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Written By Talen

Nov. 6, 2016, 2:13 p.m.(1/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sylvie

The cooler head of the Zaffria-Rubino pair. Charming, dangerously so. The kind of person you want to have on your side. Part of the family of vassal Lyceum provinces.

Written By Talen

Nov. 6, 2016, 1:38 p.m.(1/17/1005 AR)

I nearly burnt the silks I own in a fire today. Someone told me to give them away instead. I'm such a nice guy.

Written By Talen

Nov. 6, 2016, 1:22 p.m.(1/17/1005 AR)

It is time to design a new set of armour. The hassle of sending everything from Lenosia to Arx is simply too much. I have set a man out to source exotic hides for the leatherworker.

I have yet to decide if I wish to pair it with rubicund or not. There certainly is an appeal to blending red and black.

Perhaps it's too forthright in appearance, however.

Decisions, decisions.

Written By Hammar

Nov. 6, 2016, 11:24 a.m.(1/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Ianthe

Joscelin friend Ianthe. Hammar meet once with Joscelin, then when Hammar was go to beaches to take bath, Ianthe was go to beaches, so Hammar got to know Ianthe better. Hammar think Ianthe try scare Hammar away because she say she mean. Hammar not get scare easy, so Ianthe maybe need try harder scare Hammar. Hammar be Ianthe friend now.

Written By Fergus

Nov. 6, 2016, 11:15 a.m.(1/17/1005 AR)

Everyone has their reasons for hating someone or something. I myself have a pretty strong dislike for abandoned or Shav's as I've fought them for much of my life in war and just little boundary battles. It's been a while now I've been told of one person's dislike for others, and I must say it makes a lot of sense once it was all spelled out to me. I can say I've had less reason to dislike people.

Written By Fergus

Nov. 6, 2016, 11:12 a.m.(1/17/1005 AR)

Ulf rode into town at my request for him to check the roads from Farhaven to Arx. Ulf is one of those men that a guy wants beside him when in war, I should know, he was at my right hand side in battle for many years. Those of you reading who don't understand, most men are right handed, so if you carry a shield, it is on your left arm, which means you are unprotected on your right side. Ulf is the guy you intrust your life on. Big ugly bastard that carries a morningstar. Might just have to keep him around Farhaven if things are going to start getting hot around the city.

Written By Max

Nov. 6, 2016, 7:44 a.m.(1/16/1005 AR)

Well. This is a start.

Prince Valarius apparently reads. Thats good. And he reads my journal! I am so terribly flattered. Here I am, hardly in town and he follows my musings so religiously.

He doesn't really -like- them, which I admit I entirely expected. That was the point, after all. To give him cause to chafe. To make him sore, like a pebble in the boot. In the presence of comfort, no man moves.

And now he moves. He shows promise. He even started insulting me. He needs work - nothing some time at sea with a crew of real sailors could not fix - but I almost wished I had a sister that his jibe about her making him breakfast would have found good home.

I find myself almost liking this man. I have concern for his hobbies, as they led Alrec so astray...

But at least this prince wishes to fight. This is a good sign.

Written By Silas

Nov. 6, 2016, 7:07 a.m.(1/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

I can spend hours conversing with Lady Juliet Fidante without growing bored, which is a talent which shouldn't go underestimated. I am surprised she would even entertain the likes of me for so long.

Written By Donella

Nov. 6, 2016, 5:06 a.m.(1/16/1005 AR)

I have concerns. Look. Right here between my eyebrows. Can you see them? These concerns came upon me with her highness Isolde Velenosa's visit, and now I cannot get rid of them.

Subdued all evening, I go back to my dead mama's knee for the first lesson: when you do not know what to do, don't speak; listen. I hope that I will be forgiven, when others hear and read what I have heard and read tonight, for not feeling up to a gala.

When I think of all that is in the Archive, all that could be in the archive, all that was burnt shut up in vaults and closed into folios... maintained, but untouched. What good does it do, to make records of things that must not be forgotten, and then not read them, and teach them to our children? Men die, but they also speak what they know while they live.

Long before there was reading and writing, there were was a palace of words built in the mind. There be treasure.

Written By Isolde

Nov. 6, 2016, 2:46 a.m.(1/16/1005 AR)

It is said a Willow is the strongest of trees. When the storm blows, they bend, adapt, where other trees, though strong, will break because they cannot bend. I try to remember this, and pity the oaks that fall, broken when the sun rises after the storm. I have determined to be more the willow, so I can shelter others from the oncoming torrent.

Some days I succeed better than others. I treasure those days.

Written By Isolde

Nov. 6, 2016, 2:43 a.m.(1/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Donrai

I strangely appreciate Prince Donrai. Granted, I am pleased that my liver wasn't eaten with a side of fava beans and a nice Southport Chianti, but there was something... refreshing about chatting with the Prince of Thrax. I doubt it would become a habit, but I'll have to visit the Thrax more often.

Written By Juliet

Nov. 6, 2016, 1:47 a.m.(1/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Not only is messere Arterius a skilled craftswoman blessed by Jayus, but the lady has an excellent keen wit and a wondrously delightful demeanour as well. I look forward to seeing her again - I think, based on tonight, that she may very well be exactly what I am looking for.

And I will cherish the title of "The Walking Blossom of Scandal" until the Thirteenth comes for me.

Written By Juliet

Nov. 6, 2016, 1:10 a.m.(1/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Natalia

I sometimes struggle to wrap my head around Princess Natalia Grayson.

She is easily distracted - and of course, a lady of her stature has always a myriad of voices longing to have her attention.

And yet, undeniably, she is so very talented at her chosen vocation - to make others look good. Quite literally. I wonder if she practices her devotions to Jayus with needle and thread?

She certainly knows where to get marvellous clothing. The dress and boots she sent me have made my week.

I'm glad that she's chosen to call me friend.

Written By Joscelin

Nov. 6, 2016, midnight(1/15/1005 AR)

I had a Thraxian lord tell me I had guts for standing up to Lord Victus Thrax.

I laughed, I was so surprised. Guts? I near pissed myself in the aftermath, I was only so bold because I thought for sure it was too late and I was probably going to -die-, doomed by my sharp tongue that sees no class-lines.

Truthfully, my honesty and brazen behavior has been coveted by many, especially the nobles that are used to 'yes-men' that only agree and nod and never offer anything honest or sharp and necessary.

To those that disapprove of my actions, I am sorry for the trouble my mouth has caused. Several have warned me that it was bound to happen eventually, and I should have expected much worse, and I should be thankful my punishment wasn't what -could- have happened.

The others that have been nothing but supportive even in their criticisms, I can't tell you how moved I am by these unexpected gestures. Noble and commoner alike, I have heard from so many of you, and it touches me that this has rippled in such a way that I've met friends who, while they think I acted without thought, are reminding me that I've more connections and alliances than I thought I did. It's humbling, truly, and I will do my best to deserve the honor.

[a tiny black braid, long but barely thicker than twine, has been bound with a silver thread and tucked with the entry, with instructions to never remove it]

I will never forget this.

Written By Eos

Nov. 5, 2016, 8:58 p.m.(1/15/1005 AR)

It was only meant to be a couple of weeks that I was out of Arx, and yet I left in the summer and return to find Winter has settled over the city. Much has happened, there is much to catch up on.

The journey was largely uneventful, so far as dangers go, and the company on the road the best one might hope for. The only trouble we found there or back was the persistance of a small, furry thief who was only dissuaded from the packs when we made camps with bribes of jerky. Extorted by a wild thing.

Written By Sophie

Nov. 5, 2016, 1:55 p.m.(1/14/1005 AR)

As a matter of my devotion to Our Lady of Change and my duty as a Dragon of the West, the concept of noblesse oblige is one dear to my heart, and one that I strive to uphold in every way. My work as a Mercy makes me no stranger to the Lower Boroughs. As a Valardin, I am blessed to have the means to regularly offer succor those less privileged. Yet I am only one woman, and my House only one House, so I am most heartened and grateful for those who saw fit to share some of their riches, last night, with those who are less fortunate. It is my hope that more will come forward, and for more than a handful of occasions.

To Lord Propsero Fidante, I thank you for your gifts of small medicines and teas. I know first-hand how precious such things are in such places, and I extend my gratitude for your continued service to the orphans of the Lower Boroughs.

To Lady Juliet Fidante, I thank you for the bounty of firewood that warms hearths and hearts.

To Lord Eos Saik, I thank you for your gifts of southern cured meats, the assortment of winter root vegetables, the crates of jarred fruits, and the remedies for common winter ailments. These are hearty, nourishing things that are good for both the body and spirit, and I know they have heartened their recipients.

To Prince Darren Redrain, Highlord of the Northlands, I thank you for your most pragmatic gift of furs fashioned into durable and warm clothing to stave off winter's chill. I also relay the gratitude of several fellows who appreciated your spirit lifting barrel of spirits.

To Princess Donella Thrax, Voice of her House, I thank you for rallying our privileged peers to lend aid to those so often overlooked. I am certain that Queen Genevieve would be proud.

Finally, to all others, please accept my apologies if you were somehow overlooked, and please know that you have my gratitude, as well as that of those you have helped.

Thank you, and may the Gods bless us all.

Written By Ianthe

Nov. 5, 2016, 1:41 p.m.(1/14/1005 AR)

I am not used to wanting things I cannot have.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 5, 2016, 1:23 p.m.(1/14/1005 AR)

I had such a fun time at the charity event last evening! I met so many people. I was glad that my cousin Natalia introduced me to the other nobles. I'll be wearing the beautiful gown that she designed for me at her event tonight. And now that I know so many others, I can better make sure that the event is flawless!

Written By Ianthe

Nov. 5, 2016, 1:16 p.m.(1/14/1005 AR)

How lovely to see how much the nobles of this land care about the little people. They trudged all the way into the mire and muck to offer the less fortunate food, medicine, and candy.

I suppose actual respect is a bit more difficult for the blessed of this land to offer their lessers.

I will admit to being somewhat impressed with the Voice of Thrax. I'm not sure if she understood but she matched a selfless gesture with one of her own.

Written By Freja

Nov. 5, 2016, 1:08 p.m.(1/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Lukas

A guard in service of Redrain, from the village of Eoid's Field. I remember the place being very small and just a ways east of Farhaven. The man doesn't have family that he spoke of and seems content with his service as a guard at the villa, but something tells me in his younger years he tried for something more - or had it already. Weapon preference: Sword.

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