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Written By Radhilde

March 21, 2019, 1:45 p.m.(10/12/1010 AR)

Gosh, I don't think I've ever had such fun! Princess Elgana did such an amazing job and all who helped her, gosh! House Redrain sure knows how to throw a party and a real tribute to the North!

I especially enjoyed that toast made by Princess Donella too. How fitting, how perfect!

Written By Aureth

March 21, 2019, 11:32 a.m.(10/12/1010 AR)

Heresy is not understandable confusion, it is heresy, and will be responded as such. Those who embrace it will have the opportunity to repent. Mercy to the repentant is a virtue. Yielding to defiance is not mercy but weakness. Those who are prepared to recognize that they have been led into error will be forgiven and embraced. Those who will not will face the consequences.

Do not stand with heretics. You will not enjoy the results.

Murder is a crime. Once a person has bent the knee and accepted the grace of the Compact, they have accepted its protection, and those to whom they are oathsworn have a holy duty to defend them as any other vassal. Neglecting those duties will, indeed, get you in hot water with the Church.

Breach of sanctuary is not the only crime. It is merely the one against which we have no choice but to act first and to act swiftly.

Also, if you honestly think you are going to win a "debate" against the Faith upon any of the above, I strongly suggest you rethink. While we are temperate men and women in many circumstances, we are also men and women of our _word_, and our oaths are given to protect the Faith and to defend the Faithful.

We will do so.

Written By Kaya

March 21, 2019, 9:51 a.m.(10/11/1010 AR)

My thoughts race in my head.But I just want to drown them out. Can I sleep and awake? Till tomorrow when everything has changed. You tell me to face my problems but I am sinking way to fast.

Written By Peri

March 21, 2019, 9:41 a.m.(10/11/1010 AR)

Question of the ages: Tell kids that the earlier they learn to read the earlier they can find out how much trouble you got into when you were their age -- or let them figure that out by themselves?

Written By Delilah

March 21, 2019, 8:53 a.m.(10/11/1010 AR)

Poets are all who love, who feel great truths,
And tell them; and the truth of truths is love.

Written By Perronne

March 21, 2019, 8 a.m.(10/11/1010 AR)

It's always a disappointment to see people who you still consider the kin of your raising and fellows of your heart fucking things up by the numbers, as it appears certain Oathlanders are doing.

I, of course, support the withdrawal of the Knights of Solace from those lands that seem to be Abyss-bent on murdering people who have bent the knee, and shattering some of the most deeply held traditions of the Compact and strictures of the Faith. Who breaks Sanctuary?? A complete moron, that's who, exceeded in moronity (is that a word? I don't think that's a word. But it's a good word! I'm keeping it.) only by those who shelter or defend such actions.

For merchants who will be affected by the dangers of the roads without Solace protection, I'm happy to use my Almanac data to map the safest and fastest routes AROUND those demesnes, but you're on your own if you want to supply those guys. Just remember: people who will break Sanctuary definitely can't be trusted to pay on time, in full, or at all.

As for Prodigals...gods above. They've done exactly what we've asked them to do. They've bent the knee, they've renounced their previous ties, and they're citizens now. Even the ones who still dress and act a little too much like shavvy bandits for my tastes are still OUR PEOPLE. Keep our bargains with them. Act with honor. You don't have to trust them, heck, I don't trust most people who've been in the Compact their entire lives, but slaughter is...well, it's slaughter. There's no such thing as a 'good slaughter'. It's not a word people use for good things!

Stop making all those Lycene jokes about Oathlander hypocrisy true. They're terrible jokes!

Written By Sina

March 21, 2019, 2:35 a.m.(10/11/1010 AR)

Vellichor charges us with seeking knowledge, and with writing our lives within these white journals that there might be public records of our history as we know it. Lately, I have not felt inclined to write here, for reasons that I must keep to myself. However, I cannot remain silent today. Too much is happening throughout the Compact which requires the voice of the Archscholar. My voice cannot be quelled, especially when I see a situation in which the seeking of knowledge is being stifled. So, I will tell a story today about an experience that changed my world view. I hope that it will help whoever reads this to consider another world view as well.

Some time back, I was dealing with a particularly problematic person. Without naming names, I will say that I sought the advice of Dominus Orazio on how best to deal with this situation. I was newly raised to the position of Prelate, and it was shortly after Mother Bianca was appointed Legate, before I became Archscholar. At any rate, the advice of the Dominus to me was that I should not try to force this person to my way of thinking, nor give them all the answers, nor deny them access to knowledge. Telling this person not to do something was only more likely to make them want to do it. Instead, he said, my role was to gently guide and educate this person, and encourage them to seek the answers on their own. This is the Dominus that I know. This is the Faith that he has instilled in me. Compassion. Patience. Understanding.

I learned a valuable lesson that day. As much as I tried to push and prod and cajole this person to do (or not do) something, I found that they resisted me at every turn. But, when I gave that person the freedom to ask questions, to explore and learn, they opened up to me, and became very endearing. We had a long, meaningful conversation, and I believe that it did some good. Since then, I have seen my role as Archscholar in much the same light. It is not my place to tell anyone what to believe, or not believe. As much as it is within my power to do so, as much as I am able, I will always be willing to speak and listen to anyone who may be experiencing fear or doubt. But it is not for me to give you all the answers. You must learn truth for yourself.

I write of these things now, because I have heard the news of what is happening in the North, and the thought that these people are falling away from the Faith fills me with regret. I have spoken with a number of Spirit Walkers over the past few weeks as well, who have expressed their growing concerns to me. I hear you. I understand your concerns. And I cannot remain silent.

While I naturally cannot condone anyone breaking oaths, or forsaking the Gods, or the founding of a New Church of Petrichor without sanction from the Faith, I also must wonder at the threat of violence in answer to questions of Faith. These people are departing from the ranks of the Faith because they are unhappy, because they feel threatened and left out, because they feel as though they must change who they are as people in order to be welcome within the Compact. It is not with the Sword that these questions must be answered, but with Words. Vellichor's teachings charge us with seeking truth, and guarding knowledge. Do not let your zeal blind you to the truth that lies before you. Even if it is difficult to see and acknowledge it, what must be acknowledged is that there is a deeper underlying problem here. Seek it. Find it. And approach it with wisdom and compassion, rather than fire and swords. Words are more powerful than you know.

Written By Beatrice

March 21, 2019, 12:48 a.m.(10/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Princess Reese Grayson is a marvel gifted beyond reason, stronger than steelsilk and kinder than we deserve.

Written By Sorrel

March 21, 2019, 12:14 a.m.(10/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ysabel

I have been quite blessed to take Baroness Ysabel Gilden of Caith as my protege. She is a charming woman, quite delightful, and I think she will truly blossom as we collaborate together. It should be a very fruitful relationship. I just hope that I can be a good patron to her.

Written By Shard

March 20, 2019, 10:35 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

Do oaths of fealty mean anything to the people they're sworn to? Do you feel any obligation toward your citizens? Any regard, any concern? Do justice and honor even matter at this point? Breaking sanctuary is terrible, but is that really the only fucking thing to even get a response? Are we just going to ignore /why/ sanctuary was broken? Do the lives of all those other people--/your people/ whose oaths /you accepted/--not matter because they didn't happen to die in a shrine?

Are we just going to be okay with a loud chunk of the Oathlands deciding that it's perfectly fine to start attacking and murdering prodigals, so long as those prodigals aren't on their way to be godsworn? For a whole bunch of refugees fleeing from Compact lands, not because of invaders or illness or disaster, but because their own liege lords have decided to either turn a blind eye to this or actively participate in it themselves?

Do our lives not even merit a stern fucking word or two to our murderers?

Written By Aureth

March 20, 2019, 10:17 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

There is literally no acceptable excuse for the spilling of blood upon holy ground after the grant of sanctuary. The guest rights of the Faith are inviolate and to suggest otherwise is an attack upon the body and heart of the Church.

We will investigate the news circulating from Oakhaven with the extreme care that this matter necessarily requires, and the liege lords of the guilty will have the opportunity to make right their transgressions by penance and punishment.

But make no mistake, this is an assault upon our very self, and it will not be tolerated.

Written By Orrin

March 20, 2019, 9:25 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I've had quite a number of inquiries over recent days about Seliki pearls; the popularity they appreciate gratifies me greatly. If you are searching for a lovely bit of jewelry fashioned of our pearls, I would first direct you to Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius. In her capacity as Guildmaster, I would believe her to be more knowledgeable about the availability of Seliki pearls at market than I am at any given moment; in her capacity as craftsperson herself, I have not seen lovelier work.

House Seliki works with artisans on a case-per-case basis, after coming to mutually satisfactory terms that prize the well-being of our divers, county, and people above all. Diving is a dangerous calling, and we would see our people do it with rested, clear heads, that they return to the cliffs of Pearlspire another day.

Written By Joscelin

March 20, 2019, 9:25 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I've always loved pearls. Most of the ones I've worked with are much smaller than these, and not nearly as luminescent, nor as resplendent or as abundant in colors. Oh, the colors...

It takes time, years and years to create a decent sized pearl, say the size of a pea? Regularly, the ones the Selikis send me are twice, three, four, five, SIX TIMES that size, and it's giving me a great deal of room as far as what I can create and how I can display these beautiful specimens. They can be carved as well, the nacre is precious though and I keep it all (I send them to the alchemists in the Guild that specialize in paints and cosmetics), I waste nothing.

I am blessed beyond anything that the Selikis are so very particular about who they let work with their pearls. Their ethics in labor are intense and awe-inspiring, makes the resources they harvest that much more appreciative and precious. I am humbled by the pleasure they take in what I do with them, and that they trust me to represent them in this.

Written By Bliss

March 20, 2019, 7:55 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

What a charming date. I only wish I had been paying attention to it about eight hours ago!

Written By Umbroise

March 20, 2019, 7:53 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

It saddens me to say that our attempts to negotiate a peaceful withdrawal from Last Bridge have failed. Where diplomacy fails, bloodshed ensues, and only gives rise to further outrage among the aggrieved parties. We will continue to seek a dialogue with House Threerivers in an attempt to ensure this vicious cycle of blame comes to an end.

We mourn the loss of life that has ensued over this breakdown in diplomacy, and we will renew our efforts to find a solution that will ensure the safety of the people. We call upon House Blackram to consider the weight of this situation and set aside blame. There is enough blame to go around. Negotiation cannot happen if each side continues to blame the other. We must rise above this and see the larger picture to ensure stability of the Compact.

I am saddened to hear that the Knights of Solace see fit to withdraw from Blackram, Bellerive and Delcambre holdings. However, this situation has become dangerous, and it is advised to avoid travel through these lands until peace is restored.

We travel to Threerivers to speak with the new Countess and foster goodwill among Acheron's vassals that we might encourage a more amicable solution. We advise the other side to consider carefully before engaging in any further hostile acts. To slaughter those who have surrendered in cold blood requires that justice be served. But we will seek to avoid further escalation of violence in these regions, through hard work and diplomacy preferably.

Written By Merek

March 20, 2019, 7:52 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

I think that the tasting with alocohol is an amazing and also a quite interesting thing!

Written By Fecundo

March 20, 2019, 6:27 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

For two of the major adventures I have attended, I have received a book afterwards. The latest was courtesy of my sister. I wonder at documenting my own misadventures in a form other than the journals.

Written By Kenna

March 20, 2019, 12:08 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

I should not be pleased by the announcement by the Knights of Solace that they are pulling out of the lands of those who massacred the troops of Threerivers. It is an uncharitable emotion and one that does cause me shame because it will bring more ill will and more deaths to these places because they lack protection.

However I am pleased. I am pleased that the faith took notice of these absolutely despicable acts perpetrated by Blackram and its allies. I am pleased that these were not ignored. Moreover I am hopeful that Blackram will be too busy with their own troubles that they will give us time to seek peace in a now even more justifiably upset Threerivers.

Written By Rysen

March 20, 2019, 11:31 a.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

Though heavy shadows loom over my soul from Asger's wraith, I truly enjoyed myself at the Redrain edition of the Taste of Arx. The event was masterfully orchestrated by Princess Elgana, and exciting games were hosted by Lady Brianna and Princess Helena.

My brother wrote me from Stormwall to ask if it was true that Princess Liara Grayson honored the Crovane family by spending time amid the benches carved from the blackwood of our homeland. Such is the attention and admiration garnered by the Princess even in the far north. She is a warm light, and where she goes, good conversation, excitement, and all social graces follow in her train.

I am very grateful to all who all who came out to experience some of the Northern culture in which I take such great pride, especially Lady Beatrice Malespero, whose greeting I will never forget.

Written By Josephine

March 20, 2019, 10:56 a.m.(10/9/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Pearl spit.

Though I admit the Seliki's have some of the best pearl spit.

Greedy little bastards.

The pearl spit. Not the Seliki's.

They pair so well with Iridescite and they sit like a moon in star iron.

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