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Written By Natalia

Jan. 10, 2019, 2:13 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

For a variety of reasons, I am going to be undertaking a journey into the wilds soon, the one I've been talking about for ages now. If anyone who reads this wishes to go with me, please do get in touch in the next few days.

Yes, I will be well protected.

Written By Reigna

Jan. 10, 2019, 1:34 p.m.(5/3/1010 AR)

Change is pain. This is an immutable fact, one that I think healers and devotees of Lagoma understand more than most. Even good change, like healing is often a painful or deeply uncomfortable thing. This road was a massive change. To those that say we were invading other people's territory -- that is illogical. The land of Arvum, belongs as a whole, to the Compact. Just because all those living within those lands do not realize it (Outside of formalized treaties, such as with the Nox'alfar) does not make it untrue. Nothing is stopping those people from bending the knee to the Compact and living on those lands legally. This is not a condemnation or my saying their lives have no value. Of *course* they have value. I am a healer. But I am also a student of the law and a citizen of the Compact. They are living on our lands illegally. Living within the Compact is far better than living without it. They simply need to bend knee.

The inter-House disputes are awful, but again, misunderstandings and mistakes are part of being human. While the cost of human life is a terrible thing, it is not as though we as a culture are unfamiliar with this cost. The scale is deeply saddening and we should certainly make efforts to broker peace between our vassals where we can.

The price being paid now is sizable, and painful. I reiterate: Change is pain. But change, growth, is necessary. I pray to Lagoma and Gild tonight. I pray to Gloria to remind our people what valor and chivalry means. I pray to the Sentinel for justice to be found for those whose hearts are filled with hatred.

Written By Adora

Jan. 10, 2019, 11:45 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

Oh no, some people that wanted to kill us all got killed. If this wasn't required I'd be staying clear of here for at least a week while everyone hand wrings and flings accusations yet does fucking nothing about anything. So fucking tedious.

Written By Gilroy

Jan. 10, 2019, 11:28 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

Anyone else think the upcoming Prodigal meet and greet is going to be a lot more awkward now?

Maybe I'll go.

And, hey, at least now they've got plenty to talk about at the Assembly of Peers. All that Cardia/Platinum Empire/Eurus nonsense wouldn't have taken up a whole meeting, right?

Written By Niklas

Jan. 10, 2019, 10:55 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

It must be very easy to be on the outside of these things and have such a clarity of vision.

No, you say, don't do that.

The end result, you insist, is predictable.

People might die, you say. This so-called progress is despicable.

Funny, we have no stories about the people who told King Alar that forging the Compact would be difficult or who told Queen Alarice that taking the fight to the sylv'alfar could backfire, that it would lead to wars, that it would lead to death.

I absolutely condemn these mass killings, just as any decent person condemned the tactics of men like Abbas Thrax in previous struggles. Every life lost is lamentable, but the fault is not the road. That this project could have lead to so much strife just means that we have always been at this tipping point, waiting for this disaster. Something was going break eventually. The Abandoned attacking caravans, the so-called nobles slaughtering innocents, men and women being hanged for not being able to prove their ancestry enough generations back for the orthodox nobility in some parts of Arvum. These people were just looking for an excuse. And that's all the road is when it comes to these troubles. It was an excuse.

As Legate Aureth says, unity is not expected of us by the gods. The Hall of Heroes is filled with men and women who became legends by slaughtering other members of the Compact. Men and women who became legends by killing Abandoned a dozen at a time. We like to look at these and then the relative peace we've had since the Crownbreaker Wars and say that we are so much more civilized now. We really do like to lie to ourselves.

Clearly there are some who believe that the newly forged Compact was no longer in danger of cracks the day after Valeria knelt as a Queen and rose as a Princess.

If you find yourself saying "we seem on the brink" you're just demonstrating how good we all are, noble or commoner, Crownsworn for fifty generations or Prodigal, at pretending otherwise.

Written By Aleksei

Jan. 10, 2019, 10:41 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

So now that I definitely know who this "Mystery Guest" is, I have to ask:

Why the fuck? Just. _Why_ the _fuck_?

Written By Lore

Jan. 10, 2019, 10:29 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

If you're mad about this Great Roads project...

Don't sling mud from the sidelines, challenge someone to a duel! Use the Champions to settle your dispute! We love to jump in the ring to settle shit just like this!

Written By Sabella

Jan. 10, 2019, 10:23 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

While there has certainly been troubling news coming in I hear a great many people laying the blame at the feet (or stones) of the Great Road. Please remember that while bad things may be happening, so are good things. Because of the road trade has increased. Food that might otherwise spoil is more quickly finding its way to the market and thus to the tables of those who would have gone without. For many of the skirmishes I am hearing about it seems that there are deeply running grudges that would have come to a head even if the road had not been there, although it being built may have helped give those prone to violence an excuse to do so.

But those who seek to harm others will often find any excuse and invent one when there is nothing else to blame.

Surely there had been terrible news, but the road has given those who seek shelter and safety a place to find it. And perhaps shown the true colors of many around us on all sides.

Written By Gianna

Jan. 10, 2019, 9:36 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

A successful opening night is so satisfying. Everyone performed beautifully, and The Good Duke of Gemecitta was, of course, a rousing success. My patron, Prince Niklas Grayson, is an astounding talent.

I think I should like to perform in one of these musicals. Do write me a part in one, Prince Niklas.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 10, 2019, 9:19 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

Just once I would love to see a problem at least brought under control or resolved before the public spectacle begins. I really do dislike politics.

Don't reach out to me for this situation. I'd just make things far, far worse in most scenarios. Not even because I'd go on to intentionally create additional skirmishes and open conflicts, but because my words would cause others to become incensed and want to pick a fight.

On that note? If anyone would like skilled and tested diplomats to round out their attempts to stymie these many conflicts cropping up as a result of choices made? Do please consider reaching out to Marquessa Samantha Deepwood and Lord Grady Deepwood.

Written By Kenna

Jan. 10, 2019, 8:09 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

I feel ashamed to be greatful each night that we have received no words of violence from Whitehawk in retribution for the roads now stretching though our lands.

But I am greatful. Our barony is small enough that I have been able to meet some prominent people in each of our towns, and have received correspondence from others though my duties as minister of coin am voice. To lose them to this violence would rip my heart apart.

I hope that if an effort is made to resolve things peacefully that I might be a party to it too perhaps calm my guilt.

If this can not be though, then Bisland will have my dubious skill at the sword and what little I have learned from my time in the Guard, Dame Esoka, and Deepwood as a scout to fight.

May we be Always Soaring.

Written By Preston

Jan. 10, 2019, 8 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

And before someone says it, no. I am not the reasonable soft voice. For this you have much wiser people than me, in the Legates, in the Dominus. I would always wish things to be solved before it comes to the Templars - I would wish indeed that the Templars had nothing to do, that there was no threat to a shrine, that holy men and women could walk Arvum with no threat to them, that nobles and commons would follow the teachings of the Faith as they are bound to do. Alas it is not so. Because it is not so, it means we must continue to offer our advice so the Faith can be prepared for those moments when we are needed, and hopefully in our use in small mounts, by our use to help as well, so any larger involvement might be avoided.

We are not a fine tool, we are not a careful pair of scissors to cut out a beautiful pattern in cloth, as the Legates and the Dominus can achieve with talk and negotiation and great theological points. When it comes to the Faith Militant, we will solve a problem but we will solve it as we know how. As an army of the Faith.

Written By Preston

Jan. 10, 2019, 7:34 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

The losses we have suffered in recent years have all heart. 1 or 100 or 1000 or 10000 loss, you feel each on your heart. I know, and share that. And mourn with you.

It seems worse to know that some of the recent deaths of the Faith Militant come from the children of the Faith. Each of the thousands who died at Stormwall, the hundreds at the Lodge, these were brave men and women of the Faith who died to protect the children of the Faith, to end a threat or if they could not then to least buy us some precious few moments of peace, some breathing room, to extend the light of our civilisation's candle by a day, a week, a month, a year.

And now they are taken down by the very ones their brothers and sisters died to save. It breaks the heart.

Written By Preston

Jan. 10, 2019, 7:26 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

I am saddened, and I am angry. That so many would insult the Gods with their actions, in breaches of the laws of Gild, of Gloria and indeed breach their own oaths as loyal subjects of the compact by waging war on the Faith itself.

Prodigals, the abandoned who have bent the knee, suffer suspicion and doubt of their motives. I make no secret that I am conservative, I am a voice of the Orthodoxy on this, I share this doubt. I share that suspicion. I think we should watch these people closely, that in people who have lived their life at times outside of the Gods but certainly outside of proper worship may not fully understand or care about the solemnity of their oaths. I believe Abandoned tribes are a threat to us. I believe we should seek an end to them. I believe where they have chosen to stay outside of the compact we should offer them all they have asked for, war in the fullest measure and the asserting of the Crown's rule and of the Faith's jurisdiction, with no exception or compromise.

But to kill them out of hand when they have bent the knee is to deny them the chance to abandon their crime of being outlaws, to abandon a path they were born onto, one they did not necessarily choose. In denying them that choice, you ensure there is no way to tell the difference innocent, who when given the chance to swear do the right thing, and the guilty, those who pursue the path of war and refusal against us. And to kill the innocent is a crime against Gloria.

To the killing of a bridal party under guest right, to the killing of a most holy Seraph, to the slaughter of the Knights of Solace, the killing of my brother and sister Templars? For those that did this I have simpler words. Throw yourselves now on the mercy of the Dominus, beg him for forgiveness, beg him for a path back to the light, beg for all that you do not deserve but which he might, in his infinite patience, give. For if you do not, if instead we find out who you are through other means? Then it will be my brothers and sisters that will come for you. You will not be able to run. You will not be able to hide. Whatever your name, your title, your family, your walls, they will offer you no protection. I do not care if you are a most noble lord or the lowest peasant, all that stand between you and me now is time, and the Dominus and his Legates. Time marches on regardless, so I say again, turn yourself in, beg the Dominus, and perhaps we need never meet.

Written By Violet

Jan. 10, 2019, 6:02 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

What I hear these last few days weighs heavily with me. Not only because it means that we may be sharpening our blades and counting our arrows soon. It is likely that the companies will be brought into these scuffles before too long. I dislike these kind of contracts, yet they are a part of the work. I dislike them mainly because in them I see the hate that lies beneath things. Sometimes I am in a position, as a commander of troops, to offer guidance that might lead to peaceful resolution. For I believe it is my duty to see a thing done with as little blood shed as possible. And if that means no swords drawn at all, then I'm all the more thankful for it. Yet I do not think what comes will be so easy as that, though I can hope such solutions will come.

I see many calling for unity in the face of some of these horrors. Yet what I found helpful to me, useful, is acting. Always acting. The Crimson Blades always are recruiting, but we're initiating another drive. I've always believed that mercenary companies were a good place for those others considered 'outsiders'. Prodigals, those from rough backgrounds, and so on. While I admit that we are picky, I also can see the potential. And even if a person may not fit here, I can usuall see a place where they can fit and make a difference. If not in the Blades, then certainly Sandreef Point. Thorley and I are working to make it a place in the Oathlands where there is acceptance. And a chance to learn about the Compact, our ways, our beliefs, and how they can be a part of that. It is obvious this week that many houses do not have this openess of mind. This ability to see beyond the immediate past to the potential future.

Instead they see hate and blood. I hope through the Blades and through Farwatch I can be an example of how to rise about that. An example of working together. We'll see how well it goes over in the weeks to come. I may be kicking over a fire ant nest, but I may also be laying a foundation for something better. Something I hope my children can continue to build upon when I inevitably return to the Wheel.

Written By Gaston

Jan. 10, 2019, 1:39 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Aye, and of those dying and unmourned, this very day, are /my/ people, on my land. Last Bridge is under siege, and we're doing what needs be done to try and alleviate the suffering. Watch what you say about what value lives have to those you don't know, and speaking straight from your arse about what will or won't be done to obtain justice.

What are /you/ doing to prove your words are anything more than pointless sniping from the sidelines to cause more controversy and contention? Where were you and your voice when preparations were being made, time and resources were sacrificed, if this were all so foretold and obvious?

I'll suggest that it's far easier to sit with the Scholars and wax pompous about how much you told us so with the benefit of the hindsight we ALL now have, rather than extend a helping hand, and you should take some time to examine if that's really how you want to be remembered when this tragedy is spoken of in the future.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 10, 2019, 12:50 a.m.(5/1/1010 AR)

My heart is torn at each piece of news coming in from across the Compact.

I search my better self for anything but fiery anger and hate for those who murdered the prodigals who ventured to the Oathlands to serve Lagoma, and their Templar guardians, who have been my comrades this past year or more. Murdered the servants of the Pantheon while cloaking themselves in righteousness. Wrath is not an impulse Gloria regards well, yet I am only mortal, and cannot help what I feel.

I recall my own years as a girl in my tribe, and my heart is black for other reasons, as well, which I shall not share in the whites. Save that the gods see all and govern all and the Sentinel's judgment comes for all those who do black acts in the end, whoever they claim to serve.

I grieve for the Knights of Solace, and for all those who fell in this stupidity.

I pray temperance comes over me before then so that I can do what must be done with a measure of mercy and service.

Written By Draven

Jan. 10, 2019, 12:41 a.m.(5/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

I don't know you, but thank you. Thank you for admitting what you did. Thank you for admitting that you made a mistake. I don't forgive you. Not yet. I'm still sad my friends are gone.

But you owned up to it. You honor them by admitting it. Thank you.

Written By Draven

Jan. 10, 2019, 12:35 a.m.(5/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

So many Fluffy people writing so much Stuff. All about those massacres they caused. Deflecting blame. Like this was just as natural as the weather. I like how you wrote it. They could have done better. They could have done this Stuff in a way that didn't take the life of my friends.

I had friends from Kalslov. Now they aren't here anymore. Nova tells me that not all Fluffy people are to blame. That I shouldn't be mad at them all. She says that only some of the Fluffy people caused this. But I see lots and lots of people with their silly titles, defending what they did. But there aren't nearly enough of them writing to say they are sorry. To admit their mistake. Not a lot of people are honoring my friends who died for no good reason.

How can I not be mad at you all? How am I supposed to trust anything you Fluffy people are writing? You had to do this, you say. Did my friends have to die? Because they were Prodigals? After all, the only good Prodigal is a dead Prodigal, right?

Written By Victus

Jan. 9, 2019, 11:46 p.m.(5/1/1010 AR)

Peace has always been a fragile thing. In fact I'd say that it's almost odd that so much time has passed since border friction. It was to be expected that it couldn't last. This road may have only been the spark that paved the way. Or perhaps it was this long lasting peace that gave us enough security to try something on a grander, much riskier scale. I can't say for certain, but all of the chaos could certainly have been foreseen. At least on the bright side, the harshest mistakes are usually the most effective teachers.

All things come with their mirror images. All intentions good and bad will fuel their counterparts. The pendulum will swing the other way, eventually. Until then there's a storm to be weathered.

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