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Written By Ignacio

Nov. 3, 2018, 11:39 a.m.(12/5/1009 AR)

All my brothers are here in Arx now. That was not something I was expected, but I do enjoy that fact greatly. Now only if my sister Esme was here, it would be a family reunion.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 3, 2018, 11:27 a.m.(12/5/1009 AR)

I never knew a person could be so exhausted. I regret that I never tired of eating cakes when I was pregnant, for this baby never tires of eating now and it is so draining! But her cheeks are so adorably round and I swear she smiles at me when she's held close and she looks around at the world with such amazement and wonder already! Elizabetta says she is an old soul, but I see so much newness in her. All these little new movements she makes, holding her head up already!

I am constantly delighted by her and the new depths of love she has introduced me to!

Written By Calaudrin

Nov. 3, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(12/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lou

In what comes as a great surprise to many people I'm sure, I don't trust easily.

I'd appreciate it if the scholar looking over my shoulder would stop chuckling to himself, yes, I can HEAR you. That's right, walk away. Thanks.

I entrusted Lou Grayson with something very important to me recently and she was not only able and willing to help me, but seemed genuinely interested in doing so. This world can be a brutal place, but it's a good feeling to know that are kind and generous people out there.

Written By Jaenelle

Nov. 3, 2018, 9:02 a.m.(12/5/1009 AR)

I'm not sure why people feel the need to attempt to ruin perfectly good parties by attacking guests and causing chaos, but perhaps next time there should be a moments pause to think about which ward you're in and those in attendance before you attempt? It was disappointing to see everyone surrender so easily!

Written By Karadoc

Nov. 3, 2018, 8:18 a.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Nurie

If you should ever consider membership into the Champions, messere, I would solemnly swear to be an enthusiastic and vocal supporter. That was quite the deft use of a slipper.

Written By Ida

Nov. 3, 2018, 7:10 a.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

I have several sketches to work on, yet here I sit once again on the roof of the shop just looking out across what I can see of the city from here. The moon is bright tonight, painting everything in a subtle silvery hue not unlike polished steel or even diamondplate. I'd think it was almost mocking me were that not a pretty silly thought. The quiet seems deceiving, truth be told, with the bits and pieces of stories being brought back in hints of what might be occurring outside Arx's walls. Godsspeed to you all.

Written By Marian

Nov. 3, 2018, 6:45 a.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

Nia told me today that little brothers are horrible things. When I pointed out that her uncle was my little brother, she looked at me with those serious eyes as if she had disbelief that I could ever relate to her big sister troubles.

She is growing up so fast. She's chasing me to start her training. I told her only if she promised not to hit her brothers with that sword. That earned me another look.

Written By Silas

Nov. 3, 2018, 2:18 a.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

I can always give the toys to Dash if no one wants them. They'll be promptly destroyed, though.

Dog is gonna dog.

Written By Nurie

Nov. 3, 2018, 12:59 a.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

I have discovered that coming to the aid of others by helping to defeat ruffians is quite exciting! I am proud to say that I struck a blow to the hindquarters of those up to no good. We Dare, indeed! But while the spirit is high, and I still /quite/ feel the fire in my blood even now, my foot is bruising and is even swelling a bit. So perhaps I am not yet ready to run off to join the Champions!

Written By Calaudrin

Nov. 3, 2018, 12:56 a.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Riagnon

What kind of person loses Responsibility?

Get back to me on that.

Written By Alarissa

Nov. 2, 2018, 11:46 p.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

Sisters of the sea, with their stoic brother. There had been bets placed that they would be boys. But they are girls. An unmatched pair. Dark of hair and fair for the other. Swift as a storm, one on the heels of the other. Siggy then came Delia. He was surprised, I think he thought that I was jesting when I said that I felt too many feet. Indeed Victus, there was more than one in there.

And by my side, like he wanted to be and swore to be. Right there in the water from Maelstrom he was, with his hand in mine, he had my back. Reminds me of promises made in a hot springs less than three years ago. Not safe to travel for reasons of health, so we brought Maelstrom to us. Beneath Mangata's gaze and in in a room blessed by the Dominus. I felt safer there. I have had time to rest, though I need to rest more. Much more. This took a great deal out of me. In a few weeks time I can step back into my responsibilities.

For now, for now Astrid is sitting on the bed in front of the two and just watching them in their baskets. No attempts to hit them or yell or act a hellion. Watch them quietly she has been told and she does. I don't think she grasps that the things she heard and felt in my belly are now in front of her and swaddled. Danse is far too young to grasp.

How will it change us? At some point, Victus will stop looking so pale I am sure and stop staring. Though he's much better at holding a child now.

Written By Harper

Nov. 2, 2018, 11:22 p.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Awww, my hopes for a cousin have been cruelly dashed.

Written By Thena

Nov. 2, 2018, 9:53 p.m.(12/4/1009 AR)

Like all Godsworn, I am sworn to serve Tehom as I serve every god of the Pantheon. This I do, to the best of my ability.

But I don't care much for mirrors as decor.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 2, 2018, 8:56 p.m.(12/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

I had to see who the Archlector was writing about, and then once I read your White, I had to ask around about your story.

Oh, what a pathetic creature you are. You know, even the Lyceum has little tolerance for people who don't show a shred of cleverness in their utter lack of scruples.

Written By Sparte

Nov. 2, 2018, 7:27 p.m.(12/3/1009 AR)

I've allowed myself to grow bitter and flippant.

I recognize what has had this impact on me. I cannot fault those who take fault with me for it, acknowledging there is a reason does not take the responsibility of that failing from me.

I apologize to any whom I have offended, slighted, or upset. I regret I am not capable of saying who that might be, perhaps if I realized when I caused offense I would have corrected my behavior far sooner.

An apology does not absolve me of my misconduct, but perhaps by recognizing what I have done I can change myself so it does not happen again.

Written By Riagnon

Nov. 2, 2018, 6:30 p.m.(12/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

What kind of monster doesn’t want free toys?

Written By Kenna

Nov. 2, 2018, 4:42 p.m.(12/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Hey, I'm not going to judge a man for needing toys. Sometimes you need toys.

It's just a thing.

Written By Victus

Nov. 2, 2018, 4:24 p.m.(12/3/1009 AR)

I find my thoughts drifting toward my parentage of late. Argus Thrax and a Northern girl coming together to produce a bastard.

My father was nothing to write home about. Brutal and insane. I see many shades of what I could have been in that man's history. I don't count never meeting him as one of my regrets, it sounded like we wouldn't have like each other very much.

Then there was my mother. In my first few years of life I was taken from her by my Uncle Donrai to an entirely different destiny. Sometimes I find faint images of her when I dream that I can scarcely remember when I wake. Always, always being ticked by what could have been. Painfully.

Hmph. I wish you were still around, Freja.

Written By Jeffeth

Nov. 2, 2018, 4:14 p.m.(12/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

I'm confused. Someone brings up that you murdered a crew of individuals and your response is how silly it is that nobles take oaths or that Thrax keeps thralls? At least thralls can have their freedom bought. It's considerably more difficult to buy someone's life back. Is this all true? This man is just walking around like this is alright?

Written By Elloise

Nov. 2, 2018, 4:11 p.m.(12/3/1009 AR)

Oh. Did you hear about the new clothier in the city that needed to turn away a lutist, a flutist, and a duettist because they were overbooked with commissions? No? I heard that they said to each: "No holds, bard."

(I made the Scholar groan. I think he has a stomachache. Good thing that I have something for that --)

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