Written By Fiora
Oct. 4, 2019, 12:36 p.m.(12/14/1011 AR)
Perhaps because the way he presented it and did it was 'silly'.
Many people are arguing over the act itself. Then Caspian goes on to 'educate' people on how to make criticisms of his actions. Perhaps we should be arguing less about the event itself and focus more on the real issue that started all of this:
Caspian Wild is silly.
Written By Victus
Oct. 4, 2019, 11:55 a.m.(12/14/1011 AR)
Legate Aureth outlines perfectly how silver alone will not fix this problem. It is a problem at Thrax's core. Infrastructure, agriculture, mining, the simple act of rowing our ships is carried on the backs of thralls. The foundations cannot be torn down without a thought, it must be replaced with something stable.
In the many months since the last Assembly, we have remained committed. Fifteen percent of thralls across the Mourning Isles have found freedom within the year, at the cost of trade and our own economy. Ramifications which have been felt across the mainland and the seas aplenty. It is my hope that this upcoming Assembly will be a time for the Compact to regroup and focus on our next steps into the future.
The work ahead of us is taller than the mountains. But we can do it.
Written By Belladonna
Oct. 4, 2019, 11:07 a.m.(12/14/1011 AR)
Written By Lucita
Oct. 4, 2019, 10:19 a.m.(12/14/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Quenia
Written By Aureth
Oct. 4, 2019, 9:21 a.m.(12/14/1011 AR)
I clarified the position of the discipleship of Skald to clear up genuine confusion on the subject. The work continues.
Written By Teagan
Oct. 4, 2019, 7:45 a.m.(12/14/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Niklas
Written By Teagan
Oct. 4, 2019, 7:45 a.m.(12/14/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Niklas
Written By Niklas
Oct. 4, 2019, 1:40 a.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Teagan
Written By Shard
Oct. 4, 2019, 1:31 a.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
But sure. It's just like putting the wrong foot forward on the street. Just like that. People just want to be angry about something when they point out that maybe making the selling of people into a fun game for the rich and noble so that you can give money to the other rich and noble who actually do own actual people isn't the best idea ever conceived. It's the ones offering mild criticism who are blowing everything out of proportion.
Fuck's sake.
Written By Rafael
Oct. 4, 2019, 12:07 a.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
Written By Bhandn
Oct. 3, 2019, 11:30 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
For the first time in many, many years, I commissioned an entire new suit of armor, rather than simply replacing portions of it over the years (and the same holds true for Vigil, as well). Rubicund is the material, in this case. This decision came simply because various people have impressed upon me the value of having a more durable armor. I labored for months at amassing favors, writs, resources -- or whatever people want to call them -- in exchange for silver, and at last I was able to secure the necessary materials to request the whole thing. I hope /someone/ in the Crafter's Guild was happy about this. They know who they are.
I can not sit still in it. I don't recall the last time I was fitted for an entire suit in one go, but as I was saying to the Brother in Jayus's Shrine today, I can remember quite a bit of frustration from that dimly remembered era, and that I was sure I was in a saddle wearing it more often than I was off of a mount. The exact comparison I used was that of the din of the voices in the market drowning out those crying their wares to those who might offer their custom, as far as learning to ignore the sense of feeling odd in this new armor; I need a distraction until I am accustomed to the feel.
A new suit of armor -- just keeping the coin to commission it, really -- is its own change. Some would call it avaricious, perhaps, and they would be right, particularly since I felt that I needed to do this on my own, with my own two hands. I've always preferred putting my hands to work rather than have others do it for me. There is a sense of accomplishment that comes with the completion, and this is no different. Yet the fact remains that I actually did not simply gave away all of my silver once I started amassing it. There is also the fact that I am ensuring a mouth other than my own is being fed, and that the lad stays clothed, warm, and safe as well. I think I am finally starting to reach him, that he is starting to open up. The blankets were one thing, during that time that I felt at my lowest this year if not ever, but just recently he actually said 'thank you' to the latest batch of books I gave him. I must have been quite surprised, as he looked visibly embarrassed and turned away right after. I do not think that he realized just how happy I was to hear it. That I /was/ happy to hear it is also a difference from before. Valena would have been proud.
And now we come to the change that is much more personal: I found something I had lost, or perhaps it was returned to me. Regardless of which it is, I do not know how I can possibly state my gratitude enough, but I also think that simply stating it is not enough compared to /demonstrating/ that gratitude. I've always felt what one does has far greater impact than what one says, just one of many things I have forgotten these past two years. Thinking back on it, I still can not believe just how broken I had become in the wake of Valena's death. I will always miss her voice, chiding me on some surly manner of mine, but now I have come to a point where I must learn to speak with my own voice, to honor her memory and that of those many others who came before me in this calling.
And so as part of that, I have decided to name this year, and I call it the Queen's Year, to represent reaching the end of one path in this journey that is my life, so that I may begin walking another road that is entirely new to me. It will be difficult, but I think, at last, that I am finally ready to learn, and there is a great deal that remains to be found, so that /I/ can pass something on to those who would walk in these same shoes after. They will need everything that they can get, no doubts remain to me of that, and they are also not the only ones for whom I must persevere.
Written By Caspian
Oct. 3, 2019, 10:59 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Aureth
For the most part I agree with most of what the Legate has said. My only difference with him is that it's my desire to free thralls now. And short of helping thralls escape in the dead of night, this is the only thing I could thing of that would free thralls now without risking getting presented to the sea. I think to my own days as a Thrall and how elated I was when I was freed. I don't want people to have too wait for the houses to free them of their own free will (and who knows when that'll happen) feel that elation. Maybe not the smartest strategy in hindsight for ending Thralldom for good, but in the short term it works.
But I'll be canceling my event. My partner in this feels it's prudent and I don't wana die alone on this hill.
I will say I do like his suggestions, and I am not one to let a good idea go to waste. I will be donating all my winnings from The People's Tournament as charitable support to the three houses that no longer have Thralls, Kennex, Blackshore, and Malaries as well as the Liberators. Though it hasn't been announced yet, I suspect I've won first place. So that should be a healthy chunk of coin?
Written By Niklas
Oct. 3, 2019, 10:26 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
But on the other hand, it strikes me that...
There are two paths ahead of me. One of the paths is the path is where someone says to me that a thing I think of as innocent is actually upsetting so I believe them and decide not to do the thing and instead do another thing. The other path is one where someone says to me that a thing I think of as innocent is actually upsetting but I don't think that their concerns are valid and I do it anyway.
On the first path I am perhaps mildly inconvenienced, but that is the worst of it.
On the second I am less inconvenienced, but I hurt people.
If the cost of my convenience is that I hurt people, even if it is just one person, it seems like it is not worth it. Especially when choosing to do something that will not hurt people is so easy to do, and affects me so very little.
Written By Aslaug
Oct. 3, 2019, 8:31 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
I have been asked this question numerous times in the last couple of days.
Who are you?
I am me. Who are you?
The interesting part is how few seem to be able to answer this simple question and yet, they do not like my answer at all.
Written By Bliss
Oct. 3, 2019, 7:19 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
This isn't a matter of not understanding why it was made. I see the argument being presented: the visible similarities, the danger in putting a value on a human and selling them off. Yet I just cannot agree with it. I cannot, in my own conscience, tell anyone in my House "No, you have complete autonomy over yourself, but you cannot choose to contribute to a charitable event in this particular way." Perhaps that makes me less hardline about things than the Liberators, than the Legate of the Lost and Acting Archlector of the First Choice. That speaks massive good about him, but there is another side to all of this, and that rests on how Whisper House functions in the first place.
We have the most dedicated courtiers in all of the Compact, people who have dedicated their lives to learning the finer arts. We are entertainers, mediators, diplomats, but we also provide privacy and conversation, entertainment in the form of a dinner behind closed doors, of presence and peace of company, or of being an escort for someone to bring to a dinner to provide that elevated conversation to a crowd. We have trained to do these things, worked to do these things, and we put a price on our services - the price of a contract with one of us. An evening with a Whisper is meant to be a delight, and it is not usually free. Our presence is our labor, just as much as our appearance and our portrayal of ourselves. These are the skills we ply. We strive to make ourselves the best so people will seek our company and counsel.
Whispers already sell a few hours of our time for silver. I doubt anybody has the gall to call the work we do slavery. The reason is because we are hired for specific work, and we get the choice of whether or not to participate in that. The contract has a set limit, it is not a life sentence, and we are paid in kind for that labor.
One might notice there is very little difference in that work and the kind of time that is being sold at a 'date auction'. If anything, it is just a very specific contract being bid upon between people, where the proceeds will go to charity. Question the nature of that charity in this particular case all you want - that's fine - but the work itself is all part and parcel of being a Whisper in the first place. The thing being sold is our time and presence, a potential romantic evening with someone who you hope will make your heart sing - whatever the details, it is entered into knowingly, willingly, and temporarily.
If I thought that the very concept would devalue the people I work with, I would of course be against it. But it doesn't. If I thought it would be tawdry or gross, or that any of the people who work for Whisper House would be stained by it, I would have words to say - but what I see coming is an event made in good fun, where people are being cheered and praised, where money is being brought in to remove a stain on our society that we are collectively working to take out. To better ourselves.
I do not have illusions that all people are going to want to give up their thralls simply because it's seen as the right thing to do and there is pressure from the world. So if silver can ease that transition, I see nothing wrong with silver easing that transition.
But just like the fact that there are elections in Lim'Al'Ruus does not mean that the Commoner's Council is an invalid body or that my own position as Radiant is invalid, or the fact that Gildorian is the greatest bazaar and richest city in the world does not mean that we should dismantle our markets, the very fact that there is a similarity between a date auction and the methods of sale of human chattel does not mean that the former is utterly despicable.
I doubt anyone is going to be forced under threat of beatings or death to remove all their clothing, to be oiled up, collared, chained, mutilated, or broken just so that someone can hire them for a date night. They will not spend their lives in despair, yearning for freedom and an easing of their toil because they made some money for charity with their time. Their bodies will not fail on them and they will not die painfully young because they playfully flirt to try to free some of the people who are in those positions. Their children will not be ripped from their arms and sold across the continent, never to be seen again. They will not be seen as livestock after. They will not have difficulties coming back into society, or a lifetime of persecution from people who think they should still be serving, that they will never be seen as people.
Those are the realities of slavery. Trying to compare them to the socialite equivalent of someone spending their free time digging a ditch in order to help bring some water to a dry area is disingenuous, and I cannot believe that this, of all things, has caused this level of outrage and disdain from some people. We help where we can, how we can.
There are surely better uses of your time. There are certainly better uses of mine.
Written By Tyrus
Oct. 3, 2019, 7:12 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
I chose not to volunteer for the auction. I know Caspian Wild. I know of his devotion to the cause of the Liberators. For freedom and choice. I know the time the volunteers willingly give have nothing to do with slavery. I know, for the difference has been marked into my flesh as much as into my soul.
I chose not to volunteer for the auction not because it felt too close to slavery, but because I knew, or expected, it would awaken spectres of those years.
That has nothing to do with the event itself. Countless other things might remind me of the slavemasters, the men and women who kept me in chains. A sound. A scent. A word. Even an image. That they have the potential to disturb or trigger a response is no reason to associate them with slavery. This emotional reaction cannot be blamed on the one that caused it, when it was made without intent, without knowledge and without fault.
I've read claims that the auction was too close to how the Eurusi sell their slaves. Or that it was the very same. This speaks to me of profound ignorance.
If you want to know the difference, I would be more than happy to illuminate you. It would also be my pleasure to take you to those among my men who have their own stories to tell of the slavery we shared, and those who lived another.
If your intention is actually to help put an end to thralldom? Donate. Participate in the auction. Do something. But if you complain out of some misguided belief that this auction should not take place to avoid offence, to avoid these similarities you decry? Congratulations, enjoy the good sleep this sentiment of righteous indignation no doubt gives you, while those who actually suffer continue to do so.
Written By Teagan
Oct. 3, 2019, 6:16 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
If you step forward with your right foot rather than your left, someone across the square will sneer and rush off to the Archive to pen a scathing journal about what a horrid person you are for insulting some ancient, great, and honorable people that always step left foot first.
All we can do is honor the Faith, our family, and our friends while living our life to the best of our abilities. If someone sees fit to have a temper tantrum at you specifically: be proud. They've chosen to waste the precious hours in the day on complaining about the way you choose to live your life.
Written By Saoirse
Oct. 3, 2019, 5:27 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Gaspar
Written By Talia
Oct. 3, 2019, 4:42 p.m.(12/13/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Caspian
That said, if anyone does wish to ensure their money is received appreciatively, from Messere Wild's charity event, I will praise your donation in your name for no fee at all.
Written By Aureth
Oct. 3, 2019, 3:41 p.m.(12/12/1011 AR)
Economic support to those families working towards the end of thralldom is excellent and necessary. It can take many forms. However, the practice known as "buying thrall debt" systemically accepts the idea that persons may be bought and sold, and is more or less tantamount to paying off slavers for the inconvenience of losing their slave labor. It is not supported by the Liberators, nor if you ask me is it supported by common sense.
Working towards the economic development of those properties that have been unviable without unpaid labor is something that a number of economic experts, including my personal friend Perronne Amboise and her very fine business partner whose name I'm sure you all know, have been focused on, and will continue to be focused on. However, "pay thrall owners to recoup their losses for the release of their slaves" does not solve this problem, will not solve this problem, and is a shortcut that may, in fact, diminish those efforts to actually assist those houses who would otherwise be working towards a solution from gaining traction.
If you choose to do this, I am not calling you evil, or a supporter of slavery, or anything other than either misguided or perhaps seduced by the lure of the "easy road". It does seem "easy" to simply purchase the freedom of an individual thrall. However, I would humbly suggest that you consider directing your efforts towards eradicating thralldom elsewhere.
For example:
(1) Rehoming and retraining families that might not wish to remain upon lands that they worked as thralls. The Liberators have developed a number of connections throughout the Mourning Isles and the rest of the Compact to assist with this project, but training opportunities, especially, can help almost anyone, especially those who have known only _simple_ labor for a long time. Child thralls have been illegal in more enlightened houses of the Mourning Isles for some time, but the aftereffects of a longstanding practice do not dissolve overnight.
(2) Agricultural improvements upon those properties that have been worked solely by unpaid labor to make them more viable without it. I believe Lady Olivia Ashford and several other disciples of Petrichor had spearheaded some initial explorations in this area, though I admit I'm not certain of the present status of their work.
(3) Simple charitable support for those houses that will need it because they have already resolved to release their thralls and suffer the impact of that. The Liberators and the Faith are ready, willing and able to provide this, but the more people get on board, the better.
(4) Aggressive protection of the lands and waters of those lands that no longer hold thralls. Pretending that no freed thralls will rise up to fight back against those who were once their oppressors is foolish. Military protection, especially naval protection, is simply a sane and necessary precaution and must, of course, be paid for.
Finally, as to the methods used to raise money, that is up to each individual who chooses to do so. I don't scruple particularly about what ways people make giving away their money more palatable to themselves. As a general rule, I will make this comment as to "auctions," since it has come up:
The Liberators do not approve of charitable events that ape the buying and selling of persons as presently take place in less enlightened civilizations across the world for reasons that appear obvious to me, but if anyone is genuinely confused about the subject, the Faith is here to educate. Perhaps, when real slave auctions no longer happen anywhere, and slavery has been abolished by all, we can revisit the question of whether pretending to do so is funny.
And yes-- I have made exorbitant "purchases" at charity auctions before, for very good causes (and honestly, for less good causes, probably-- they were quite in vogue once upon a time, and fashion does drive). As the Whispers once did, I came to understand why it was in bad taste, and I chose to stop. I regret that fashion appears to be swinging back in so distasteful a direction, but-- as it is -- I shall at least clarify for those who wish to understand, and answer questions for those who would ask.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.