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Written By Preston

Jan. 12, 2021, 11:03 a.m.(9/26/1014 AR)

There are times I peruse the whites, reading what the nobility have to talk about - for the Faith cares for all its children and would know they are well and their minds focused on their tasks.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 12, 2021, 5:20 a.m.(9/25/1014 AR)

I am entertaining the idea of looking for a pen friend to share the occasional correspondence with, Scholar.

Written By Medeia

Jan. 12, 2021, 3:10 a.m.(9/25/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Yuri

Lord Yuri Tessere arrived in the city about a week before the attack that claimed my uncle's life. I had met him on his very first day in the city - well, his first as an adult - while meeting with Marquis Gaspar in the Tessere gardens. I had no idea that the man I saw dueling an imaginary foe would become a dear friend, though that process started off slow. Partly because I was sunk into a pit of grief so soon after meeting him. He was very understanding and has always been since. He is quick to offer the highest of praise, to join in a dance, to accept a challenge, and share in his company. I have yelled at him and been forgiven, I have tended his injuries, he has dipped me to the floor while dancing and not dropped me, we have lamented the lack of sauces in certain cuisines, and shared many bottles of wine. It seems only appropriate that I could be there for him in his grief. It breaks my heart to see someone I care for hurt so deeply. He does not deserve to have the color and flavor bled from the world.

Written By Sydney

Jan. 12, 2021, 12:20 a.m.(9/25/1014 AR)

There is comfort in knowing that even as the world lurches and churns around you, some things remain the same.

Those that anchor you to this Dream with warmth, like a home.

Those that make you thrilled to be alive, like one's rivals.

Those that accept you and urge you to enjoy the sweeter things in life.

And those that continue to drive you forward, toward whatever might come next. Change comes for us all in one form or another, but I do hope some things remain near enough that I can hardly tell the difference.

Written By Piccola

Jan. 11, 2021, 8:20 p.m.(9/25/1014 AR)

I lived in one of the greatest villas of Iriscal.

Poverty looks grim to grown people, and still more so to children, for they have not much an idea of industrious, working, respectable poverty. They think of the word only as connected with ragged clothes, scanty food, fireless grates, rude manners and debasing vices. Poverty for me was everyday life: it was the degradation of living under the eyes of parents who thought it fair to allow their children to determine who it is that shall have the most of each meal, as if we were but hunting hounds at the feet of our masters.

But for the hearts and souls of those who served the family, I would have been a corpse by the time I bled.

Written By Sydney

Jan. 11, 2021, 6 p.m.(9/25/1014 AR)

Since we're ennobling commoners seemingly at random for good behavior, I can provide a long list of those who deserve better than their current lot. I welcome this wholeheartedly and my comprehensive list is available upon request.

At least one of them is the neighborhood cat, if only so it yowls in some other Ward.

Written By Yuri

Jan. 11, 2021, 5:31 p.m.(9/24/1014 AR)

Scholar, is it normal for all I see now to be clouded in grey? Should it be normal for wine to lose its taste and for food to be unappealing? What a funny time for all this to be happening. When all are needed to act, I can barely lift a finger. I have no desire.

At first, I felt myself sick. But, now I have the knowledge I had so desperately tried to seek out. Borne in the most unassuming of methods.

No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear.

Written By Gwenna

Jan. 11, 2021, 4:23 p.m.(9/24/1014 AR)

In times of impending crisis, every so often someone makes a remark suggesting that there are bigger things going on in the world, like war, with which to spend our thoughts and journals. That the smaller things, even the petty things, should be tucked away or go unrecorded because there are more important things we should be putting our minds to. Yes, war does loom and certainly many in the Compact spend more hours of their days planning and worrying about it than otherwise. That does not mean we think of nothing else, like the desire to paint, or noting how much we enjoyed an event. And, yes, even our irritations with the smaller things of this world. Perhaps we should not have the time to make such remarks to others in the same manner, were such to be true.

Written By Deva

Jan. 11, 2021, 11:39 a.m.(9/24/1014 AR)

I have been asked what I missed most in my years away. The simplest, and truest, answer is I miss those I'll never share another moment with. So many things are replaceable, but a loved one's laugh is not. Don't worry, I'm well aware of my own culpability for feeling this way. I simply mean to never take those moments for granted again.

Written By Svana

Jan. 11, 2021, 8:21 a.m.(9/24/1014 AR)

While I do not personally think that Lady Emberly has done much that is worthy of being re-enobled, it seems in poor taste for those in the peerage and the Faith to continue to comment upon it. Perhaps she has learned from her mistakes. Time will tell.

War is rising on looming on the horizon and we must have all better things to dither about.

Written By Raziel

Jan. 10, 2021, 11:09 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

While every man needs a hobby, I am puzzled by the Dominus' choice. Still, I suppose avidly following the life of the now Lady Emberly Crovane offers a nice change of pace from the matter of heretics and their rival Dominus.

Written By Cristoph

Jan. 10, 2021, 10:02 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

I had the pleasure of attending a tournament put on by House Valardin for High Lord Alis' birthday. It was a fine thing watching all of the combatants engaged against one another and I applaud them on how well they fared. I believe it was Prince Grimgar who took home the win? I think. Why, yes. Maybe I was a little distracted toward the end but the conversation on the benches was very engaging.

Written By Graziella

Jan. 10, 2021, 10 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

I am still learning how to paint and I need a lot of help at times.. I find it very kind of Marquessa Lianne for agreeing to hang one of my early works in an upcoming show at the Eidolon Gallery. I have many more dreams to paint and so many more ideas to put onto the canvas that I can only hope and pray for Jayus to oversee my lessons and help me to be better with the brush, perhaps I'll make a donation to an unknown artist in his name.. that sounds fitting.

My cousin Prince Sebastian has agreed to help me learn and I am grateful, I have years of study before I am ever as talented as him... he's painted so many things...

Written By Kastelon

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:53 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

I seem to have acquired a set of new gloves through the tournament held to celebrate Princess Alis' birthday. Not that I'm at all certain how I managed it, but I placed first amongst the archers - and all while actually hitting only those things I aimed at.

Not that anyone receiving training from me had doubts about my ability, but perhaps this raise confidence in such when Keaton's archers are in the field in the coming weeks.

Written By Patrizio

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:45 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

The drums of war beat ever more loudly these days. I feel most of my planning for my portion of things has come to its conclusion and all that remains is for the Skal'dajan fleet to arrive at our shores. Now we are at the waiting part of the game...

I hate waiting.

Written By Ezmeralda

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:35 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

Oh my words. Savio is not known for his pragmatism, like his elder brother Giorgio, but he has -always- been very good at reading people. When I first heard that one of the Amadeo were joining the Grand Tribunal myrmidons on the scouting mission I was more than a bit apprehensive for fear that, well, if something were to happen to them I would be responsible. That they had already set sail and it was out of my hands didn't make me feel any less anxious about the whole thing and when he returned, a bit worse for wear I sighed deeply and held my head in my hands as I prepared myself mentally for the reaming that his Lord father would surely give me.

Thankfully that was not the case! Not only was Lord Orland such a good sport about it all, he served our House well in his capacity as scout adjunct and he was very generous about the whole affair when he could've griped or moaned about it and made me feel just awful about it. Since then he has been a regular around the manor and always so pleasant and charming. Having him around is a genuine joy and it makes me even happier knowing that him and Savio have an affinity for one another.

Tonight I met the Count Amadeo and was doubly delighted by the gentleman he was. Seeing the depths of his devotion and love for his boy was...touching. I respect that a great deal in someone who is responsible for the lives of others, parent or not. Lord Orland has become a fixture in our lives and I do so look forward to what misadventure he will get up to with my family.

Written By Khanne

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:32 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

It was a busy bit of time for me... a few days or so before the Sloshed Poetry Slam, I attended the Kismet Carnival. It was, of course, a great success and I had so much fun! It has been a long time since I was able to so thoroughly just feel free as I did. Thanks in part to Lianne's company as we played the many games available (I won two trophies!). If anyone should ever have the chance to attend a Kismet Carnival, whether hosted here in town or one of the traveling ones, I highly recommend. Venturo certainly knows what he's doing in running them!

Written By Duarte

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:30 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)


To say Belinha took me in is yet another inaccuracy. Much akin to my usual claims that I trained with courtesans, it merely saves time.

After our initial conversation on that rainy day I made it a point to run into her when I could: at the market, the bank or on the street. I am sure she found me a harmless cute lad but I thought the world of her. She was incredibly kind, but more than this, she could wield that kindness more masterfully than any adept swordsman handles their weapon.

For the better part of a year, perhaps once or twice a week, I would catch her and we would speak about such things as the weather or current happenings. I soon came to find out she liked to gossip. And she would then gossip at me about a great many number of people of whom I had never heard. I, being just a boy - and an orphan living alone at that - had nothing to contribute. So I would listen.

I should perhaps here enter that I am an avid reader - well, I used to be. Whereas now I read largely accounts, and Accounts, then I would read fantasy stories of intrigue, pirates, adventure, all sorts of things. And, being a boy who liked to read - still young - it was an oft thing to desire to be the characters I read about. How brave! How cunning! How dauntless!

Eventually (thanks to those books) I had gotten up the courage to ask Belinha to take me on as a student and admit me to the House of Silken Sighs. She thought it was very cute, laughed it off, and said no it would be impossible. And besides, a kid off the street with no discernible talent would reflect poorly on her.

I am not quite sure what gripped me in that moment save perhaps the pique of youth that Orland so often portrays. I said, "Well then maybe I'll tell Sorino what you said about him and Lady Rita."

To this day I do not know who Sorino or Lady Rita were, but I had never seen someone suddenly turn so white.

Written By Valencia

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:28 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

It appears I still do not take well to being threatened. Fortunately, it was just badly chosen words.

I am relieved this was so. I do not have time for such things and I would hate to have to become sharp unnecessarily.

I am grateful that sometimes even I take my own advice. It is nice to know when one might be right.

Better to listen and find mutual understanding than to unnecessarily start a fight.


Written By Ezmeralda

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:26 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

Despite being in the Compact for almost six months now, I still find myself completely baffled or awed by some of the things I've witnessed. First and foremost, the architecture here is pretty stunning. Much different than back home, buildings are smaller than I am used to and yet they still manage to display a great deal of spirit and pride. Proclamations are also a wonderful aspect of society used in helping spread the news of happenings both good and bad. Catching wind of opinions belonging to the movers and shakers also helps inform you about a person and their disposition.

The Peerage helped lead the way by showing me, and the Arakkoan nobility, what is considered normal here and I have to say it was my first instinct but the Dominus seemed very upset or perhaps disappointed(?) about the whole affair. Which brought me no small amount of confusion. That he would, socially, stick his neck out for something so small and potentially get it lopped off by what supporters he does have in the midst of a schism in the Faith does not seem particularly wise. Surely there is an entire layer of interaction here I am missing because I can only see this as alienating the very people you want to remain by your side.

This reminds me of the incident a few weeks ago with the Thraxian Princess Sorrel and her misstep -- that they both pertain to Faith and seemingly cast aspersion on the leadership of the Church is not good. Anti-Dominus Waldo surely appreciates the work they are doing on his behalf.

One would hope to find some measure of harmony within the very institution the Arvani people look to for religious guidance and moral righteousness but that is seeming less and less likely. The amount of discord among the Compact is daunting to those who have recently joined their fates to the six kingdom's alliance but alas, we are in a time of turmoil. We can only hope the Crown is better able to maintain cohesion and unity within the Compact than some of the royals and the country's spiritual leaders, at least from what I have seen.

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