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Written By Shard

Jan. 11, 2019, 7:49 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

I thought about this one. How to explain. Let me put it this way, and either it'll make sense or it won't. Or maybe it'll make sense later.

You went into battle as a healer. You saw war. Would you bend the knee to Cardia? To the Undying Empire? All of these great powers believe they know the best way. That their ways are right and true, and your ways are stupid and inferior and, in some cases, dangerous to yourself and others. At least one of them sounds as though they already believe Arvum is theirs. Another might lay a claim. What would you say to them, if they did? Would it matter to them if you told them the land was yours, and you and your people had been living on it for generations? What would you do if they brought armies instead of emissaries? Would you resist? Would you fight back? Why wouldn't you just bend the knee and accept their changes, instead of fighting for your people and your traditions and your beliefs?

I doubt any of those questions are hard to answer. They were never hard to answer for any of the people I used to know.

Written By Sabine

Jan. 11, 2019, 5:02 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc

A quarter of a year already spent and the moon turns its face, implacable. Inevitable. Every person's inspiration is different but I've the measure of my lord-husband now, every thread sorted, the tension exact.

There's satisfaction in knowing the weave and hues of someone's dreams.

Written By Evangelina

Jan. 11, 2019, 4:59 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

People that want a war will always find a way to get one. Instead of wringing my hands and trying to sound worldly for too long, I'm going to do something about this. I'm not sure exactly what, but I'm sure there are plenty of people looking to do something worthwhile, and I'm definitely interested in helping out!

Written By Sabine

Jan. 11, 2019, 4:49 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

Perhaps a little more of the steel fist, a little less of the velvet glove, is warranted in times such as these. At least in regards to those over whom we hold dominion. Not all steel need be delivered with the point of a blade, remember.

A first impression may never be made again and my darlings, you are doing their work for them.

Written By Mirk

Jan. 11, 2019, 1:06 a.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

I usually avoid wading into the controversy of the week, as I am not involved and therefore it's no business of mine. But this time? I am involved.

The Halfshavs have ruled one of the most remote lands in the Compact. Our lands border the Everwinter, and some of our vassals are so difficult to reach that I would consider hiring a skilled guide if I made the trip. Though I do not speak for my House, I speak from that perspective. The Great Road has brought us closer to the rest of the Compact, and I can only hope that our people will reap the rewards of the trade and communication that entails. Frankly, if Lord Kaldur hadn't approached me about this road, I was planning to do something much like it myself. My plans were for something far more modest, which would never have never been a tenth of the scope of this Great Road, and so I commend Lord Kaldur for his vision.

The Great Road is everything that I hoped for when I offered my support. Yes, there are difficulties that I did not foresee. But that means that it is not the completion of a project, but the beginning of a longer process of resolving our border disputes, untangling the delicate political situations, and reaching an accommodation or enforcing a peace on those Shav tribes that continue to raid along the road even now. All of that will involve problems and complications, some of which I'm sure I still haven't thought of. Those are problems I am willing to address, because the goal is worthwhile.

That is what the road is: the means to an end. Some people didn't have the same ends I did. Some are using it as the excuse to perpetrate massacres, or to start pointless wars. I don't blame the road for that, I blame the people. They have their reasons, I'm sure, but for the life of me I can't understand them.

I can't control their actions. All I can do is work to make the most of this opportunity, and try to realize the potential in what we have built, so that this road continues to be a boon to my House and my people. And maybe a boon to everyone else, too. But that's out of my hands.

Written By Thesarin

Jan. 11, 2019, 12:10 a.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

I like to reckon I've grown past the time of life a man spends breath making bold boasts, but there's days call for them.

Riven is home to thousands of Prodigals who've come seeking shelter from these storms.

Any fucker, in the Compact or out, who does harm to them under my protection will spend their last hours wishing they'd done elsewise.

And that's all.

Written By Lisebet

Jan. 10, 2019, 11:13 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

I don't know who it is, but I don't think I want to.

Written By Sparte

Jan. 10, 2019, 10:02 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

As has been pointed out, unity without purpose serves no good. It can even be something terrible. I find myself agreeing with the wisdom in those words.

It also reminds me of how very easily words can have many meanings. How context can be unclear. We find it in the archives regularly, accounts from distant eras that seem to mean one thing to some but something wildly different when properly understood.

But I can not pretend my words are taken out of context because they come from some dusty tome, or that the word had a different meaning when I wrote it. I must acknowledge the truth that others see things clearly that I don't, and that I have been guilty of choosing my words poorly. I strive to change for the better, but it has been shown that the intent of change is not always what is achieved. I will continue to try, while realizing stubborness is not a virtue but a trait I share with goats and donkeys.

When I wrote those words, it was while I looked at the current events. Two foreign powers have sought us out to speak, a third has come to spectate. With the snow so recently passed, and a clocktower broken. As if all of that was not enough, a grand road with grand vision for the compact's impact was felt suddenly and unexpectedly, good news that quickly soured. I felt anger and rage at the news of dead children and godsworn. That anger did not last, being replaced with sorrow. Then in turn, I felt numbness. Crawling away from that I found hope. Hope that we would face the challenges ahead of us together, because we are stronger together, and the challenges will be great.

But that hope has since chipped, and I see behind it the fear for more lives lost and injustices done. It was a fragile, blinding dream. I sought the positive because I hid from the truth of how bad things became so quickly. I should learn to stay away from the whites while I am still processing tragedy.

Written By Acantha

Jan. 10, 2019, 10 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gilroy

Master Gilroy, hopefully the messenger I sent about the Prodigal Meet and Greet with answer all that you need to know. We will be going ahead with things unless the situations become more threatening.

Written By Brady

Jan. 10, 2019, 9:53 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

So often, I'm glad I'm no kinda diplomat, or some kinda silk. There's a lot I don't understand about laws and treaties and shit like that. I try my best to clean up my words and my clothes when I'm around folks that might be offended by my origins. Not that I think I should, I just know better than try and argue with people who have vested interests in their beliefs.

There's somethin about being poor I only recently learned. You can adapt without 'losing' what you've got, which is basically nothing, when you're poor. If you're one of the Abandoned, and you've got a vested interest in, say, land, them you probably think you can't afford to lose it. If you're, I don't know, heavily invested in your opinion, or some great project, you probably think you can't afford to lose that, either.

Even at the cost of someone else's life.

Everyone's got their reasons for doing something. Their beliefs, their family, their money, their honor. I don't judge, I've got no room to. I'm glad I'm only heavily invested in my family, and the Lowers. I'm glad I'm not responsible for anyone's death. Not yet, anyway, thank the Gods. I wouldn't wanna have that kinda weight on my shoulders, or have to make those kinda decisions.

Written By Andry

Jan. 10, 2019, 7:09 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

It saddens me to see so many people, abandonded and crownsworn both do the work of Ruin. But we most not let these forces of chaos convince us that the noble goal of greater connections throughout the compact is somehow foolhardy. I know that we have the strength to build prosperity together as long as we perserve through the troubles in our path. The compact wasn't built easily nor will it grow stronger easily but I firmly believe it's worth it.

Written By Sabella

Jan. 10, 2019, 5:33 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Opening night was so incredibly wonderful I am walking about wondering if I am still somehow having the most delicious dream! Being up on stage and not watching from the seats! The intense feelings of anxiety and nervousness melting away as the first notes of music started and the only thing to do was become the character and sing! It was exquisite! I have for so very long in my life wanted to be up on the stage, to hear the applause, to have people laugh at the words I spoke and bring them to tears in another moment! It is intoxicating! For many years I was very discouraged that I never seemed to be able to make the leap, but now I know that nothing would ever have been as sweet as having my first debut be in a brand new type of play--a musical!--that my very own husband wrote. It was perfect. Completely, utterly perfect! I don't know that I shall ever see the like of opening night again.

Although I shall do my very best to recreate the performance for all our other engagements!

And of course, I must thank all of the other wonderful players who had such patience with me during rehearsals and give me so much to play off of every night! You are all amazingly and astoundingly talented!

The Nightingale and the Playwright deserve all the acclaim I am hearing and more!

Written By Karadoc

Jan. 10, 2019, 5:13 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

For an omelette, you see, a few eggs do need to be broken. No, Scholar, that isn't a metaphor. I am truly just talking about breakfast -- I slept in far too late in the afternoon and I'm famished. So, I'll have to see about that after I leave the Archives. Perhaps with some buttered toast, a rasher of bacon, and sparkling wine with peach nectar added to it. Some fruit. Doesn't that sound divine? Honestly, it's a much better subject to consider compared to anything _serious._

Written By Karadoc

Jan. 10, 2019, 5:10 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Someone must truly appreciate the charitable cause, I think, if they are willing to participate. Though -- you'll never catch me within leagues of that esteemed dinner guest.

Written By Teagan

Jan. 10, 2019, 4:37 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Had the Road been raised successfully, without a hitch, I imagine the very same people decrying it would be singing its praises.

Some people simply have a need to stand by the sidelines, wringing their hands and waiting to choose a side. These are the people that history will forget.

The Cloudspine stands at a crossroads right now, both literally and figuratively. However, Bellerive and Threerivers have been at odds for a long time. They have been in dispute over a stretch of land for quite some time. The road merely provided a catalyst and brought things to a head earlier rather than later. Those among you who simply need a reason to whine and moan can blame the road all you want, but these battles would have occurred at some point: they simply came sooner rather than later.

Did they come at a convenient time? No. But the Gods never give us trials when it is convenient and we should thank them for this because it is in the fire that we are tested and come out stronger than ever.

Written By Natalia

Jan. 10, 2019, 4:32 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Build it with their bones and wash it in their blood.

At what point does the cost of progress become too high?

Written By Alrec

Jan. 10, 2019, 3:32 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)


(Scribe editor's note: We broke apart his primal scream for clarity and legibility.)

Written By Shard

Jan. 10, 2019, 2:40 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gaston

Oh, I apologize. I had no idea you were mourning the thousands of dead Abandoned--men, women, and children--either left to rot in the wilds or burned in bonfires by their murderers. Mourning dead Abandoned isn't really something I've ever seen most people doing in the Compact, let alone from the Oathlands, let alone during this particular event. I've been seeing people talking about progress and necessity and how much they deserved to be murdered to the very last for daring to exist.

Ah, wait. You're talking about your vassal. Nevermind then.

No one should need some damned Prodigal sellsword to tell them that building an enormous road through the wilds claimed by dozens and dozens (if not more) of tribes that have been living there for potential centuries would end up being seen as a provocation, a threat, and/or a target. No one should need /me/ to tell /them/ that people were going to get killed. But I /did/ tell people. I /did/ warn people. I wasn't alone either. Do you think I'm writing just because I want to rub people's noses in it? I'm writing because thousands of people are dead on all sides, but particularly uncounted numbers of children, something being celebrated and seen as right and proper by a chunk of the very people who hold honor as their highest and most important value. No one's left to mourn them, and they'll be promptly forgotten, because a bunch of murdered children are inconvenient to remember.

This is why your vassal was attacked, I'll point out. Because the Abandoned don't bother to make distinctions between Houses any more than the Compact bothers to make distinctions between tribes. They were looking for justice for the dead. But, as I've already written, there will never be any justice over this. That's not how things work.

Written By Delilah

Jan. 10, 2019, 2:32 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Farewell, yesterday.

The more things change...

Written By Ouida

Jan. 10, 2019, 2:24 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

It struck me somewhat powerfully before dawn, when I knelt at my prayers, that not once during the news of these most recent events has my prodigal squire turned to me with surprise in his eyes or mystification as to how could the people of the Compact engage in slaughter of as many or more innocents as combatants, and that even of those who have bent the knee and committed to serve the gods.

And why is that?

Sometimes I think that in our arrogance we cease to remember that the Abandoned and the Prodigals are not stupid. I think sometimes we risk being too far removed from the realities of living on the borders--for both people of the Compact and those outside it. I think that we are sometimes too forgetful, myself included, of how little time has passed since the last time one house attacked or destroyed or moved against one another.

When I took a knee before Niall Redtree's mother, to give her my word-bond that though yes, he would be in danger as any squire or warrior is, but that he would be protected by me as I would my own blood, both she and I knew I that meant protection from those within the Compact as much as outside of it. And there is no one on our Isles who does not know that I have put plenty of the Shav'Arvani to the sword when encroachments into our protected domain were made. I have hunted down and killed to a last those that participated or abetted in the slaughter of my cousin's entire family, Abandoned or not. I did not come to their family bloodless and pristine and pure, a woman of diplomatic acumen and right words, when they bent the knee to us. They knew what others that he would now serve alongside had done.

I might fret that I have brought this good lad away from the safety of the island or our keep within Arx to expose him to yet more hatred and danger than he might suffer in the usual circumstances--which would not have been trifling either. But he knows. His family knows. And I must push past my own heart to honor them, as people, who now have the full protection of Harthall, as part of our domain. It may be someday, when he is a knight, that he will find himself wielding his blade against someone he knew as a boy, who did not bend the knee. Just as I know as a sword bearer for my House that the day may come when I will cross blades with someone that I once fought alongside or shared a drink together at some Lady's hall or another if our banners are called against each other.

But I will say this. If anyone harms or spills the blood of those who have bent the knee to Harthall, Compact-born blood will not save them. You will be hunted down like any other bandit or murderer, and made to answer in kind, or brought to justice outside of our lands. An oath sworn is an oath sworn. A word given is a word given. I will protect and defend and serve those who have pledged to us. May the gods help anyone who thinks that they can put a hand on any of our people without consequence, regardless of their lineage.

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