Oct. 28, 2018, 9:50 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)
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He's looking quite well, -and- we had a brief but quite pleasant conversation at this Bisland dinner where we managed not to disagree on anything. I'm immensely delighted on both accounts.
Oct. 28, 2018, 9:47 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)
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The first time I met Lora was at her wedding to my cousin Nico. It was a gorgeous affair just at the start of Spring in Tor. The roses were in full bloom, the garden was magnificent and Lora made a most beautiful bride.
I am thrilled to have her join us in Arx. The change of scenery and the fast paced city life will be a balm to her soul.
Oct. 28, 2018, 9:41 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)
I enjoyed a quiet evening with my sister and some friends at the Ambassador Salon tonight. Princess Liara was there, and we brainstormed up a few more ideas for the next ball or two.
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Oct. 28, 2018, 9:41 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)
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I would love a recommendation of savory and tasty spices for boot leather....
Oct. 28, 2018, 9:33 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)
It has been for an extended period of time I have spent outside of Arx, remaining in Tor to attend to House affairs. While I already miss Tor, there is something special about Arx that I can not deny. Many cultures collide in this city under the banner of unity. While things are not always united as we like to say it is. Regardless, this is the city that changed my life so many times over. Only if it wasn't so cold....
Oct. 28, 2018, 9:25 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)
The Villa is filled with family once again. All those who have been traveling have all returned at the same time, which is a little overwhelming for our staff. I love the chaos; like a tempest over still waters.
To celebrate their return, I've decided to hold a small family and vassal gathering. We Fidante's may not care for cold weather, but give us any excuse to drink, dance, and celebrate the night away and we are there.
Oct. 28, 2018, 9:10 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)
Attended a dinner at the Pravus estate, which turned out to be lovely. Apart from the Duchess, Sebastian was there, and there was a bit of a lively discussion of Eurusi culture (as always seems to spring up around me!) as well as illegal Nox wine. Not that I'd know anything about the latter.
Oct. 28, 2018, 9:03 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)
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Somebody must often leave entryways open here for the drafts that preempt my cousin’s notes. And what welcome notes they are!
Oct. 28, 2018, 8:51 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
The moon was beautiful tonight. Puissant and conquering, it painted Arvum in a sheen of silvery blue. A long time ago I could have wasted my night away looking at it, wishing upon it. "What a night for romance, for the pulse of blood."
Instead, I spent my night with family, feasting with my own blood and our friends.
The perks of wisdom, I suppose. What a lovely night!
Thank you, all of you.
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Oct. 28, 2018, 8:50 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
I forgot it was my birthday. That's not unusual, really. I never keep an eye on the date. Normally Maman or Papa would remind me, or one of my friends. Last year Wynna did.
They say birthdays are the hardest. But everything that reminds me of her is the hardest.
I miss you.
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Oct. 28, 2018, 8:44 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
It took longer than I had hoped, but ever it seems to happen. Even so, Grenaldo and Tiazza's doors are open on Peddler's Row and welcome to one and all!
For now, all we have to offer are liquors I've devised, but soon we'll have curatives, scents and all manner of assortments for sale or trade.
A little place to call my own, to share the fruits of my work~~what more is there a man can ask?
Oct. 28, 2018, 8:12 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
I am exhausted, but I love being a mother! I didn't so much love the delivery, but Lady Margret was wonderful and put up with my fears and soothed my pain and I'm pretty sure I didn't break Niklas' hand. I'd be lying if I said I was immediately overcome with love the moment I saw her--and please don't get me wrong, my darling Relara when you read this--I loved you before you were ever born--but in the moment I was exhausted and bewildered with pain and it wasn't until the next morning when you blinked your blue eyes at me and wrapped a hand around my finger that I melted!
You have tufts of beautiful golden hair and your cheeks are so chubby! Lady Margret said it was no wonder we had so much trouble getting you out, you look like a three month old! So lovey with a button nose and already seemingly so aware! You looked right at your father the first time he picked you up with the most perplexed expression! And you snuggle so perfectly in my arms. I am already imagining the fun we have in store, just the three of us. For now.
Though I think perhaps we'll wait a few years before making you a big sister. That is an experience I think time needs to soften the memory of. But it must considering all the large families there are!
Princess Relara Grayson, my little shining star!
Oct. 28, 2018, 7:30 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
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The Duchess of Setarco sets an excellent table. Gracious to her allies, cunning in the face of her enemies, she more than lives up to her reputation.
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Oct. 28, 2018, 7:25 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
There was a bard, long ago, who wrote a simple line: "Love is a rebellious bird." It will not come when it is called, and it shows up when you least expect it to, squawking and demanding your attention. An uncontrollable thing.
But I was thinking on that line again. Love - why should we try to control it? What is in our nature that brings us to do so? I remember chasing birds as a child, running down the streets after them and laughing giddily as they flew around me, away from me, a cacophony of wingbeats, song and cries.
It was their freedom I reveled in.
Let us be more like giddy children when we find it - and when they fly away and leave us be, let us remember how we felt as children. Disappointed, perhaps, but still with the widest grins of our lives plastered to our face, because it had been so much fun.
Oct. 28, 2018, 7:21 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
The days are turning a bit colder as autumn passes and winter grows closer. As such, my children are inside the manse quite a bit more. Eadric will be two in March and is quite simply, out of control. I've heard tales of the terrible twos, am I to expect this to get much worse? He escaped his nanny last week and spent a significant amount of time charging around causing chaos until he was captured again. He knocked down a whole line of decorative suits of armor. The noise echoed throughout all of the rooms.
Is he too young to squire off with Baron Norwood?
Annalise is perfect as always. But then again, she's an infant. Sometimes I see a glimmer in her eyes and I wonder...
Oct. 28, 2018, 7:13 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
I do not know what troubles Bisland at Pridehall. Something is amiss, and I will be leaving Arx soon to visit where I grew up to do some inquiring. Unfortunately, the first stop is some Grand Party.
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Oct. 28, 2018, 6:22 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
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I met one of the most charming ladies today. I would not presume to overstep, but I do care deeply for my home. Acorn Hill might not be much in the grand scheme of the compact, but there isn't a moment that goes by that I don't miss it. It was such a fine day to walk in the gardens and talk with someone that still takes the time to think on the level of a barony.
It is also so, so strange to see a stream in the middle of the city that has fist so massive. I think next time, I need to bring some bread and honey. The honey is not for the fish, but for the company.
I wouldn't have guessed that a simple trip to the bank would change my world. Thank you Lady Lucita. Thank you for your part in making me better.
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Oct. 28, 2018, 6:17 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
Lately there seems to be a trend of people I meet pretending to not know who I am and being smug about this "secret" knowledge when they reveal they have known the whole conversation.
What strange behavior. A few, at least, make it interesting.
Oct. 28, 2018, 5:13 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
How hard can test firing a trebuchet be?
Oct. 28, 2018, 5:07 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)
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It has been several months since I initially took on Lady Kenna as a protege of mine. And in that time, I feel as though I've come to truly look upon her as one of dear friends. There is so much to be discovered beneath that exterior unyielding effervescence and warmth.