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Written By Vanora

Oct. 25, 2018, 8:47 a.m.(11/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Iseulet

Because those are better held on Mondays right?

Written By Vanora

Oct. 25, 2018, 8:43 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

Often in times when people need comfort they go to Mirrormasks to get it, especially comfort involving grief and loss. Before the Queen of Endings was known to us again, it was Tehoms own who often performed funeral rites. I never did, though I witnessed many others.

Yet in times when I too have felt the loss, even if not as deeply as many others, I often need time to process, to meditate, to think on my own before I can be of much use.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 25, 2018, 8:25 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

Silver finds its way in letters, dropped by the Maw, with indication thst it is to procure the debts of the children still thralled in the isles. No small amounts either. In the name of Master Oliver. Would that he could see such.

I thought about delaying the auction and raffles. To not carrying on with the plan. But Lady Mikani in her wisdom and to a degree Master Rook spoke wise words. If we change our purpose, uf we change what we were going to do, then they win. They achieve their desires at the cost of lives. Their goals.

So we forge forth. The gathering at the Whispers still happens and we shall not shy. I shall not shy. Even if tgese children are not born yet, we shall gather and see to funds raised so that they may be as free as my own children.

Written By Archeron

Oct. 25, 2018, 8:07 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

I have pondered more on Master Oliver's death. And the more it enrages me. IN part because threatening retribution is so powerless. In truth, if this criminal is smart he will ensure he is captured away from the Isles, away from the worst punishments and to the mainland with its kinder view on things. It will not be in my power, even as a Ducal voice, to do anything to him.

So what is in my power? What can I do that will answer Oliver's killers? Thumb my nose at them? I will hold to our traditions, yes. But is that sufficient? To remain unchanged? Many die each day, we remain unchanged. That is nothing of note.

So. On behalf of myself and House Tyde, I have sent funds to Princess Alarissa from my own silver to pay the debts of at least 100 child thralls - and I will make an offer as Voice that House Tyde will find homes and apprenticeships for those of age amongst our holdings and our vassals should they lack free parents. I hope the family will forgive me for using the Thrax charity for this rather than Master Aleksei Morgan, but what starts in the Isles should end there to my mind.

Written By Lys

Oct. 25, 2018, 5:16 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

I know it's gauche of me to work the market, but-- I can't help my love of numbers, and the little thrill that I get out of getting a good deal. It hurts when I buy something at full price. You can take a girl out of the Lowers but can you take the Lowers out of the girl?

Written By Aurelia

Oct. 25, 2018, 3:02 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

I can't recall any of the journals that I wrote when I was a girl, nor can I find them among the archives. Are they all black? Such a strange thing to think that my own childhood has been lost to me. My teen years, of course, were spent on a sand-shielded pebble among the distant seas, beyond the Compact's influence, and too far for the servants of Vellichor to archive my thoughts.

Reading through these journals, I can't help but wonder if people truly understand what that's like. The white journals are a sacred rite. They are a communion between past, present, and future. We pour ourselves into the pages so that our legacy, for good or ill, may be preserved for others to read. With luck and wisdom they may learn of the times we lived in, and who we were.

What would they say of us if our journals stopped this very day? What kind of people would they envision us to be? I do wonder. Perhaps some of us could use a vacation far away from the Compact to remember just how precious a luxury these archives are.

Written By Lance

Oct. 25, 2018, 3 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

I think every youth in Acorn Hill dreams of the capital city. We dream of the fancy clothes and the wonder, mystery and grandeur. On my journey here to the Valardin ward, I could barely breathe from time to time, the anticipation, excitement, fear and worry simply more than I could contain. It is like going into a land of legends where every character is going to be someone noteworthy and utterly epic.

Since then I have met some of these epic people. Princes and Princesses even. I think growing up in Acorn Hill, I rather feared I would shrivel up under their gaze. Yet one stands now as my patron. A prince! To my mind THE Prince. We share hopes and dreams and I begin to wonder if I just might be epic too. Sure I boast and whatnot, but it's easy when you are the pride of a barony. The big fish in a pond might not be so big in the wider river or in the expanse of the sea after all. Yet, a Prince of Redrain has chosen me. That has to account for something.

Now it occurs to me, faced with the proposition of actually being in one of those newly forming legends, that perhaps I should strive to actually survive. Pretty armor and a warhorse won't be enough, I fear. I should have paid more attention while a Squire with the Gold Order. Now starts the race for competence, I suppose. Ingratiate to those who know better, common or noble, and hope they give me the means to survive my own ego. I fear smiling at a ghost or a basilisk will do little more than provide my patron a pretty statue or a less gruesome corpse to bury.

Legends are NOT made of simpering fools that trip, land in a puddle, and drown because their armor is too heavy to stand on their own.

Written By Marian

Oct. 25, 2018, 2:07 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Grief. Despair. Loss.

I felt all those emotions and more after my Fergus was murdered. I gave myself a few days to mourn and rage at his loss. Princess Alis was kind enough to take my older daughter, Nia, so I could release that awful weight inside of me. Purge those horrible emotions. I set aside any thoughts of revenge, allowing Sentinel to take the burden of bringing those responsible to justice. I put my focus into more important things...

Hope. Love. Gratitude.

With each kick of the twins, I felt blessed once my grief passed and I was able to see that my husband left two precious gifts inside my belly. Three precious gifts who look at me with their father's eyes. They are my sun, moon and stars. Fergus' legacy continues on.

I have lost two husbands to the hands of others. One left me children, the other did not. It may seem overwhelming at times, considering the circumstances. This is a blessing, a gift to have a piece of Olivier inside of you. Once you shed your mantle of grief, I hope you see just how lucky you are to be able to look into that child's eyes and see the kind man that helped bring this soul into this world.

That loss never goes completely away. Once the children go to bed, there are nights the loss still plagues me. I take those moments to send a prayer in his name. Find comfort in the words left by our ancestors to celebrate the acts of those that came before us. Your gift, your craft, embrace those on the nights that weighs deeply. Let it out, find a way to express it. Don't bottle it in. Don't let it sour your tomorrow. Each day we are here is a gift. That's what these events have taught me. Every day is an opportunity to make a difference.

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 25, 2018, 1:24 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

I am humbled by the many offers of support, aid, and protection given in the last few days. Even in the midst of this, I see the effort, all of it, and the hands outstretched in willing, compassionate generosity. It truly stuns me. Thank you; you have all reminded me of why I love this city and its people, and why I am still so proud to call it 'home'.

Written By Belladonna

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:59 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Witnessing your pain likens to being stuck behind a mirror. Albeit we do not know each other, I feel your anguish, deeply so.

The gods did not see fit to bless me with a talent for weaving words into beautiful tapestries, but beautiful or not some thoughts need to be given wings in the hopes they will find their home. I wish I could prepare you for the sleepless nights ahead when the last exchange of words between you and your love will echo in your head ceaselessly. You will find yourself in the presence of his ghost for the smallest things, from words spilled from your own lips to your best and worst habits.

The way you like your tea? Your side of the bed? The way you claimed the covers like a jealous child? The details of your life together will sting like needles and bleed like razors. There will be endless misery and my advice is for you to learn how to live with his ghost. You will want to make this looming shadow proud, and I urge you not to. Wallow in your pain now, cry and allow yourself to break as many times as you need before your child is born. Whatever misshapen creature is left afterward, embrace it, and allow it to teach you how to survive.

Whatever is left she will have the wisdom to spare.

Written By Khanne

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:53 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Sometimes, I sit near the fire and consider things i have going in my life. I think about the projects I am working on and what remains to be done. I think about the things I would like to do and wonder when I will have time. I then think about the things I want to do any consider if I need to re-prioritize the things I want to do.... I THEN think about the things I want to do and the thins I feel I HAVE to do and wonder how to balance them all.

Sometimes I think about the people I care about and who care about me. I am lucky to have a few I feel very close to. Overall, I am a guarded woman... I don't let everyone in. I am usually not quick to trust. These are not qualities that usually bring a bevy of people near you... I know. Yet, there are those who, for one reason or another, I have felt comfortable with almost immediately. These people... thinking about them... makes me smile. Even if I get lost in all those above things I am working on, HAVE to do, and WANT to do and forget to write as often as I should, or am too busy to sit and share a meal or a drink or... anything. I know these people still love me, and I them. I know that they would have my back if I needed... and I sure as fuck hope they know I would have theirs. I am so fortunate... truly.

Anyway... I'm sitting by the fire... thinking about all the things. I suppose it is a night for pondering and memories.... I've received the 'be ready' call... I guess that can make one more nostalgic.

Be ready. I am as ready as I can possibly be.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:26 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Since there have been several generous offers of silver to the purchasing of thrall debts in Oliver's name, I'd like to note to the public that donations are to be sent to Master Aleksei Morgan. We've arranged for him to see it through, since he volunteered to manage the process, and there is no other more experienced and suited to the task at hand than he.

I want to thank each and every person who has reached out, who have given comfort and support to Josie, who have rallied and risen to stand beside her, to help seek and mete out justice for Oliver. It never ceases to be awe inspiring when the people of the Compact stand united, so thank you. All of you.

Written By Evaristo

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:21 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

I've been sober for four days straight.

Maybe it is a sort of punishment for something I couldn't do anything about.

Also I keep wondering - what about ex-thralls living in the lowers now?

Written By Miranda

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:02 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Written By Bashira

Oct. 24, 2018, 4:37 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

My parents were Thralls.

When my parents died I became a Thrall.

Princess Donella Thrax released me from my Thralldom a few years ago and for that I am eternally grateful and in her debt. Some of the Thralls that ended up in their situations were not put their due to unsavory actions of their own. Today I am working to become a Knight. I protect people. I give money to charity. I try to do what is right and I stay out of trouble.

The murder of Oliver Arterius was carried out by the hands of a coward or cowards. As people aren't sure if it was done by one or many. I am sorry for his family and his friends. I did not have the pleasure of meeting Master Arterius, but no one deserves to die like he did. He was a man that had was trying to help. I hope that the people responsible are found and justice is swift.

Written By Marian

Oct. 24, 2018, 3:01 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Oliver

After the Battle of Stormwall, Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius and her husband assisted House Redrain by providing skilled tradesmen to outfit our new recruits in the Spring after. It was partially due to their contribution that encourage many to join. As Warchief to House Redrain, I owe a personal debt of gratitude to both of them.

May I suggest those responsible submit themselves to Sentinel's justice. This kind man was beloved by man of this city because of his skill as a crafter, and the humanitarian efforts to assist others. As liaison from House Redrain to the Iron Guard, I offer full cooperation with the Inquisition and Iron Guard in their search to find the murderer(s) of Master Olivier Arterius. As I am sure other wards will ensure those who committed these foul deeds have no place to hide within Arx.

Written By Nurie

Oct. 24, 2018, 2:36 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabine

My stars, would you have ever thought that it would be a greater task to get these endearing northerners /into/ smallclothes rather than out of them? Beloved, perhaps if the idea of well fitted and luxurious undergarments could be spread throughout the realm, Tessere could claim to be the broker of peace, as there would be less grumpiness and greater cheer. It is a start!

Written By Skye

Oct. 24, 2018, 2:32 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

When I came to Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius, asking for her help to find skilled tradesmen who were willing to relocate to Blackshore Isle, to help me build a fealty within the Mourning Isles that did not practice Thralldom, she provided assistance without hesitation. She has helped me locate skilled journeymen of many origins...orphans, former Thralls, even free men and women who wanted a new opportunity. No matter what their origins, all of them came together to help me rebuild. Since Blackshore Keep has been rebuilt, House Blackshore has enjoyed the prosperity, because of these amazing people that the Guildmaster introduced me to.

There is no words for the circumstances around her husband's death that could lessen the blow that has been given. My heart aches for the loss of that kind man that won this amazing woman's heart. I pray to the Sentinel that those still harboring anger against the changes in the Mourning Isles towards Thralldom, and committed this vile act are found swiftly by the Inquisition and Iron Guard. Know this vile act has not daunted my commitment to keep my lands free from Thralldom. The next time you find offense, bring your complaints to my doorstep. I have an arrow notched in my bow for that very occasion.

Written By Lisebet

Oct. 24, 2018, 10:03 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Violet

Oh my goodness! That is amazing news! Welcome, Sorcha!

I look forward to meeting the newest addition to your family. Congratulations to Sir Thorley and Commandant Violet!

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 24, 2018, 10:02 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Every kick under my ribs makes me feel both hope and despair. This is too much emotion for one heart; is there a way to relieve the pressure?

As the days go on, I keep thinking I'll wake up and everyone will be as it was. A childish notion, one that I'll shed as I will this grief. One day. For now I continue to focus on what's important, but these feelings... they build like a wave over the day and crash into me, until I'm left gasping and crawling to bed, praying for sleep to drown me, for a little while, and grant me relief.

Sometimes the dreams come and it's helpful. Other times, they come and they are not.

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