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Written By Marian

Oct. 22, 2017, 7:56 a.m.(6/12/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

Prosperity is over rated my dear sister. I would recommend just doing the good idea and letting the historians worry about immortalizing it.

Written By Luca

Oct. 22, 2017, 7:44 a.m.(6/12/1007 AR)

For all the shavs we face and are forced to kill, I wonder there is a soul left in the wilds. Horny will pay for it all someday I can only hope. It was a brutal battle and no man deserves to be turned into wasps for his trouble.

Written By Marian

Oct. 22, 2017, 7:44 a.m.(6/12/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

My dear friend, I can not speak for all women but as one that has recently faced the birth's of one's child and came up on the other side, I can tell you a few things. First, yes, it will hurt. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you a bill of goods. Second, women do die from childbirth, which I hope in my hearts is not your fate. Third, when you see the face of your child, all of that doesn't matter.

Written By Calarian

Oct. 22, 2017, 6:38 a.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

I receive with great pleasure the news of the good performance my house had in the latest competition set up by Princess Alarissa Thrax. None greater than Grayson.

Written By Saedrus

Oct. 22, 2017, 4:13 a.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

This time of year is without question, my favourite.

Written By Valencia

Oct. 22, 2017, 2:38 a.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

When I read these excepts of journals it reminds me that there are layers upon layers of happenings and stories being told in this city.

I suspect most of these interactions and events will never cause pause or reach the light. Some lost by eclipse of other tales. Some are hidden away in dark dens never to be spoken of even in whispers and kept close by those who lived them. Others are the smallest flutter of butterfly wings that grow to cause terrible tempests that changes the landscape forever, but the origin of the story are not so widely known. And some are just the silent break of daily life, a page between one tale and the next.

But the glimpses here and there by word or on journal pages make me curious and hungry to know more. To do more. To be more. And perhaps make my own beautiful, meaningful mark upon a page or two. Though to be true, as immodest and vain as it is, I'd rather be the tempest than a butterfly's wing.


Written By Monique

Oct. 22, 2017, 1:49 a.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

When you have an idea that is both good and terrible, or maybe just terribly good, and you must announce it's existence somewhere suitably vague for prosperity.

Written By Sophie

Oct. 22, 2017, 1:39 a.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

I have discovered that my propensity for seasickness extends to small boats. In spite of it, Princess Katarina, Marquis Gaston Blackram, and Lord Armand Farshaw performed admirably in the first Annual Compact Crew Race. Next year, I will see myself properly medicated before taking the helm. That, or I shall see myself cheering from the sidelines.

Written By Audric

Oct. 22, 2017, 12:31 a.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabetta

Alas, Prince Talen rarely hunts people himself any more. He has a rose Baron with a lot of experience in that sort of thing to do it for him, now! Good to be the boss, eh?

Written By Leona

Oct. 22, 2017, 12:26 a.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Fiachra

Alis's husband (and, it should be noted, Ellara's doting father) has a good head on his shoulders. He's firm about what is right, he's not waiting for someone else to come and fix things - he's working on it himself. I approve. He stands firm against the dark, and he knows what he wants out of life. I like him a great deal already, and I imagine we'll only get along better as time goes on.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 21, 2017, 11:21 p.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

1st - Grayson (329) Lead by Marquis Malesh and rowed by Prince Barric, Dame Esoka and Count Thesarin.
2nd - Thrax (278) Lead by Lady Titania and rowed by Duke Harald, Lord Faelan and Count Artorius.
3rd - Valardin (194) Lead by Princess Sophie and rowed by Lord Armand, Princess Katarina, Marquis Gaston
4th - Crownsworn/Godsworn (NPC's)
5th - Velenosa (NPC's)
6th - Redrain (NPC's)

A harrowing race and a little bit of place switching by all. In the end though, ahead by a foot was Grayson, soon followed by Thrax, Valardin sliding in to take third. The Crownsworn gave a good fight, Velenosa brought it and bringing up the rear but no less well done is Redrain.

The cup will sit in Grayson's House for all to see and next year... next year Thrax will take it, I am sure.

Written By Mirari

Oct. 21, 2017, 11:11 p.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

I do rarely read other people's whites, however, Baron de Lire's are usually amusing so sometimes I peek. Now, his last one wasn't so much *amusing* as it was something I agree with. Professionalism is something one should pride themselves on. I cannot express how annoying it is to politely remove someone's hands from my person or keep reminding them that I am asking them about numbers, jewels, materials, flowers, scents, etc.

Business is business. Let's keep it that way, yes?

Written By Cambria

Oct. 21, 2017, 6:57 p.m.(6/10/1007 AR)

Give with a free hand, but give of your own.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 21, 2017, 5:16 p.m.(6/10/1007 AR)

I have just received a message that his Grace, The Prince Talen Velenosa, Sword of Lenosia, Archduke Consort of Lenosia,
Grand Duke Consort of the Lyceum, Sword of the Mirrorguard, Voice of the Artiglio
and if I'm not terribly mistaken, first of his name. . .

Has Deigned to find me worthy of a most generous and momentous invitation to dine with him
as he put it, when not up to trouble.

Naturally I am so overcome with the gravity of such an honor that I find myself even now riding
out for a hunt. My great regret that I am unable to meet with him and so overcome am I with
joy that I do not know what to do with myself but what I do best, this "trouble" he speaks of.

I loathe to be so verbose.

I also loathe to be the hunted, rather than the hunter, but a challenge must be met, so if I am
to be getting into "trouble" then I shall not disappoint.

Someday I shall thank him for the ready made excuse.

If he ever catches me.

Written By Fortunato

Oct. 21, 2017, 1:25 p.m.(6/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

My actual patron. If friend, too. Not the only one who can tell you that the Master of Questions has a none-too-subtle sense of humor. He is, fortunately, amused by stupid sketches and long-missed and still-missed deadlines. Not that I plan to do anything too shady where he can see. Not that I ever do anything shady. Is he reading this? How many more provisions should I drop here.

Written By Fortunato

Oct. 21, 2017, 1:16 p.m.(6/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

Ah, Leona. Rare sort of person to come from power, and burn for the welfare of the smallfolk with nearly the fervor she has for her sworn charge. Without a hint of magnanimity, either (ask me how I feel about magnanimity, ask me!). But let me not speak of Leona more like a patron than as a surprising friend. Been wonderful to talk frankly and widely with someone so thoughtful and direct.

Written By Reigna

Oct. 21, 2017, 12:46 p.m.(6/10/1007 AR)

Soon. Soon now. Each day brings the arrival closer, and soon I will feel like myself again. Not that I do not feel myself now, it is simply these are the hard months, when my entire body aches and I feel my skin is too tight and I cannot sleep for the worry running in my veins like cold silver. It feels at times the only emotion I feel these days is worry. I try to push it away, I sing my prayers and I spend time in the reading garden and I try to focus on the tasks before me, but then the fear comes. I have seen births and at the time I was focused on the mother, on helping her through, but when I am in the role of healer, emotions fall away and the moments are the focus, I think of my training and the steps that will come next and I focus there on each step. But this time... I feel like a child with a hundred silly questions to which I know the answer. Will it hurt? Of course it will. Will I die? I certainly hope not. Kael will be with me, and for that I feel a wealth of gratitude.

Soon now.

Written By Aleksei

Oct. 21, 2017, 11:17 a.m.(6/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

Well, Saedrus actually organized it this year, so OBVIOUSLY it's going to be better!

Written By Magpie

Oct. 21, 2017, 10:55 a.m.(6/10/1007 AR)

If anyone feels the overwhelming desire to donate opulent things to Mae's soup kitchen despite her saying not to... please feel free. I will ensure the donations will go to a good home.

I went to an amazing party last night. Way better than last year's party.
Yes, I'm definitely tracking that.

I should figure out when Mae's birthday is so I can throw her a party. Does anyone know? Someone please send me the date if you know.

Written By Audric

Oct. 21, 2017, 5:48 a.m.(6/9/1007 AR)

It's so very rare that I meet with someone I've dealt with occasionally in passing, usually at parties or whatnot, and then when I meet with them in a professional setting I'm so terribly impressed! Professionalism is a virtue that so few people have. It's up there with... bathing, or being nice to the serving staff. Professionalism, like those two things, costs you nothing, but can gain you as much as your life.

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