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Written By Reigna

May 28, 2019, 6:22 p.m.(3/8/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

Are you going to make me blush, cousin? I hear of a weapon named Wildly Inappropriate and all manner of things come to mind.

Can you promised me one thing? Let me be there the first time Kael sees it.


Written By Corban

May 28, 2019, 5:29 p.m.(3/8/1011 AR)

I am flattered that so many found my work "On Chivalry" helpful enough to recommend to one newly dedicated to the path of knighthood.

For those interested, a copy is available at the Vellichorian Academy.

And for those who would like to discuss its teachings, I can usually make myself available for a meal or a tea.

Written By Rymarr

May 28, 2019, 4:25 p.m.(3/8/1011 AR)

To those who have extended their aid, whether directly or indirectly, to House Deepwood or its vassals these past few months? You have the sincere thanks of the Woods. We appreciate each and every one of those who have stepped forward with an offer or action of aid. Whether from allies, friends, or those who will someday become something more? I will not forget it.

Written By Joscelin

May 28, 2019, 11:41 a.m.(3/8/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollo

Sweet hands of Jayus, I just put on the corset given to me and created by you. Your work is stunning. The glimpses I've had of your other creations and projects... I am astounded, your work isn't just fantastic, it's -inspired-.

I honestly don't know if I deserve this, but it's so beautiful you'd have to pry it from my fingers.

This is a call to the city to observe Crafter Apollo's work; exquisite. -Exquisite-.

Written By Sparte

May 28, 2019, 11:37 a.m.(3/8/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rinel

I've had the opportunity to witness the changes and growth in Rinel Tern over the years. Let me first say she is a fiery woman who has suffered greatly, and the flames have only been stoked by her experiences. She holds her beliefs close to her heart and is resolute in them, which is something that makes change difficult. When you are so sure of a thing as to make it a part of who you are, finding out it was flawed can be a hard thing to acknowledge.

Yet I've seen her doing just that. I know many have tried to snuff her fiery nature in an effort to teach humility and change, but that isn't what has helped her to change. If anything they have made her journey harder, because it is not in her nature to accept a heavy hand. In truth I believe many of those who have judged her most harshly would react much the same had the roles been reversed. People with strong opinions are destined to clash, and have for as long as we have recorded history. There are some extraordinarily entertaining journals between Lord Steel of the Metallic Order and a member of the court of Caer'alfar that highlight this.

Where Rinel's situation is different from so many others is that she speaks her mind without the authority to enforce her view of the world. She is a commoner through and through, with a lifetime of adversity and challenges behind her. Yet she speaks as an equal to those who do not see her as equal, she gives views that others believe are wrong with the sureness that there can seem to be no compromise. It leads to conflict, it leads to frustration, it leads to dismissal.

Yet she does grow, just differently. Not through punishment, but through self-realization. Not through condemnation, but through direction. She still stumbles. She is full of imperfections as are we all, but the fire that is within her is not one of them. It is a credit to her strength of will and passion, a thing to be tempered rather than snuffed. I believe that Rinel's road is still a difficult one, and I believe her nature will make it far harder before the end of her days. Make no mistake of that. Yet I also believe she is a person of deep value. If her flame continues to survive the challenges she creates for herself, if the parts that hold her back burn away without consuming the rest of her, then one day she will become a beacon. I look forward to that day, and I will continue to help her strive towards it.

So with that preface I give Rinel this piece of advice: Speaking up without being called upon at any gathering of a noble house isn't a credit to your fiery passion. It is a request to have your ears boxed and potentially put on display. If you question a choice, question it politely. If you disagree outright, make it known in writing or in private afterwards. Some will reject what is shared outright, and you will just have to live with that. Those who you might convince still will not tolerate being made to look bad in their own house, and you will accomplish nothing but more hardship.

Written By Valenzo

May 28, 2019, 10:22 a.m.(3/7/1011 AR)

Dunno how I wound up here, Scholar, but it figures this would be the place.


Ahhh, c'mon then, just a nip -- there's a friend.

...Aye, it's a fine vintage, eh? Dunno where I got it...suppose this vineyard's been dead for a hundred years, or hasn't technically been grown yet, or won't ever will be -- again, mind, the Dream.

The Dream is interesting that way, I suppose; sometimes you're in one spot, and then sometimes you're in quite another.

I've been thinking about it all -- the little family of ne'er-do-wells I've met during my time here -- and I love them quite fiercely, even though some of them are verifiably batshit insane.

I've been treated rather poorly, teased and mocked, and I'm sure some would rather I just leave altogether, so I suppose that's what I'll do for a bit.

Venture out, where the stars swirl and churn in their infinite potentialities, where all borders dissolve and recombine into pathways that a lonely traveler can walk. I have always loved the Gray Path, it is my heart and soul, and it's never lead me wrong.

You may see Valenzo Vincinatti again, but it won't be me -- not in truth. Or it may be that I finally just explode right and proper, what with the ties to two different Archfiends that were never cleansed or even discussed, not by anyone who claimed to be a brother, anyway -- too busy preening, I suppose, and fapping over his own intellect and supposing he pulled one over on me -- but that's the mad ones for you.

Whatever happens to me later, it's best I go now. Wherever, whenever.

For those who have been nothing but kind and sweet and hilarious and much fun, thank you.

Remember Grim Eye's lesson, but more importanly -- remember, it's just a Dream.

I hope we meet again, on the seas of potentiality.

Written By Lou

May 28, 2019, 10:20 a.m.(3/7/1011 AR)

The views and sights along the way have simply been glorious. They, perhaps, rival the western mountain range I went to not that long ago, the same place that could work as a griffon aerie had we any griffons to breed. Rival, yes. But they don't come quite close as yet. However, as we progressed, things took a wild turn and down a path that we did not expect. New discoveries were made, which require deep consideration. We'll still be moving forward with the next leg of our journey, which I hope will cast a lighter feeling upon us all.

Written By Sparte

May 28, 2019, 9:45 a.m.(3/7/1011 AR)

Growth. We're all familiar with the concept. People are sometimes divided on whether they want to grow, whether they deserve to grow, but all of us have experienced growth at some point in their lives where they could recognize it for what it was. Often when we look back on ourselves far enough back, be it a month or a year, we can see the changes in ourselves that we would associate with growth.

So with all of that having been said, I acknowledge that growth is a critical and important part of realizing ourselves.

Yet being reminded by someone who was waist high when the Silent War started that it ended five years ago has reminded me of another staple of growth. Eventually, we get old. Today I feel ancient. Five years at war, and so many around me have been at it far, far longer.

Written By Thea

May 28, 2019, 9:32 a.m.(3/7/1011 AR)

I'm not sure why Martino was so surprised about the low morale of the salad bowls. I did try and tell him no and to choose more---Southport dishes, but obviously he didn't listen and only gave me credit for cheese. See what happens?

And then, our supply soldier Danae Russo on behalf of the Mercies of Lagoma to expand their facilities, going to be giving a prize of a piece of star iron jewelry on offer crafted by Mistress Josephine. 25 writs of an any cause. *I like this way better than the salad*

Written By Lucita

May 28, 2019, 9:30 a.m.(3/7/1011 AR)

Another song finished, finally. That is five of the thirteen. But are they ever finished? I look back over them and think... that line could have been smoother, or grammar is terrible but it still makes the lyrics flow and have passion. Can people understand the flow of thoughts or do they seem disconnected to others? Do all the lines have to rhyme? Of course not, the song tells a story or conveys an emotion, memorializes an event, amuses, or any of many things. And sometimes they change, one bard or singer tweaking it, evolving it to fit a particular locale or group of people yet still holding the intent and core of the song. It is my hope that if mine evolve in such a manner that they are stronger, better songs. The ones I've been working on the past year and all of this year have been a task I set for myself, just to see if I could do it and what might come to mind. It's frustrating at times, parts coming easily and then stuck on how to fit a concept into the music. Still it is a challenge and in trying to meet it am learning more about myself.

Written By Celeste

May 28, 2019, 8:31 a.m.(3/7/1011 AR)

Let those who track the history of the Compact note that this March, 1011AR, marks House Tortorici's return to the Compact. No longer are they Shav'arvani, cast beyond the legality of the rightful domains of the Lyceum and the Compact. Their sins of the past have been paid for, and they have bent knee and sworn their service to House Pravus again.

Written By Martino

May 28, 2019, 3:27 a.m.(3/7/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Fiora

We must get a tea table cousin with the traditional markings for where the pot, cup and saucer all go.

If I remember last seeing one, usually there is a ring in the dead centre of the table for the pot.

One for the tea gardens that, wishfully, may be built at some point.

Written By Sina

May 28, 2019, 1:34 a.m.(3/7/1011 AR)

Life among the Scholars of Vellichor has been quite busy of late after my return to Arx from the Oathlands and the North, as we work on a number of projects, including a refurbishment of the Great Archive. We have been busy re-binding books that have been falling into disrepair, brightening faded illuminations, sorting, shelving, organizing, scrivening, cleaning and generally doing good work. I was pleased today, too, to raise Brother Gregory to the rank of a full Disciple of Vellichor. It was good to see so many Scholars gathered together in the Shrine to witness his vow-taking. I have also initially given approval for his idea of a tea room within the academy, so please, no letters are necessary to convince me. However, should you have ideas for what such a tea room should include, please feel free to reach out to Brother Gregory.

Meanwhile, I have about forty other projects that I am working on, so I do apologize if I am slow to respond these past few weeks.

Written By Amari

May 27, 2019, 9:59 p.m.(3/6/1011 AR)

I'm so excited! Dame Ida's agreed to create both Sparrowhawk and Wildly Inappropriate. I couldn't be happier and can barely wait to see her work and hold them in hand. It will be amazing to have these fuzzy things of imagination realized by a true artist.

Written By Lou

May 27, 2019, 6:45 p.m.(3/6/1011 AR)

Tonight I go off on a new journey, to hopefully discover a path to a new, but old, place. I am traveling with my beloved husband, Mason, Duchess Delilah, Sir Jeffeth, and my protege Lord Eddard. It'll be interesting to see what we discover, and I can only imagine it will be as exquisite as all of the other places I've been in the last year.

Written By Preston

May 27, 2019, 6:35 p.m.(3/6/1011 AR)

I've been told that some who are not even of the Order, or indeed Godsworn, have taken it upon themselves to pronounce what the Templars think or will do.

Let me assure you, when the Templars have something to say we are not reticent about saying it, and when we feel we need to act, we do so. We have no need of assistance.

Unless you hear it from myself or from Dame Esoka, I would take any pronouncements on the Templars' views with a dash of skepticism.

Written By Morgan

May 27, 2019, 5:09 p.m.(3/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Author of the most terrifying book I've ever read, and a great friend. Fierce warrior of the north, happy birthday to you!

Written By Renata

May 27, 2019, 4:37 p.m.(3/6/1011 AR)

There is not much, I find, that is of sentimental value and worthy of note. A letter here, perhaps, or a trinket there. Somethings. Nothings. Everythings. I will confess that what I keep, I keep close to my heart. I rediscovered one such thing whilst tidying my desk this morning. An exquisitely crafted frog of gold that fits perfectly within the palm of my hand. His emerald eyes blinked up at me as I rubbed my thumb across his head...

...and I smiled.

Written By Martino

May 27, 2019, 2:28 p.m.(3/6/1011 AR)

There are two quite superb raffles taking place at the moment in city. Danae Russo's charitable offer is so very pleasing to see and the opportunity to support the growth of agricultural learning by Marquessa Quenia.

First we have Danae Russo's on behalf of the Mercies of Lagoma to expand their facilities. A superb prize of a piece of star iron jewelry on offer crafted by Mistress Josephine. Merely 25 writs of any kind and for an excellent cause.

At the same we have Marquessa Quenia Igniseri's Lycene Clothing Raffle taking place with roughly a week left until the draw itself. With 5 tickets available at 20 economic writs and a superb range of gowns on offer. Quite the fashionable gain for the lucky ones. The Southport inspired gown quite something and, that is typical of me to say. Also for the Agricultural Center that the House Igniseri do plan to build.

Written By Martino

May 27, 2019, 12:04 p.m.(3/6/1011 AR)

The Malvici Dinner was, ultimately I think, quite the success. Quite a bit of the family came together for an evening and enjoyed good food, excellent wine and conversation.

Although the salad bowls took quite a morale hitting blow. At least Lord Corbit Leary could appreciate the good greens.

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