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Written By Piccola

Jan. 5, 2021, 9:53 p.m.(9/13/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

A wise general once told me that the best way to protect your neck is to ensure no one has cause to remove your head.

Written By Raven

Jan. 5, 2021, 8:05 p.m.(9/13/1014 AR)

So exhuasted one day melds into the next with time passing like waves breaking across the deck, it rocks you but all you can do is toil to keep from getting cast about, that's what the last couple of weeks seem. Rousing before even the sun warms the horizon and my Dromonds and I begin drills. Rowing, boarding, raiding, until the sun becomes too hateful-and then again until after the sun has retreated below the horizon. In my bed, even in dry land, I feel the roll of the waves reminding me the sea awaits my men and I when I wake.

Written By Ophira

Jan. 5, 2021, 4:50 p.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Scylla

Woe unto any Skal'dajan that comes across The Black Tide. I look forward to spilling blood and wreaking havoc with The Omen who has proven herself a steadfast ally both in topics of war, matters of the mind, and burdens on the heart.

There is a course ahead, however, that will come to truly test her mettle but I've no doubt that she'll pass such tests with banners high. Blackshore is made all the greater by having one as she for an ally.

Written By Decius

Jan. 5, 2021, 3:48 p.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

A kind, gentle, generous, and very tolerant Princess who put up with my inspection of her men-at-arms armor. I think I surprised her. Time will tell favorably or not. Cupridium was the armor, and well made save for a couple of warps of the metal the smith missed. Barely perceptible but there. I could do better.

Written By Decius

Jan. 5, 2021, 3:42 p.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

It took me days, barely eating or sleeping. If it were not for my forge apprentice I doubt I would have drank down the water provided, blessedly cool to sake my parched throat before working again. I did not believe there was something beyond perfection, but looking upon what my sweat and blood have brought about, mayhap I can be convinced there is something indeed beyond perfect. Praise to Jayus, not only for guiding me, but in a prayer the Legate will indeed find favor with the gift.

Written By Delilah

Jan. 5, 2021, 2:37 p.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

Is paradise something we seek or a state we create for ourselves?

Written By Sydney

Jan. 5, 2021, 2:13 p.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Piccola

Seems more a solid lesson in protecting one's neck before sticking it out.

Written By Nicos

Jan. 5, 2021, 1:58 p.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

I have returned from my vacation. It was grand, now to get back to work. So, many in need of coin and I have so much to give.

Written By Raziel

Jan. 5, 2021, 1:54 p.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

Are you ready to lose your pretty face? Your strong limbs? Are you ready to not simply die on the battlefield, but survive broken? Have you contemplated the long years that await you as but a shadow of your former self? Are you ready to see your friends and loved ones go through the same? Are you ready to watch those dear to you avoid you, so they are spared the discomfort of facing who you became?

You best take a good long look at yourself in the mirror because if you intend to go wage war for His Majesty and the Compact, odds are good it'll be the last time you'll look this good.

War is no tournament or fancy duel. If you're not ready to face the truth about what it may take from you, you've no business on the battlefield.

And lest you think I'm addressing anyone but you, no. I am specifically thinking of you, dear Peers of mine. Born high or low, your bones will break the same, much as your flesh will sear.

Best make your peace with it, preferrably before lives actually depend on you holding the line.

Written By Audgrim

Jan. 5, 2021, noon(9/12/1014 AR)

It feels strange with all the walls and all the people. I focus on making a living as a leatherworker while making connections and training. Princess Ophelia told me about the archery ranges, I went there to practice, and it was fine. It does not take that long to leave the city and go into the forest, either.

Written By Caprice

Jan. 5, 2021, 10:59 a.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

I was present when somebody died. I am not handling it well.

It isn't the muted sorrow from learning of a distant relative's passing, or the jagged pain of an ended relationship. There is guilt, and the weight of failure, and the constant question of whether or not I could have saved them if I had lived my own life differently, if I had different skills or tools.

As a Disciple of Jayus, I have found endless delight in watching people add to their life stories, but it has never struck me so clearly before that we're not just penning today and planning tomorrow. We're writing our own obituaries.

How do you hope to be remembered?

Written By Branwen

Jan. 5, 2021, 10:55 a.m.(9/12/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

Miss Mirari Corsetina gave some clothing away today. Her amethyst outfit caught my eye. Should I need to dress to fit in with the southerners, it will suit me well. It was generous of Miss Mirari to give these lovely things away.

Written By Teague

Jan. 4, 2021, 11:42 p.m.(9/11/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Aelgar

Steady your mind. Watch the enemy, then strike. Remember this well. You will be forged if you don't break after a week or two.

Written By Raziel

Jan. 4, 2021, 11:18 p.m.(9/11/1014 AR)

A productive day, all in all. If there's one thing I can be sure of, it's that the coming days will not find me bored out of my mind with nothing to do.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

Written By Alarissa

Jan. 4, 2021, 9:59 p.m.(9/11/1014 AR)

I weary of people telling us how to raise our children. Without fail, it is Astrid that they focus on. Never instructing us on how we aught to raise Danse, or Siggy, Delia or even Eleyna. Always Astrid. Likely because she is the oldest and tends to hang about literally on Victus' arm. But without fail, we are told that we should hug her more, let her be a child more. She has fleeting years before she is to be high lady, we need to relax and let her being a little girl.

She carved her abyss forsaken name into the arms of no less than ten of the fifty year old chairs and the underside of the table in the dining room with a dagger.

I would surmise if anything, that we are not being stringent enough. For someone has far too little time, and the nanny's managed to apparently lose track of her. She's getting more than enough of a childhood, and tutoring in the necessary subjects for a child and the necessary ones for the future High Lady. Including ethics and morals.

Mother Ailith teaches her how to bake bread. Victus teaches her how to rule and involves her when appropriate so she can learn by seeing. She journies to other houses to play with and interact with the others to whom she will rule over and other houses in the compact so that she may learn to rule with.

It is not like we keep her tied to a table and chair and endless piles of parchment before her.

I even heard her laugh the other day.

Clearly, anyone who questions whether we are too strict with her or not, has never seen her running down the hall with Scarf in her arms and littel sword raised, chasing after Elegance or falling asleep with a Scarf scarf in Victus' throne in the cross halls.

Most assuredly, we are raising our children to be children but also to be the leaders of the house, and the future of Thrax.

Written By Sabella

Jan. 4, 2021, 9:41 p.m.(9/11/1014 AR)

This evening Niklas and I went to the Kismet Carnival, and I won the card game! The trophy stein is simply gorgeous in its purple and silver splendor. I have happily added it to the display case as a reminder of the fun and joy of the evening. Everyone there seemed to be having the best time, so much good cheer! Venturo Thayne is a brilliant man. He and his patron, Marquessa Lianne, and his protege, Sloane Starling, pulled together an event that will surely be looked forward to next year.

Written By Piccola

Jan. 4, 2021, 8:49 p.m.(9/11/1014 AR)

Ten years ago, I met a woman who told me about a braggart who frequented a nearby village's tavern.

I went with her to see this man and, lo, he told anyone who would listen of his feats. He fawned on my friend, but she was repulsed by him, as was I. Another night, I came by with my company, and there he was, mocking them at the bar and boasting of his many victories. When my captain went to get a drink, he challenged him to a fight, but before my captain could react he was boxed about the ears. We retreated from the tavern that night.

When we returned after a successful hunt, there was the braggart at the bar. He called himself the village champion and he laughed at us. He called us names. He made fun of the woman, who was the mayor's wife. So I drew my bow, nocked an arrow, and shot him through the throat. He died in the street, choking on his blood and kicking at the dirt.

The moral is, wise general, that there are limits to false courage.

Written By Cirroch

Jan. 4, 2021, 6:08 p.m.(9/11/1014 AR)

Another dinner turned to cake war. Some seem to think that this is a childish act. We prefer to allow our guests the ability to blow off some steam, then feed them while conversations about anything but current events or work are had.

Written By Maya

Jan. 4, 2021, 12:30 p.m.(9/10/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Medeia


The Lady Medeia has offered to be my mentor with the Physicians. I have seen her at work and know her to be skilled. I am confident that with her guidance, I will become someone who can save lives.

The missive she sent to the Guildmasters was very touching and I have saved my copy to re-read in the future when I am in need of bolstering.

Written By Giada

Jan. 4, 2021, 12:18 p.m.(9/10/1014 AR)

There's something about watching a friend get his ass kicked in a spar that hits the spot.

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