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Written By Karadoc

Nov. 1, 2018, 7:45 a.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

Avowed: attempting to fit into the identity of what's expected, what is personally envisioned.

Ascribed: someone else does that for you -- given, assumed.

Which identity do you think has more influence on your daily life? -- Why?

Written By Preston

Nov. 1, 2018, 5:45 a.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

As many go to their mirrors, to contemplate what they might find there, make sure you do not get lost. Though all that is in the mirror is a reflection, so you must remember that it is distorted. Left is right, right is left. And what is good may appear evil, and what is evil may hide in an appearance of good. The mirror is a place for contemplation perhaps, but no place to dwell.

Do not revel in your doubt, do not question the fundamental truths, and most importantly should the mirror look back? Run.

Written By Clover

Nov. 1, 2018, 5:01 a.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

Sisters. SHARE! Give me those lemon cakes!

Written By Sabine

Nov. 1, 2018, 2:21 a.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

It was a night to give our reflections free rein. A night worthy of Tehom. The variety of it all, the wondrous variety, to see each seek their own balance. I acted without true thought. I chose without consideration of consequence. I gave, freely. Too much, perhaps, but as I told the Thirteenth, "Tomorrow, then." Time enough for consequence tomorrow.

I may have also almost frozen my feet to blocks of ice but that is inconsequential. The return was everything.

And to they who left their offering in my hall, awaiting my return, I say to you: well chosen. I never knew you. May it not always be so.

Written By Merek

Nov. 1, 2018, 1:54 a.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

I went to the Masque, I won't mention of whom I went as. Too many people were there to know anyway. It's quite interesting, the Eclipse of the Mirrors, to see of the things that few see. I don't have a lot to write about it, besides the fact that it taught me a lot, about different things. I also think that it was nice to see Mirrormasks at the Masque as well. They are quite the nice people that one can also make a nice conversation with!

Written By Clover

Nov. 1, 2018, 12:20 a.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sameera

Pewter is not exactly fitting for a Duchess to wear. As a plucky young noble lady far from succession in a March, it might have gotten some scuffing-- a little bit of snickering, perhaps. As a Duchess, it would be quite scandalous to wear pewter. But as I go through my jewelry boxes and my wardrobe, getting ready to have the things I cherished as a young lady scraped to their parts or donated...

I cannot bring myself to give up anything Sameera made me. She made my wedding band-- a gorgeous thing of champagne silver and sapphire. Modest enough to be fitting my and Ryhalt's personality, but classy enough to be fitting of a Duchy. A ship meeting a dragon; Farshaw and Wyrmguard aligned.

This ring in my palm, may only be pewter and green quartz, and it not be "fitting" of a Duchess. But I cannot bring myself to let it go. Not when the master jeweler who made it for me will never create again in this life.

Written By Cambria

Oct. 31, 2018, 11:36 p.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

Meditations on the night of the Eclipse of Mirrors:

Imagine a yourself standing before a mirror. Of a sudden, a rock strikes the glass and it all falls to ruin in an instant. No longer captivated by your reflection, you learn that you are yourself, and not the distorted soul you had mistaken yourself for being.

Written By Fairen

Oct. 31, 2018, 10:06 p.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Prisila

Never in my life have I been accused of refusing a challenge. This is certainly a first.

Written By Tabitha

Oct. 31, 2018, 7:21 p.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

Such a marvellously talented artist. His depictions of animals are truly remarkable, with an attention to detail that I've rarely seen. It has been absolutely lovely to paint beside him and observe his creativity at work. In addition, he's a person capable of maintaining a quietness that is agreeable to remain within, rather than one that is fraught with awkwardness.

Written By Lisebet

Oct. 31, 2018, 5:40 p.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

Clover is an awesome sister!

And I am feeling very mischievous today.

Written By Aiden

Oct. 31, 2018, 4:35 p.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

It's been far too long since I've written in my journal, at least the Whites, so that those who care know that I exist. There are many things to speak of, some that I obviously must reserve for my own thoughts, yet I must find I need to write of what has occupied my free time of late.


Simply put, birds.

What else? (Other than my daughter, yes, yes she's a little thing yet).

I informally call myself the Falcon Duke, since my beloved used to call me the Bird Prince, all the same, that same beloved and my dearest wife have both allowed me to dream and dream big. A fanciful construction project will begin very soon, with the funds now secured and in place. I cannot wait for the birds to come and to see a wonder that hasn't been seen in a very long time. The mews will be a spectacle, far greater than what I've made of the Menagerie. Ahh, this, this marvel keeps me busy and keeps me occupied. I'm rather excited about it!

I have given up a lot of responsibility to organizations to pursue my dreams. So, there it is.

Maybe I'll have time to socialize more soon...

Written By Lora

Oct. 31, 2018, 2:58 p.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

I wish naught but joy and happiness for my family and friends. Why must it taste like ashes?

Written By Niklas

Oct. 31, 2018, 2:20 p.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

They say that after you get married everything changes, but to be true not much changed. It was a wonderful day and a delightful party and Luca stole a bunch of our stuff, but I loved Sabella the same after it was done as I did before. I felt as bound to her as I did before.

They say that after you have a child everything changes.

I can't deny that one.

Practically things have changed. I am learning SO MUCH SCARY STUFF and even with two nannies trading off duties, I'm still living a life with the responsibility for a tiny person. But emotionally, it's a whole new pain point. A thing that can terrify me. Worrying about the safety of this tiny life. About the future. About sieges and battles and wars yet to come. But? But I think it's worth it. All she does is eat and sleep and poop and scream right now, but she fills a profound space in my heart. A space that I thought had been permanently vacated when I lost my sisters. She gives me a sense of purpose for which I have often been at a loss.

A lot of people assume I take nothing serious. Not even myself. That I would rather tell a joke than be a sober participant of a conversation. And that's both wrong and not wrong, because I take not being serious extremely seriously. And now I just have another reason to prefer laughter to tears.

I wish her namesakes could have known her, but she will know them. Relara will grow up knowing about her strong, trailblazing Aunt Renatta and her poetic and perceptive Aunt Elara. There are countless paths available to her. I can't wait to see the Relara she becomes.

Written By Jasher

Oct. 31, 2018, 1:41 p.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

The renovations are coming along in the Crosses, even if the recent rain has turned the dust into a paste that clings everywhere. Vexing, but promising.

It will remain the hall that it was, but it will also be a place of history and accomplishment, so that all may see the seas Thrax has sailed to come here. Though we move forward, the past should not be ignored or forgotten, but nor should it be blindly worshipped. Change happens for better or worse, even if it has been a difficult thing to endure sometimes.

I may never see the Crosses complete. But I will see it begin.

Written By Alrec

Oct. 31, 2018, 11:06 a.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

Oh Setarco, here I am back in Arx. Where it rains all the time and the rum is kept out of reach, locked up in the Thrax ward. Buying silk would remedy this gut-wrenching homesickness but my silk dealer in the Lyceum ward says my reputation ain't good no more.

Written By Apollo

Oct. 31, 2018, 9:58 a.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

Arx is opportunity writ large. Just within these few weeks I've been here I've met princes, princesses and even the king. I've managed to impress some of them, enough that my business is beginning to kick into gear. Word of mouth and a little advertising have also kicked off, and it won't be long now until I will have a comfortable amount of funds.

Still, the people here frequently baffle me. Nobility and royalty that doesn't just not care about their rank, but which outright insists a common leatherworker they barely know does not use their titles, as though we were equals. Commoners who treat their betters as though they were beneath them. I guess the frequent exposure to nobility might make the meetings seem blase and normal, having grown up in a noble household I definitely do not think much of being around nobility, but there's a difference between familiarity and disrespect.

I suppose when they demand you disrespect them, it becomes respectful to do so? Still, things were simpler back home.

I guess I'll get used to it in time. Until then, I will reassure myself with the knowledge that I am where I am needed.

Written By Faruq

Oct. 31, 2018, 9:53 a.m.(11/27/1009 AR)

There is always more to do. Even when we think we have done everything we need to do there is always more. Curiously sometimes the best thing to do, is to do nothing. It's vexing how doing *nothing* is often much much harder than doing *something*.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 31, 2018, 12:13 a.m.(11/26/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

An hour. He stood in the courtyard for over an hour in tge rain with the most ridiculous look on his face. Called out that I should join him, that the weather was fine when he saw me in the atrium.

Save me. The ridiculousness of that man. It was a forceful deluge. Not a spritz.

Written By Lys

Oct. 30, 2018, 11:14 p.m.(11/26/1009 AR)

Were I a more humble person... I would feel bashful at the praise given to me. But I am not humble. I am a de Lire. I am a Champion. The praise given to me recently only causes me to feel giddy, feel a little thrill, and makes me wonder-- what life threatening situation can I throw myself into next to receive more?

Written By Norwood

Oct. 30, 2018, 9:50 p.m.(11/26/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cristoph

Duke Cristoph insists on a rematch with Lady Jael.

Considering he broke an arm in the last joust, I think that it only fair there be a few modifications to the next joust.

One modification I have already arranged for in the form of some toy stick horses delivered to the bedroom floor of the Laurent Estate. This way Duke Cristoph will have less distance to fall.

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