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Written By Maru

March 18, 2019, 1:09 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

It's been nearly six months since I sailed down here to Arx. With the weather changing, I think it's time to visit back home. Nothing like cliff diving in the brisk autumn breeze.

Written By Sparte

March 18, 2019, 12:04 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

It has come to my attention the Templars hold me in poor regard because of my role in the recent matter involving the Scholars. I make it known that I still take responsibility for my choices, and accept the consequences of my actions. There were other ways I might have handled those matters in hindsight, but what was done remains done. The Templars have my respect and my aid, and I hope in time I will have their forgiveness. If I do not, so be it.

Written By Peri

March 18, 2019, 11:33 a.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

I should really pop out some kids given all the chaos going on right now.

Not only is it sensible, I like kids and I know father will appreciate the day that he has toddlers crawling all over and getting into things. I see him visiting our neighbors who have children and coming back with a brighter look on his face. I would like to see that last longer. I am very happy to hear of the birth of a new Riven. I hope I meet her soon.

I have been pondering the oaths that nobles take when they marry. When it is my turn, will I go with a traditional oath? I shall talk with a priest of Limerance to understand more about this. I want to know if the traditions cover what I aspire to and what I expect from a partnership.

Written By Lisebet

March 18, 2019, 10:39 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Princess Liara's party was a lot of fun, even if I did not get to dance. I shall have to drag my husband out to the next dance.

Written By Lisebet

March 18, 2019, 10:39 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Princess Liara's party was a lot of fun, even if I did not get to dance. I shall have to drag my husband out to the next dance.

Written By Preston

March 18, 2019, 9:30 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

When I was a baby, I was found at the Rectory by a Godsworn man, a young man who had already risen to Legate and would rise further still to be Dominus. I was not sent to The Tragedy, because I was - so this man said - special. That I was blessed by the Gods. Perhaps he meant to have survived and been found before I died. Perhaps we are all blessed. What it meant is that I was raised in the Rectory. My playground was the office of legates, I ran between the legs of Archlectors, I was tended to and taught by the best teachers in the Scholars, the greatest swords in the Templars. I squired to the Grandmaster of my order, I learnt my trade.

I was raised so that I could become, so that Godsworn rescuer said, 'The Sword of the Faith'. For many years I thought this meant he saw me one day as legate, an office I have never thought fitting for me. Though the old Sword of the Faith, a former Grandmaster himself, shows how one such as I can do so, I was still young. I am still young. Then we discovered that the title used to be held by a Templar who wielded a sword of the Faith. Perhaps this was the truth now, that he thought I would be the one to find this blade or forge one anew, to lead the Templars. This seemed more like me. This seemed perhaps an interpretation I could understand.

Now, with all the changes that come, I wonder instead if he did not see this time of change and threat coming. He may not have known what it would be, but he knew it would test us all. And he knew the Faith would need to declare for our cause, for the Gods, and fight for our beliefs. He knew that experience would mean less, as we had not fought wars like this in so long, no Templar alive had the experience. Instead it would be a long battle, a long war. One that needed young leaders to see it through. Perhaps that is what he meant. Perhaps that is why his successor elevated Dame Thena as well. Two young knights of the most humble origins to shepherd the Faith Militant.

All I know is that I will uphold the laws of the Faith and the commands of the Gods.

Written By Ysbail

March 18, 2019, 3:51 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Avary

I am struck by Archlector Avary's white entry on the nature of truth, especially in the wake of the madness that seems to be spreading throughout the Oathlands. How people claiming to have righteous intentions use whatever means necessary to justify their own greed and bloodlust.

Written By Shard

March 18, 2019, 3:33 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

It's great that the Oathlands Orthodoxy is taking the time to condemn heresies in the North, seeing as they're otherwise so busy ignoring their oaths, breaking sanctuary, and murdering their own people. It shows a real commitment to the cause.

Written By Ysbail

March 18, 2019, 3:31 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

As always Princess your gentleness is a balm, a reminder that even in the most disheartening moments, the Compact is not without gentleness and compassion.

Written By Ysbail

March 18, 2019, 3:26 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Asger

Ours has always been a tumultuous friendship, with each of us shouldering blame for the way events steered our lives.

Only time will tell if I end up missing you, but I regret the way you died.

Maybe the dream of finding peace and acceptance within the compact is more far-fetched than I ever realized.

Written By Kaya

March 18, 2019, 2:45 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

I feel myself slipping into that endless void of nothingness. My feelings are numb. It feels like I am watching my life passing by. Like watching a play you can?t stop

Written By Monique

March 18, 2019, 1:28 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Well now. Isn't that interesting.

Written By Thesarin

March 18, 2019, 12:15 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Imogen Riven, daughter of Mia, sister to Vahari, has been born to the world while the sun was in the sky.

Countess Mia Riven is in fine health, taking time to mend and count the thousand blessings on her house and her family.

Written By Kheun

March 18, 2019, 12:04 a.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ajax

My new boss, I look forward to learning more!

Written By Fatima

March 17, 2019, 11:52 p.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliana

Congratulations sister. I hope you'll be very happy.

Written By Donella

March 17, 2019, 11:51 p.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

The Compact said in a resounding unified voice they would be with the Thrax in their undertaking to purge thralldom from the Isles. Now is the time to put action where only words have been. If you would assist the Thrax, you must do more than send them your approval and good wishes. You must be willing to commit your money and resources, your fighting men and women, your ships. You must freeze these rebels and those who aid them from life in the Compact. Take from the murderers no coin; their silver is sullied in blood. Refuse them your halls. Refuse them your ports and harbors. Refuse them the hospitality of your cities, the commerce of your markets, and the goods of your lands. Shun those who still give them succor. These betrayers have told you with their actions that they would rather do foul murder, and break their oaths of fealty than stand with you in virtue for the common good. And that sort of statement demands the strongest possible response. How will you?

Written By Kheun

March 17, 2019, 11:44 p.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

I met this man and he gave me a home! He seems pretty nice and allowed me to be his healer. We shall see where this goes in the future but for now I am just happy to have a person to talk to.

Written By Cadern

March 17, 2019, 11:39 p.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

While the research has slowed I did have an interesting discussion with the Archscholar. It was certainly illuminating but also it showed to me that I am just not tied strong enough to the divine to feel comfortable as a disciple of Vellichor. But it was helpful in getting a better sense of how the other senior Scholars view things. It still leaves me at odds between the different factions that research. But for now it's enough to continue to pursue. But it did answer one question of why the rituals are so important and that if I want to pursue that which I wish to protect I need to participate in them.

Written By Valencia

March 17, 2019, 11:29 p.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Lord Michael of Bisland, Sword of Pridehall, what would I do without you? His impromptu party to lift spirits was a delight. The dancing was enchanting and the gift an unexpected treat. His kindness and charming cheer is so well welcome and much needed of late.

I cannot say how much I appreciate his doing all this without asking a thing in return. He does it because he wishes to make people happy. I hope I can thank him enough for his kindnesses.

He is very much a treasure and a beautiful friend.

He makes me feel so very blessed.

Thank you, sir.


Written By Mia

March 17, 2019, 11:06 p.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

I offer this warning in the service of all fathers:

The late stages of your wife's term is a particularly inopportune time to mock her for her poor balance, lack of grace, and general swollenness. Yes, she may be slower than normal and thus far less likely to strike, but it's only a matter of weeks -- perhaps even days -- until there will be a tiny, squalling person prone to all sorts of unpleasant eruptions that she can inflict on you as retaliation.

Beware a patient woman. You've been warned.

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