Written By Peri
May 10, 2019, 8:43 a.m.(1/27/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Morgan
Written By Arcadia
May 10, 2019, 8:23 a.m.(1/27/1011 AR)
It's scouting day, today.
High-ho, a cheery-o!
It's scouting day today!
Written By Valenzo
May 10, 2019, 7:06 a.m.(1/27/1011 AR)
In the tales, she earned her title because of her power over time, but I occasionally wonder if it didn't mean more.
Was she forgiving? What would a hero of mine have thought of a poor shit like me, who has made choices (some I don't even remember) that sometimes seem irreversible?
I was in no position to find out while she still lived, by any measure, but...it still hurts to think I'll never know.
Written By Duarte
May 10, 2019, 4:25 a.m.(1/27/1011 AR)
Written By Dariel
May 10, 2019, 2:55 a.m.(1/27/1011 AR)
I will be back to the city soon enough.
Written By Octavia
May 10, 2019, 12:16 a.m.(1/27/1011 AR)
Just stab each other like civilized people.
Written By Octavia
May 10, 2019, 12:02 a.m.(1/27/1011 AR)
The truth is that a fourteen year regency is a rule in its own right, and a rule longer than my brother's was. Equally true is that Kennex has shed the shackles of its past, and thus I have the right to hold the title of Marquessa. My silence has resulted in some confusion.
I am ending the confusion now. I am not Lord Darion's regent. I am his salt mother and his liege, and he is my heir. I have no intent of having children of my own, so the line of succession will not change, nor will the voices, ministers, or sword of Stormward.
Written By Cambria
May 9, 2019, 11:56 p.m.(1/27/1011 AR)
Written By Aureth
May 9, 2019, 11:22 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
My mother was one of the premier tailors in the city, a seamstress who looked out for me and my brother with the fierceness of a she-bear defending her cubs. She was a strong personality. I was also a strong personality, and I look back on memories of the ways we clashed with some regret. For one thing, she wanted nothing more than for Fortunato and me to be as far away from our father's life choices as we could, and I decided as a scrappy young man with a chip on my shoulder that I was going to forsake our pleasant house in the Upper Boroughs to rent a room On My Own in the Murder. Which wasn't one I ever had to pay a lot for, because I worked for the family.
I don't remember that much about those days. I was high a lot -- it was easy to be high, easy not to make waves, easy to avoid conflict, to avoid commitment. I know I hurt some people in my callow youth. I don't know if I'd take any of it back, because the choices I made then resulted in a few things that I would never unwish. Still... there are some things I'd take back.
I had the run of the Boroughs whenever I wanted it when I was a kid. Myrinda knew that there's few things about a boy that age that are more constant than that if there's a place he's not supposed to go or a thing he's not supposed to do, he'll become fascinated by it. She managed her hoard of hellions -- not just her natural children, but a few others who were in our little group of friends, others who fell under the mantle of her protection.
There were some children I played with who disappeared and I never saw them again. And the thing is, that wasn't unusual. Sometimes, kids in the Boroughs disappear. Adults too, for that matter. People just ... go away. You don't question it, because you don't really want the answers.
There are a few of us left, boys and girls who remember. We always had enough to eat. And now I have reached unasked for pinnacles of wealth, a surfeit of all I could ask.
So what do you do with time and wealth, when you've always had enough to eat, but you know people who didn't?
Whatever you can to give back. Build programs. Grow the Faith. Minister to the people. The people that matter. Because what a kid from the Boroughs knows is, that's all the people.
As it happens, that's what the Faith preaches, too. What the Mother of Beginnings says.
When you have an opportunity to give back, you do. I'm working with the other priests of the city to expand our efforts not only beyond the bounds of Arvum, in seraphies all over the Compact, but to remember the people at home. To support efforts like those of the Solace, and like Mae Culler's soup kitchen, and locally run shops through the crafter's guild and through my hard-working protege, Mayir Grayhope.
I was born in this city. It's Death's city. And I'll never forget that.
Written By Bliss
May 9, 2019, 11:12 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Orathy
"It be gettin me thinking a wee bit. I ain't had the chance to choose not to eat rats 'n lizards 'n dogs 'n cats 'n the shit that walks on four legs in the Lowers...Aye, this why I ain't like yer fancy animals who be livin better than most the kids in the Lowers... Aye... I had to be doin what I be doin, because where I be born 'n them folk that brought me into the world died when I be a lad 'n ain't left nothin fer me. I fought fer all I did be havin 'n every scrap of food, every day, till the Cullers found me, then we fought together fer more 'n fer protectin 'em who can't protect 'emselves. Aye, life ain't always been easy but I be workin fer all I had. It ain't easy to stomach dem entitled wenches who ain't ever starved a day in there lives, lookin at me 'n thinking I be some lowly swag 'n a scumbag. Ya ain't ever lived as I did. I do be givin to me fellow commoners 'n I be fightin fer em, I be fightin fer every commoner who ever be labelled a damn criminal just because we be dirty 'n missin teeth.
Ain't most of them rich folk who live beyond the Lowers able to understand what it take to live on nothin 'n live only because ya gotta live, n' live because ya ain't want anythin or anyone else to feast on ya. Ain't most of 'em know what hunger does, what despair does, what bein' forgotten does... to a person. Aye. Iffin I be a monster, it ain't because of me, it be from the ways dem rich 'n titled folk keep the rest of us down.
Ahh shit. One day kids, yer gunna understand what Uncle Orathy be talkin bout. One day."
Let us take a look at this in light of today's events on the battlefield of honor. Messere Culler has often written about his poverty, as pretending to be an example of the plight of the poor, with a clear implication that he is better than others for this work. That he eats the same food that others do who are starving, that he lives with the same issues that so many do. That he is really, truly speaking for those in the city who are struggling, day-in and day-out. This is a noble thing to do, as so many of those people do not feel like they have a voice.
But let us be clear, Orathy Culler proved today that he is not, and never can be, the voice of the Lowers.
Not only has he shown his true colors as a coward by being absolutely, utterly convinced that he would die today, and making a dramatic deal of it - which no one who entered the grand melee did, I will note, despite all of us wearing armor of much lower quality - he arrived to this duel wearing millions of silver worth of armor and jewelry. Even if he did not own much of this jewelry, he was willing to throw thousands and thousands at it out of his fear of either death or even just losing a fair fight.
It is, simply put, pathetic.
It is, simply put, a betrayal to those who are actually poor.
How much could that money have done in building businesses and lives in the Lowers, Messere Culler? How many mouths could it have fed? How many lives could you have saved, if you truly are this dedicated to speaking up for those who cannot speak?
If you had accrued that much wealth - where do you get off telling anyone else that because they are rich, their opinions do not matter?
You are a hypocrite, and that is on display for the world to see today.
Written By Orathy
May 9, 2019, 11:10 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Aleksei
seems to me it be a smart thing to be doin to be making sure ya can even the playin field with yer opponent before ya fight. I do be knowing beforehand that Jeffeth be havin alarcite armor 'n he damn well use it 'n get the chance to use it. Course, I do be settin the terms to use any armor ya got, because what be the fuckin point of buyin that shit iffin ya can't use it or fighting, iffin ya can't fight someone at their best?
Aye, he beat me. Sound. I ain't be sorry fer what I did nor that people, aye, real people, be supportin me too by helpin me in ways that aye, I ain't think you got.
Pity that, aye. Pity.
Written By Orathy
May 9, 2019, 11:06 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Solange
Reckon our argument be starting when yer offering charity to anyone who be askin fer it. You be denyin me based on grounds that you ain't supportin those who do be seemin criminal 'n I reckon I do be going off on ya bout that 'n then ya do be callin my family all criminals too. Aye, reckon I do be apologizing fer going after ya 'n sending ya words that do be makin ya feel as ya be doin. I ain't liking to look in the mirror so much 'n I reckon I will be spending time to be doin that much 'n reflectin on what be happenin 'n where I made mistakes. Aye. I ain't got much time left, I do be knowing that. This place belong to much younger people 'n to those who ain't got such a reputation as I be doing. You be havin every right to be sayin what ya did say bout me 'n I supposin me losin, proves as much. I do be hoping you be acceptin me apologies. I ain't doin it on the field because I be too damn dumb, 'n worried bout my family 'n disappoint 'em. Shit, you be pickin the right man to be standin fer ya. He got blessins from the Gloria, aye aye. As it be, I be leavin ya alone now Whisper.
Orathy Culler
OOC: I accept consequences of not posing in the apology during the duel. MY REAL DUMB happens.
Written By Draven
May 9, 2019, 9:57 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Rowenova
Written By Malcolm
May 9, 2019, 9:23 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Like I said: the life's coming back in Shepherd manor.
Can't wait til spring.
Written By Tikva
May 9, 2019, 7:54 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Written By Tikva
May 9, 2019, 7:31 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Joscelin
While of course I favor buying things after my own taste, nothing makes me happier than observing fine artistry based on what the crafter chose, herself, to create. In addition to making the purchase, I felt inspired to donate to the Faith in honor of Jayus in her name.
Written By Ida
May 9, 2019, 5:43 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Get it?!
More truly, I am hopeful that the realm will see all manner of amazing new smiths come up much as I think I have over these twenty plus years. I am grateful to Greenmarch for allowing me the opportunity to teach what I love to a new generation, of sorts.
Written By Delilah
May 9, 2019, 4:57 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Written By Tikva
May 9, 2019, 4:55 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
It is a wonder how little one toddler is like another. I thought Asharion was a picky eater but he has certainly met his match in sheer contrarianism.
Written By Radhilde
May 9, 2019, 3:56 p.m.(1/26/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Archeron
And aren't you the kindest Lord there is. I read your words, I appreciate them and think highly of you.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.