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Written By Quenia

Sept. 5, 2018, 8:32 a.m.(7/15/1009 AR)

I find myself once more being woo'd. I think I shall take my sweet time this time, to decide if this is a venture I want to consider. At least once reference given has rejected knowing him enough to give word to his character. We shall see, in time.

I find, of late, that my skill in gauging economic commerce has grown with the help of the Silver Consortium. It is new to me, being so flush with economic favors. I am considering what ways that I can provide for the people of my house with them.

And, of course, I have not forgotten my lovely protege, Lucita. I gifted her recently with enough aeterna so she can commission herself a dress and slippers, if she so chooses. I cannot wait to see what designs she and whoever she chooses to craft it will put together.

Luis will soon journey back to Igniseri lands to deal with the horrible creatures that have escaped from the Gyre war and taken up residence there. I hope that whatever the outcome that he and those go with them return home safely. The people of Igniseri will be sure to love him for it, and I'm certain that Lucita is likely ready to pen something in his name, should he be especially heroic. No pressure, there, honest!

My cousin, Yelana, has arrived back in Arx and having her here has been a breath of fresh air. I do hope that she and Ennettia have a good reunion, and they exchange tales of their journeys.

Meanwhile, I believe Ariella and Zebulon are off hunting pirates. They could not leave quick enough as soon as that letter of marque came in. I do hope that they are careful, and the return home safely soon. It would be nice to have a full house of people again.

Written By Edain

Sept. 5, 2018, 8:30 a.m.(7/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

I don't know if this will offer any comfort or encouragement, but I understand your sentiment.

There was a time that I dreamed of nothing more than the open road, the rolling hills, the summer wheat, the forboding forests and craggy mountains. I dreamed of being the proud knight errant that carried the Valardin banner, would be there when my brothers and sister called, and to the hero that brought hope to the hopeless.

Things..... happened and I had to give up that dream and for a long time I am ashamed to admit that in my most private moments I felt very sorry for myself. I have learned something very important the last few years. Even admidst this turmoil or darkness. Our true strength comes not from what we keep for ourselves but in what we give to others.

You will have many adventures yet I imagine, but share in the ones you cannot. Empower others to take those journeys you cannot in your place. Be that to teach them something new, offer them knowledge they will need, or even just your support and promise to sing songs of thier deeds. So take heart and pay things forward and marvel not just at the hero you become, but the one you help others to be.

Written By Lou

Sept. 5, 2018, 8:20 a.m.(7/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

The Society of Explorers is open to everyone. If you have a passion for discovering new places, things, and hidden knowledge, that's all the reason you need, and no one should question your choices.

You are most welcome within our organization, and congratulations on passing your test.

Written By Arcadia

Sept. 5, 2018, 6:03 a.m.(7/15/1009 AR)

It is completely unfair.

The entire world, I mean! When I first moved to Arx I thought I would be able to do every single thing that I ever wanted to do, no matter what it was. No matter how dangerous or impossible. I thought moving out was freedom! But still people try to stop me. Still people say I have to /decide/ and /choose/ and /think before I act/. I'd like to be a hunter, and a spy, and a dancer, and an evil wizard, and a bird if that's possible. I'd like to ride horses and fight monsters and crash ships into rocks and be a great hero like Aislin. And I'd like to be and do all of those things right now. All at once.

But I can't.

Because he won't let me. Because reality won't let me. Because there are 'consequences'. Because I'm just one person with one body and only so much time.

In my stories, when the heroes leave their hometown, the whole world unfolds for them. Their adventures begin! The impossible becomes possible, and even with... With whatever it is that is happening to the world. Even with that, I don't have my adventure. Maybe I can't live in my storybooks after all.

Or maybe I have to pick just one...

Written By Arcadia

Sept. 5, 2018, 6:03 a.m.(7/15/1009 AR)

It is completely unfair.

The entire world, I mean! When I first moved to Arx I thought I would be able to do every single thing that I ever wanted to do, no matter what it was. No matter how dangerous or impossible. I thought moving out was freedom! But still people try to stop me. Still people say I have to /decide/ and /choose/ and /think before I act/. I'd like to be a hunter, and a spy, and a dancer, and an evil wizard, and a bird if that's possible. I'd like to ride horses and fight monsters and crash ships into rocks and be a great hero like Aislin. And I'd like to be and do all of those things right now. All at once.

But I can't.

Because he won't let me. Because reality won't let me. Because there are 'consequences'. Because I'm just one person with one body and only so much time.

In my stories, when the heroes leave their hometown, the whole world unfolds for them. Their adventures begin! The impossible becomes possible, and even with... With whatever it is that is happening to the world. Even with that, I don't have my adventure. Maybe I can't live in my storybooks after all.

Or maybe I have to pick just one...

Written By Lucita

Sept. 4, 2018, 9:03 p.m.(7/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebastian

Oh, Sebastian, my friend. Is that how he really sees me? I thought that little wager we had would result in just an amusing sketch for my children's walls, but this painting he did instead took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. He has such talent. I don't know how can thank him.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 4, 2018, 8:57 p.m.(7/14/1009 AR)

Finally all the training over the last three years is starting to come together, sort of, maybe, at least a little. Duke Aiden's training in survival, and Lady Sasha's language lessons, Lord Graham's classes in dodging, Sparte's training in being more nimble (dexterity) and my old tutor's long winded lectures about bards being welcome and accepted almost everywhere (which was a relief to find out were true) all contributed to helping me pass the SoE entry test. I know I may not seem the most likely person to want to join that group but I have my reasons! My cousin Pietro helped found it, and I like finding out new things. Seeing new areas and new discoveries inspire the music that is my passion, and discovering some of the older songs and ballads is not always done in dusty archives.

Written By Lumen

Sept. 4, 2018, 3:08 p.m.(7/14/1009 AR)

Upon reviewing recent works undertaken by our courtiers, a tentative observation -and possible opportunity to do more- has occurred me. I trust the reader to take this in its intended spirit, and not as a personal or abstract slight.

Our social conventions are unforgiving when breached, even for those of us brought up among them. For Prodigals and allies born far from our cultural hubs, education on these matters seems all too often left up to trial and error. Offenses are doled out, and our attention turns collectively inward to address symptoms rather the enemies outside our gates, or the larger ailment -- that ours is not always a welcoming climate.

Representatives of the Faith have done their part, sometimes with resistance from the most unlikely of sources, to establish what is to be expected. However, in courtly decorum and in Arx where many heads of house culminate, we allow our sisters and brothers to consistently smack up against barriers that can neither be seen nor heard. Often, with painful consequences for both participant and observer alike.

To that end, it is now my intention to encourage where welcome the development of finishing schools and associated houses of courtiers in areas of the Compact wanting for that resource.

Written By Cecilli

Sept. 4, 2018, 2:58 p.m.(7/14/1009 AR)

In the morning after our arrival, I am struck with a realization; the juxtaposition of the gardens transitioning to gray city streets is truly a melancholy sight. Of course, a garden is simply that, it is no replacement for the untamed wilds... yet, it is comforting to be close to nature, even while inside what is primarily the creation of humanity.

Written By Godric

Sept. 4, 2018, 2:50 p.m.(7/14/1009 AR)

Remember, if you get extremely sick from eating foods you are unfamiliar with that turn out to be poisonous? The Mercies are there for you. They have a wellspring of patience I just can't fathom.

Written By Sable

Sept. 4, 2018, 1:28 p.m.(7/14/1009 AR)

Found a type of apple I've never eaten before in the city market. Mottled green and red, smallish, very tart. Maybe the city isn't all bad.

Written By Lisebet

Sept. 4, 2018, 8:31 a.m.(7/10/1009 AR)

I went to the picnic in the Redrain Gardens the other day. They have very lovely gardens and the tea was exquisite. I am glad I went, as I got a chance to catch up a bit with Princess Sorrel and Lady Amari.

Written By Valery

Sept. 4, 2018, 7:34 a.m.(7/10/1009 AR)

It was so nice to see the garden so full of people...
It was a nice picnic, lots of people, and I think they enjoyed it.
Mistress Meriah's and Mistress Lorna's tea were the ones the people like the most.

Written By Vercyn

Sept. 3, 2018, 11:29 p.m.(7/10/1009 AR)

I think maybe I shall begin a campaign for the next beard competition.

I will need someone to spread the word of how great my beard is.

Written By Miranda

Sept. 3, 2018, 10:05 p.m.(7/9/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

Baroness Lucita!

Such brilliance!
Your song would make even the most powerful siren weep with wonder!
Such a beautiful thing to hear and witness!
To soothe even the most savage of beasts.

... or a Corsair Lord!

Written By Miranda

Sept. 3, 2018, 9:57 p.m.(7/9/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

My Corsair Lord...

... what a sight you were!

I will never look upon a twig quite the same. Ever. Again.

My thanks for your assistance and for the image that will always keep me smiling.

Written By Cambria

Sept. 3, 2018, 9:50 p.m.(7/9/1009 AR)

I would like to extend my thanks to Lord Faruq Seraceni and Baroness Enyo De Lire who joined myself and several other members of my House on a trip to Ostria. They acted on behalf of the Mirrorguard, to whom I had written seeking assistance. They were each invaluable assets, and Lord Faruq in particular showed a fast wit that I do not doubt saved the rest of us from a great deal of frustration.

Should I ever have need of the Mirrorguard again, I will gladly ask for these two by name. For those who may be experiencing a certain type of trouble, do not hesitate to write their leadership. Undoubtedly anyone who offers their aid will be of excellent help to you.

Written By Khanne

Sept. 3, 2018, 9:30 p.m.(7/9/1009 AR)


It is an interesting concept, home... and I am going to take a wild guess and imagine that it means vastly different things to different people.

When I was but a wee one, home was... of course, where my family lived. My immediate family is small, but it was never just us.. we always had cousins and friends coming by, stopping for a bit during their travels. My childhood might not be like many others... I never knew my mother, but I was told so many stories of her, she still lives in my memory. My favorite times were when Brianna was visiting (or vice versa).

When I was a bit older, home was the wood, the mountains, where the animals and Spirits thrived. It was there I felt the most myself, and the most free; running, leaping, playing... As I grew older, I learned how to survive in the wilderness more and more... and stayed out there longer and longer.

Eventually, I built my cabin there near the river bend. It just made sense to have my own space out there. And that, that was home. It was humble, small... but so cozy, even in the bitter cold of winter, with a fire blazing in the hearth and a pile of furs of course. I lived there alone, but it was where I felt safe and relaxed.

When I came to Arx... well, of course the Halfshav Estate is home, and my suite there within. When I first moved in, it was sparse. I had a bed, piled with furs of course, and a chair by the fireplace. Slowly, I added touches that made it my own. Now, a person entering would have no doubt it was my space. It is large, full of living... What I mean by this is, it exhibits all that I do and am. My furniture, clothing, collections of booze and figurines, the paintings I have taken brush stroke to... And then, I married... and it became ours. There are signs of him all over the place here too... more books and bookcases, his worktable, the bottles there. Even with him traveling so far away, he is here. Home.

However.... nothing... nothing compares to being in a place that just...FEELS... like home. Where the very air wraps you in an embrace and welcomes you... home. Where the fragrance upon the breeze brings back memories, like how the smell of apple scones reminds me of my childhood home... or I can't smell pine without thinking of my cabin... but this... this was.... like smelling hope, breathing hope, every beat of my heart, beating with hope.

I have a new personal idea of what Home is. Home is that place in your soul that is full of that hope, joy, and excitement. It is that place you never want to leave, but when you must, you look forward to being there again. It is that place where you feel completely and utterly, you. In a way you never quite felt before. They say home is where you hang your hat... where the heart is. I now know, for me... home is where your soul shines like the sun (or at least feels that way).

Written By Monique

Sept. 3, 2018, 9:30 p.m.(7/9/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Never in my life have I seen such skill with fingers. This woman took my breath away. Though, really, I should have known, given the exceptional jewels she crafts. Just in case anyone is wondering what to get me for my birthday...

Written By Josephine

Sept. 3, 2018, 8:53 p.m.(7/9/1009 AR)

I met the loveliest woman today. Her name was Gianna. Such a lovely voice. So strange the people you can meet within the walls of the Murder of Crows. That and for one moment I shocked my greatest client, my favourite client, into silence.

Who knew old ladies could throw darts so well. Apparently not them. The wine was free. Probably for the best we didn't play for coin.

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