Written By Vanora
Nov. 12, 2019, 11:01 p.m.(3/9/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Faelan
Written By Rinel
Nov. 12, 2019, 10:51 p.m.(3/9/1012 AR)
To that end, I shall write a brief treatise on the nature of freedom which, with the blessing of the Faith, I shall publish to Arvum at large. I will of course produce copies for the Emissary to deliver to her people and the errant Metallic known as Platinum. I would be honoured if the Emissary would reach out to me to teach me the tongue of Jaidairal, that more might hear of Arvani theology, just as we are hearing of the peculiarities of the Grace as it is practiced in the lands of Jaidairal.
Written By Tatienne
Nov. 12, 2019, 10:38 p.m.(3/9/1012 AR)
As of the time of this writing, she has not yet been reinstated into her former status. But I would not be surprised if she was reinstated before this writing has made it into the archives. After all, the Mourning Isles are a realm of slavers who claim themselves reformed while slavery still forms the backbone of their economy, what difference does one more slaver who claims to be reformed make?
If not that quickly, then surely so long as she keeps her head down, I will be surprised of it does occur before year's end.
Free the thralls already, Thrax. Slavery by another name is still slavery, and so long as you permit Thralldom to exist within your borders you are slavers.
Written By Ryhalt
Nov. 12, 2019, 10:36 p.m.(3/9/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Lisebet
Very proud of you!
Written By Sparte
Nov. 12, 2019, 10:02 p.m.(3/9/1012 AR)
Yet even with that lesson in hand, I am constantly caught off guard by the impulse to call out seeming contradictions. The entry before me is an important diplomatic gesture, if nothing else. I don't want to spurn such an opportunity for discourse.
That impulse today wins out. To say a burden rests on no one that is laid upon one soul ten thousand fold? It comes across like someone extolling the virtues of a particularly pretty archway, with no grasp of what a keystone is, nor what happens if it ever breaks.
Written By Dio
Nov. 12, 2019, 9:54 p.m.(3/9/1012 AR)
Is the Emperor more powerful than an archdemon of the Abyss - if such horrors are more than a tyrant's fantasy, to rule those the gods gifted with a glorious span of freedom by fear?
Aye, Emissary, I choose freedom. If I were a lowly, feeble Abandoned land-lover, I'd still choose freedom. So what if a Tolamar Brand slew me, eh? I'd join the Wheel and rise again.
I will serve no Emperor before Skald.
Written By Shard
Nov. 12, 2019, 9:50 p.m.(3/9/1012 AR)
But I don't like the analogy, all the same. People aren't sheep, and they shouldn't be sheep. You shouldn't herd them, you shouldn't fence them, you should teach them. You should guide them. You should show them the right paths to walk, and yeah, that means that sometimes they're going to choose not to be taught, not to be guided, and they're going to wander off no matter how carefully you try to watch out for them. Sometimes people are going to make bad decisions. Sometimes those bad decisions aren't forgivable, and shouldn't be. Sometimes those bad decisions are a fucking disaster.
The alternative is treating people like children, though. Like dumb animals that can't take care of themselves. And then they never do learn, they never do grow, they never understand why you've put up those fences and why you frighten them back to safe fields. Why's that matter? Because Zulana's right about something very important; we're all flawed. Every last one of us. We all make mistakes. We all, /all/ make bad decisions. And when you treat people like they're children, like they're sheep that can't learn and can't live, when you put up walls that they never really, truly understand the purpose of, well, they're only as safe as long as those walls exist, aren't they? One hole in the fence, and they're off. One hole in the fence and the pack's inside, and they won't have any idea what to do with that when it happens, because they've never seen a wolf before.
And the shepherd? Shepherds are people too. Shepherds can make bad decisions. Shepherds can get lost and lead their flocks in the wrong direction. Shepherds can trip up, they can lose track of sheep, they can be wrong. And if everyone, everyone is following one single shepherd, has only ever known to follow that shepherd their entire life, and that shepherd makes a mistake? That shepherd has no one, not one single person, who can pull them back from the edge of a cliff? Then it's the whole herd gone. Then it's everyone.
There's always a cost with freedom. You're always sacrificing some measure of safety for it. But there's a cost to being entirely 'safe' too, and it's not just freedom. It's wisdom. It's knowledge. It's growing and learning and, importantly, being prepared for when something goes wrong, because something always, eventually, will. And I don't think the point of living is to just follow some pathway someone else laid out for you and everyone else, from birth to death, entirely sheltered and entirely safe. Rejecting that /was/ the First Choice, after all.
Written By Preston
Nov. 12, 2019, 4:18 p.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Rinel
I think the fact I have made that offer before and after should tell you that I do think you have something to offer. It should tell you that you have people who wish to offer you a hand. Yet you seem to choose conflict, you would rather beat on the Rectory doors than step inside and converse and debate with what would be your brothers and sisters. You have ideas what the Faith should do, you want to help people - I know that, I respect that. But, the Faith is a chorus, not one voice alone. Even in the Templars, my Brothers and Sisters in each Chapter come together with their master and discuss what is to be done. Each voice is equal. Yes, the local master shall decide in the end, but he will do so with the voices of his siblings in his ears, and all will bear that decision and leave discord within the confines of the chapter house.
I do not understand why you seem determined to stand in your own path. It saddens me, but you remain welcome at the Compound if you wish what small bit of help I can offer.
Written By Strozza
Nov. 12, 2019, 3:40 p.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Amantha
Interesting city.
Quite polite, astute, and observant. I'd not mind stealing her from the Iron Guard, but I don't think the house would let me induct her into the house guards.
Worth checking.
Written By Zulana
Nov. 12, 2019, 3:07 p.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
It is perhaps timely, too, as upon coming here to your archive to inquire about this possibility, I stumbled across a discussion of those who make poor choices -- and the need to shepherd them. And this Rinel is quite insightful; she seems to grasp the essence of the Undying Empire.
For people /do/ need shepherding.
People are not inherently evil, of course, but we are all flawed. Even the greatest among us has the potential to make poor choices; perhaps in haste, perhaps under duress, but the potential is there nontheless. Yet when we stray too far from the flock, the cost is rarely confined to merely ourselves; if someone's poor choices lead them to the abyss, it's likely many others may pay the price for that choice.
Yet even were one able to make the perfect choice at all times -- to be a shepherd to others -- no one can shepherd every person every moment of every day. No one can guard everyone against such falls at all times. You may ask your priests and archlectors and legates and even the dominus to guide and guard people, but can they do so for everyone in the Compact? And if someone makes the wrong choice a second time, a third, if they begin to lead other sheep astray...
Well, if the shepherd spends all their time chasing one sheep, then the wolves might come for the rest.
And so, Writs; just as you might fence a meadow to keep your sheep from wandering astray, so do the Writs granted to every citizen of the Empire provide a railing on the Path. A shepherd whose pasture is fenced can spend time caring for the sheep properly, rather than constantly chasing the strays and abandoning the rest. Our Emperor, in his wisdom, placed these railings -- these fences -- out of love and concern, to keep his people from just such a fate.
Yet your society as a whole seems averse to fences. If a child tumbles off a cliff, well, at least they were free to choose to take that step. If someone desecrates a shrine, or makes a blood pact with a demon, at least it was their choice; perhaps dozens will die for that choice -- perhaps hundreds, perhaps thousands -- but at least they were free to /choose/ to swear to the abyss. And if a sheep wanders astray, better for the shepherd to abandoned the rest to the wolves and go chasing the wanderer than to fence the pasture in, it seems.
Perhaps the thought of such freedom comforts every one of your Compact citizens who has ever died at the hand of a servant of the abyss; I can assure you, it does not bring such comfort to the Abandoned who the abyssally-aligned among you have been known to prey upon. Ask the Abandoned of the Crownlands whether they are glad this 'Tolamar Brand' of the Compact had the freedom to choose the abyss... those who yet survive, that is.
As Rinel-Shimin correctly suggests, people need shepherds. I can only hope in time more of you come to see the truth she has.
And I pray that when awareness does come, it isn't bought with innocent blood.
Written By Fortunato
Nov. 12, 2019, 1:53 p.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Written By Jael
Nov. 12, 2019, 12:20 p.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Colette
Written By Evaristo
Nov. 12, 2019, 11:36 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Princess Sorrel suggested I perform, after the showings, to Queen Symonesse, and Princess Berenice added a challenge of writing a song about the gowns (it was, after all, Talia's event). I wrote this quickly, inspired and awed (though I have edited in a word on the Grayson fealty gown as I felt it was missing something, I only had a minute to compose it on the spot, after all!) A merry tune, simple and easy, and admittedly quite short...
I shall write a pretty copy and send it to Talia.
A Song To Gowns of Fealty - Talia's Masterpieces
by Evaristo Arterius
The bear is a dangerous crimson delight
While violet allure is so sinful and bright
The deepest of black, as the ocean at night
White as the dragon, a dazzling white sheen
Pockets and pants in griffin hued green
The spider webbed gold on the loveliest queen
Written By Delilah
Nov. 12, 2019, 11:35 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
I do not envy Lord Erik Grimhall in the taming of his squeaking gyrfalcon. He no doubt will be required to perform his exhilarating one-man revue, Grimhall Bird Dance.
Written By Aleksei
Nov. 12, 2019, 11:14 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Sanctum is difficult. It is unyielding. For me, growing up, it was humorless and demanding. I couldn't stay there and survive.
I like to think it couldn't touch me. That no part of it managed to get past my skin and seep into my bones and blood.
But sometimes there are moments. Like walking into a shrine of the Faith, sanctified holy ground, and seeing a fight. A _fight_. To find out that someone literally attempted to ambush another person. He just wanted to land a single hit, not do serious or lasting harm, so he's likely going to avoid the worst consequences of breaking Sanctuary. But in that moment, I could feel the sort of offense I know my father would have felt. That cold, unyielding fury.
Once, when I was about eleven or twelve, we were at the Shrine of Limerance in Sanctum for one of the many, many public ceremonies of vow and oath swearing and the like; I can't even remember whose it was at this point. I was bored out of my mind. Fidgeting, antsy. I was trying to distract and hassle my brother Holden, which has always been a challenge. (Yes, has been that implacable since birth. Trying to get Holden's stoicism to break has been a lifetime's pursuit.) I could feel my father start to notice my attempts. The way he was tensing up -- and he was always tense already. I knew I was going to be in for it when we got home, but I was a stupid kid and generally I figured the fun was worth the lecture later. But there was a moment when I got too rough about it, trying to shove and jab, and that's when I felt my father's hand on my shoulder. He was careful. It didn't hurt, but it was warning, and when I finally looked back up at him, I saw that it was going to be worse than a lecture. I wasn't just being a brat, I had stepped up to a line that was sacred. Literally sacred. I was used to my father's constant frustration with me, but he was _furious_. I don't think I stopped doing chores -- the worst that he could come up with -- for about a month. For a careless shove of my shoulder.
Most people in Arx aren't from the Oathlands, and won't really understand the difference. But I'm not exaggerating when I say that someone slapping another person across the face in a Sanctum shrine could be grounds for execution. There's no _bend_ there. It's the sort of inflexibility that drove me nuts as a kid, and it's almost unnerving to feel flashes of it now as an adult after so long. But all I could feel when I walked into that shrine -- Skald's shrine, the shrine that was once in my care, that I'll still always feel responsible for -- was an incredulity and offense that went beyond the pale. That someone would so willfully disrespect holy ground. That someone could have that little care for the gods.
All I'm saying is: Ras is lucky he didn't do this in Sanctum. And that he had an Archlector there who was working so hard to try and guide him, and who made sure that he didn't face immediate physical punishment. But there's very little you can do to help when someone refuses to listen. Or _stop attempting violence of holy ground in front of people_.
Written By Sparte
Nov. 12, 2019, 11:05 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Rinel
Yet, the way you write about what you've done gives me reassurance. It doesn't sound like anger on your own behalf. It sounds like you're fighting for someone else.
May they recognize what you're doing for them and have the good sense to not let your effort be wasted.
Written By Tyrus
Nov. 12, 2019, 9:28 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
There are those whose choices condemn them. Who have gone so far from the light that there's nothing else to do but to release them from this life and hope they find a better one waiting for them.
I give thanks to all who joined the expedition. We would not have made it without you. I would not have.
I should offer my thanks to Mangata as well. Without Her blessings, that place would have given me the same end as the others before us.
It's over. A small thing perhaps in the grander scheme of things, but as small as it may be, the Dream has grown just a little lighter. A little better.
Written By Miranda
Nov. 12, 2019, 9:19 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Just a thought running through my head.
Written By Lisebet
Nov. 12, 2019, 9:14 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Written By Korka
Nov. 12, 2019, 9:11 a.m.(3/8/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Rinel
But you're chasing lemmings.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.