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Written By Alecstazi

July 6, 2019, 5 p.m.(6/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I have noted a propensity on your part to hold up your personal experiences and speak as they were not only the most common but the only truth. When in fact, MOST Abandoned peoples do not bear identifying marks such as facial tattoos or disfiguring scars. What makes the threat of them so insidious is that if they dress as members of the Compact they are virtually indistinguishable from legitimate commoners. They speak Arvani same as we do, they look like us, but they are not us. They do not honor our laws, they steal from us, they start on our lands and keep us from them. They steal and poach and murder us. They are the enemy. You frequently seen to forget that YOU are ostensibly a citizen of the Compact. A surprising thing, given how much disdain and contempt you regularly seem to hold it in. If you hate us so much, no one is stopping you from returning to your savage people... Or are you the sort that just wants to complain about things even while you enjoy the benefits and safety that are the results of the very things you most about?

Written By Acantha

July 6, 2019, 3:42 p.m.(6/2/1011 AR)

I have been tending to my plot in the Stone Grove and trying to get the other plants that I've been tending to in a good enough state to transfer to the stone grove when it is time to do things. I hope that they will love the pumpkins as much as I have.

Written By Evaristo

July 6, 2019, 3:29 p.m.(6/2/1011 AR)

What an interesting few weeks. First a total HAPPY surprise, Legate Aureth asking me to become the second First Harlequin. Haha, second first Harlequin. Also, Voice of the Voice of the Queen of Endings and Mother of Beginnings. The opportunity for fun titles are near endless. Shouldn't there be a Third Wheel title in the Harlequins by the way? I need to suggest this immediately.

Life is good. Death is amazing. The wheel spins on and I'm having a ball. Quite literally there'll be a ball coming up too, by the way. Oh, also a poetry reading in just a few days, led once again by the LOVELY and AMAZING Princess Helena Redrain. I even wrote a poem myself for it. The theme? Why, Death herself, of course.

The fashion show isn't far away either. And there'll be more events!

Written By Miranda

July 6, 2019, 1:46 p.m.(6/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Silvio

The Prince of Fashion by Miranda Rubino

Long, glorious tresses
Divine gowns and dresses
Lord Silvio Rubino knows styles
There are none like him for miles

He gracefully floats in
Impressing ladies and men
Turning this way and that
Never needing a hat

And if he should decide
To hop a horse and ride
All of Arx would show up
To hear him cry, "Giddy up!"

And when he graces our presence
With his indescribable sentience
We all sigh in delight
For none other have his might!

Written By Cambria

July 6, 2019, 12:48 p.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

A scold is a person who takes pleasure in lecturing the rest of us about what they perceive as our failings.

Written By Duarte

July 6, 2019, 12:25 p.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

A day and I night in the Shrine of Lagoma.

I believe this is one of the most peaceful spots in any city. Certainly of the ones I've been, at least.

There's much to be said of the ramifications of Lagoma. How we grow. How we renew. Lagoma encourages us to shed old skins, past regrets and failure. To grow new and stronger through each. To remember that age and eventual passing are part of the dream's beautiful nature and themselves facilitate birth and regrowth.

One thing has become certain. Nothing stays as it is. It grows, or it decays. And one's decay can be premature if they refuse to grow or improve.

Lagoma encourages strength through growth, and brings peace and reassurance in the final half of a natural cycle.

I like it here.

Written By Domonico

July 6, 2019, 11:51 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Thea

Sister, just say the word and I'll run you through the basics of sailing and seamanship.
I'm not sure if I should be insulted you didn't ask me or not.

Written By Sophie

July 6, 2019, 10:23 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

You would think a week of relaxation away from the House of Solace and most responsibilities would have me refreshed, but no. It has me antsy and anxious to get back to work. I fear I'll return with a list of things I want to accomplish. Interesting how down time only succeeds in giving me more work to do in the long run.

Still - I'm exceedingly excited about the projects that are ahead of the Mercies! We will be the agents of change that Lagoma charges us to be!

Written By Amari

July 6, 2019, 10:05 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

I had no idea horses could be so unruly and ill behaved. At least one of them preferred apples to mayhem and Norwood's greenhouse was spared further damage. Still, what an incredible mess they left.

I think they ought to be called Duskshire Destroyers. With that much spirit they'll be terrors on the battlefield.

Written By Mabelle

July 6, 2019, 5:43 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

Sand box in place.

All my ducks in a row.

Two ships floating on the Laurent pool.

Yummy prizes.

I'm ready to party!

Written By Neviah

July 6, 2019, 4:29 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

Once, there was a maiden...
and before her came all the peoples of Aion, and knelt.
They set aside their petty squabbles in her name.
They acclaimed her with many shouts.
They prayed for her safety, and her weal.
Not one of them struck free her chains.
"To know the world..."
" to own it," she said.

Written By Neviah

July 6, 2019, 4:28 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

Once, there was a maiden...
made from a lump of iron, shaped by wind, sea, and fire.
Fearing how wood might shape her, she ran, and did not look back.
One day, she forgot what she ran from.
So, she pulled out her hear to ask it.
"Why don't you look back and see?" it said.
So, she sighed and threw her heart away.
"I have no use for beginnings," she said.

Written By Shard

July 6, 2019, 4:13 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vincenzo

As someone with personal experience, I want to point out that Abandoned don't get to walk in the gates. They don't get to walk anywhere. They get to die if they show their faces anywhere near city walls. And while I don't think a real comparison is worth anything given the endless rivers of blood shed on both sides, I'm fairly confident more Abandoned have been butchered in their homes than Arvani since the Great Road came about. Beaucage alone is responsible for thousands of dead, children included, in response to one dead noble. Grayreeve decided to decorate Riven's borders with the tortured and crucified members of an entire tribe in order to show that he was put out. Other noble houses from the Oathlands have been calling not just for Abandoned blood, but Prodigals as well. Refugees were hunted down and murdered in a place of sanctuary.

I don't like seeing any undeserving family or House fall. I don't like child killers. I don't like murderous butchers in general, regardless of where their allegiances lie. There are monsters on either side of the line, but right now ours are being very fucking loud, so it seems strange to pretend like we can't hear them calling for more blood. More, and more, always.

As for Cardia and Jadairal, I really doubt the Nox'alfar would appreciate having them as embassy neighbors, but I'm even more certain there'd be blood in the streets if you tried to stick their embassies in the same city, let alone the same road.

Written By Neviah

July 6, 2019, 2:57 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

To find but one, just one other --- another which
recognizes, grasps your uniqueness... another
which makes less painful the questions which surround
your rarity, another which respects it and exalts it

then still, to kiss their mouth, to embrace the open mouth
that is so capable of multiplying your darkness
your completeness... O I say now

that is love, true love

- The Embrace

Written By Harlex

July 5, 2019, 9:46 p.m.(5/28/1011 AR)

The hardest thing in this world is choosing what matters.

Some get born with it, from a name or a bloodline and they settle for that and they make due.

Some get an idea stuck in their head early and can't shake it, usually once you think something there's really no shaking it -- just lingers in your mind forever.

Then others, well they wonder around a good while. Taking up this or that, passing through lives the way a breeze goes over the tall grass.

I was that way for a time. Strange to think it wasn't that long ago, in fact.

For those still out there who haven't I guess the only advice I can give is: Live through it. That's all you can really do.

Written By Martino

July 5, 2019, 3:07 p.m.(5/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaia

Word recently came back to me from Johannes that my dear Lady Kaia would be returning soon from Pridehall and the family estate. Partings being given to the mother and father, the sister perhaps also.

Truly, the next step of our journey will begin on your return.

At least, if I remember to visit Lottie's Place and have a befitting gift ready.

Written By Vincenzo

July 5, 2019, 2:57 p.m.(5/28/1011 AR)

Talk in the taverns is about another house gone while those skeletons in the closet are rattling their bones. That's I think three houses wiped out. Are noble houses growing like apples on the white dragon tree? They sure seem to be dropping off like apples, and that has me worried. How can I show art, establish trade routes and increase my business if houses aren't going to be around?

"Oh but you don't need nobles, Vincenzo!" I hear from beyond the journal which makes me want to shout "Yes I do! Yes we do!" except you can't shout in a journal, although maybe a reader hears a shout in their mind reading about shouting. I bet scholars get a kick at things like that.

The relationship between noble and commoner allows nobility to lead and make tough decisions, one person representing thousands, and on their shoulders a very heavy yoke of responsibility. I say yoke instead of crown, because the noble is in front of the wagon pulling and leading via their strength and focused determination so that the cart reaches the destination and prosperity is distributed. That cart isn't going to be moving anywhere when the ox aren't yoked, so the goods will spoil and the driver will eventually starve.

The vast majority of people in the Compact are those who tend fields and do the myriad of hard labor tasks which need to be done so the whole fealty can work. It isn't glamorous, it isn't easy but it's honorable work which supports their noble house that they're attached to. While some might feel helpless, a commoner has the highest opportunity and chance to change their lot through their efforts.

Maybe the Templars will be marching on a crusade? An increase in recruitment for them? Or more recruitment for the knights of Solace to protect the Great Road? I sure would be happier with more of those knights. The west is a beautiful stretch of country with all sorts of lovely villages and towns pocketed through forest, hills and valleys. Hard working and devout people. People who are getting massacred while Abandoned are able to just walk into the open gates of cities while spies of the enemy move unhindered. Goodness, there's foreign representatives given opportunities to push their propaganda to people who aren't even sure what they believe right here in the capital, and I don't recall ever hearing about invitations for the Compact to be doing the same in those strange lands. Can't we send them back home as our good king already said no thank you? Maybe that's too strong.

Why don't we have two embassies built then, one for the Cardians, one for the Undying Empire. Right next to the Nox'alfar one. Maybe then something better can come out of having them stick around. Build an embassy, and allow the Compact to have one in their capitals.

I worry and wonder which house will fall next, and what we can do to prevent it. I know it bothers me seeing noble houses fall. It should bother everyone.

Written By Willow

July 5, 2019, 2:46 p.m.(5/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Duarte

If I had known, I might have stopped by. Most of my communing with and prayers to Mangata happens at the beach shrine. The fish and Atrium are lovely at the place inside the city, but the sea breeze breath and heartbeat tides feel such a stronger and more primal place to make that connection.

Written By Willow

July 5, 2019, 2:42 p.m.(5/28/1011 AR)

Today, I miss my neice terribly. The sound of her singing echoing through the gardens. It is only my own voice that breaks through the distant pounding of waves, the birdsong resonating through these beautifully cultivated empty chambers, the sound reverberating into a silence as distant as Everwinter.

What was cloying heat last year reads as a warm embrace, this year. I wrote something finally, but not the poetry I said I would. On its face it is fiction. In its essence, it is more like projection. Fictionalized admittedly, but it bites closer to the heart than I would like to admit.

Days like today, I am reminded of something a shav I once knew would lament. "Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain." Warchief Mandragor, you are righter than you knew.

Written By Evangeline

July 5, 2019, 2:42 p.m.(5/28/1011 AR)

I have come across a box of long forgotten letters I feared were lost forever. My fingers dance over their broken seals, carefully unfurl the old, worn parchment and it is as if I am transported back in time to when I first received such correspondence.

It began as a project for an advanced etiquette course at the Courtier Academy in Setarco and quickly became something else; A passion. There were so many letters after a while, and I knew I could not possibly answer them all. When I gave notice of my hiatus, I heard hearts breaking all over. Perhaps once I have settled myself in Arx, I can take up the quill once more. For the sake of sharing, here is one of the first letters of beseeching advice I received;
Dear Evangeline,

I find myself silly for writing to you, but, I cannot help the feeling in my heart. There is someone I fancy and I fear my feelings are not reciprocated. This person is so near and dear to me, they might think of me as a sibling. My love for them began in childhood and has suddenly blossomed. I cannot eat, I cannot sleep. I am racked with worry that if I share my feelings, I will lose this person from my life completely. Please help me with this dilemma.

Not-a-Sibling in Setarco

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