven't heard before. There's been heavy criticism of thralldom for every generation it's existed since the times of Queen Triscali. Either from logical and valid points, a sense of vitriol or just the desire to see an entertaining scuffle. Throwing the word 'slavers' about to describe Islanders is something I've heard from more Abandoned over the years than I can count. I'm certain that Miss Tatienne's viewpoint is not as uncommon as one might think.

I do not take offense at how she views a people she does not live among. There will always exist that contention to a thousand years of history, good and bad. If we were to try and put down every commoner with an inflammatory opinion on how the peerage operates, we would be bankrupt of resources in weeks.

What is disappointing to see is the dismissal of an effort to change for the better, along with blatantly striking at the wisdom of our Faith for their perceived complacency. Not only does it show a startling lack of respect to the very institutions that are the backbone of our society, but ignores the incredible strain that leaders from our Church and Isles nobility put forth to remove a deeply embedded evil.

I have written about it time and time again how destroying something so utterly, no matter how much suffering it brings, still leave a gaping wound that will hemorrhage for ages. The patience and support from the rest of the Compact, within the Isles and our Faith has been nothing short of incredible.

When someone genuinely endeavors to change, to cast off an evil they held so closely and embrace something better, I believe it is paramount that they be offered the aid they need to see it through to completion. There are times when we must knock someone down, and there are times when we must offer a hand to pull them back to their feet. If all one did was tear down, we would be a miserly few standing on the necks of what could have been.

Seven years may seem too long, I agree. But compare it to the thousand years that thralls have labored, suffered and died underneath Maelstrom's watch. Compare to the millions and millions of dead souls who's blood has built these lands. Compare to the fact that every thrall today may see freedom for the first time. Compare that no child born in the Mourning Isles will ever face the risk of their lives being stolen into chains ever again.

It has been longer than any of us could imagine since the first thrall was pressed into service. Some day, it will be longer than any of us could imagine since the final thrall was freed. Is seven more years really too high a cost?

Written By Strozza

Nov. 14, 2019, 9:26 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

What do we do about this speed at which we hurtle without seeing what is around us? Even when we try to slow to observe it is often not enough time to look into the detail.

Written By Otto

Nov. 14, 2019, 8:23 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

Seems strange to me to see some of the journals written thus far. Quite a big to do about some things. Makes me glad that I'm just a simple Armorsmith

Written By Hamish

Nov. 14, 2019, 7:15 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Ingrid

While I appreciate that you recently learned the term 'hoi polloi', you may wish to employ it somewhat less often. Dismissing all commoners as rabble is not a good look.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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