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Written By Dycard

March 8, 2020, 8:19 a.m.(11/21/1012 AR)

If you need to say something out loud to yourself, but can't, find someone who'll say it to you.

If you need to hurt someone or something, but won't, find someone who can take it.

If you need to be hurt, find someone who'll do it out of affection.

If anyone reading this finds themselves needing to vent some anger or frustration or words politely left unsaid, I cannot recommend this enough - ask a friend to the training centre, and try to cave their head in while they do the same to you.*

*This is a joke, Scholar. I am not advocating murder in a White.

Written By Arcadia

March 8, 2020, 5:41 a.m.(11/21/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Thea

Thank you for being a friend. For your lack of judgement and clear head. Even if you did send my child candy and a puppy.

Written By Victus

March 8, 2020, 12:37 a.m.(11/20/1012 AR)

The otter and the cat still aren't getting along. I would've hoped after a few months together that one of them would figure out a way to coexist. Or at least tolerate each other's presence long enough not to cause a fuss. Nope. These two animals seem destined to be incompatible forever. It might be helped if the damn Claw didn't take the whole house as her own territory, including whatever is within a twenty mile radius AROUND the house. Or maybe if Scarf didn't attempt to make friends with the damn sentient group of knives at every opportunity.

Ah. I'm starting to think animals may not be in my favor. Yet they keep latching onto me anyhow. Maybe some day I'll end up attracting one that just sits, eats, and sleeps. Nothing else. That might be nice.

Astrid does love the shiny coat fiend though. That's something.

Written By Porter

March 7, 2020, 9:47 p.m.(11/20/1012 AR)

The Grayson guards were nodding at me today, like they knew who I was. I feel suspicious.

Written By Jules

March 7, 2020, 8:43 p.m.(11/20/1012 AR)

When you do wrong, apologize and do what you can to reestablish the relationship. When you don't know what you've done you ought to still apologize because someone you hurt the person. Eventually you figure it out and then you can try to make things right more specifically. Better to be wrong and in a good relationship than to be right in a bad one.

Written By Cambria

March 7, 2020, 3:29 p.m.(11/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Strozza

You are most welcome. However, it is I that should be thanking you.

Thank you, cousin, for bringing back the limoncello that I requested. While I rely on you for so much more, it is often the small favors we do one another that make up the bulk of our lives. And so, too, are small favors oft overlooked.

Written By Tanith

March 7, 2020, 2:55 p.m.(11/20/1012 AR)

Ever want to stab your drunken-self in the face? Like 'bitch you talk to much why do you have to be so mouthy when you're drunk', etc?

Written By Leonaess

March 7, 2020, 1:14 p.m.(11/20/1012 AR)

I've never been this far North and it is amazing that it has taken me this long! Hopefully, Farhaven yields it's secrets to me but first I need to blend in and find something with fur.

Written By Preston

March 7, 2020, 1:11 p.m.(11/20/1012 AR)

There do seem to be strong views about the Eurusi Crusade. That is understandable. Personally I have stronger indignation over the fact a foreign group of heretics are coming to invade our lands and have been welcomed by those who are meant to be loyal vassals of the Compact and devoted children of the Gods. I have greater concerns that a force of slavers so abuse others - and we know this includes those they kidnap who by all rights owe fealty to the Compact and the Gods.

Yes, the armies they send will contain many slaves. No, that does not mean we should not fight them. This army, this invasion, is underway. This invasion must be stopped so that we can move on to liberate. Those who are taken as prisoners, I have every confidence the Faith can help embrace freedom. For those who do not, I will weep that we could not free them before it was too late. But I cannot allow more innocents to die, more to fall into chains, in order to have an easy life.

There are many ways that the liberation of Eurus will be achieved, I am hopeful the people of Eurus will be central to that - for we are pledged to go as liberator and not conqueror. But, first Sungreet must be resolved, Helianthus must come to obedience of the Faith and its liege, and the Eurusi thrown back. And if to protect the innocent in Sungreet, and beyond, the Faith must stand alone? We shall. But actually I have belief in the nobility beyond some of the doubters. I believe many will join - just as many have joined already, from across the fealties.

We do what we do because it is right, not because it is easy, not because it is simple. Because it is right.

Written By Brigid

March 7, 2020, 12:55 p.m.(11/19/1012 AR)

I feel as if I'm getting closer to truth, the lock upon my mind has found the right key, and I am awakening as if from a deep sleep.
As of late, I find that in order to keep me connected to the world moving around me that I am seeking out conversation with others and it is surprising the comfort it brings reminding me that I've support in unlikely places. But how long can I expect their light to cast back the shadows?

With a wedding on the horizon, delves into places unknown, and the continued growth of Acorn Hill - my time with those closest has become precious.

A random thought, I've never seen the sea - perhaps Lord Blackshore might humor me and allow me to escort him back to New Hope.

Written By Ouida

March 7, 2020, 11:59 a.m.(11/19/1012 AR)

One has to wonder, when someone implies that it would be wrong to face an enemy whose soldiers would not choose to be there freely, if they have been willfully or unwittingly, or just have not seen enough outside their van.

Like so many things, the people who suffer the most and spill the most blood are often there not out of some starry-eyed idealism and committment to some cause, but because they are bound by profession, debt, honor, or some other reason that compels them to be there.

I have fought alongside my soldiers in many conflicts and put people to the sword in them that either had no choice to be there or felt that they must. It was no real joy to kill people who were compelled to fight, by some dread force or desperation, but it is a fact of living by the sword that one us exceptionally likely to do so at some point.

I have, and would again make those same decisions, and will again. Likely I will meet my end by some sister or brother of the blade who feels the same, or who sees me as an object to overcome to meet their goal or defend what is dear to them or they have been told to defend.

I am glad that we have both diplomats and gentle people in our midst. But I am not one of them, my gifts lie elsewhere. Most diplomats I know understand the need for both.

While I too question the wisdom of seeking out mass bloodshed to soak a land in service to something that seems to be thirsty for it, I am not convinced that is the real objective and I am certain there has been some thought given to that. Though I am no scholar of mystical matters. Perhaps it does not matter at all. I am not above stubborn pettiness, as my brother can attest, so perhaps my feelings about it are more spiteful than wise.

Written By Lucita

March 7, 2020, 10:51 a.m.(11/19/1012 AR)

Saik is a small house but our leige house. Malvici, is supportive. Saik naval vessels will sail with the Malvici navy, Lord Domonico overseeing the combined fleet as both respond to the calling of banners by Velenosa. My late husband, Estaban, had served as the Admiral of Southport so the fleets are used to training and working together.

Written By Ilsa

March 7, 2020, 10:19 a.m.(11/19/1012 AR)

It is a strange thing, to set these words in ink. To leave a written message to the gods. I am not accustomed to this. All of my life I have spoken my words on the wind, knowing that the gods hear the words on my lips as easily as the ones I speak in my heart.

This city is changing me. I step out onto the road and I do not know where it will lead or where it ends.

Written By Mabelle

March 7, 2020, 10:15 a.m.(11/19/1012 AR)

Nothing prepares you for the moment you have to tend to a child who has been hurt and torn apart as result of a war that has nothing to do with her.

I am not naive, I knew about it. Facing it in person though, is another matter.

I am glad we could save her. I am heartbroken we could not offer the same fate to the others.

Written By Shard

March 7, 2020, 4:22 a.m.(11/19/1012 AR)

I've said before that I'm not a crusader. I have no interest in holy wars, and I don't think I ever will.

But I will kill slavers. I will cut through each and every slaver that I have to in order to reach the one they knowingly or unknowingly worship. If they put a wall of slaves between me and them, if there is no other way to break their chains than to send them to the Wheel, then at least their torment will be ended. At least in death they're free. And at least I can see to it that their master joins them.

This is how it is with the Horned One. If this is how it must be with Skaldaja, so be it.

Written By Jules

March 7, 2020, 3:38 a.m.(11/19/1012 AR)

It's funny, you think some part of you is absolutely essential and then all of the sudden, you're wondering how important it really is. I am a silly man.

Written By Rysen

March 7, 2020, 2:49 a.m.(11/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Marquessa Arcadia wrote to me regarding my decision to join the crusade. With her permission, I've transcribed her missive here:


You're an idiot.

This crusade is not well thought out. It's fever and passion. While agree on the abolition of slavery, of mercy and forgiveness, I question the motives behind this. Do you think of who will you slaughter on the field? Are they fighting because of a cause they believe in or are they slavers who were told that their families will be murdered if they don't fight? Do you believe slaughtering thousands of people will cause the change you're looking for? Prism asked us to break the chains and to forgive. There's more than one way, and I don't believe a bloody battle based on a fevered speech at the assembly is the way to go. In some ways, this talk of war, the fighting, it only makes us as bad as them.

I'm not sure why I've even bothered to write you my thoughts on this. You'll just dismiss me like you always do.


My friend has asked good questions and I owe her and Vellichor a thoughtful response.

It is hardly a secret that Grand Master Preston doesn't have the highest opinion of the shaman of the Northlands, and there is hardly a place more steeped in the Old Ways than Stormwall. When I asked him once why he and his knights rode so far north to fight the forces of the Gyre, he said, as many heroic men and women do when asked similar questions in similar circumstances, that it was his duty.

To take Grand Master Preston's answer at face value does not do justice to the true courage it took to struggle in the face of horror and death when many other choices lay open to him. The Templars might just as well left the Northlands to fend for themselves, while protecting the most strategic of the Faith's cathedrals and churches. Or perhaps, he would have heard that the forces of the Gyre were leashed minions and slaves, whose wills had been stolen, and refused to raise his sword against them. Or he might have stayed in Grand Cathedral and prayed for Mangata, her seraph or some other divine being to deliver us. But he chose instead to fight on the beach and in the streets of Stormwall, and thousands of Templars, along with may other warriors and healers of the Compact, died to protect my people and my homeland.

I too think of those who have been coerced to fight for the slavers of Eurus. I do not begrudge those who pray for deliverance, wish for, or invest in freedom, or seek a peaceful means of protecting the Compact and liberating the oppressed, but the gods and their seraphs take no actions that go unnoticed by their reflections, and I believe the teachings of Gloria recognize the value of military actions in service to the Faith and each other.

A journal recently from one I respect suggested that spilling blood among those who might use it to fuel their arts is folly - but I ask whether it might not be better to shed that blood in resistance to tyranny, since failing to stand against such an enemy most certainly does not prevent them from spilling the blood of any they enslave, and only grants them the opportunity to ritualize the act unimpeded.

I once observed a boy who'd been enslaved by the Prophet, murder several of his fellow slaves in the Saving Grace Hospital, one of which was his own mother who loved him. There is nothing I will not do to prevent that fate from befalling my son and my wife. If diplomacy or divine intervention may prevail, I will be grateful, but if Prince Damik'uhl'daja attempts to force the chains of slavery on those I have sworn to protect, I pray to Lagoma that I might conduct myself by the example of Sir Preston and Goldenpyre. If my choice is to watch my gods and traditions be overthrown, and my people enslaved, or send to the Wheel those whose choices have been stripped from them to preserve the possibility of choice itself, I will choose to fight. In doing so, I hope I understand rightly the wisdom of Prism and Skald, the teachings of Gloria, and my duties as a knight.

Written By Ryhalt

March 7, 2020, 12:34 a.m.(11/18/1012 AR)

I have not written as I ought of late. I must find more creative avenues to achieve what I desire. We were not made for this languishing.

Written By Esme

March 6, 2020, 11:12 p.m.(11/18/1012 AR)

I'm not even really sure what to write or how to write it.

Do I address it to all of Tor? The people of a village? Do I utter it in prayers?

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I failed and I won't forget that failing.
I'm so sorry.

Written By Narcissa

March 6, 2020, 9:37 p.m.(11/18/1012 AR)

Hither tither, scurry and scamper,
Tripping, teetering, toddling.
Sins choking, ego seeking to pamper,
Death's knell in pride's mottling.

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