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Written By Alrec

Jan. 12, 2019, 12:01 a.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

Captain's Log: We got way too fucked up to face that storm. For a moment I thought I was going to wipe most of the Pravus line. Good luck explaining that but no, we made it safe and sound. Ready to visit my house and be with my woman, see my business and drink some of Venturo's wine.

Written By Monique

Jan. 11, 2019, 9:50 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Etienne

Happy birthday to the most wonderful man I have ever met. I promise, your present is not just me (though of course that would be gift enough).

Written By Gilroy

Jan. 11, 2019, 9:36 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

I did such a good job of talking up Sir Corban you'd almost think I'd met the man.

Written By Carmen

Jan. 11, 2019, 8:01 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

I've known too many good people who never learn how to fight off someone who means to do them harm. They think they can't or they're too busy or they think fighting is bad.

I'm not saying training would have helped in all of this. I wasn't there (and that's a whole other problem). But I hope people know they can learn, if they want to - and they should. It's a dangerous world.

Written By Kedehern

Jan. 11, 2019, 7:33 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

There are some people, it seems, for whom the whites are only used to attack their fellows, and pretend that it makes them their fellow's superiors.

Written By Macda

Jan. 11, 2019, 6:58 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)


All that rises under the Moon will rot.

Time and each other have men fought,
Yet stars remind of the cycle taught.
Cold lonely night burns in fatal day,
Upon his chest, her head did lay.
Swimming in smoke until she forgot,
Whispered words of secrets sought.
Cast out echoes filled with praise,
A perfection of pleasure is the way.
Her persuasive song secures an accord,
Blood and word, he does easily afford.
A climbing rose seeking a sun's power,
Yields strangling coils in night's hour.

Neglect not Dawn's required forethought.

Written By Perronne

Jan. 11, 2019, 6:51 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

No one ever really understands. I did not expect him to understand, but he does! It is a tremendous discovery, like if you spent your life chasing a pink duck - not because it was a magic duck, or proof of your rightful rule of the Kingdom of Duck, or anything like that, but like if it was just a duck that was pink and that was /fascinating/, but whenever you tried to explain to people why the duck was fascinating, you'd just get a lot of weird looks, and a suggestion that you'd be better off looking for fire-breathing horses instead, because at least fire-breathing horses are useful.

But Prince Laric understands the inherent fascinating qualities of pink ducks!

It's really pretty amazing.

Written By Aureth

Jan. 11, 2019, 6:51 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

A prayer to Thirteen:

We remember that the light of the pilgrims is compassion for others. Commerce is growth in your own pockets commensurate with growth in another's, and both of you profit thereby. A thoughtless reach for wealth is not an embrace of prosperity, but its empty, hollow echoes. Wealth in and of itself is no wickedness, but wealth pursued by means that forget the needs of others reflects no virtue. Do not forget what your wealth means, nor what it is for, nor why we perform gifts and charity.

We do not forget that blood spilled for its own sake is no glory. We embrace an honor that remembers the humanity of our opponents, and reject accolades earned spent in the deaths of children. We reject utterly those who would kill an unarmed opponent, an innocent, a child. We reject and condemn those who murder recklessly, with abandon, without thought to the honor of the act, or to the identity of their victims. I condemn you for this if you treat acts of slaughter as acts of honorable warfare.

We remember that an act of creation, an act of creativity, is an essential act of hope, a celebration of our better natures. We reject the feeling of helplessness, of misery and unhappiness, that would stifle joy and prevent us from reaching out and embracing the arts. Allow solace to come to your heart if you have need of it and reject the lure of apathy and regret, for you are alive, and with life, there is hope.

We recall in our hearts the importance of our given word, and its representative value as betokens the love and duty we owe one another. We hold our vows in our hearts and souls as the greatest pinnacle of our achievement, not because to hold them is _required_ of us, but because it is _difficult_, and there is value in that very weight. These are burdens we choose, and we choose them because we love them, and we love them because we love each other. We do not forget what it means to be forsworn, and we do not forsake each other.

We do not forget the value of our freedom, for without choice, all else falls away into slavery. We own the responsibility for our choices, because we are creatures of our own agency and will. We will not shunt responsibility for choices we make onto others, for we know that to do so is to accept that we have been enslaved.

We remember that no mistake is permanent, that no step onto the dark path is permanent, that no error can be so unforgivable that it cannot be learned from, embraced, developed and changed. We recognize that there are times when we are wrong, and we remember that to remain the same is to be stagnant, to be static, to be frozen in place, unchanging, unliving. To grow is to live, and to change is to grow, and we do not forget the healing grace of becoming anew.

We know the value of remembering our history, for we see what there is to fear in repeating it. We condemn ignorance as a greater risk than foolishness, for wisdom must be grounded in knowledge, or there is none at all.

We do not forget the grace in the light of the sun, the sweetness of the waters, the dance of life upon the wind. We embrace the light without fear of the dark, but we remember that the darkness lurks, and without it there would be no light, and without light no darkness to grant each other meaning. We embrace the freedom of the wind and waves, and we are grateful for the opportunity to quench our thirst, because we remember what it is to make do with drought.

We remember the grant of plenty that is the world around us, the green things and the golden, the life that swells and grows from each hillock, field, and dell. We embrace the gift of sanctuary and of hospitality and remember that without these things there is nothing but bleakness and waste. We condemn waste and are grateful for plenty, for we know what it is to be without and plagued with famine.

We recall the need for truth and sincerity in our dealings, with each other and before the gods. We know that no matter how much we insist upon the truth of a lie, the deceiving veil pulled over our fellow humanity's eyes will not deceive the gaze of the Watcher who sees all. We remember that falsehood is a flimsy precipice on which to build a reputation, a policy, a life. And we know that liars, ultimately, will find their falsehoods known, and the achievements they earned with their false tongues will be scattered like ashes before the searing fire of the truth that will scour them from this world.

We know that this life too shall pass, and that when it is over, we shall return to the loving arms of the Mother of Beginnings who wove us from herself. We remember her gladly, for without her we know that there would only be the curse of nothingness.

We remember that the dark mirror held up to the light is necessary, for without the dark, the light would have no meaning.

We remember that the Dream is what we make of it. We will stand, and we will make it together.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 11, 2019, 4:46 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

A friend made between swigs of rum and hearty laughter. It'll be interesting to see how things develop my friend.

Written By Bliss

Jan. 11, 2019, 4:45 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

I wrote three simple words as the reports started coming in of how absolutely catastrophic this situation was. My opinion still hasn't really changed, despite reading every White that has been written on the topic of the Great Road so far, but rather, it has been reinforced. Doing something wrong and then loudly and proudly declaring that you are proud you did the wrong thing doesn't make you admirable, it makes you stubborn, callous and intransigent, and your people are watching.

Trying to blame this on some supernatural force rather than on human failure and owning up to your own actions is a type of cowardice that is new to me, I have to say. Humans are flawed creatures; we strive to be at our best, here in the Compact, but we all fall short, and often. There isn't shame in this. Failure itself isn't shameful, it's just when it is avoidable that it becomes something that we need to speak on. This was avoidable.

I personally think that the idea of a road uniting the Compact is a brilliant one, and had the opportunity to really bring us together in ways that we haven't yet. The goal was admirable.

Had someone spoken to me about it beforehand, I probably would have said as much, and I would have suggested we start with building it where our roads are most heavily used, where the Knights of Solace have well-established routes, where we understand the Abandoned tribes the best and have our calmest relations with them. I would have said that we needed to send out diplomats to these tribes to explain the uses of a road and how peaceful travel and movement improves the lives of each and every one of us, tried to identify which tribes would never agree to such a thing, and that we should either come up with strategies to avoid these threats or to quell them. I would have said that we should identify these regional hotspots where any increase in trouble might explode out into war.

Instead, it was built nearly all at once, in a rush, and so far as I know, Whisper House wasn't even consulted. I, personally, certainly wasn't. Therein lies my frustration - this was a rushed job, something that should have been done piecemeal and carefully and then united through connections was done all at once instead, and damn the consequences.

Well, now we see what the consequences are. Dead Seraphs, dead potential mercies, dead soldiers, dead nobles, dead commoners, dead children. This road is paved with blood, and that blood is on the hands of its builders, because this could have been done differently. I do hope you sleep well at night, though I'm concerned if you do.

I also cannot help but notice that very few people who planned this road actually walk on them very often.

What could have been a great uniting force has started to splinter us. The pile of requests I have on my desk for how Whisper House can get ourselves involved or how I, personally, should get involved, seems to grow by the minute. Better late than never, I suppose. Our presence will be felt in the resolution here, and we will do our part in uniting the Compact once more and bringing peace. The way out of this situation is to look forward, not back, and it was out of something far worse than this that Whisper House was born.

But now this will all be far more expensive, bloody, and costly than it needed to be. Continue congratulations yourselves on that, if you wish, but I do have to say it's an awful look.

Written By Reigna

Jan. 11, 2019, 3:33 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

There is a vital difference between the points of your analogy. Which I very much appreciated, I should be sure to say that first. I am always happy to discuss differences of belief and opinion, and I hope you know that I respect your perspective and appreciate your sharing it with me. I do, however, still disagree and I hope you will see where I am coming from.

Prior to the Reckoning Arvum was split into four kingdoms. With the exception of the North which was ever warring tribes until Valeria made herself Queen by unifying them. But they were all Arvani. The land and the people were united within their kingdoms. Then the Reckoning came. And what was four kingdoms became five, became one. There were those who broke those bonds at that time. Refusing to unite under the banner of the Compact in favor of siding with the Abyss, or out of cowardice and fear, hoping to hide and ride it out on their own without committing to either the side of the light or the dark.

Thankfully the forces of the light won the day. But those who fought against them and those that refused to choose were no longer part of the light of the Compact. Perhaps in the centuries since they have forgotten what it means to belong. Perhaps their faith has been warped, distorted, not necessarily towards the Abyss, but rather into a bastardized version of the Faith. For instance, in Oakhaven, there are a small population of shav'arvani called the Ravenscrest people who worship Petrichor to the exclusion of all other gods.

I am likely getting away from myself. I do that. The point I am trying to make is this: At one point in time we were all the same. People from Cardia, or the Undying Empire -- they are foreign and have no claim on this land, nor its people. In my own, admittedly, humble opinion. They admit as much, claiming to seek to be stewards or guardians or whatever flavor of overseership they claim. What I am saying is that there need be no warring between the Abandoned and those of the Compact. We should welcome them into the Compact. Welcome them *home*. Yes, this requires that they return to the one true Faith. As any citizen of the Compact must do and acknowledge. Shamanism can coexist side by side with the Pantheon. Shamans will tell you the spirits are not to be worshiped. The relationship is different.

As long as those who feel Abandoned are welcomed in, given opportunities to acknowledge the true faith and abide by the laws of the Compact there should be no barriers.

Hopelessly naive? Likely. As evidenced by this roads project, large changes always result in upheaval and pain. But sometimes pain is necessary. Pain is a part of growth. Will there be problems? Of course there will be. People love to fight and complain and paint one another as other. We fight, squabble and war among ourselves. Adding in hundreds, thousands more will make that worse, certainly. But it does not mean it is wrong to do so.

So, no. I do not think the analogy works. Because Arvani are Arvani. Not Cardians, Eurusi or citizens of the Undying Emperor.

Written By Isidora

Jan. 11, 2019, 12:57 p.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

I for one stay out of politics. I'm a physician, not a politician. With that I am mourning all the life and blood spilled in this. I pray that Lagoma, Our Lady of Change, helps us through this so we can grow through this not be stunted by it.

Lagoma, Our Lady.
Your will is often unclear to us mortals.
Please be with us as we seek your guidance.

Written By Mikani

Jan. 11, 2019, 12:54 p.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

I find myself agreeing with those that speak of the Road as a neutral entity. It did not cause the problems we have, it is merely a tool that those who have anger and ill intentions within them to cause more chaos and pain.

For me, and I am speaking as me and not as my position as Voice within Redreef, this saddens me. As a Compact we are stronger together. We must remember that through this there are larger more shadowy things looking to wreck our connections. We must, now more than ever, remember what makes us similar. What brings us together. What binds us as a society.

Hold on to these truths as we go through this. I urge those that are far more influential than I to remember that. There is always another option to war.

Written By Orathy

Jan. 11, 2019, 11:56 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

Blah blah fuckety fancy werds 'ere blah blah blah.

Feel older today. Shit.

Aye, but not too old to do some proper work.

Feels good to be gettin back to me roots. Hold onto yer baubles.

Written By Lorenzo

Jan. 11, 2019, 11:06 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

I've been listening to the reports come in of progress on the great road. So much conflict is troubling, of course, but perhaps it should not be surprising when vast amounts of money and land are involved, along with freedom, independence, safety, privacy, ability to travel, and the rest of it that is so close to the human heart. While of course it's helpful to look at lessons learned from something like this, those involved need to decide where to go from here. The more blood that is spilled, the harder it will be to get both sides to agree to a peaceful solution. I encourage everyone to consider the Sentinel's justice and when we have harmed someone, what we can do to make them whole.

Written By Daniella

Jan. 11, 2019, 10:35 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

So sobriety, my old nemesis, we meet again.

Written By Gilroy

Jan. 11, 2019, 10:08 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Acantha

I appreciate that you're building roads between communities.

Written By Lucita

Jan. 11, 2019, 9:05 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

Sometimes when receiving word of what has been happening, words to express the mix of feelings and thoughts simply are inadequate and silence grants its own form of eloquence.

Written By Lucita

Jan. 11, 2019, 9:05 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

Sometimes when receiving word of what has been happening, words to express the mix of feelings and thoughts simply are inadequate and silence grants its own form of eloquence.

Written By Corban

Jan. 11, 2019, 8:55 a.m.(5/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

Welcome, Princess Lilah Thrax. May you have the strength, wisdom, courage, and compassion of your namesake.

As Arx endures, we will remember.

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