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Written By Rinel

June 27, 2019, 2:13 a.m.(5/11/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Though I never had the honour of witnessing you at work, Goodwoman, I was outside the Cathedral today. There is a memory of unsurpassed beauty now within my mind--and I do not believe such a vision can have a purely mortal origin.

I know not where you go, or what you have discovered, but you go there with my thanks and my blessing.

Written By Sina

June 27, 2019, 1:49 a.m.(5/11/1011 AR)

Over the past few weeks, I have been quietly reading through white journals submitted to the Great Archive. Many topics have come up. Slavery and thralldom. Birds and the little snippets of the lives of the people of the Compact. Dreams and memories, ambitions and hopes, fears and worries and words written in the form of letters to lost loved ones (or living ones). I've seen fictional stories of far-off places written in beautiful prose mingled with things that border on the edge of outright blasphemy. I've seen others criticizing writers for what they choose to share within their white journals.

On Mother Ailith's advice, I looked back through older white journals, picking out all of Beloved Aldwin's entries. He was Archscholar before Mother Bianca, and of course, later went on to become Dominus, and was beloved of the Gods. One thing that struck me about his writing is that his words were eloquent, truthful, and did not shy away from speaking the hard truths of the day. This was during a troubling time as we woke to our history, struggling to find our way, learning that there was much we had forgotten. Beloved Aldwin's journals are a shining example, in my opinion, of what a white journal should be. Not only did they record the events of the day, but they also revealed to us a glimpse of his personality, his love for the Compact and the Gods, and his admiration for those he worked with. He addressed the issues of the day, openly, honestly and accurately.

I think it is time, then, to address a few matters pertaining to journals. First, think upon the words of the Canticle of Vellichor:

"I am the god of histories, and this shall not be the final chapter of your world. This has cost me more than I hope you shall ever learn, but I ask for but little in return. Let the most studious amongst you take sacred vow to forever guard the knowledge of the world, and allow all among you from the greatest to the least to chronicle their lives in journals so their knowledge may never be lost. Guard it well."

Think about this for a moment. Vellichor made a terrible sacrifice in order to bring us knowledge. We, as Scholars, take a sacred vow to guard that knowledge. It is our most sacred duty. You, the people of the Compact, are charged as a part of your Faith, in honor of this sacrifice, to chronicle your lives here; that knowledge, that history, may never be lost. Together, we are all guardians of knowledge in this way. This is the spirit with which these journals are intended. This is their sole essence. These journals bind us together in Faith, as a people. They are our sacred pact with future generations, and with Vellichor.

What you choose to write here within these pages, is whatever you decide to share with the world, and is intended to honor the sacrifice that Vellichor made for us. Perhaps we do not know what that sacrifice was, but we know that it was terrible. So what you write within these pages matters. But it is a choice, as in all things. It is not for anyone to tell you what you may or may not write within these pages. Only you can decide what to share with future generations. But, sometimes there can be consequences to writing here publicly things that are considered anathema, things that are not considered appropriate by general society, things that are heretical or opinions that are so unpopular that they will cause strife. It is your choice if you decide to reveal things that could damage yourself or the reputation of another. In the end, the choice is yours, what you consider to be worthy of Vellichor, and what you consider worth sharing. But be very certain that you wish to take ownership of what may come from what you write within these pages.

For all the rest, there are the Black Reflections. When a Scholar takes their vows to serve as a Disciple of Vellichor, we speak the following words:

"I am a guardian of testimony. The black reflections are a sacred bond between a soul and the gods of the Pantheon. I may record, but that trust must never be violated."

We record your personal and deepest testimony in your black journals within the Confessional in the Great Archive. Those journals are guarded by Godsworn Templars, the Knights of the Library. They are "a sacred bond between a soul and the gods of the Pantheon." Those words are so very important to remember. The Black Reflections are your confessional. Your inner thoughts. As Scholars, it is our sacred duty to guard and protect these. We work closely with the Templars and the Shrine of the Thirteenth to ensure that it is so.

But when you write in your white journal, know that the entire Compact can see your words, and will judge you. History will judge you, in some cases harshly, and decide whether the words you have written within these pages are worthy of Vellichor. Most importantly: Truth. When you write here, consider this: are you giving an accurate representation of history in this moment? Will future generations look back on your words and understand them as truth? Will your words give the people of the future a vision of what it was like, to live in this day and age? Or will your words give a misleading representation of our lives, our faith, our heritage?

Again, what you write within these pages is your choice. But, be certain of the legacy you leave behind, because it does matter what you write here. And be certain that you are honoring Vellichor in the way that is appropriate - in the spirit with which these journals are intended.

Written By Jeffeth

June 27, 2019, 12:42 a.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

Crows aren't evil or good. They're just crows. Like people. If a person has a job that is them doing bad things, maybe that makes them a little bad. Maybe it's the same.

Written By Vincenzo

June 27, 2019, 12:37 a.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

An unnerving magpie with greedy eyes sitting in my shop, always watching. So hungry for something shiny, while it doesn't recognize its own iridescent plumage. I suppose if I see thirteen of them holding counsel at the window, tapping their judgments and sounding their proclamations with clamor, I'll have enough to make a beautiful hat.

I'd say I'll miss her, but her work inspires so many like how the sunset reflects off the still pond; two skies painted beautifully for the price of one. Journey well and may dreams challenge you to go beyond.

Written By Calista

June 27, 2019, 12:03 a.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

It has been a very long time since I've visited home. I have missed my gardens in Tor; I have missed my people. The time is right. The children and I shall take holiday together and I can finally introduce them to their extended family.

Written By Elgana

June 26, 2019, 11:57 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

Two new volumes grace the shelves of my library. While they are not my tales, they are tales of someone I treasure and therefore hold an honored place amongst the rest of my collection. And with the way my collection has grown over the last three years, I think it is safe to say that I have found the joy of reading.

I'll leave the poetry writing and all the rest to my little sister.

Written By Hadrian

June 26, 2019, 11:17 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elisha

"And she asks: 'Is this your card?'"

Written By Aleksei

June 26, 2019, 8:13 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

Why is everyone talking about birds? Did I miss something?

Written By Helena

June 26, 2019, 7:55 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

Despite all the somber things I have to worry about these days, I confess I'm as giddy as a child about the upcoming fashion show that I'll be hosting as part of the Festival of Death.

All outfits should be inspired by the Queen of Endings and Beginnings herself. I won't be modeling myself -- except by hosting, of course I will need a gown befitting of such finery of those who do.

So many choices. So many beautiful fabrics.

So many spiders...

I'll try to get over my fear of them by the day of the event, for I'm sure they will be both fake and real arachnids abound.

Written By Jasher

June 26, 2019, 7:24 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

As the topic on the whites appear to be about birds, I think of gulls.

Gulls are large birds with long yellow beaks, white feathers, and dark wings, often found near the sea. While they are beautiful animals, do not let their appearance fool you: They are fiendishly clever, opportunistic as crows, and will gleefully steal a meal from under your nose should they have the chance. In the days when we presented the condemned to the sea, the gulls were often the first to arrive and the last to leave.

All this notwithstanding, there are few sights as breathtaking as heeling with the wind at the back of your ship, and seeing a flock of gulls flying in the wake created behind you.

Written By Joscelin

June 26, 2019, 6:19 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

What is it to finally get the answer to a question you've chased for decades? It can be relief, a balm, it can spawn more questions than it answers. It can drive you insane, wanting to find it.

I have my road now, and I know where I'm going. I am grateful.

Written By Aureth

June 26, 2019, 5:36 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

Each day can be a new beginning. All you have to do is embrace it.

Written By Quintin

June 26, 2019, 3:33 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

Having settled more firmly into the city, I decided it was time to join both the Scholars and the Harlequins. Now that I'm more firmly in place, I'm pleased to announce I've taken on a protege, one Guardsman Warrick Morgan. I've had occasion to work with the guardsmen in the past, and I very much respect them.

Written By Elisha

June 26, 2019, 3 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Dianara

What if
there is only

one god

and she lives
in the dust
on the shelves
an empty larder?

* * *

"White journals are for white lies,"
Vellichor tells me,
revealing a black pebble in her left palm and
a white pebble in her right.
"Black journals for black truths."

I think I understand,
until she opens her third hand
and I do not see the gray pebble that I expect.

Written By Amari

June 26, 2019, 1:36 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

I was a little disappointed I wasn't feeling well enough to attend the prayers for Petrichor and see the lilies Petal has been growing in honor of the Archduchess Eleyna.

Perhaps I'll sneak into Norwood and Margerie's bee garden and build a shrine there when they're next away to Duskshire - right in the middle by the pool, thirty feet tall made of hazel wood; Petrichor.

Also, I like dogs and sparrows, and hawks, and sparrowhawks, and hawkbears. I'm sure everyone wanted to know.

Written By Alecstazi

June 26, 2019, 1:09 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

I have had the opportunity of late to share one of my favorite stories that my father told me when I was a child. It is the story of one, beloved by Mangata, Sednaya, whose blood and flesh nourished the empty seas and gave life to the bounty found within its waters. Her story so moved Petrichor and Mangata, that together they birthed a whole second world to give to Sednaya when the world above the waves was too cruel.

As a child the lessons to be learned from the story seemed obvious. But as I look back with the eyes of an adult, I begin to wonder at the deeper messages contained within. Was my father hinting at his own true nature in some way? Were there seeds in the story, that grew into his ultimate betrayal and the fate that laid on him?

Written By Domonico

June 26, 2019, 1:08 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

I notice that there seems to be a lot of discussions about birds.

My thoughts. Mankind are envious of birds because of their ability to fly. Who doesn't imagine what it would be like to sour above the sea and land like they do. The Malvici respect them so much that all the birds of Prey have place in our hearts. My first command was the galley Osprey and then was joined by Shrike and Harrier forming my Raptor Squadron. I may not be able to fly, but I can sail the waves on those ships.

Written By Josephine

June 26, 2019, 11:58 a.m.(5/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

The Crown Minister of Coin has proven himself a friend to the Crafter's Guild for his steadfast support and ensuring the continued livelihood of the common born crafter and merchants in the city. Their ability to feed their family's and carry on their way of life remains safe under his watchful eye. The Crafter's Guild looks forward to continued support even as we support Goodman Rook Champagne.

Written By Josephine

June 26, 2019, 11:49 a.m.(5/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

The Archduchess Regent and Crown Minister of Infrastructure has worked hard to ensure that the crafters of the compact are able to ply their trade and ensure that their livelihood is never threatened under her watch. She is favoured of the Crafter's Guild and we look forward to her continued support of the common born crafter as we support her.

Written By Turo

June 26, 2019, 11:40 a.m.(5/9/1011 AR)

A Compact we may be, but let us not take liberties with each other's sovereign territories. That is how trouble starts.

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