Written By Aleksei
Nov. 14, 2019, 7 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)
Written By Aleksei
Nov. 14, 2019, 6:59 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)
But the way some people write, you'd think they had their head under a rock for the past year. Calling the person who finally had the courage and resolve to see the practice ended after centuries of use a "Prince of Slavers" is--
Well, it's just kind of dumb. Where has she even been?
Also I am deeply offended at the idea that the Faith didn't speak out against thralldom enough because that's nearly all I did as Archlector.
Written By Preston
Nov. 14, 2019, 6:20 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)
The measure of a man is not when they do the right thing when there is no cost and when it is easy, it is whether they do such a thing when it comes at a cost. For Prince Victus, he has staked his very rule on the principles which Legate Aureth speaks of. On achieving those goals. He does these things because he perceives them to be right and thus necessary. He and I disagree on matters, such as the issues of embassies, but I would hope an Oathlander would understand the Thrax connection to tradition, and see a brother and not a monster, and understand how hard Prince Victus pushes to and works to bring his people along with him on this difficult journey.
Written By Colette
Nov. 14, 2019, 4:23 a.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Written By Tatienne
Nov. 14, 2019, 3:10 a.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
I do not feel I am wrong in calling Thralldom a form of slavery. A mild form, I'll grant. However I should acknowledge that it was not his Grace's decision to implement this policy into his lands, and that this policy has embedded itself deeply into his lands and that of his vassals due to the weight of history. Such a stain is not easy to remove.
I acknowledge that he is working on it. It feels slow, agonizingly slow even, by those like me who feel compassion for those held in thrall. Likely also for those who are held in thrall. But that does not negate the fact that the High Lord of the Mourning Isles has not only promised to end it, but to do so in a matter of years not decades. I wish it could be done faster, it pains me every day to know that I am part of a society that relies upon what I feel is yet another form of slavery.
But better late than never, and I should credit him for his efforts. And in turn, I should not have called the Faith hypocrites. For they are right to acknowledge it for what it is. My apologies for my unkind words, spoken rashly in a fit of frustration, and should the faith wish to inflict a penance upon me, I will of course accept this.
And there's the question of what I can do. First, I wish to help eliminate slavery in all its form. I do not know how, but I do know that I have wealth I can use to assist. It might not be much in the grand scheme of things, but I'm sure if properly directed a million silver can help a fair amount of thralls or former thralls.
And finally, I will make sure that the next time I write something while I'm gripped with strong emotion. I will let it rest for a few hours before I submit it to the archives. To read it again before I do, and hopefully allow myself to have a cooler head to restrain me if I feel inclined to publicize such foolish writings once again.
My apologies, to the faith, to the Prince of Maelstrom, and to the people of the Mourning Isles as a whole.
Written By Skye
Nov. 14, 2019, 2:32 a.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Jyri
The right way is not always welcomed by others. I would not be where I am without the dedicated support of family and friends. It's my hope that recently freed thralls consider staying in the Mourning Isles to strengthen those houses who have embraced change.
At the same time, I shall never forget my origins. History have taught us lessons. Hopefully those that embrace change make better choices. Certainly I shall be making efforts to stay grounded.
Written By Zulana
Nov. 14, 2019, 1:15 a.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Matters in the new province in Arvum are going as smoothly as one might hope. The citizens in the provincial guard have taken to their training eagerly, and my brother Kozu remains there to help oversee the defenses. This 'Poison' the Arvani speak of, however, complicates matters; there are a number among them who show promise as adepts -- and perhaps a few other sorts of practitioners as well -- but the Poison makes it nearly impossible to train them without an unacceptable level of risk.
Perhaps the most promising of all is a young woman named Emery, one of those who chose to accept a Writ in hopes of learning the Art. She's half-elven -- indeed, she fears she's a by-blow of the Traitor himself -- and the more the Traitor's influence encroached on her home the louder she had found the thousand lying whispers in her mind. The more insistent the voices trying to make her lose her name, and turn her against her own people. She was one of the first to pledge to the Empire, almost in desperation, and begged for the Writ; when she was given her bindings against abyssal service and the whispers faded, I remember the way she collapsed. Weeping in relief.
Perhaps it's unsurprising that Emery has taken to her training with a determination that would do credit to one of my brothers or sisters. But more, she's taken to traveling beyond the bounds of the province as well, seeking those who share similar strong Sylv'alfar blood -- hoping to find them /before/ the Traitor's master can start to turn their minds and steal their name away, so that they can be bound against the fall. Already, she's brought a handful more into the fold.
I want to see her shine. I want to see her, and those like her, attain their potential. And I would hate to see her come so far, only to fall to the Poison in training as an adept.
Some are still willing to take the risk -- Emery among them -- but I can't help but worry; even if /they/ are willing, what of any teacher who has to then watch their students die horribly as they fall prey to the Poison? It might be best to arrange transport to a less Poisoned province, so that they can receive proper training safely -- or as safe as magical training ever is -- and build up their strength enough to withstand the Poison upon their return.
Of course, if that many of the warriors were to leave to train, that leaves defenses more sparse than either Kozu or I like with the Traitor and his forces out there. His forces don't strike openly, with marching armies laying siege to walls, but that makes them even more difficult to guard against. So that means bringing in more troops to help with the defense in the short term.
The longer-term problem is that all the provincial settlements are indefensible; while stone walls guard well enough against raids from rivals, they'll do little against the forces the Traitor might muster if he ever decides to move in force. These settlements aren't defensible in the way that ancient fallen Caer'alfar was, nor the walled city-state of Weijin, or any of the other great cities of the world. So the citizens have asked for aid in building a new city at the heart of the province -- one with proper protections. 'Respite', they're calling it -- because they hope it will be a place of rest and safety for all those in the province who are fleeing the Traitor's shadow. Or any other abyssal threat that might arise, given this land's problems.
Of course, this means arranging /more/ transports, beyond those to send would-be practitioners elsewhere for training. This requires trained artificers to come and assist in the construction, materials untainted by the Poison to be shipped in, and such. And of course, Vellichorian priests to help establish an armarium -- the sooner the province can have access to /all/ of the Empire's knowledge, the faster this process will go. But until then...
By all the gods, I think I vastly prefer facing off against the abyss to facing off against the minutia of logistical arrangements. Yet I remember Emery's tears when the whispers faded, and I know it will all be worth it. We /will/ force back the abyss; there will not be another Reckoning. Another Day of Betrayal.
And then, in Father's name, and with valiant Arvani like Emery beside us... we will make the Traitor pay.
Written By Peri
Nov. 14, 2019, 12:06 a.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Written By Sparte
Nov. 13, 2019, 11:41 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Fatima
She could have ignored that penance. She could have done the bare minimum, or found some other way to be granted leniency.
Instead, I've learned, she did more than was asked.
I trust Legate Cassandra's word when she says Princess Fatima went beyond what was asked to prove herself, and I trust Legate Cassandra's decision to declare the penance met.
I trust Highlord Victus, and his decision to return her title.
I cannot forget what happened. Perhaps if I were a better person I could, but forgetting is not within my power.
Trust is.
I choose to trust in the decisions of others whom I respect. I will hear no ill spoken of Princess Fatima for those unfortunate events that led to this penance. She walks a path renewed, and any who treat her otherwise will find no succor from me.
Written By Sparte
Nov. 13, 2019, 11:31 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Tatienne
That thralldom itself is slavery?
That is simply untrue.
That there are those who misuse thralldom as an excuse to treat people as slaves?
The evidence of that truth is readily apparent. House Thrax made the choice to push for reforms to Thralldom, and in more and more of the houses that give fealty to Thrax, thralldom is forever ended. That number will continue to grow.
There are many traditions the Compact has attempted to shed in our long history. Ending an old way of doing things is often painful and slow, and it sometimes fails. It is a test of character for those who lose in the process, but also for those who stand to gain.
But what of you? When your anger towards Princess Fatima was challenged, you admitted you knew not what you were talking about. You kept the anger, and lashed out at the Highlord of Thrax instead. The man who has passed those laws that will lead to the end of Thralldom. The one who has made the difficult decisions that give what you want a chance of happening in our lifetimes.
Take the advice others have given if you will not take my own. There are ways to make a difference. This? this isn't any of them.
Written By Teagan
Nov. 13, 2019, 10:52 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
So short a time ago, it was a cry to put an end to thralldom. Thrax agreed. The economic backlash from what actions they have taken thus far have hit not just the Isles, but all of Arvum. One can only imagine what might occur if all of the thralls were freed 'overnight.'
It makes one wonder if the desire to see it all ended 'immediately' isn't out of some gleeful, sadistic hope to see suffering spread far and wide under the guise of freeing thralls.
Written By Cambria
Nov. 13, 2019, 10:48 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Written By Mirella
Nov. 13, 2019, 10:12 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Written By Reigna
Nov. 13, 2019, 10:10 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Ingrid
A common born trader's opinion is simply that. Her mind has never been exposed to the intricacies of managing a noble House, in understanding how things are run and how complex and daunting the weight of those lives can be when they are settled on your shoulders.
Your Peers understand. You do not hear voices of Valardin or Redrain calling Prince Victus a slaver. Because they understand the situation as they have been trained and raised to.
We do not rise to the bait of the ignorant. Let her have her flawed opinion. I have hopes that she will educate herself as to the error of her ways -- but in the end, it is her choice to do so, or to continue to dwell in ignorance. It is the freedom of being born common to eschew that sort of understanding. It truly is beneath the dignity of a Peer to challenge one of the Crownsworn.
Written By Jael
Nov. 13, 2019, 9:43 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Written By Bliss
Nov. 13, 2019, 9:38 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Ingrid
Written By Niklas
Nov. 13, 2019, 9:36 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Ingrid
Written By Thesarin
Nov. 13, 2019, 9:30 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Reckon they realize it, at the last.
Written By Cassandra
Nov. 13, 2019, 9:08 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Tatienne
You are aware that House Thrax is instituting a steady wind down of Thralldom, yes? That will end in the complete abolishment of the practice? So your issue is that...they're not doing it fast enough?
That the economic collapse of a major part of the Compact that would cause massive unrest is preferable because it soothes your conscience. People would die of likely civil war and famine, but at least they would die free, so it's perfectly acceptable.
I'm not sure this is a fight you want to be picking.
This is the last time I will comment on this issue, but I dearly suggest you educate yourself in exactly what you're talking about before you declare that the Faith is hypocritical on this matter. Which in of itself does not bother me.
What does bother me is that you insult the actions of literally hundreds of people that are working tirelessly to ensure that this practice ends as soon as it's able.
Written By Aureth
Nov. 13, 2019, 8:32 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Tatienne
I strongly suggest that the faithful consider taking their business elsewhere, as Tatienne Lachance has apparently suffered some kind of break with reality. There are many merchants in the city of Arx and indeed in the Oathlands whose business acumen and grasp of common sense do not lead them to march into wild political folly.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.