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Written By Lisebet

May 11, 2019, 11:30 a.m.(2/2/1011 AR)

You sit on the bench, in solitude. There are others there, but still you are alone.

There is no sound but that of your breathing, the scratch of your quill on the paper.

The only being looking at you is yourself, a mirror reflection that seems to grow, to become more than you are or can possibly be. And you wonder. Can I live up to my own expectations? Am I making too much of myself? Should I even bother to try?

It grows heavy, the weight of all the misgivings, worries, fears. So heavy.

Almost too heavy.

But there is light. The rising dawn brings with it hope, and the thought that trying is half the battle. That giving up is no way to live.

I want more for these people - my family, my friends, my children to be. And if that means I must fight for it, so be it.

Written By Martino

May 11, 2019, 10:01 a.m.(2/1/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Danae

Seeing your generosity, kindness and dedication to our family through your recent gift to the Lady Thea is commendable to so many. Good luck sourcing the crate.

Written By Sparte

May 11, 2019, 9:27 a.m.(2/1/1011 AR)

I can believe I ate that. I wasn't prepared to eat that.

Written By Perronne

May 11, 2019, 8:51 a.m.(2/1/1011 AR)

Oh, dear.

It has been a while! I mean, for me to write. I feel bad about that - the Seraph from my childhood would definitely make unhappy noises about me neglecting my duty to Vellichor. But! In my defense, I have been writing a LOT of stuff, just not in journals. Letters, ledgers, financial plans, more letters, instructions to factors, requests to suppliers, MORE LETTERS.

There's been a lot of writing, is what I'm saying. And when it was all done, I've mostly just flung myself into bed and slept until I had to get up and start it all again. I've finally gotten a chance to reduce the paperwork to something of a dull roar, and be able to reconnect with a few friends, not to mention get started on other projects. I'm excited about them! It's all very exciting!

But I'm going to try to be better about the writing of journals. I don't want Vellichor to frown or be sad.

Written By Ailith

May 11, 2019, 12:42 a.m.(2/1/1011 AR)

Will, vision, belief.

Written By Dustin

May 10, 2019, 8:42 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

I once did not cross the road at a junction. Watch out everyone I'm a big bad criminal.

Written By Draven

May 10, 2019, 8:16 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

Another Compacty lesson! It's okay for Fluffy people to tell people how to defend themselves! Or how to spend their money! Well! I'm going to buy my Pyran Fireweave regardless of what Fluffy people say! I think people should hug more and be mean less!

Written By Draven

May 10, 2019, 7:37 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Gregori

It's okay! I be leaf in you Greggers!

Written By Lisebet

May 10, 2019, 4:46 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

Oh! I also learned not to put a lot of things in writing! Not even in journals.

I knew that, but the reminder doesn't hurt.

Written By Solange

May 10, 2019, 4:16 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Your apology is accepted. Now, as is tradition, we can consider this all done and finished. We can both move on to our respective lives without any ill-feelings between us.

Written By Solange

May 10, 2019, 4:11 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

What is done is done. An apology has been made, as is right. I will not dwell over a thing that a duel has already solved. However, I have made promise to write of my apology here in the Whites, and so I repeat it here:

It should not always take a duel to realize our wrongs and move to right them. I have been rightly shown by my own Champion, Sir Jeffeth Bayweather, that I have made my own assumptions of the rest of the Cullers based on rumors and reputation. I apologize for those and the words I spoke against those Cullers not involved. It was rashly spoken. I am sorry.

Written By Monique

May 10, 2019, 3:29 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

My dear, beloved Mistress Josephine has outdone herself yet AGAIN! The crown prize for the Redheaded Rebellion is a stygian work of wonder and I have asked myself (and the master of jewels herself) how ever I'm supposed to find the will to part with it. I SUPPOSE I shall consider this, whilst I ponder how best to repay my dearest friend for her selfless and sadistic kindness.

Written By Bhandn

May 10, 2019, 3:01 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

1/30/1011 AR

The date and time have been set for the meeting. I hope that this goes well. It will be important, nonetheless, which is why I felt it merits recording. It's been a long time since I felt anxious in this way, like I'm still squiring only this time I don't have someone to point the way to go. I worry that I'll be fumbling in the dark the whole way, but at the same time I think on just how many times I fumbled mounting a horse without overdoing it, before I finally learned to do it right.

Written By Riagnon

May 10, 2019, 3 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alessandro

When Marquis Mydas, Prince Ettore, etc. vacated the Acheron residence, he left behind a little-known mirror-lined room located just off of his former quarters. With those private rooms transformed into the offices of the Marquessa, the 'Shrine of Mirrors' remains shamefully neglected. Personal beliefs and hesitations aside, it's a comfort that Lord Alessandro has so graciously shown an interest in remedying this for us.

Written By Torian

May 10, 2019, 2:38 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

I'd like to document that I have learned today that because I am currently a successful merchant crafter, that at no time in my history was I ever hungry, fighting for food or shoes or the like. Through the blessings of the radiant one, all my past sufferings have ceased to have happened.

I owe a hardy thank you for such a gift.

I thank all of you as well, common and noble alike, who spend your money in the lowers or with the other Crafters. When you shop in my shop, whether you purchase a shoe, or the finest sharkskin bodice, or the thickest Cardian helm, your silver whether it's 10 silver or 10,000 pays for materials, assistants, transportation, and every piece along the way.

A piece for the skinner, a piece for the boy who scrubs the floor, a piece for the dock hand, and the ship's captain, and every man, woman, and child who's hands were put to the task along the way.

Your money spent feeds the working poor and puts clothes on their back. You may see a piece of clothing or of armor, some of them worth hundreds and thousands in silver. We common folk that make these things, however, see the food that puts on our tables and those of our friends, family, and staffers.

What profits remain the guild puts into helping poor folk start their trades, helping them acquire premises and the like. A good share of my own earnings help fund a school that houses, feeds, and teaches scores of orphans so that they won't be amongst those living the street life.

So I say again, thank you to all that contribute to the betterment of the common people by spending your coins, be it few or many, so that wealth can flow down from hand to hand to those that need it.

Written By Tikva

May 10, 2019, 2:03 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

One of the more difficult lessons a young nobleman can learn as he grows up in the world is the lesson of the dignity of his station. To understand that the honor of not only himself, but of a family name, of a House, his relations and his connections, relies upon his ability to ignore slights that are too far beneath him for him to respond. That if you rise to bait from rabble, it can bring you down to their level, and that if you permit those who rely on goading and insult to earn a reaction to get beneath your skin, you have given them an unearned victory by permitting them to bring you low.

I am tremendously proud of my son for demonstrating that he has begun to internalize that lesson, even at his tender years. His father did not always have the cool-headedness to show such restraint, though it is a dignity that I have seen often in the sober strength of his uncle Thesarin.

What possesses a grown man of any bloodline to attempt to callously bully a six-year-old is beyond me, but were it not for that absurd and buffoonish insolence, Tiber would not have demonstrated his public fortitude.

It is a lesson that we all must learn if we are to be credits to our houses. People will fling filth at you from below always; if you permit it to rattle you, you show yourself unworthy of your heights.

Written By Aleksei

May 10, 2019, 1:54 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

You didn't need your playing field evened, Culler: steelsilk is even better to fight in than alaricite. You were just looking to scrape whatever advantage you could find. Not that it mattered.

But no, I'm not envious of you having people who would let you borrow some stuff. What a weird idea. I've got plenty of people who would stick their necks out for me if I needed help. I'm not too worried on that score.

Written By Gregory

May 10, 2019, 1:30 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

I keek having a suggestion about an extension to the academy, a place to drink and study, or have freindly discussions. I need to talk to Archscholar Sina about it. I mean, I also need to talk to her about taking my vows, and what project I want to work on as a scholar, but tea as usual takes priority. At least in my thoughts. What follows in my journals my not be suitable for those not fond of puns about tea. For those that get angry over such things, let us not brew emnitea!

Written By Rysen

May 10, 2019, 12:46 p.m.(1/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Octavia

No one mentioned debate and testimony in any court save that of public opinion, as a means of finding the causes of unhappy effects.

I hope you will forgive me for dismissing the advice of a self-professed tyrant, who advocates for violence over truth.

Written By Lisebet

May 10, 2019, 10:59 a.m.(1/27/1011 AR)

It is strange to think that a week has passed so quickly.

I spent a week in the Shrine of the Thirteenth, reflecting. It's very difficult to not reflect there, as there are so many mirrors. The benches are in general not very soft, but they are very polished. Archlector Vayne's consulting office is quite lovely and the lemon-ginger tea is delicious.

I learned quite a bit in this week. I learned that I missed my family, both new and old, even when they came to visit several times. I am glad they did, that they turned to me when a small bit of assistance was needed. I hope that I was able to help.

I learned about the Thirteenth and Vellichor, about some of the similarities and thought-provoking ideas from discussion with the Archlector, as well as several others, some Mirrormasks and some not. I gained and shared knowledge, which I believe is always something to be glad of.

About myself? I discovered that I am a very social creature which is perhaps no surprise, not even to me. I missed the random interactions that did not happen as much as I am used to, the casual conversations and flirtations that go on, almost always during a regular day. I missed some of my favourite clothing and places. By the end of the week, I was very glad to have Harlan arrive to walk me back home. The snow was not so deep as I had feared it might be, so at least it was not over my head.

I am not certain yet if I am meant to swear to Vellichor as a Disciple. There is still thought to be had around that - I am certain that I am not meant to be godsworn, at least not while I still have family and youth. Children - most definitely - are in my future. Sooner rather than later.

I know it is possible to become a disciple, and still be married and have children, at least for disciples of Vellichor. I know, because I know some who have done so. One of the main questions I was reflecting on - is this the path for me? This question is still unanswered, but I have gained an appreciation of why that is, and some of my own personal concerns.

I am looking forward to future conversations on this and many other topics.

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