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Written By Raven

Jan. 8, 2021, 2:41 p.m.(9/18/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Savio

Insufferable Wastrel. Claims we're best friends and I can't seem to convince him otherwise. He's always good for a laugh though.

Written By Teague

Jan. 7, 2021, 11:22 p.m.(9/17/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Saito

I have been working with Sir Saito, helping him get ready for this war. It will be his first by my side. I will make him hard as steel. He will become great or he will break. He will be great I know it. I only;y take the best of any man in service, for that is how I train to be ready for whatever will be thrown my way.

Written By Cecilia

Jan. 7, 2021, 7:39 p.m.(9/17/1014 AR)

On being back:

There is so much I could say. Arx is very much changed in my time gone. Or maybe I, myself, have changed. I sense more tension in the air. Celebrations have an undercurrent of fear and worry. This isn't the Arx I left. I hope that we remember how strong we are as a Compact. That winds of change can gust yet we will remain.

Written By Sydney

Jan. 7, 2021, 7:33 p.m.(9/17/1014 AR)

To say I feel overperfumed at the moment is an understatement, and I wasn't anywhere near the actual creation. I suppose there are worse things to smell like than flowers, plums, and the ocean breeze.

But perhaps not all at once. I need a bath.

Written By Damiana

Jan. 7, 2021, 6:41 p.m.(9/17/1014 AR)

I enjoyed dinner after the sun went down and my fast ended, however it wasn’t just the conversations with knights at the Ambassador that were interesting. It's not a secret I absolutely love pre-reckoning Oathlandic chivalric romance literature and so I requested Lady Astraea to pick a book out of the book case randomly and see where it might take us as I enjoyed a deliciously scrumptious slice of apple pie.

Our journey delved into the sultry tale of a particular tempted baron and a salacious breadcrumb.

While I listened with held breath and hand to chest to each word she whispered as she read, how terrible it was to find out that this isn’t the actual end of our journey? That there might be more tales to explore?

But who would ever read a journal of mine about breadcrumbs or pies? And where oh where might these tales of bread be found?

Written By Zakhar

Jan. 7, 2021, 5:38 p.m.(9/16/1014 AR)

Never bloody fails. Find someone that I can get a long with and they're dragged off to war to die.

Written By Elyid

Jan. 7, 2021, 4:23 p.m.(9/16/1014 AR)

I have returned from the North with great success. I have gathered folk tales from several villages and begun to compile a collection. These tales speak to the heart of who we are as a people. Lady Grimhall has also suggested an exchange of tales between our communities! All this bodes well for a happy integration of my people.

Written By Sloane

Jan. 7, 2021, 2:55 p.m.(9/16/1014 AR)

Is there anything better than a carnival? It's joy. Drunk, bright, beautiful joy.

If you happen on this and are the man who promised me a poem: I'm waiting. If you welch, I'll make sure the whole city knows you're a scoundrel and a cad. (Unless you like that sort of thing. Who doesn't love a scoundrel?)

Written By Svana

Jan. 7, 2021, 11:32 a.m.(9/16/1014 AR)

At first I felt threatened by how many new crafters there were in town. I even contemplated closing up shop.

But now I am so excited for all the new life bustling around in the City. Seeing everyone's talents and what they will do with things makes me so happy. Communing with Jayus has taught me to put aside silly quibbles, for the most part... okay, well, not entirely. That's going to take MORE than communing with Jayus, but I am still overcome with joy seeing all the new creatures that everyone is rolling out.

I should look into doing donations again.

Written By Dio

Jan. 7, 2021, 11:32 a.m.(9/16/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebastian

I visited Saik Tower by invitation of Lady Medeia Eswynd to celebrate the union of Baroness Lucita and Baron Talwyn. The music chamber of the tower is comfortable, and is home to a magnificent clavichord gifted to the baroness by Duke Aiden Rubino.

I was happy to see Count Duarte, Lord Orland and Prince Sebastian. It is difficult to be in the company of Count Duarte and not enjoy one's self. He is a nobleman of energy and good humor. His mind is discerning, his conversation interesting, and he keeps company with artists of genius like Messere Caprice and Prince Sebastian.

Prince Sebastian Pravus is well known as an artist, and I count myself a great admirer of his work, though I remain a greater admirer of his leadership. The amount of power he wields by the decree of the Archduchess is staggering, but his manner is charismatic and courtly. He is neither too trusting, nor too incredulous, and can speak eloquently on fashion, art or politics.

I have met with Archduchess Belladonna privately once, and Prince Sebastian many times. He has shown understanding when others have shown scorn. He has offered help in times of need, and he is highly organized. I suspect there are many black journals written to Vellichor describing an honest, if discreet, loathing for the representative of their liege. I doubt this is case with the nobility of House Pravus. He treats his vassals with respect, and has earned by merit what he could demand by privilege. His accomplishments speak to his abilities, and much of his story remains unwritten.

Lady Medeia's gatherings are not to be missed. To be among her guests is to drink from the fountain of life, and dance among the luminaries of our age. One day she will realize the mistake of summoning a pirate lord to such events, but until that time, I will continue to look forward to her invitations.

Written By Branwen

Jan. 7, 2021, 7:24 a.m.(9/16/1014 AR)

After an eye-opening discussion with Lady Poppy, I decided I should visit House Elwynd's feast to see for myself if my prejudices about Thrax were well-founded. What I found surprised me. I did not see any slaves, nor particular glorification of bloodshed. Instead, I simply found normal people feasting. Lady Medeia in particular surprised me with her kindness when I profoundly bungled my introduction to Lady Svoli.

Also, there is a woman named Raven and that's going to be confusing.

Written By Evaristo

Jan. 7, 2021, 6:15 a.m.(9/16/1014 AR)

I've been taken to studying people and nature around me with more interest lately, and there truly are the most amazing wonders. Animals have the most clever of ways of deception - even plants do. People certainly deceive others constantly, unconsciously or deliberately, and not because they mean ill - quite often it is to protect.

There is a butterfly that when its wings are folded looks like a leaf. When it spreads them out, it is a vibrant red and yellow. I saw a rodent of some kind play dead before a cat that got bored with playing with it and looked away for a moment; the rodent dashed off to safety. I have seen this before but I never thought about how CLEVER this was.

I saw a lone young boy facing off a group of tough street kids with the most bold-faced lie ever - and it worked, the group of tough kids walked off. I gave the boy a few names to reach out to. He'll go far, that one.

Written By Mabelle

Jan. 7, 2021, 4:39 a.m.(9/15/1014 AR)

With everything that goes on, I find I need to frequent Artshall once a week in the next few months. The journey is taxing and some voiced concerns for my health and while I understand the logical step is to stay there awhile, I cannot think of being away from the city for so long.

Written By Piccola

Jan. 6, 2021, 9:21 p.m.(9/15/1014 AR)

Let me tell you a story about perspective.

When I was on my own, I used what little I had to buy some gear so that I could become part of a mercenary company I attracted the attentions of. The yeoman who taught me to be a skirmisher was a stern, old man. I could only afford a half-dozen arrows, and he took five from me before each training session. I could fire only a single arrow before having to retrieve my arrow.

One day, exasperated, I asked him, "I could get more practice if you would not take all but one of my arrows." He said to me, "You could get more chances to hit the target if you ran to get your arrow instead of walking."

It took my almost two years to earn enough to get my first horse, but by then I had become one of their best.

Written By Silvio

Jan. 6, 2021, 6:15 p.m.(9/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Lysander

Ex-Husband, isn't it terrible for him and good for everyone else?

Written By Branwen

Jan. 6, 2021, 2:53 p.m.(9/14/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Ilira

Miss Ilira Whisper invited me to visit the Whisper House Aviary today after I had offered to cure her ailment. Where others might feel peace there, though, I felt artifice. The prevailing struggle against predation that pervades nature was absent, and my feelings about that absence surprised me.

If civilization is just a construct of man, and man is just a being of the earth, is the artifice of peace truly unnatural?

Written By Saito

Jan. 6, 2021, 1:10 p.m.(9/14/1014 AR)

I'll never forget my first day in Arx. I arrived by ship from the Charon lands. The first thing that I did, upon disembarking, was to go meet my liege.
Not only I wanted to know about anything important I was alsso worried about Clarisse. I've been her guard cinse the two of us were little.
I owe the Charons everything, they rescued me from a very difficult life and gave me oportunities to improve my condition.
They weren't the Charons when all that happened, of course.. They were still members of the Three Rivers house. Still, the feeling is the same. I owe everything to that family.
Now that I'm in Arx, my liege wants me to continue my training.. I'll probably be going to war alongside him very soon.
In all my wildest dreams, I never thought such a thing could happen. I mean I used to live in the streets.. The fact that a street kid can, through hard work and effort be promoted to knight.. This should be an encouragement for all commons. No matter how difficult life gets, never lose hope.
I'll try to write my thoughts whenever pocible. Maybe one day someone will be able to learn something from my experiences, no matter where they lead me.

Written By Dio

Jan. 6, 2021, 12:58 p.m.(9/14/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Owen asked to accompany me to visit Princess Reese Grayson. I had written for an audience hoping to gain some advice, but Owen had heard that the princess's watchtower contains a library and gallery with some of the rarest books and paintings.

I met the princess as she was curled up on a couch. I have not the words to describe her beauty. She has golden hair, eyes the color of the Saffron Sea, and movements both supple and graceful, but her strength lies at its core. She is honest, and says what she thinks and feels along with her reasons. Her dimples show when she smiles, and her cheeks are prone to color when she is touched by passion. She is humble, yet regal in a manner that commands respect. Her martial prowess is beyond question, and her manner of teaching is direct and challenging, but not devoid of warmth and encouragement.

I had the lowest opinion of knights before I came to Arx. With the exception of Sir Ari, I'd found them pompous, sanctimonious and inefficient. My experiences in Arx have wholly changed that view. My combat training, with the exception of that granted by the Warchief of House Redrain, has come entirely from knights: Dame Alexis, Sir Jeffeth, Lady Brigid and Princess Reese. Though I confess I have absolutely no desire to give up my life of raiding, pleasure seeking and general dissipation to join a knightly order, I have come to recognize the knights of the Compact as dedicated warriors, who strive, in their way, to bring honor to Gloria and their Houses.

Perhaps I shall have to take back all of those things I said about Porter.

Owen and I left Princess Reese's watchtower wiser and more prepared for what we will face. She has my gratitude, and we look forward to our next opportunity to take advantage of her hospitality.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 6, 2021, 5:57 a.m.(9/14/1014 AR)

Restlessness? No, no -- not at moment Scholar, I'm just tired. Utterly.

I wanted to write -- if I dream -- I hope that I cannot remember them. Not the terrors. Not unless it's the feeling of pack -- of the whole, rather than the one. The beauty of that harmony, pleasing to the ear, peaceful for the soul. Euphony. The feeling of belonging -- safe, secure -- that intense happiness. Euphoria.

If I say my prayers, I can only hope that happens --

Written By Teague

Jan. 5, 2021, 10:34 p.m.(9/13/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Clarisse

Dearest Sister,

I know you will do well with your new role in this house. If you need anything, I'm a messenger away. Now, to focus on the next steps for our house.

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