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Written By Radhilde

May 8, 2019, 9:09 a.m.(1/23/1011 AR)

Oh. My.

Written By Thea

May 8, 2019, 9:07 a.m.(1/23/1011 AR)

I have been tasked to do a few things for my family. One of which is isn't even a task. It's to go home and be keep an eye on my brother's pregnant wife. Of course! It's home and making sure the next line of Malvici comes into this world safe.

Written By Thea

May 8, 2019, 9:03 a.m.(1/23/1011 AR)

It appears I have a new nickname around the city. I'm not sure who to blame at this point for it spreading, but I certainly hope that it will end. Where's cousin Roxana to reclaim her title?

Written By Domonico

May 8, 2019, 2:53 a.m.(1/23/1011 AR)

Most spars I have noticed in the city are one versus one. How often does that happen in open combat?
So with that in mind I am setting myself the task of practicing two on two or more. Uneven numbers as well, training with the guards of nobles and knights. Hopefully this will help improve everyone involved.

Written By Valenzo

May 8, 2019, 12:16 a.m.(1/23/1011 AR)

Telling someone about what you see when you close your eyes and dream of your own future and hearing delight and encouragement is a balm on the very soul.

(...And with everything I've learned about it so far, Scholar, this soul needs a /lot/ of balm, but...that's a topic for another day, aye?)

Thank you. I pray you're with me when I touch the sky.

Written By Cambria

May 8, 2019, 12:15 a.m.(1/23/1011 AR)

Societies require something to bind them together. This may be a common interest, like protection of territory, but economic interests are transitory. In order for people to sacrifice for one another or defend their society, they need a shared belief - a common sense of reality that defines them versus outsiders. In addition to blood and soil, a commonly held set of rules is what defines a people.

Written By Ida

May 7, 2019, 9:28 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

I'm pretty sure if the King asked me for a commission, even when I wasn't taking commissions, I'd take the commission. What an honor it would be if our Sovereign thought kindly enough about my work to even make such a request.

Written By Mikani

May 7, 2019, 9:11 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

Favorite color is blue -

15,23,26,8,18,5,21,18,22 23,11,3 20,8,18 15,11,14,21,17 16,23 20,8,18 19,16,14,23 23,11,3 17,8,17,1,26,9,8

Weather in Arx is Windy.

Written By Ronja

May 7, 2019, 8:33 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Marisol

I hate the snow. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. The sea breeze on my face is a wonderful thing, and this is its horrible reverse, with snowflakes whipping sidelong through the air and stinging the whites of my eyes, and cruel winds making me feel as if my face might be sheared off completely... if I could feel my face at all, after more than a few moments in this. Perhaps BECAUSE I am so singularly unsuited for this weather, people are inclined to show me kindness... or perhaps I'm just an exceptionally lucky woman, constantly crossing paths with those who would be kind and generous to a stranger in need of a fire to sit alongside and un-freeze her extremities. Today while blundering about I was invited to sit by the fire with no less than Princess Marisol, of the Valardins. She gave me cider and food and, most importantly, WARMTH, and listened to my stories of my time on the seas with the kind of rapt attention that, between you and me, dearest journal, makes me think that she longs for adventures like that herself. Oh, and then after it all, she gives me a cloak. A cloak, gifted to me by genuine royalty! I've seen and done some THINGS, but I still didn't expect I'd ever find myself in that situation... I'll repay her generosity one day. After all, every day I don't freeze to death in this awful, cursed snow, thanks to this new cloak, is now a day purchased on her credit...

Written By Ida

May 7, 2019, 8:02 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

Sometimes when I have all the materials before me, the forge is hot and billowing with fire and smoke, the sketch has been approved, and the hammer is in my hand, I freeze a little in the moment. Worry that it won't come out as good as I hope, and maybe a bit of relishing the last moment before turning back is not an option. You'd think after all these years I wouldn't have that sort of hesitation, that pit in my stomach filled with /what ifs/ but, oaths and steel, it always seems to creep in.

Written By Petal

May 7, 2019, 2:34 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

I am still not taking commissions.

My reasoning is that I work on what I want when I want and at the speed I want.
The second is that if I have a to do list, the joy of creation becomes buried deeply
beneath the burden of obligation. Art is lost to the need for speed. Appreciation
vanishes in the haggling process. Guilt rises as it takes me longer and longer to
compete an order or as I far more and more behind. Trips out public become
stressful as I start to worry about what might be added to my list of things to
make as people see me.

It is never personal when I say no to a commission,I am saying no to everyone.
I would say no the king himself. If i make any kind of exception it is because
I wanted to make the item anyways. But even then I have to careful. I forget about
orders as my skips to the next project. I rarely want to make what I have to
make. The true pleasure in creation is creation that comes from joy and desire.

So please if I say not a commission understand it is about me and my art and
not about who asked or how much I like them.


Written By Petal

May 7, 2019, 2:19 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

I started to work on a line of Lily themed clothing in honor of the ArchDuchess Eleyna, my past patron.

While I realize that she was the White Lily, I am doing clothing in all sorts of Lilies. They clothing will include gowns, but also some more masculine outfits. ArchDuchess Eleyna was very creative and very supportive of my work and I think she will like all the different kinds of lilies.

Profits from the sales will be used to help fund growing lots of lilies at the Lodge in Spring and giving lily plants away for free in spring.


Written By Arianna

May 7, 2019, 2 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Man. If you lose to Jeffeth my dear we can't be friends anymore. I will be sorely disappointed and you know how I get when I get disappointed, rare as that may occur. Still, my money is on you because the underdog is always underestimated.

Sir Jeffeth. No hard feelings, you're a magnificent warrior of that there's no doubt but what's the meaning of loyalty if you can't stand by your pals when it all comes down?

Written By Torian

May 7, 2019, 2 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

I'm a simple merchant these days, and artisan if I must be more descriptive. In my youth it's true I was a sell sword, but I never really came to understand dueling. There is glory and there is honor in battle, and yet also there is no glory and no honor on the battlefield.

I understand duels are to be about honor, but what counts as honor seems to elude me.

Imagine taking personal having one of mine caught insulting a group of people that included some of their own, rather than simply calling out the truth, that you shouldn't make a derogatory claim about an entire family when some of them are also your own peers. You really shouldn't do it at all, but if you're going to be slinging mud at an entire family, it's probably best to make sure that one of them doesn't stand next to you when you do it. Probably good too not to defend mud slinging.

But what do I know? It seems that there is honor in defending the insult and the lie, despite damage to what should be a laudable group above such common trappings. I would have thought the honor was in earning ones own reputation, rather than sullying it.

I'm but a humble merchant though, and these things are beyond my station.

Written By Jeffeth

May 7, 2019, 1:47 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

I've never seen anyone write out a will before fighting me in a duel.

I do not remember the last time a Champion was killed in a duel. Of course there is danger, but the Champions guild is trained and practiced in how to engage in a duel while avoiding fatalities. Perhaps Orathy should have hired one.

I of course will only go to first blood and as always secure my weapon as soon as I see blood, either mine, or my opponents.

Written By Gunther

May 7, 2019, 10:25 a.m.(1/21/1011 AR)

My love,

Things is so much bigger then they tells ya. I mean when you just worried about gettin' by I reckon you ain't too concerned about all them things that they whisper about to scare the little-uns.

We is all in this big wheel together an' all. And it turns but it ain't just us. It turns with different things in it too! Like things that peoples ain't just ready to understand. And we is all tangled together so it's a wonder how the thing turns at all! You imagine that job? You goes here. You goes there. I'd hate to be that bucko just throwin' people out willy nilly to live they lives. Reckon even them Gods gotta muck that up sometimes.

I just hope in all that confusion they figure us out. They figure out we was and always is meant to be together. I ain't want to go on in the wheel if I ain't turnin' with you I reckon.

Love always,

Written By Joscelin

May 7, 2019, 10:18 a.m.(1/21/1011 AR)

I think I spend most of my day yelling at people to take off their shoes at the door and put on some gods' damned socks.

Also NO, snow is -not- food. Dammit.

Written By Gunther

May 7, 2019, 10:01 a.m.(1/21/1011 AR)

Mah Sally,

Ain't been seein' you in my sleep none. And it's breakin' my heart. Feels a lot like them Gods got something for me to do. I ain't to keen on it and it's all so confusin' and overwhelming to me. Ain't like I been the most learn-ed sort. All them books is just staggerin' to me and what not. Feels like all I was ever good for is eatin' vittles and knockin' heads.

I miss you though. Feel so torn without you. I tries to think on you ever single day but sometimes I'm just all screwy up in my melon and I can't get a good picture.

Must means I need to get to liv'n and doin' what I gotta do.

I just need the gumption to get er' done.


Written By Miranda

May 7, 2019, 8:26 a.m.(1/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese


Sweet Ribbons...

The last thing you said to me was music to mine ears and I may take full advantage.

You might regret it... Or maybe it will be me who regrets it.

"You don't need to win a fight to get a kiss."

It's still a worthy prize and great motivator!

Written By Miranda

May 7, 2019, 8:23 a.m.(1/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ajax

I have a new measuring stick in which to gauge my skills.

I love it.

Looking forward to more bouts!

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