Written By Isidora
April 15, 2020, 2:22 p.m.(2/13/1013 AR)
Yes scribe that is what I wish to say. No I do not wish to say more.
Written By Strozza
April 15, 2020, 1:41 p.m.(2/13/1013 AR)
I shall take it.
Written By Brigid
April 15, 2020, 1:40 p.m.(2/13/1013 AR)
I only hope that upon my waking, the dream still remains simply that - unfounded in reality.
Written By Lucita
April 15, 2020, 10:21 a.m.(2/13/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Nina
Written By Tanith
April 15, 2020, 3:28 a.m.(2/13/1013 AR)
Written By Sydney
April 15, 2020, 12:32 a.m.(2/12/1013 AR)
Even I'm not immune to fearing a cold shoulder from a warm heart, so I'm glad it wasn't the case.
Written By Esme
April 14, 2020, 10:25 p.m.(2/12/1013 AR)
Also, so are leatherworkers.
That's all.
No, I haven't been drinking? Why do you ask? Are you offering a drink?
Written By Eirene
April 14, 2020, 4:09 p.m.(2/12/1013 AR)
Written By Thea
April 14, 2020, 3:46 p.m.(2/12/1013 AR)
Written By Tanith
April 14, 2020, noon(2/11/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Emara
But what I understood -less- was how she could make soap that didn't have you smell like roses dipped in alcohol and jasmine. I mean, when it's done and it smells overpowering and awful. I don't have her gifts but even I choke when someone drifts by and they reek of Abyssal-floral-ass. (Scholar, I didn't know what that meant until I happened by the Ambassador Salon during some ... birthday party for a princess, I think? It's apt. Trust me.)
Emara can make a perfume, or a soap, or whatever, that makes it seem like you haven't scented yourself, that you woke up literally smelling like rosemary, that it's a part of your character and nothing artificial. It's amazing. I don't know how she does it. She makes our mother smell like she's a walking, breathing, smiling lemon bar. Our father swears that's just 'how she be!' (Scholar, he insisted it was a 'part of her natural cycle, bless her'. I can't.)
I can't wait for her to make me soap again.
Written By Tanith
April 14, 2020, 11:24 a.m.(2/11/1013 AR)
Written By Mihaly
April 14, 2020, 10:38 a.m.(2/11/1013 AR)
In essence, I feel the sky holds a mystery that likely we as humans, will never truly understand. We are living in a unique times. We have a grasp of faith in a way I'm unsure previous history would indicate, and even the mysteries of death are not nearly as unknown as they once were. But how many times have we looked up and wondered if there was more? Not in some metaphysical sense, but rather, we consider what we know. Our continent, and to a lesser extent, our world. But what about beyond that? What lies beyond the blue of our sky? The dark of our night?
Is our world all there is? Our moon and the stars would dictate otherwise. They hang in the sky, silent. They twinkle and move as the night passes by. Always the same pattern of stars, like a banner passed above us. The pattern slowly changes as the night goes to day, and as the seasons change, but it does seem more like akin to a cycle. I've tried my best to document this over the years, tracking constellations. If one were to track a singular constellation as the year passes, it would always be in the same location on the same day the following year. Some parts of the year, it's not visible at all. And other parts only a portion of it is visible on the horizon. Anything else is harder to decipher from merely visual observation.
I've lost track of what I was writing. I would wonder how many people have thought about the potential of other worlds, separate from our own. And I would wonder if the Gods watch over those too. I wonder what our sun would look like so far away. Like the very stars we see above us? And if that were true, is it not possible that every star could potentially have a world near it? Maybe like our own. Would there be people on it? No people? If there were, would they look like us? Or not? Would the Gods watch them as well? How far away would they be if they exist? Would it one day be possible to see? Or perhaps not? Are they just stars with no worlds? Are we alone. Is the view of the night sky some kind of cover? A wrapping over our world? A barrier that holds our world in place. Maybe stars are just holes in it, but that doesn't seem all that realistic.
I've had these questions over the better half of my life. You walk some battlefield at night. Tired and sore, and I find myself looking up, partly questioning my life choices, and partially because I always found comfort in what appeared to be something larger than myself. Perhaps it is only recently that I have been able to really give this more thought, maybe even make an attempt to search out more answers. What I require is something to view the stars and other celestial objects better with. Some kind of instrument, but to my knowledge, none such exist. I wouldn't even know where to start in inventing such a thing. Certainly climbing the highest point in the city does me no good.
The knowledge is amounted to a series of star charts and books. More useful to naval sorts and sailors than it would be to someone who actually has a hobby in such things. Still, one must start somewhere, even there is little to really go on.
Written By Duarte
April 14, 2020, 12:49 a.m.(2/10/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arianna
It's too bad, really, as each one was never deserving of the luxury to keep both eyes shut.
Written By Emara
April 14, 2020, 12:09 a.m.(2/10/1013 AR)
Still. I said I was going to make an attempt to do this right and I will. It's weird sleeping in a building with a proper roof instead of canvas. Might a bit warmer, too. I suppose I'll get soft before long and it won't seem so strange after a while. I probably need to do something about hunting down a place of my own so I'm not squatting at Tani's since she is all proper married now. Besides, I need space to lay out my materials. As bad as this city smells, they need my help. Desperately.
Probably need to spend some coin on proper boots and a coat, too. I've been spending my winters down south where you don't need anything more than a sweater come winter. The winter flowers in the Lyceum are something to behold, specially at the point where Winter starts to fade Spring. It's like the entire world down there holds its breath and then releases it all at once. You go to bed without a single blossom in sight. The next morning, everything is covered with so much color that it hurts the eyes. But the scents! If I could find a way to bottle the scent of a Lycene Spring and carry it with me.
Someday. Someday, I will.
Written By Ansel
April 13, 2020, 11:12 p.m.(2/10/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arianna
And since we did not get to have that drink that we had planned, I will hoist one in your honor, Princess Arianna Pravus, and mourn your loss.
Written By Tanith
April 13, 2020, 9:05 p.m.(2/10/1013 AR)
I break an ankle, I swear to Mangata, scholar- ...you'll hear about it. Everyone will.
Honestly, though, can't I just chase after cats, or something?
Written By Krarstin
April 13, 2020, 7:03 p.m.(2/10/1013 AR)
I have never met this Carnifex of the Compact allies, but perhaps we can show this warlord some tricks to help, to be the storm that moves across the seas. To have the cause measured by the Wave and Sword so the unjust are sent to the dark depths below.
Written By Martino
April 13, 2020, 4:16 p.m.(2/10/1013 AR)
But, having seen how popular that climbing wall was. One has been worked upon to live in the Southern Gardens.
Now to practice.
Written By Revell
April 13, 2020, 12:52 p.m.(2/9/1013 AR)
I'm no pacifist - I enjoy watching two consenting adults spar, and I don't practice it often myself, but self defense is sometimes needed if you want to keep your life.
But when someone simply offends you? Maybe they said something you don't approve of? Maybe they insulted your family? Does that really warrent a smack?
Even the easily-offended-Peers have systems in place to deal with that kind of thing in a relative mature manner.
Actions speak louder than words, and in this case, I wish people's action more often would be to try and settle things with words.
Written By Korka
April 13, 2020, 11:40 a.m.(2/9/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Corrigan
Or I guess it would, if you weren't already following it.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.