Written By Ian
March 17, 2019, 2:32 p.m.(10/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Ford
I won't mourn him the way some will. He was a complicated man, and I saw a lot of sides of him. I know I have friends who'll be happy to hear that he's gone. I hope they'll remember the message his death was intended to send. This was revenge against my House for proving that the Isles can function without thralls. That by setting them free, we'll also untie our own hands.
Anyone who knows me, who knows my brothers or Lady Jan or the Marquis' siblings knows that for better or for worse, there's a stubborn streak that runs through Kennex blood. We're not going away.
Keep pushing. See what happens.
Written By Joscelin
March 17, 2019, 2:29 p.m.(10/4/1010 AR)
Where did my boots go? Time to unpack my cloak, as well, the fur-lined one in shark leather. I still don't know how Oliver came up with the electrum clasp on his own. The man didn't know alloy to elbow.
Written By Cambria
March 17, 2019, 2:22 p.m.(10/4/1010 AR)
Written By Helena
March 17, 2019, 1:18 p.m.(10/4/1010 AR)
To those I love:
If I hug you a little tighter, a little longer, a little more often, please forgive me and humor me. I do not want to regret not showing you how much you matter to me.
Written By Perronne
March 17, 2019, 11:48 a.m.(10/4/1010 AR)
I don't mean to pick on the South, either! While it's one of those places that jumps forcibly to mind when one thinks of rivalries and intrigue, the truth is that, as we're clearly seeing, the conflicts exist throughout the Compact. We're held together - to the extent we ARE held together - by tradition and alliances based on a sense of personal honor and the pressure of peers to keep each other in line, either through diplomacy, or force of arms. Unspoken and unwritten expectations that tomorrow will be very much like today, so long as no one starts kicking the apple cart.
But we are. We're kicking! Sometimes, it's for good reasons - I think thralldom is a tradition we have long since needed to consign to the dustbin of history, and I'm excited that there is at least some agreement on that. I think that the Isles and everyone else will be better, will be stronger, once it is gone and the wounds have healed, and that will happen all the faster if people didn't go out of their way to make things horrible. But they will. Some of them. But then, sometimes the reasons don't feel so great. I admit, I don't really know if people have thought through all the neo-noble elevations - I'm sure the elevated are very nice people, but there are other options for rewarding someone for being a nice person! Consider a purebred horse, or a really shiny necklace, before elevating someone and all of their heirs in perpetuity to the peerage, maybe. Side note: I like antiques and old, old heirlooms, and have absolutely no interest in a noble title. If it ever comes up and you need something that will cause a moderate amount of scandal as a reward. I will accept furniture! Small furniture. I don't have a really big house, and I'm not entirely sure of the sturdiness of the floor, so no ironwood armor racks or anything, even if they're made by Eris the Woodsmith from the Three Queens Era (but if you HAVE an ironwood armor rack made by Eris the Woodsmith, I'd love to see it).
Wait. What was my point? Oh, right, yes - good thing about journals, you can always read back to see where you wandered off the field. Basically: we're kicking at a lot of long traditions. Some for good reasons. Some maybe not for good reasons, but made way above my level of status or competence. But either way, kick kick kick. And people are going to kick BACK, because we don't really have a lot of us who see ourselves as 'citizens of the Compact' but rather 'members of X House/family/village/land', and the change in those traditions is seen as a direct threat on that identity. Things are gonna get surly for a bit. Dangerous. Unhappy. I think we're going to get through it, though. Most of us. We're just going to have to fight for what we really believe, whatever that is - and know that other people are gonna do the same.
Written By Domonico
March 17, 2019, 11:33 a.m.(10/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Sudara
I'm glad we won as how can I be a naval commander if I can't win a game like that.
Written By Rymarr
March 17, 2019, 10:30 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
I and we will defend them not simply because it is our sworn duty, but because it is our honor to protect those who have done nothing wrong besides exist. Those who placed a piece of their faith in us when they chose to rejoin the Compact under the banner of House Deepwood. Their only crime has been to return their strength, honor, and faith to the Compact. We will not be intimidated, manipulated, or threatened away from our principles.
Let us not forget that when the Compact needed allies, it was an army of painted prodigals with the three trees of House Deepwood on armbands that fell upon the northern flanks of our enemies when the Compact found itself under siege. Prodigals. Humans. People born on the back of Arvum itself. They did not win the battle alone, as no battle is ever carried to victory by a single action or a single person. It is a joint effort, with multiple parts and engagements contained within a larger framework. Their contribution to a Compact victory can not be ignored.
That display of honor, duty, and bravery when they were so very freshly joined with the Compact solidified their place among us. Regardless of the actions or inaction of their ancestors in centuries past, they proved that those who live today were willing to pit their mettle and flesh against our enemies, for the safety and future of the Compact. That is worthy of my respect and I will defend such a people. People who are recognized and accepted citizens of the Compact - not chattel to be used when convenient and then discarded when danger or need has passed.
Let us not forget, House Grayreeve, that it was Marquessa Samantha Deepwood who brought thirty thousand of such people back beneath the auspice of the Compact. It was the liege which House Grayreeve has so easily disregarded oaths to who brought greater strength and security to the Compact. Much like battles, the safety of the Compact is built upon the backs of many parts feeding their responsibilities to the whole. It is not too late for House Grayreeve to make amends to House Deepwood and the Faith of the Pantheon, before returning to being contributing members of our civilization.
Written By Kaya
March 17, 2019, 10:05 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Written By Willow
March 17, 2019, 9:30 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Written By Rymarr
March 17, 2019, 9:14 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
The blame for House Grayreeve's betrayal falls upon the shoulders of Count August Grayreeve. Throwing oneself behind him in support makes one loyal to his delusion and admits the willingness to follow one who so readily discards an oath given to their liege.
The treachery he so doggedly pursues reveals the shallow depths of his integrity.
Written By Rymarr
March 17, 2019, 9 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Kenna
Thank Gloria for courage in battle.
Thank Dame Ida Ferron for the dependability of the sword. Many blades in my personal armory were birthed from her forges, by her hands.
Written By Preston
March 17, 2019, 8:30 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
How do you fix many of these? By offering a chance for them to reform when you can. You offer them the chance to bend the knee, in doing so to adopt our ways of life, to accept the guidance of the Faith on how to worship correctly. Those lieges who welcome them in should provide proper education in our ways, our laws. You do not execute a common child if it questions why we must obey the High Lord - you teach it why you must, because before it knew no better. If that child grows into a man and continues to spout rebellion? Then you may act, knowing you attempted to educate, knowing this is a choice they made in full possession of facts. Of course, you do not make prodigals your closest advisors or nobles en masse, you never forget the past and must let them prove themselves in their new lives, you must never allow their old lives to be brought into their new.
I do not pretend either extreme is true, that we must save all or condemn all, for some worships are so heretical that you allow them into our community is to invite the Abyss, because they made a choice already and that choice damned them. But. There must always be that option where we can offer it. In so doing, those who are innocent might seek and find a better life. And those of us who must enforce the laws of the Compact and the Faith can then have confidence that our acts against the Abandoned who remain are then against those who are not innocent, and will not offend Gloria. That the deaths and battles we must face are necessary, that they are just.
And let us not forget there are those within the Compact who break the laws of the Compact - and worse who break the commands of the Gods. If in your blind rage to oppose prodigals entering the compact you should lift your hand against your sworn liege, or worst against the Faith? Then your crimes are entered into in full knowledge of the Compact, with no argument of ignorance of our ways. And you must feel confident in your reasons, for you will need to justify them, before a court, before your liege, before your peers, before the Faith, before my Templars, and before the Gods.
Written By Jyri
March 17, 2019, 8:28 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Written By Victus
March 17, 2019, 8:10 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Perhaps it's been too long since a cross faced Maelstrom's shores.
Written By Archeron
March 17, 2019, 7:57 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
My sister did accuse me of being trouble though - which is a terrible slur. I am nothing but sweetness and light.
Written By Marian
March 17, 2019, 7:48 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Asger
For those that would take his death and mold it into dogma to justify their poisonous words against prodigals and neonobles, please accept my deep scorn. For those that claim lack of respect fell this proud man, the swords of his loved ones are surely waiting in the wings to defend his honor. For those who claim that the Northlands have turned their back on tradition because they encourage bending on knee over genocide of the Abandoned, take yourself to the shrines of the Faith so you may abandon your fear of change and stop this fear mongering.
Let the Northlands mourn their Fallen with respect and honor.
Written By Octavia
March 17, 2019, 7:44 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
The waves do not care if you wish them to stop, and those unwilling to turn to meet them will be rolled over.
Written By Octavia
March 17, 2019, 7:37 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Ford
We had our differences, but they were differences that made our house stronger. You certainly ruled better than I did, but you ruled even better when we talked about what you were going to do before you did it. We saw things the other didn't. I'm going to miss your counsel, even when it enraged me.
Written By Kaya
March 17, 2019, 7:18 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Written By Radhilde
March 17, 2019, 6:31 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.