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Jan. 17, 2021, 8:21 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)
Looking back over the year so far, I've let some aspirations fall to the wayside. Some goals couldn't be advanced and had to be routed around, while others remained nebulous and difficult to even approach. Are they achievable or not? It's hard to tell when I can barely make out the scale and rough outline of them.
One day I'll have the time and be rooted enough to paint again, and even garden too. Perhaps even before I turn thirty! Though, both seem the sort of thing to keep you busy after you've taken an arrow to the knee and can't adventure anymore.
Jan. 17, 2021, 7:54 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)
Amazing the things you can do when you're faced with responsibility. And the people you meet along the way! My journey is only just beginning!
Jan. 17, 2021, 7:32 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)
I feel an ache of want in my chest.
Soon we sail for Setarco, and I have never wanted it more in my life -- acknowledging that I say that every time, and that it's probably true every time, as well.
To drift, unfettered, into her embrace is all I long for. Being able to turn in nearly any part of the Silken City and see a new angle of the Great Titan, her gaze ever so sly, wherever I am. To hear and smell and see and taste, to be immersed in the city of my birth. To feel home.
I know it won't last for long: we sail for the Saffron Chain shortly thereafter.
But I know with certainty I will feel better for it.
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Jan. 17, 2021, 7:27 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)
I-is it drink, drunk. Drink. Is it drink or food to be fuel? Air? Are these fuel f-for my fire? My, our, mine - Is this what makes life?
Water. Need water. Gotta flow, flow like water, my waters, my Woel? No. Staff! Staff. Fists. Feet. Fffflow.
Eats. Food. Wood. Paper. Cloth. Skin. Hair. Mixed together...mixmixmixmixed...Woel. Peaches.
Air? Air. Breath. Worrrrds. Mummers. Ideas.
...spark? Spark. What is spark, my spark? My. Spark. Spark...s-park..
Jan. 17, 2021, 7:14 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)
The days are cooler, scholar! COOL! I can step outside and not feel like I'm melting! It's the best feeling EVER! The crisp air, the turning color of the leaves...You can smell the clean!
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Jan. 17, 2021, 7 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)
Marquis Dio. You flatter me with your words and high praises. Now, stop it! I have a reputation to maintain!
Jan. 17, 2021, 6:51 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)
It is important to understand the nature of the games that one involves themself in - when the rules are subject to constant change, you are perhaps better off simply not playing.
Jan. 17, 2021, 5:50 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
I had the strangest dream, the other night. I woke up, in a tub of hot water, only it wasn't water. It was /whiskey/.
I couldn't decide if it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, or a horrific waste of otherwise drinkable alcohol.
Then I woke up, and found I'd knocked over the bottle in my sleep.
Jan. 17, 2021, 5:13 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
The seasons change again. Summer has fled, and autumn's arrived upon our doorstep.
Of all the things that I should miss with having to ship out soon to the Saffron Chain, winter is not amongst them. I remember still how horrid the winter was when I came from Setarco, and I shouldn't miss when it comes to greet the city once more. But... on the other hand, I will admit that it's a mixed matter, thinking of being south once more during the cold weather when I consider what we'll face.
May the gods grant that I - and all of us who sail forth - be back in time to see the arrival of spring to this city.
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Jan. 17, 2021, 5 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
Crews named and accounted for. Provisions packed and loaded. I know exactly the names the Captains and First Mates but it only just occurred to me I'll need the names of their next of kin. All these preparations would drive me to distraction were it not for the things these tasks distract me from.
Jan. 17, 2021, 4:44 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on
Offered an excellent viewpoint on cavalry tactics. Happy to take the questions, not even a laugh at them being potentially ridiculous. Cannot complain about that when you are new to understanding what the difference between the pins in the map is.
Jan. 17, 2021, 4:08 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
I just watched the Swan and Dove sail into the bay of Thrax, fresh from the dockyards in Setarco.
She is a beautiful ship. And she's mine. I must send a token of gratitude to Princess Adrienne.
Though now I wonder; should House Whisper also see about the construction and purchase as a caravel? I can imagine it would come in very handy for any number of reasons.
And if we do, what should we call such a thing?
Maybe I'll check in with my darlings and see what they think.
Jan. 17, 2021, 3:31 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
Been doing my research on the Ashford family. I have learned that some rumours are true, others exaggerated, but well, wait. No, no, I think most of the rumours are true. Hunting at night. Occasional naps in the kennels. Denying the existence of glassware while in the wild! Civility has its own definition from land to land, and house to house, and the only true civility that matters is proper glassware. It's not like I brought ornate wine goblets!
Jan. 17, 2021, 3 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
I do appreciate those who came to my auction and even more so to those who bid. Art is about beauty and beauty must be shared.
All in all no profits were made, despite the bidding wars that bounced back and forth, but it is nice to get back what you've invested into a passion project a d to see others just as excited.
Jan. 17, 2021, 2:13 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on
It is good to see Countess Charon again, as if a day has not passed. Her beauty of heart and passion to be here for our family, is reassuring. We are stronger for her presence.
Jan. 17, 2021, 2:10 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on
She is a kind lady. Honest, and true to her friends. I can see why they are also true to her. She will be a great friend. I just hope others will give her a chance to redeem herself, rather than holding the past against her, especially when none of us can tell what the future will bring with the war nearing.
Jan. 17, 2021, 1:33 p.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
The wind howls from the Mourning Isles, across Thrax bay and batters against the port of Arx. I can smell home on it. A storm is coming and I for one welcome it.
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Jan. 17, 2021, 11:53 a.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
I prepare for yet another mission. There is always a bit of uncertainty on the return. No one is the same. Finn gets all sorts of anxious before each. So you're reading it here. If anythjng happens to me, he goes to my family. My Duchess General cousin Calypso will thank me.
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Jan. 17, 2021, 11:40 a.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
While I have only recently arrived to Arx from my long journey south from Clearlake, I'm hopeful that my abilities as a healer and apothecary will be useful, and helpful to the people here. I have heard that we are at war with Eurus... I believe that is how it is spelled. I do not know a great deal about it, but I will do all that I can to help my family and those in need during these times.
Jan. 17, 2021, 8:34 a.m.(10/8/1014 AR)
Miss Bennett is sent back where she came from, and the interview for a new tutor has begun. Though it will be difficult to find someone who can understand how I feel and not feel like they are smothering me. I am wondering if the best tutors, may not be those of the city, who I have come to call friend. Let the people who I call friend and those I trust teach me that it is okay, to just be me. I admit that I fell best being myself, and not trying to be something I am not. Sis to be did say that it could take time to find a suitable tutor. I have a feeling it will take much longer than both of us think.