March 23, 2019, 6:02 p.m.(10/16/1010 AR)
I bought a book today, on a pure whim in a shop - Oswyn's scribe shop, very nice place. A steamy romance novel that got me quite hooked right away. I mean, the plot is really good in it.
I then promptly bought a bookshelf to put it in. Looked quite empty with just one book, so I stashed all the booze I got from the Taste of Arx parties in there too, and some other random things.
Now to figure out how to stop it all from falling out of the shelf when we sail. Hmmm. Alright, maybe I need to rethink this.
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March 23, 2019, 5:46 p.m.(10/16/1010 AR)
I did not suspect when I walked through the doors of the Black Fox that I would depart having met quite so many of worthwhile and excellent company. To the individuals in question, I salute you! And to the Black Fox, a wish for continued success forevermore!
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March 23, 2019, 3:55 p.m.(10/16/1010 AR)
So often these last couple of years, forging a blade is far more the reward than the silver gained for it. The serenity of the forge, or the workroom while coming up with sketches. The colors, the feel of the metal as it bends and sometimes seems to come to a life all its own. These are things that silver pays for, but sweat buys.
I'm still taking the silver, though.
March 23, 2019, 1:55 p.m.(10/16/1010 AR)
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Long have I heard rumor of one Dame Ida's talent for craftsmanship. Long have I heard rumor of Oathlands steel being superior to the mass produced weaponry as well. I asked for proof of both when I commissioned a greatsword in the Oathlands style from the 'Hammer of the West'.
I'm very pleased to say that my expectations were not met, not exceeded, but near entirely shattered with the finished product. It's more than I could have hoped for. I've always been envious of the greater metals like diamondplate, alaricite and so on. But with this piece, those concerns are immediately put to rest. There are only so many different ways to say 'incredible' and my vocabulary certainly doesn't encompass all of them.
It's going to be my honor to carry Dame Ida's work, this sword called Barathrum into the Tournament of Roses. And I'll even dare to say that it will be the audience's honor to lay eyes on the labor put forward by her own two hands.
Perhaps with Thrax's transition to a freed workforce, I'll have to see if I might lure any Oathlands smiths to the other end of the continent. A man can dream, aye?
March 23, 2019, 12:15 p.m.(10/16/1010 AR)
A lack of self-awareness comes as a corollary to intolerance. Intolerant people, in their speech and in their journals, advertise their tolerance. They justify their prejudice by projecting their jaundiced fantasy of "the other," to borrow from the academese used by another, upon real people who rarely conform to caricature. We never see ourselves as intolerant because we depict our foes as intolerable.
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March 23, 2019, 12:06 p.m.(10/16/1010 AR)
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Radiant Bliss! How apt!
You will lead Whisper House well, my friend.
Do not let it be said that Bliss will not make her mark.
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March 23, 2019, 11:57 a.m.(10/16/1010 AR)
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Have you seen a Mercy about all those problems? If not wanting to see one, I suggest a few days out in the forest. Will clear your head out proper.
March 23, 2019, 11:10 a.m.(10/16/1010 AR)
I went to the Queensrest for tea the other day. I had a good time with friends, but was somewhat startled to be recognized. Pleased, but startled.
March 23, 2019, 10:07 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
Whisper Selene's mens' clothes are absolutely stunning, comfortable and of the best quality. Time to get into this autumn thing and be prepared for winter this time around.
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March 23, 2019, 8:57 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
I'm not in Arx much these days, travelling more than I have my entire life before. Up and down the road, protecting people, fighting raiders, escorting refugees, guarding Hawkhold. When in Arx, I train the troops of the Iron Guard and the Knights of Solace, sometimes together.
The road is spectacular. Travelling has never been easier. That it's also the point of conflict baffles me.
The times I am home are so treasured now, spent with focus on my wife and my son. We make every minute count when we are together.
March 23, 2019, 2:03 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
I have procured the apples. I promise I won't have even a sip of wine before our experiment. Name the time and date my friend.
March 23, 2019, 1:57 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
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My cousin is a formidable opponent. I hope that we have the opportunity to race again. This time I shall come better prepared.
March 23, 2019, 1:49 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
I bought the most lovely waistcoat from Whispering Words for the most wonderful man. A fitting tribute, excellent quality!
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March 23, 2019, 12:35 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
That feeling you get when you score a deal on materials that lets you outfit yourself and leaves you just enough to spoil one of your harder workers, it's a great feeling. With a lot of contracts being completed, it's that lull that gets me whenever I am in the spot where I am just finishing up the last bits of the old while taking on the new. It'll be fun to see what comes next.
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March 23, 2019, 12:28 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
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You know, if you run into problems. You can prod me anytime, if I ain't on a job. I'll have your back my friend.
March 23, 2019, 12:21 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
All this being on land makes the inside of my skull itch. I miss my ships and my crew. The social whirl isn't the same. What we need is a social whirl aboard ship, somehow. It would have to be a very big ship.
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March 23, 2019, 12:17 a.m.(10/15/1010 AR)
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You know, you're maybe the only in this city that successfully managed to offend me. That's pretty difficult to do and that does warrant some congratulations. I would tell you to rest in peace but when I picture the explaining you have to do to your dead wife over using her passing to try and get laid I know you likely won't. But the mental image is hilarious.
March 22, 2019, 7:56 p.m.(10/14/1010 AR)
I feel as though what I have done so far here in Arx is still not good enough. I feel like there is something else I'm meant to do. I'm hoping that I will find what that is, or find something else to help with.
March 22, 2019, 6:33 p.m.(10/14/1010 AR)
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Let it be known that I am most proud of my sister, Thea Malvici. Her bladework and footwork has improved considerably in the short time she's been in the city.
March 22, 2019, 6:10 p.m.(10/14/1010 AR)
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It is often hard to find a line of men's clothing in high fashion. With the balls and parties, gowns are in high demand.
But Selene Whisper has done a fine thing with her line of waistcoats and trousers. My new outfit was a pretty silver. Yet I suppose I am entitled to treat myself from time to time.