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Written By Jyri

March 19, 2019, 1:19 p.m.(10/8/1010 AR)

Bunch of bloody foolishness.

Written By Sorrel

March 19, 2019, 11:44 a.m.(10/8/1010 AR)

I am working on the Order of East Light quite a bit lately, what with Princess Coraline being busy being a newlywed, among other things. I would like to see it thrive and prosper, for I believe that reviving ancient traditions is something the Isles needs right now. We are working on a project which will renovate an ancient ruin to be used once more for the training of knights on Maelstrom. Yet it will take many resources and much time.

I had the good fortune to speak with Princess Liara Grayson yesterday, and she gave me some ideas about fundraising. I can only hope that others who are interested in this sort of thing also step up to help me with it. This is one of those times when I truly miss Princess Coraline's talent for this sort of thing.

Written By Mikani

March 19, 2019, 10:32 a.m.(10/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ford

What can I say about the late Marquis Ford Kennex that hasn't already been said?

When I first met Ford - I didn't know he was a noble. He was of a character that seemed comfortable in any environment. Needless to say we became friends because of our deep appreciation of rum and alcohol in general.

When I became Voice - he was a great help getting my feet under me. To help me understand the importance of enduring change not just quick solutions. How to learn from our combined past to bring a brighter future for my people. How to hold my head high when those around me would seek my downfall. I can never repay him for those invaluable lessons.

There is more I could say - yet I won't. Inside joke and personal moments are for the Black Journals and not the Whites.

What I will do is implore the others of the peerage, newly formed houses to dawn of compact houses and traditional houses to progressive houses, please consider vocally speaking out against violence like this. Speak out against the short minded belief that adding to our diversity makes us weaker. It is our diversity that defines our strength as a Compact. Speak up when there are those who wish to see the peer next to you fail. We need to stand together or I promise you we will perish together. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. Long live the Compact.

Written By Sabella

March 19, 2019, 8:57 a.m.(10/7/1010 AR)

The Grayson portion of A Taste of Arx could not have gone any better last night and I have to thank all of our amazing vassals who went above and beyond in coming out and showing everyone how utterly fantastic they all are! There as music, food, wine, apple butter that isn't actually butter, appletarts, pies, cakes, jewelry, maps and even more on offer! But the absolute best part was seeing everyone come together in these uncertain times and have fun. I can still hear all the laughter ringing out from those that watched and participated in the relay and everyone that took part in the debate was so delightfully serious about such a fun topic. Congratulations to the Nightingale who won herself a pair of steelsilk gloves with an elegant defense of pies, and to Baron Silas, Lord Pharamond, and Lady Tabitha who won the relay race!

I am truly grateful to all that participated and everyone that came. We are stronger when we're together and last night just proved how worthwhile it is to engage with those you may not see very often. I can't wait to see what happens with the other parties this week!

Also I'm pretty sure Baron Silas flew, but I had had a lot to drink by that point so perhaps it was just a trick of the light.

Written By Kaya

March 19, 2019, 5:41 a.m.(10/7/1010 AR)

I awake again to my heart racing. I am not dead but perhaps I am not alive either. I lay there unable to move as the sensations slowly return to my body. I imagine this is what it feels like to return from the dead and your body slowly has to get accustomed to living again. My head screams at me as I wait for the tide to pass, leaving me afraid to slip back to sleep again because next time I may never wake up.

Written By Athaur

March 19, 2019, 1:13 a.m.(10/7/1010 AR)

And yet more madness as things descend further. We must not allow ourselves to be torn asunder by minor differences. I am here. My people are here. We are not going anywhere and we are not afraid.

Written By Caith

March 19, 2019, 1:01 a.m.(10/7/1010 AR)

Have you ever seen a lemon thrown, like, 900 feet? I have! It was a truly spectacular feat of athleticism to behold! If you ever have the opportunity to witness it, I highly recommend it.

On a completely unrelated note: I am sorry, Carys, for the tart fruit that struck your head this evening.

Written By Lycoris

March 18, 2019, 10:16 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Spoke too soon.

Don't tempt fate, children!

Written By Lycoris

March 18, 2019, 9:45 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

The war in the Lyceum grows closer and closer to the lands of Brassfall. I worry. Of course I worry, that things might spill over and begin to affect my new home.

But then I realize my neighbors in the Lyceum, those whose problem that this may be, must be far more worried.

I'd like to hereby extend an offer of help. If you are Lycene and in the need of a diplomat to help you in sorting through this mess I will happily assist you as best as I can. Please get in touch.

Written By Lycoris

March 18, 2019, 9:24 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kamaria

The day I bought the materials for my wedding dress, I ran across a woman in Brassfall who proved herself worth her weight in gold when it came to navigating the waters of the market. Not only did she help me to survive such an ordeal, but afterwards we became close friends and business partners. I sent for her to join me here in Arx shortly after I arrived and after quite a bit of pleading on my part (and maybe a bit of bribery) she faced the treacherous journey here.

And now she has arrived.

Her room has been prepared, her provisions seen to.

After a brief conversation with her, however, it seems as if she's capable of so much more. And that is why I have taken her under my wing as my first protege and appointed her Minister of Coin.

Welcome to Arx, Kamaria. Your help in Hawkmour has already proven immense. It was worth every expense to bring you here. I look forward to seeing you grow.

Written By Rysen

March 18, 2019, 7:45 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

I accompanied a small group of physicians to the village of Eresport not far from Arx. The reports coming from Eresport were disturbing: a large number of dead bodies in the town, without any evidence of violence - but the reports did not compare with what we experienced when we arrived.

Though bodies littered the town - both human and animal - there were, in fact, three survivors, who had holed up in a house. Harlex, a skilled swordsman and captain of the Crimson Blades, and I broke down the door., which would have been my last memory, but for the masterfully crafted armor of Josephine Arcuri, which turned the arrow meant for my heart. Upon interrogation, the survivors told a disturbing tale, that, to fully recount runs the risk of unnecessary panic. The physicians present, including Lady Gretchen, Lady Olivia, Baroness Skye and Rukhnis, gathered a number of samples from the heaps of corpses as well as other objects of interest, including a peculiar flower that was found near each of the homes of affected villagers.

Things changed drastically for the worse after nightfall, and I will say this much about the courage and valor of my companions: I have had no better brother in arms by my side than Harlex Valtyr, nor, in spite of whatever protestations he may offer in order to maintain his facade of buffoonery, which no doubt aids his various schemes, can I fail to mention the courage and skill of Gilroy Grayhope, who risked his star iron adorned neck to stand between a violent death and his comrades. Nor quailed Lady Gretchen, Baroness Skye, or Rukhnis, who remained focused in spite of unspeakable terror. What can I write to convey the courage and dauntless spirit of Lady Olivia, whose actions heap honor on the House of Ashford? Perhaps it is enough to admit that the bravest of us do not wield swords.

Under the protection of the gods and spirits we made it out, and did our best to contain the threat, but questions persist. I'm sure the Physicians will publish their findings when they have fully examined the evidence, but I cannot rest now without knowing the answers. With all that took place, I find my admiration and respect for my retainer Rukhnis growing by the day, as her intellect and senses are undeniably sharp, nor was she anything but steadfast in the face of mortal danger.

Written By Orathy

March 18, 2019, 5:57 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliana

Outta get ya somethin, yer all married up 'n stuff. Reckon I hopin yer gunna be happy 'n I be gettin to see it.

Written By Orathy

March 18, 2019, 5:55 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ford

Ain't knowin ya, but ya set a good start.

Ya told people we ain't gotta live by the chains yer people put us in.

We ain't gotta be the class we be born in.

Yer death ain't be in vain. Freedom be comin at a cost.

Written By Orathy

March 18, 2019, 5:52 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa


Who knew I can be earnin 10 silver fer me letters! Fer me words. Reckon she fancies me, aye she does!

I outta see iffin this works on the rest of them fancy silks. Wanna letter from Orathy?! 10 silver!

Written By Maru

March 18, 2019, 5:07 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Why is it that people only appeal to tradition in order to justify something that is so clearly wrong?

Traditions exist to preserve the stability of the Compact, they say. The end of Thralldom will spell ruin for the Compact, they say. Elevating new houses to the peerage disrupts the stability of the Compact, they say.

Does not Skald teach us the importance of choice? Does not Limerance teach us the power of oaths? Does not Lagoma teach us the importance of change for the better?

I am so tired of the small-mindedness of those who would appeal to traditions in order to ease their shame at the immorality of their path to wealth and power.

Written By Victus

March 18, 2019, 3:10 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

In war there is death. It does not matter if you chose to fight or if you chose to abstain. If war comes to your lands, it will extract its toll as it cares to.

War is but another, darker aspect of our world that is wielded as a tool. Sometimes for the righteous, sometimes for the despicable. It can become easily twisted by the ulterior -- when good intentions become marred by greed, hatred or blood-lust. What separates us from savages is that we have our boundaries. An understanding of what is right or wrong, our restraint. Most importantly, our honor.

When men wield the power with other's lives being the resource, it falls to them to use that power with the utmost responsibility. Whether their duty is by their word alone or to their House and country, you fail your command when you overstep those boundaries.

Attacks on refugees who were provided promise of safety and defiling sanctuary granted by a holy Seraph is grossly overstepping. Acts perpetuated barbarically by those consumed with hatred before reason. Our word and honor are the strongest bonds that separate us from the low and take us to the height we aspire to be. Without them, we are worth nothing.

I urge the quarreling Lords of the Oathlands and the North to reconsider how much blood need be spilled. These differences will only stain your House's legacy if you continue down this path of senseless violence and diminishing of our Faith.

Written By Reigna

March 18, 2019, 2:50 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Our hearts mourn for the lives lost in a needless attack on Compact citizens living peacefully on Oakhaven lands. We grieve for the breaking of the right of Sanctuary, granted to another citizen of the Compact before being cut down in in the shrine itself. As we mourn these losses, we ask that our brothers and sisters in Faith take a moment to reflect upon themselves, their actions and their hearts. Do not let hatred, anger, or fear, cloud our eyes or sway our minds away from the Sentinel's justice. Say prayers to Gloria so that her will guides your hand and her chivalry fills you with genuine righteousness. Honor oaths sworn in the name of Limerance and embrace the strength that follows in the wake of Lagmoa's change.

We ask to be given time to resolve these issues in a manner befitting members of a shared Faith. True Justice demands nothing less.

Written By Kenna

March 18, 2019, 2:15 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Before we of Acheron were even able to set out to convince the Count of Threerivers to pull back from his ill-placed siege, devastation has fallen. His folly is his own, and I place his blame firmly upon his head for many deaths that occurred during his siege of Last Bridge.

However, there is much about the destruction that cannot be laid at the Count's feet. Word has come that when his forces found themselves in an unwinnable situation that they surrendered to those of Bellerive, Blackram, and Decalmbre, ... but were not given quarter. Instead they were murdered in cold blood.

These deaths I lay at the feet of those who chose to attack rather than give diplomacy a chance to work.

Blood is upon their hands.

Written By Preston

March 18, 2019, 1:46 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Sanctuary is more than ritual, more than words. It is a command from the Gods, it is an ideal. Once broken, it is hard to put back together and that places one foot on the path to the Abyss. My sorrow and my anger compete to see which is greater as news comes from Oakhaven. The truth must be discovered, and if someone claiming the title knight did this, then I know Limerance and Gloria weep together.

Written By Mia

March 18, 2019, 1:44 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

It is only her second day in this world, and we do not yet know who or what she will become. And yet our dear little Imogen has made quite the impression, which I record here now for her to read someday, many years from now.

Vahari is quite taken with the idea of no longer being the only girl in the nest and is dreaming of all the future moments she will finally be able to share with you. I suspect a few conspiracies against your brothers may be among them.

Rohan, our most rambunctious child, is unexpectedly calmed in your presence. Too young to remember when Kelleth was born, he's quite stunned by how very small you are, and has apparently decided it falls to him to protect you.

Kelleth has reminded me that he asked for a boy, not a girl, and has informed me that is not happy at the idea of having -- and I quote -- "another sister to boss him about."

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