Written By Juniper
June 22, 2019, 4:42 p.m.(5/2/1011 AR)
But what I remember most of Jayus is my Father's shadow-animals. My father came up from miner to smith to foreman. His hands were bigger than the sun, or so it seemed to me when I was a little pebble. His palms pure horn, so calloused there was little skin left, and every finger thick and strong as the trunk of a tree.
Block hands, ham hands. Strong but looking at them, you'd never think them deft. My mother's hands were strong too but looked so much more clever, with long lightly calloused fingers, and palms that could be tender, though she was of a height with my father.
Yet, it was Da who'd chase flights of fancy and let inspiration take him. Somehow, in the long dark nights, beside the fire, he could shape his hands to throw shadows on the wall into moving shapes that captured fantastic things. Birds and bears and fish, and more wondrous creatures too, like dwarves and dragons and unicorns. And he'd do their voices, speaking for all of them, weaving stories out of nothing but his broken smith hands and the spark of creativity granted by Jayus himself.
I learned to love Jayus early, for it was the god Da would always credit when I asked him how he'd learn to do it all (away from my mother's hearing, for she venerates the spirits still). He's up there still, weaving wonders out of firelight and shadow now for his grandchildren, and Jayus is with him. It makes me smile to know it. Something as eternal as the mountain itself.
Written By Elisha
June 22, 2019, 12:55 p.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Tikva
"Tell me, what happens after that?" the thrall asks.
The Inquisitor travels by ship then caravan to a city that is suspended between two mountains, hanging over a void--a furrow that is both grave and womb. The city is bound to the rocky crests with ropes and chains and catwalks. Below the Inquisitor, a few clouds glide past; farther down, the city takes shape within a net which serves as passage and as support. Instead of rising upward, this city is inverted: the spires of the towers point downward from the bottom of rope ladders. There are hammocks, houses made like sacks, terraces like gondolas, baskets on strings, trapezes for children's games.
Suspended over the abyss, life in this swaying city is less uncertain than in other cities. We know the net will last only so long. We know the guilty and the innocent will change places again.
(She turns to me with her seafoam eyes and blood-striped back and says, "What do thralls want with freedom? We want their blood. To expect our gratitude is to consider us animals. We are more human than them. We will summon waves.")
Written By Peri
June 22, 2019, 12:10 p.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Archeron
It is true, I grew angry to see someone new-come to Arx repeating arguments made last year. I read his white and then wrote one in haste and anger.
It was my thought last year that followers of Gild could go on missions to help Houses who have no experience in running demesnes without thralls teach the ways of people who have such experience. In my anger I framed that in the worst possible way to Lord Alecstazi. I give apology. My passion overcame me.
I have materially supported traditionalist houses in these times because it is these lands that face the greatest challenge. These times make strange agreements. You can see that it is a wise thing that I have left the diplomacy to others in my efforts.
Written By Sparte
June 22, 2019, 11:59 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
Take from that what you will, it is the historic truth.
Written By Evaristo
June 22, 2019, 11:29 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Valdemar
In general, people that are also plants, probably bad business.
Written By Rook
June 22, 2019, 10:23 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Dustin
He has a dream of opening up an art and printing shop in our city and will have my full support in making the city his new home.
Written By Hadrian
June 22, 2019, 9:19 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
I will have to put some consideration into the day. I should treat myself.
Or maybe I'll go out and make some fun for others, spread some silver and drinks around, and make the day about someone else for funsies. The possibilities are endless! Maybe a donation to the Faith would suit, given that it was a Mercy who pulled me into the world once upon a time. A nice pile of coins on the floor should do the trick.
Written By Domonico
June 22, 2019, 7:06 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
I must confess that I have found that of all my titles that I have had over the years, Lord, Captain, Commodore, Voice, Admiral, Husband, none of them quite seem as meaningful as Father. Well... apart from Husband but I understand now that this is a completely different type of love that cannot be explained but just IS.
She's got a strong grip already on my finger. She's going to be a fighter this one.
Written By Willow
June 22, 2019, 5:58 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Vanora
Written By Shard
June 22, 2019, 4:01 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Aureth
Written By Valdemar
June 22, 2019, 1:52 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)
Written By Vanora
June 21, 2019, 10:51 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Reese
Since then, I've seen only more evidence of what we discussed, Highness.
And it is such a shame.
Written By Aureth
June 21, 2019, 8:26 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
The spiders would prefer gifts of moths, anyway.
Written By Elloise
June 21, 2019, 7:13 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
No more.
From this day forth, I will suffer no bonds of thralldom in my home and no man or woman who is enslaved will serve or work in my household.
I do not run the house of Stormbreak, I cannot do much, but I can ban the hideous practice from within my own circle and this I do. I am born of Grayson, of house Leary, and am proud to stand up and say no to thralldom.
Written By Archeron
June 21, 2019, 6:11 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Peri
If the compact makes one another beg for the support we owe one another? Then we fall and die on in our own castles. The Mourning Isles cannot stand without trade from the mainland. The mainland cannot command its coast without the navies of the Mourning Isles and the Lyceum. We share far more than we differ on - as Princess Sorrel says, it is just one tradition, this Thralldom.
So please, whatever your anger, do not speak of making the Isles beg for aide - because it is not the reality of how we treat one another, but hardliners - earnest but mistaken - will use such words to stir dissent.
Written By Alecstazi
June 21, 2019, 6 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
The tradition of thralldom is only the one that garners the most argument.
Written By Shard
June 21, 2019, 5:33 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Alecstazi
I'm not even touching that laughable bit about Thralls having the choice to be thralls. But again, the rest of the Compact somehow gets along without killing everyone who steals an apple. And I highly doubt you were letting murderers take care of your children or work in your households. If you decide to just start executing anyone who might have otherwise been a thrall, that's you being petulant, not you having no other option.
Other people make this argument better than I do. Someone has already made an analogy. But I'll offer this one: starvation and I are old enemies. Every single year, we would have to prepare for the coming winter. Every year we would have to stow away food, try to predict the herds, and decide where we were going to set camp. Often things would go wrong. Sometimes we would miscalculate. Sometimes we would lose hunters, or the herds would go too far south, or the herds would die, or any of a thousand things. But inevitably, winter was on the way. No matter what happened, winter would arrive. We could not stop it. We could not escape it. We could not argue it away. And there was no Compact to call on when there was no food left.
You have time to prepare. You have years, not seasons. You have others to support you. And there's much more to gain than mere survival. I don't believe Great House Thrax will crumble, so long as you don't spend all the time you have in front of you arguing and fighting over whether you should actually /have/ to repair your foundation, rather than continue to rely on the enslavement of others to prop you up. You're far stronger than that.
Written By Hickson
June 21, 2019, 4:04 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
The things I do for the Iron Guard...
Written By Tikva
June 21, 2019, 3:46 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
Service is not simple.
Duty is a complex network of interconnected obligations and privileges.
Yet we undertake it, for that is the demand of our oaths.
Do not forget that the trappings of wealth and privilege with which you were born come with these responsibilities. Noble blood and familial position are pillars of service, not mere entitlement.
You are the guardians of your people. The arbiters of justice. The protectors of life and blood and safety. And yes. Freedom. Such that it is ours to name.
You are called to do what is hard. It is unfair to treat it as anything other than a difficulty. Rise to the occasion with the fortitude of your forefathers. I exhort you to remember them with dignity.
That is what is righteous. Effort. Strength. The integrity of your choices.
I have confidence that it can and will be done.
Change is not easy. It is not simple. It is also not optional.
Walk in the light of Limerance. It will help you.
Written By Gunther
June 21, 2019, 1:38 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)
Ain't been so busy. Just learnin' mah new duties and clankin' around in a suit of steel! I picked up this big stick think, blade on the end -- pole-arms they calls it. Bigger then me by twice I reckon! Little more mayhaps!
When you is scrappin' with all these fancies it's hard to bob and weave. Ain't as natural to me as tossin' mah mitts.
Don't think though Sally with all that training I forgot about you. Ain't one moment you ain't embedded in my melon. Every time I grunt and feel tired, or I wants to quit and just gives it up I put you in my mind. I think about your smile and them soft eyes. And that gives me what I needs to get the things done I must.
I'm an old fella, ain't no doubt about it. But I can do more then most these young'n fellas and put them to shame. Ain't that I'm better them. I just ain't got nothin' else. Everything I could have ever wanted done gone and left me.
Don't lack for motivations none, though. I gots you in mah heart.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.