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Written By Evaristo

Nov. 12, 2019, 7:45 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)

I've never wanted dragonweep before. Now I want it so badly.

Where does it even COME from? Why is it suddenly so rare? These questions are taunting me!

Written By Colette

Nov. 12, 2019, 5:08 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)

I have been accepted as a prospect to the Champions guild.

I was also allowed admittance in to the Society of Explorers.

I am quite exited by this.

If you could not tell by my facial expression.

Written By Arcadia

Nov. 12, 2019, 4:49 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Strozza

I saw Lord Strozza's white journal on his hatred of flowers. So I wrote him. A spontaneous one detailing how flowers remind us to savor the moment.

He wrote back about how a gift should capture the moment forever. He sent me a rose of gems to prove his point.

Well played Lord Strozza.

Written By Mabelle

Nov. 12, 2019, 4:21 a.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

How many ways are there to lose a friend?

They can die - in battle, in accident, by malice, by sickness.
You can have a disagreement that will drive a wedge between you over time which you cannot heal from.
They can up and leave the city because they find life here is just not suitable for them anymore.

They say death will hurt forever but time heals, a fight can be reconciled or also get jaded in time or make room to other feelings, normally not good ones. They say people leaving the city is something one needs to get used to.

I will never get used to not having you as part of my daily life.
My confidant.
My advisor.
My bearer of ancient wisdom.
My royal vault.

Written By Rinel

Nov. 12, 2019, 2:06 a.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

I lost my temper again, and I expect there will be significant consequences. Yet I feel differently, this time--usually I am consumed with regret and guilt about what I have said in my fits of rage. This time, I feel as though I spoke a truth that needed speaking.

Our Faith has many shepherds. Surely we can spare one to collect the sheep who are lost.

Written By Strozza

Nov. 12, 2019, 12:02 a.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

That she debates without vehemence shows a clear head. That her questions and her points are precise and clearly offered shows she would be a good ally.

I enjoyed our conversation, even if only performed via missive.

I would name her friend when I finally meet her.

Written By Aureth

Nov. 12, 2019, midnight(3/7/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I share your certainty that the idiot in question acted as you write. Else he would have received a much harsher punishment.

Were we standing in the heart of Orthodoxy, that question of intent would matter not at all, for the Seraph of Sanctum would hold that sanctuary has been breached.

The mercy of the Faith, however, is to recognize that no blood was spilled upon holy ground in pursuit of this folly. The Faith militants' blades are stayed. They will fall upon the defiant neck. We do not squander our might upon mere foolishness.

It is when we are faced with defiance, misguided and unrepentant, that we must act.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 11, 2019, 11:30 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

A trip home was exactly what I needed to get myself back to, well myself! Bastion is just so peaceful and I was extremely lucky to have Princess Tikva along to keep me company! And of course, the very well meaning lectures from my mother were very inspiring as to both knocking some sense into me and getting me back to the city faster. She always said when we were young that when faced with crushing disappointment whether in matters of life or love you had three days to cry about it and then even if the tears had not washed away the bitterness of the moment you must pick yourself up and hold your head high and move past it as the world would not wait for you.

I remember thinking this to be a somewhat cruel outlook when I experienced my first heartbreak for surely the world was ending and I would spend the rest of my days wallowing in the depths of utter despair. But, as it often turns out, mothers know best and the world didn't end and I regained my spirits far faster than if I had been left to wallow in sadness.

One of the most poignant things she said to me while I was home was that I set the mood of a room and how terrible it would be if I chose to cast a pall over the atmosphere rather than bringing what light I could to the lives of those around me. And she was absolutely right, how sad a thing that would be--a true tragedy greater than mourning a possible future that was not to be.

And so I have returned to Arx with renewed vigor and sense of self and I cannot wait to push forward with the projects I have in the works!

Written By Cambria

Nov. 11, 2019, 11:18 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

Those who never try to understand their desires are apt to fall into more complicated miseries the likes of which they also do not understand.

Written By Vanora

Nov. 11, 2019, 11:02 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Octavia

I will never forget what you've done, for myself back when I needed you the most, and for my son now, each and every day.

I will never forget who you are, and that is a person worth admiring.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show you who I am in turn, and for forgiving me, in whatever way you have.

Written By Arcadia

Nov. 11, 2019, 10:20 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

I give up. I think I'm sick. Maybe I'm dying. I decided to write a book. Writing a book is hard! There's multiple readings. I can now say I have read a book too.

What a shameful dark day this is.

Written By Fortunato

Nov. 11, 2019, 8:23 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

The artist who believed his paintings to be the only truth withdrew from the world. How could he not? He would paint a picture of himself on the mountain top, with the sun in his arms. When this did not occur, he could only believe what he had painted. In the reality he had created, he had embraced the sun. He challenged a man of great prowess of arms to a duel and lost, terribly wounded. He painted his victory with his blood. He painted himself a man wronged, and yet superior, magnanimous, even. As he lay and as he healed, he looked at his paintings, which were indeed beautiful, and felt suddenly very sad. For his room felt cramped and the world he had made was suddenly insufficient. He realized he had not been painting the world, but his feelings. But his heart. His heart and his feelings were not any less important, but once he was well enough to move, he gathered up his paints and his canvas and sought out something new to paint; his relationship with the birds and the sky and the cobblestones. He sought to widen his subject.

Written By Malcolm

Nov. 11, 2019, 7:53 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

Don't you think for one tick I've forgotten about those donations, protege. I have not.

Written By Malcolm

Nov. 11, 2019, 7:49 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Delilah

This litter of pups is going to give me more gray hairs than my lady-wife going out on her next -- wait. Where's she bound for next? Nah-uh, no sir Scholar, not without me she isn't --

Written By Shard

Nov. 11, 2019, 5:29 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

I get that intent doesn't matter, breaking sanctuary is breaking sanctuary. That's important to keep in mind for everyone.

But since I'm the one he jumped, I do want to put down that I'm pretty damned sure he didn't sneak into the shrine with the idea of spitting on the Faith, he just did it because I was in there and he's a fucking idiot who doesn't stop for one single second to consider the consequences, and apparently won't listen to anyone whatsoever when he's got it into his head to do something really, really stupid, even when it's obvious he's already in a lot of trouble and what he's trying to do isn't actually going to work out the way he wants.

It doesn't change what he did or how bad doing it was, but it wasn't a plot to undermine the Faith's authority or hospitality. It was just a really, really stupid man achieving unbelievable new heights of stupidity because he's determined to not use his brain for one single second. Doesn't make a difference. Doesn't change anything. But it's worth knowing, anyway.

Don't break sanctuary. There are very few things you can do in life that are more moronic than that, and that is saying something because the list of brainlessly stupid, self-destructive things that a person can get up to is more or less endless.

Written By Jael

Nov. 11, 2019, 5:22 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

I have never felt the desire for a piece of dragonweep. The name is so sad.

Written By Sina

Nov. 11, 2019, 3:36 p.m.(3/6/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Elisha

This man has proclaimed himself publicly in the Whites to be a scholar, and yet he continues to write fiction rather than fact. He has shown no interest in the pursuit of true knowledge, nor does he accept correction for his many misrepresentations. Vellichor does not inspire one to write fiction or poetry. Vellichor's ideal is knowledge. Poetry and fiction lies in the realm of Jayus, the Prince of Stories, and does not lie within the realm of the Scholar, unless such stories are intended to teach. Instead, these stories of his seem intended to constantly try the patience of the Faith.

To claim to be a scholar and then to write fiction is indeed quite the misrepresentation. He is most assuredly not recognized nor is he ordained as a Disciple of Vellichor or a Scholar of Vellichor. Let the record show, the Scholars of Vellichor do not tolerate imposters, especially when said imposter has been accused of heresy and excommunicated.

Written By Delilah

Nov. 11, 2019, 3:33 p.m.(3/6/1012 AR)

Is the new trend to present rather derivative works plagiarizing other authors and research, and present them as the truth? Or, at best, as ingenious fiction that might be mistaken for truth by a readership unaware they're being had?

Alas, it seems this is becoming a rather concerning trend in a certain literary corner. For a fine example of what good literature looks like, especially on the basis of myth and folktales, there are ample volumes for review in the Golden Page. Princess Reese and Princess Alarissa boast exceptional collections that demonstrate heroism and tragedy with exemplary written talent. Of course, the Black Rose Theatre and the many venues in the Redrain Ward offer two very different but enthralling storytelling traditions on display.

Better than grasping shreds of a story and a few sprinkling of fact, and presenting it as a shattering discovery.

Written By Strozza

Nov. 11, 2019, 3:15 p.m.(3/6/1012 AR)

I see gifts of flowers handed to and fro by the affectionate.



Flowers are for those whom you visit and appreciate, but will not spend extended time with. Flowers are temporary.

If one has earned your affection or respect - and you insist on a flower. Have it crafted of materials of gem and metals... Those last.

Written By Strozza

Nov. 11, 2019, 3:06 p.m.(3/6/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Dianna

Oh dear, sweet reminder of a sweeter time that I knew not was until age began to gnaw at me.

You are so hurt, so tired. I would carry your heart in my hands to alleviate you of the weight.

Most favored of my cousins - fear not, for Strozza is here and he shall shield you against all harms that would rend you asunder.

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