Written By Harlex
Oct. 27, 2018, 9:58 p.m.(11/20/1009 AR)
But he grew wild with wonderlust, as some young do.
So one day he shined his leather boots and he combed his dark hair and he put on his fine steel sword which he had saved for since he was twelve years old.
And his mother, helpless to his need for the wider world, begged him not to go. Above all to not take that sword. That he may be mistaken for a mercenary or some sort of fighter or troublemaker.
William wouldn't hear of it, he said he was a man. He laughed and kissed her forehead. He said he can draw a sword quick and he can thrust straight. But he would never use it without good cause. He said, you raised me right. And he rode out to town on his own. His mother surely wept.
All the way he sang. He smiled. He went into the tavern, he ordered a drink. He felt courage after his first drink. His hand, which had been shaking, calmed. He felt a sudden boldness and assurance that, at last, freedom was his and he had become a man.
Then a vagrant swordsman, blown into town, made it a point to laugh at him. Greenhorn, he called him. He asked if he named his sword. Trying to be genial, William gave a boyish grin.
"Bravery." The young man said.
But the swordsman only laughed. It was unkind. Deep into his drink, the vagrant said. "Ought to call it Untested." And his grin was bitter. "Or Bloodless."
Filled with rage, William went for his sword. Bravery. But the swordsman wasn't just some drunk. A hardcase killer long in the tooth. He pulled his blade fast and before William could even grip proper--he was dead. Heartblood pouring from his chest wound.
The crowd gathered. They saw his eyes, cloudy blue, fade unto Death. And all he could say in his last words was, "Sorry, ma." And he died.
So it went. So it always goes.
The story of that little grave just outside that little town is worth remembering. He's worth remembering.
Written By Kenna
Oct. 27, 2018, 9:55 p.m.(11/20/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Bedivere
I admire him so much. After all of his sorrows he still gets up in the morning and serves Whitehawk so admirably.
I am so blessed to have such good people to look up to.
Written By Sabella
Oct. 27, 2018, 8:57 p.m.(11/20/1009 AR)
Written By Caspian
Oct. 27, 2018, 6:47 p.m.(11/19/1009 AR)
Written By Iseulet
Oct. 27, 2018, 6:39 p.m.(11/19/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Apollo
Master Apollo is certainly a delight, too. I can't wait to annoy him with more commissions in the future.
Written By Perronne
Oct. 27, 2018, 3:19 p.m.(11/19/1009 AR)
My mother is both easier and harder to remember. My half-siblings I barely know at all. Only the oldest, and we weren't encouraged to spend much time together. But I do still remember events with the family, especially in the fall. Harvest feasts, and local festivals put on jointly by the Church and my mother's family. I remember laughter, and getting a BIT tipsy on fermented cider. (It was very good cider! I don't think it's fair for it also to be that potent. Unfair!)
I don't even know why I'm writing this, really. I am just sitting in front of my hearth while the winds howl outside, and thinking about things! Many things!
Written By Miranda
Oct. 27, 2018, 11:46 a.m.(11/19/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Luis
My Lord, you did right by your lands and your people. I hope your Marquessa is proud!
I know I am.
Written By Miranda
Oct. 27, 2018, 11:45 a.m.(11/19/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Domonico
Open your eyes! That's me standing over you with my sword to your throat!
Written By Cambria
Oct. 27, 2018, 11:28 a.m.(11/19/1009 AR)
The breaker of spells and sleep.
Written By Lys
Oct. 27, 2018, 7:24 a.m.(11/18/1009 AR)
Written By Michael
Oct. 27, 2018, 5:19 a.m.(11/18/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Lailah
Written By Elora
Oct. 27, 2018, 2:17 a.m.(11/18/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Orelia
Written By Elora
Oct. 27, 2018, 2:15 a.m.(11/18/1009 AR)
Written By Sabine
Oct. 27, 2018, 1:55 a.m.(11/18/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Berenice
She reminds me of my mother, had my mother been blessed by chance of birth to the luck and luxuries of a princess.
Written By Leonidas
Oct. 27, 2018, 12:23 a.m.(11/18/1009 AR)
Written By Joscelin
Oct. 26, 2018, 8:33 p.m.(11/17/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Aleksei
Written By Tabitha
Oct. 26, 2018, 8:29 p.m.(11/17/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Sabella
Written By Domonico
Oct. 26, 2018, 7:25 p.m.(11/17/1009 AR)
Written By Morrighan
Oct. 26, 2018, 5:45 p.m.(11/17/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Thena
Written By Nuala
Oct. 26, 2018, 2:41 p.m.(11/17/1009 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.