Written By Jeffeth
June 23, 2019, 11:22 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Written By Galen
June 23, 2019, 11:22 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Tonight has been a night for remembering. I threw a random party at the Ebb and Flow and everyone had joy in their souls, it was a good reminder of why we so often risk our lives so that we can have the time to enjoy our friends and family. Take the time to remember, take the time to understand your why.
Written By Jeffeth
June 23, 2019, 11:21 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
The man does so again to this individual and that individual. Bends words, casts accusations on things that were not said.
The man knows what he is doing.
It makes me fear, if a man can do this so casually, what does it mean when a man says he is worried about people who are scared and confused? Is it really worry? Or is it something else?
Is it fear and confusion? Or is it anger, that he represents?
Written By Lisebet
June 23, 2019, 11:03 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
I am proud of them and worried about them all at the same time. But at least they have come home, and that is more than some can say.
Thank the Gods, they have come home.
Written By Amari
June 23, 2019, 10:56 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Shae
Written By Maja
June 23, 2019, 10:24 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
They are filthy creatures who would claw your eyes out if given a chance. While I can appreciate their opportunistic hustle, I don't want them anywhere near me. Vermin! Each and every one.
Written By Mirella
June 23, 2019, 9:51 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Monique
Though I'm not a particularly charitable woman, in truth, I do believe you're doing a good thing in giving people the chance to feed their curiosity by way of the written word. I hope it continues.
Written By Tyche
June 23, 2019, 9:01 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Written By Tyche
June 23, 2019, 8:58 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Written By Fecundo
June 23, 2019, 8:56 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Miranda
Written By Tyche
June 23, 2019, 8:45 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Written By Sudara
June 23, 2019, 8:08 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Vanora
Written By Maja
June 23, 2019, 7:49 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
I never imagined, back when I was a young, poor orphan at the Sorrow, that I could impact that world in this way.
I am so blessed to be part of Whisper House.
Written By Shae
June 23, 2019, 7:38 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Margerie
Written By Shae
June 23, 2019, 7:35 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Eirlys
Written By Victus
June 23, 2019, 7:32 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
As you saw fit to assault my shins with a wooden axe today, you will now repay your debt by reiterating the principles of our people. I understand that you are 3 years old and your reading skills are middling to non-existent at best. That's okay. We'll wait.
Strength. House Thrax and the Mourning Isles themselves have been a people hardened by conflict. We have fought those we call allies today and those we have called enemy for a millennia. We have fought on every shore. We have fought against dishonor and traitors. No matter how many enemies we have faced, Maelstrom has survived every wave. For one thousand years, our home has never fallen once. It is being at the eye of the storm in war and brutality that has defined many of us. It breeds the strong. The soldiers and the sailors alike. You will see battle many times in your life. You will be proud of the martial pride of your fellow Islander.
Loyalty. We are loyal to many things. Our families. Our Houses. Our traditions. Our crown. Our church. Most of all, our honor. So long as there is a Compact, so to will there be a Thrax to stand by it. Our friends, our true friends, are kindred souls for life. Your family will always be there for you and you too shall give your everything to them. Your House will reward you for your service and in turn will protect you. The traditions will be our strongest base, while we pay homage to them so to will they uphold our society.
Order. Women across the Isles have been some of the most significant Lawyers, Scholars and Diplomats throughout the world. Law is paramount to our world and you will find few better to learn from than those of the Isles. It is these institutions of order that we find the foundation of our daily life, propelled with firm rationale and logic. Lady Octavia Kennex is a prime example of such a soul. Perhaps you'll meet her one day, when you can speak in sentences longer than two or three words.
These are but three things you'll come to master in your future life. You are born gifted and in return, you will lead those who were not with honor. That will be your duty when you are crowned Princess of Maelstrom. For now, I believe you need a nap, because I can hear you screaming expletives in the other room and the nannies are not paid enough for this.
Written By Ailith
June 23, 2019, 7:06 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
If anyone has not seen the talents by Guildmaster Josephine, I encourage you to visit her shop and ask about her crafting, listen as you learn what creates each piece of jewelry, and admire a talent unique unto her own.
And then I encourage you to make it a habit to do the same with any encountered artisan in the city, nay, across the Compact. Let them know what alights your senses, what has provoked thought, or inspired action. Then thank them as you would a bard, poet, or entertainer for their time and talent. You never know what hardships each person has faced to produce a song, poem, performance, even craft -- for it may drain them upon completion.
So be the person today who brings a smile upon someone's face. Be thankful for those inspired by Jayus for our world is made brighter, vivid of color, and full of wonderment.
Written By Llyr
June 23, 2019, 7:04 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
so far three...
Written By Valdemar
June 23, 2019, 6:56 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Edward
Written By Nurie
June 23, 2019, 6:42 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)
But there /is/ a way around it that preserves the livelihoods of those who do not have as many choices! Instead of resenting, perhaps take steps to cultivate a relationship with one who does not share your station, that will benefit you both. Someone who can work the markets on your behalf, for the good of their liege or the House that has hired them on a temporary basis. Perhaps you might also consider asking for space to display your work within a crafter's shop where you might be fully accredited, so that no acclaim is lost and most likely if you need the silver an arrangement can be made--we crafters buy things for our shops, and there are even resale shops available! This allows for great benefit to both the commoner and the noble family, not only for the silver exchanged or the goods moved but also to build respect and understanding and the strengthening of noble households and the layer of protection that a close tie to a noble house provides for any commoner who so serves.
But to publicly see resentment over the protection of commoner crafters and shopkeeps is something deeply disturbing to me, as someone who has the opportunity to observe much about the interaction of nobility and the commons. I am deeply thankful that my most frequent noble patrons seem to hold great respect and care in regards to not demanding to step over that boundary, and those so rich in opportunity do not seem so inclined to begrudge others of lower birth or station their niche.
Truly we cannot survive very well without each other. I see so many calls for more unity and understanding and care to not tread upon another's garment between those of noble blood--I pray that the same would perhaps extend to those below you as well.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.