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Written By Jael

Oct. 29, 2018, 1:46 p.m.(11/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cristoph


Written By Brigida

Oct. 29, 2018, 12:56 p.m.(11/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sable

I have heard that Sable died in the protection of the Lodge.

I do not, whether due to age or position or disposition, have many friends. I was glad to count her among them.

It isn't often you find someone with whom you can enjoy an amiable silence.

I mourn her.

Written By Shae

Oct. 29, 2018, 2:43 a.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

There was a bee. It was on a fence post and it was barely moving. I brought it inside, tucked against the fur of my coat.

It died and I wept, true tears, staring into my palm. Its details were soft, its wings golden. I felt sad for it, that it was so far from its sleeping kin, lost but not lost.

I woke up. My face was wet and I didn't know what to feel. I still don't.

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 29, 2018, 2:12 a.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

I am further moved to tears by the generosity of my friends, allies, and -family-. It's easy to accept these things, to take them for granted, but alas, us poor mortals will never know how much we are loved sometimes until the worst befalls us. I continue to be humbled, and proud, of these connections that have been forged over the years. My knees buckle and there's a hand to hold me up. I stumble and there's an arm to brace against. I shiver and there is a cloak. I weep and there's an embrace there to shelter me.

That all who feel lost can feel so protected, that all who -have- lost can feel so reclaimed.

I've no right to feel so blessed, but either way, I am still so very thankful.

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 29, 2018, 2:12 a.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

I am further moved to tears by the generosity of my friends, allies, and -family-. It's easy to accept these things, to take them for granted, but alas, us poor mortals will never know how much we are loved sometimes until the worst befalls us. I continue to be humbled, and proud, of these connections that have been forged over the years. My knees buckle and there's a hand to hold me up. I stumble and there's an arm to brace against. I shiver and there is a cloak. I weep and there's an embrace there to shelter me.

That all who feel lost can feel so protected, that all who -have- lost can feel so reclaimed.

I've no right to feel so blessed, but either way, I am still so very thankful.

Written By Pharamond

Oct. 29, 2018, 2:04 a.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

So the Princess hit me again...and again...and again. It's not the worst thing though. It's actually less than the last time she hit me. It has been a privilege to train with her. She's young, and yet the strength of command and the conviction to her craft shows through in every swing, every step, every bit of instruction. I count myself lucky that she considers me an acquaintance, if not more. There's a need to live up to her expectations, considering I wield the sword and wear the armor of a soldier and family member who died in her arms. I will be forever fortunate to have her assistance, and forever be diligent in not letting down the memory of the man she knew and counted as a friend that I now possess.

Written By Orelia

Oct. 29, 2018, 1:13 a.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

The last few days have been interesting. I returned home from Stonehearth. Yes I consider Arx my home these days. There's so much to see and do. So much more exciting than Stonehearth. Not that I dislike going back but... I miss Arx when I'm gone.

My first night back I ran into Gailin. He seems to be doing well in the wake of losing his wife. I'm glad. Prince Luca was well... Luca. I am not sure there's another way to describe Luca. Met one of the Ashfords. Pharamond. He seems a nice sort. Has a mouth on him, which is good since I've got one on me. He kicked my ass around the practice ring though which surprised me since he's... old.

I went to a ball too! The Grayson ball. It was fun. Though I fear I've insulted Prince Niklas and Princess Sabella. I should see if there's any way for me to rectify that. Doesn't do to have people that powerful mad at you. I should write more journal entries.

Written By Torian

Oct. 29, 2018, 12:16 a.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

I hear people talk about opportunity being like a house where, wen one door closes another one opens. I don't know about opportunity, but that sounds like a drafty house.

Written By Torian

Oct. 29, 2018, 12:16 a.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

I hear people talk about opportunity being like a house where, wen one door closes another one opens. I don't know about opportunity, but that sounds like a drafty house.

Written By Merek

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:53 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

I've been thinking about doing remodels of the flagship. Seems that cleaning might do it well. I also think that I might purchase some new sails for it.

Written By Ruslan

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:27 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fianna

I have started to finally settle down in Arx, when I find that things have changed all the more.

You have been more than a helpful friend and confidant.

I look forward to where the journey takes us.

Written By Talen

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:26 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

Every time I have another daughter, I think I become closer to being an old man. I have grey hair already and I'm barely thirty. Now I know how you must feel.

It's the strangest form of masochism.

Written By Cadenza

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:22 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ignacio

It's been a long time since I wrote in this.....but time like the present.

That's right....we're back....

Ignacio and I were sent off to Tor on a diplomatic mission some time back quite quickly and suddenly. It was one of the times I had any official business as the admiral of the Torean fleet. It goes without saying that with our lack of letters and writing were busy with dealing with several matters in Tor.

During this time also brought the birth of our daughter Malena. When we first got together we swore we'd never be parents as we were fighters....explorers.....wanting to be free to go as the wind that catches the sails of our ships. I never thought...I'd be a mother...that'd I be horrid at it. However....during my pregnancy I was more and more hopeful and excited. And once I heard that little bundle cry for the first time, I was in love. Her dark girl locks and green eyes....already trouble with her looks. And with being the daughter of Ignacio....we're really in trouble.

We're happy to be back in Arx with our daughter in tow to get back in the swing of things here now.

Oh....I need to have a crib commissioned to match our home here....I should get on that. I doubt Iggy will let her have anything less than a bed of roses to sleep upon if he could.

Written By Calista

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:21 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

My cousin Ignacio is a father. I never would have thought I'd see the day but here we are. He has a beautiful daughter who luckily takes after her mother, Cadenza. I imagine this is only the beginning of having our Villa walls filled by the laughter of children.

Inigo owes me a visit.

Written By Ignacio

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:20 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cadenza

And with the announcement made, it does bring joy to me that it is known that I do not have one lovely rose, but two. The shining beacon in my life has only grown brighter and has spread. My daughter shall bring great things for I know this as a fact.

Written By Orvyn

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:13 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ouida

Once again, my sister has proven to be an amazingly adept and perceptive individual. She has set aside so much of her own hobbies to pursue the advancement of the house and were it not for her insights on various aspects, I fear that we could have been left with a little egg on our face in the coming days. As it is, we have avoided a small set back and have turned it into a strong win for Harthall.

Thank you again, dear sister!

Written By Luis

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:09 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Another successful trip to the homelands. The company that came with us was rather skilled and adaptable to the needs of the situation and we were able to add more members to the Compact while avoiding fighting, this time.

We can only pray that the taint of the deceased Gyre has been dealt with and that we can now move forward into the next calamity.

Thanks be unto Lord Valdemar Grimhall, Lady Miranda Rubino, Lord Cullen Greenmarch, Lord Vitalis Mazetti, Sir Jordan Ober, and Mister Faruq for all your aid in the adventures.

Written By Cristoph

Oct. 28, 2018, 10:08 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jael

My arm is out of the cast. I want my rematch.

Written By Klaus

Oct. 28, 2018, 10 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

It looks as if marriage negotiations are going forward. She still seems willing despite asking if she was going to get as large as the Princess Alarrissa when she was with child. I was merely wondering as I would imagine sailing would be difficult, and she would be sad and depressed about it. She took it another way I think.

Written By Alaric

Oct. 28, 2018, 9:58 p.m.(11/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Liara

I haven't seen the Formerly Elf Slaughter Hall that lively in quite some time! It was a splendid ball you threw, well done. I enjoyed myself immensely.

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