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Written By Valdemar

March 14, 2019, 9:38 a.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Actually, you are wrong. I don't care what your answers to my questions are. I don't care what any individual thinks the answers to my questions are.

I was trying to point out that there is likely to be a cost in blood for this vision, a price that will overwhelmingly be paid by Mourning Islanders who have never broken any other law. By Mourning Islanders who have kept their oaths so far, and who have fought and bled for the Compact the same as people from any other fealty. Not cultists, not servants of some foreign power. Now if you believe that cost to be worth it, that is a different argument that I am not going to have here, as that question has already been decided. Sometimes the cost must be paid.

However, attitudes like yours, if held by too many, will make this harder than it needs to be when those who survive must continue to live in the Compact. Refusing to respect the price that has to be paid will draw out the fighting and make it worse, further damaging the unity that I hear so many touting. So think what you want, but if unity is really that important to you, perhaps consider your words a little more carefully.

Written By Duarte

March 14, 2019, 8:03 a.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

When I cheer for the promised end of thralldom I can assure you I am cheering for just that, and not cheering for the 'death of your people'.

You pretend as if an individual is incapable of changing their own mind, and they've no choice over what outmoded practices they will allow to drag them - willy-nilly - to the grave. As if the sweet aroma of thralldom was like a siren's song beckoning these houses to crash upon the rocks of modern times and fall as martyrs for the nostalgia of archaic constructs.

I'm afraid indentured servitude is no such drug. If people die trying to save the institution of thralldom, 'twas their pertinaciousness did them in - not my cheering.

Written By Avary

March 14, 2019, 7:47 a.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

We've long had the idea of finite or absolute Truth, but my recent researchers suggest otherwise: that Truth may very well be dependent on the beholder.

We see this often in the Courts and perhaps it was one of those phenomenon that needed to be worded just so in order to bring it to light, though we in jurisprudence see it nigh daily.

For any crime there are often witnesses and each witness recollection or version of events is varied one from the next. From these accounts we seek to piece together an instant in time. But the Truth is as varied as each witness, and each witness is Truthful.

So does an evil man - a maniac - or a wayward cultist in firm belief of his rightness recognize Truth in his activity. It may well be he does. To the core of his person he may believe it True.

Is this perhaps what those gifted (or cursed) with unyielding empathy draw their insights from? An acceptance that another may see differently, but as True, and allow them to do so and so connect?

And so I say it is Integrity which does honor to the Sentinel: to have the courage and discipline to hew to what you truly observe to be True, and to not bear against it false witness or say that it is otherwise. Nor to, on counsel of others only, violate your sense of what you believe to be True and be lead down paths of darkness. And to also not have such conceit as to never allow for an expansion or shifting of that Truth to one that more closely approximates the nature of the Dream.

But know the Pantheon is great and diverse. And while one may hold certain concepts as True does not mean they are valid or honorable. And thus, under Gloria, in honorable combat, we see a weighing of whose is a Truth closer to the ideal of the Gods.

So it would be wise to seek and witness your Truths from a well rounded perspective informed by the doctrines of the Thirteen. And to hew closely to their doctrines and honor and worship them in your life through application of their tenets and concepts. For I can think of nothing more terrifying than being so lost as to see a twisted nightmare as True, and to work for its pervasion with solemn heart and dutiful dedication.

Written By Archeron

March 14, 2019, 7:14 a.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

These men and women, those who committed the most serious acts, were already weighed and judged by our systems. Perhaps there are alternatives, perhaps there are options that allow still for restitution, for the paying of a Thrallprice to the victims in place of or to soften punishment. But that might simply allow the wealthy to escape consequences, even if the intent is to help the victims.

There is much to consider, but Tyde knows death very well and never takes it lightly. There are 6 adults who were born to the name Tyde left on Arvum. And one of them is lost to us.

Written By Archeron

March 14, 2019, 7:03 a.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

It's interesting how different the young Duke is to what came before - his father and his grandfather both never had a problem with violence to achieve their ends, to find something better for Grimhall.

Written By Arcadia

March 14, 2019, 4:52 a.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Funny how someone can come back into your life and mess with your equilibrium.

Oh to be old and wise and not worry anymore about cruel hearts.

Written By Shard

March 14, 2019, 1:07 a.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

Actually, I will answer a part of it:

If people break their oaths to their lieges and the Compact as a whole over this (and it will happen), it's because they value owning people over all the rest. And if they value owning people over the Compact, over House Thrax, and over all their other traditions, then they care far less about unity than you do.

If they want to die for it, then they have made their choice and I see no reason to downplay that decision by pretending that the Compact forced them to sacrifice their honor and their loyalty for the sake of holding on to a tradition that is slavery in everything but name, and if we were still playing by their rules the punishment for their rebellion would be execution or an effective lifetime in chains.

Traditions are not good simply because they are traditional. The Compact, Great House Thrax included, obviously understands this, because Abandoned with incompatible traditions are forced to either give them up or die.

Written By Shard

March 14, 2019, 12:49 a.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like my answer to those questions.

Written By Kenna

March 13, 2019, 11:33 p.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I happened to be in Mistress Josephine Arcuri's shop when I came across a fantastic bear pendant. It was so perfect that I had to buy it, but it was more silver than I could personally hope to own. I do not know how to repay Rhea for helping me with the silver to impulse buy it.

I think Riagnon enjoyed it, though I can never be quite sure.

Written By Kenna

March 13, 2019, 11:31 p.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Everything I said about Lord Michael Bisland is true.

Every word of it.

I'm not sorry.

Written By Reigna

March 13, 2019, 10:19 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

We are to move back into Keaton Hall, and while it was certainly an honor to spend the summer in Valardin Manor, I admit. I am *very* glad to be returning to our home. The preparations have begun and the experience of trying to wrangle four children is proving more of a thing than three. Our little Wildfire is just that. She has a swift temper and is quick to scream when she is put out for any reason. I think I have done my service to Keaton for the foreseeable future. We have four children between the ages of almost 4 and one month old, and three of them are heirs.

As our brood have only one cousin, young Elaine Keaton, I am beginning to turn my eye towards my cousins. Surely some of you would like to help me populate the next generation of Keatons, right? Right?

Written By Ilmia

March 13, 2019, 9:07 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Sir Struttington had a very busy evening night before last. The poor peacock was delivering presents and poetry. I think I now need to find two presents that are worthy of a certain Lord.

Written By Helena

March 13, 2019, 7:01 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

Some of us knew you were a bard long ago, but congratulations on your new standing, Captain Mockingbird. Your voice is always one I am happy to hear.

Written By Valdemar

March 13, 2019, 6:14 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

I have been struggling with what to say about my High Lord's recent decision, as I see everyone celebrating all around me. The first thing that must be made clear, however, is that house Grimhall will comply with his proclamation, will hold to its oaths of fealty. We will do our duty.

However, I do not celebrate with the rest of the Compact. The abolishment of thralldom will anger many, and perhaps push them to rebellion, leaving those of us who rule over domains in the Mourning Isles in the position of considering the use of force against our civilians. So while you cheer, understand exactly what you are cheering for. Not just what you see as the good that will come from it, but all of it. You are cheering the likely slaughter of those who feel cornered, who are seeing their way of life stripped away from them one tradition at a time. If you deem the cost worth it, fine. You are entitled to that opinion. But if you actually believe in the unity of the Compact, how can you cheer for the death of my people? People who have been a part of that Compact for centuries, who have been sacrificed by that Compact for the safety and security of others at least once in the past few years alone?

Written By Klaus

March 13, 2019, 5:23 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gilroy

The sentiment is well welcomed and appreciated, but I might be beyond saving. Perhaps tattoos in places I can cover up? Might work I think...

Written By Coraline

March 13, 2019, 5:19 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Klaus

I wished to return the public declaration of love for you dear husband. While many might never understand, I do love you dearly. You helped open my heart when I thought it irrevocably harmed.

However, you go making public declarations of such as you mentioned and I shall love you as you eat living squid for the rest of your days.

Written By Joscelin

March 13, 2019, 4:32 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

No, my cousin is not the captain of -this- Josie, his -ship- is named 'Josie'.

I knew there was a down side to that. Tehom's tits.

Written By Miranda

March 13, 2019, 4:26 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kincade

Riding a horse with you is very exciting!

You are a delightful surprise!

Written By Domonico

March 13, 2019, 1:47 p.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

Please note that I am not the 'Mean' one and that any attempt to gang up on me will be met with failure. Thea has yet to learn that she can't best me yet. Annoy me certainly, and I don't need you encouraging her further.

One a side note, thank you so for the well wishes.

Written By Margot

March 13, 2019, 11:04 a.m.(9/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Donella

It seems the same ghosts continue to haunt both of us.

Every time I feel as if they've been laid to rest, every time I feel as if they should be at peace they rise up again to remind me they are not and justice still needs to be done for them.

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