Written By Octavia
Jan. 6, 2019, 3:53 p.m.(4/23/1010 AR)
Written By Kedehern
Jan. 6, 2019, 3:02 p.m.(4/23/1010 AR)
Written By Lumen
Jan. 6, 2019, 2:33 p.m.(4/23/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Samantha
Written By Carmen
Jan. 6, 2019, 11:55 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Written By Carmen
Jan. 6, 2019, 11:23 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Joscelin
Written By Tessa
Jan. 6, 2019, 10:36 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
I apologize it's been so long since I updated you on the many interesting things going on in my life. I fear it has simply been far too chaotic these last months. I have fought and saved unicorns, I have gone on adventures, I have learned things, I have lost things, I have been cursed, I have found a way to something I dearly wished and then felt it slip through my grasp, I have stumbled accidentally into success.
I have had joy, and I have suffered. I have learned that one must, to succeed, fail. I have learned that one must, to grow, ache. I have learned that what is boring once may become a familiar comfort later.
Life is strange. And beautiful that way.
Lady Tessa Moore
Written By Tris
Jan. 6, 2019, 10:04 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Alrec
Written By Evangelina
Jan. 6, 2019, 9:31 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Daniella
Written By Evangelina
Jan. 6, 2019, 9:28 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Berenice
Written By Evangelina
Jan. 6, 2019, 9:24 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Jaenelle
Written By Raymesin
Jan. 6, 2019, 6:24 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Gutter-born bastard, lowest of the low, scum of the Compact - and now a Harlequin of the Queen of Endings.
I'd felt the call for a while, but it's true thanks I owe to Mae Culler, who took the time to sit with me and talk it all over.
Written By Domonico
Jan. 6, 2019, 6:14 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
Perhaps I may need to refrain from delivering headbutts when sparring with my cousin in the future to avoid a repeat of this.
I'm sure Lady Reigna will agree.
Written By Domonico
Jan. 6, 2019, 6:14 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
Perhaps I may need to refrain from delivering headbutts when sparring with my cousin in the future to avoid a repeat of this.
I'm sure Lady Reigna will agree.
Written By Evaristo
Jan. 6, 2019, 3:23 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Kenna
Written By Evaristo
Jan. 6, 2019, 3:20 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)
I've received a fair few suggestions on the last verse of my song, and today I will announce who the winner is. I'm quite pleased with the response to it, both the song itself and the competition to write the last verse which I thought of about two hours before the first concert. That skull pendant is quite fancy, I might have to make one for myself - you can wear two skull pendants, right? It's not too much? Maybe three, four... Like a whole band of them around the neck?
I mean, skulls do make for an amazing theme on jewelry!
Written By Harlex
Jan. 6, 2019, 1:01 a.m.(4/21/1010 AR)
Life can seem--cheap, from all this. It can have no special meaning.
Yet, every fight that could have been my last I clawed and bit and stabbed sometimes to where I think I lost a bit of my soul, in all that violence. Bled from me, or chipped off like a battered stone.
But I have given up the road since Arx. Has much changed? I no longer worry on hunger or finding a bed. If I am cold, I make a fire. If I am too warm? Water is so readily available.
And yet; on the road I knew the full measure of the world.
Nothing was a mystery.
I had only to follow the first Law, which has kept me alive as long as I have traveled with a sword. These days, I feel as though I fall back on that way:
Life lives on life. There are eaters and the eaten.
I have tried to moralize about it since I have come to Arx and I've failed.
There is really no moral. That's all I am able to see. Kindness is transitory, like anger is transitory. Like sorrow and joy. Hope and despair. Coming and going, round and round like a wheel turning.
You will chase it. I will chase it.
Even if it is an uncertainty. We are helpless to the fact.
But survival? That is a certainty. That is ingrained in us, in the beast, damn--even plants have it.
In the end, I know how to survive and, above all else, I know what to do when my survival is threatened.
Written By Gaston
Jan. 6, 2019, 12:25 a.m.(4/21/1010 AR)
The matters we discussed were grim, but their resolve and willingness to help never ceases to amaze me.
House Blackram and our allies are strong.
Written By Lucita
Jan. 5, 2019, 11:07 p.m.(4/21/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Valencia
Written By Kenna
Jan. 5, 2019, 9:13 p.m.(4/21/1010 AR)
Therefore, I'm assuming that it is Duke Arn Telmar and Mistress Adora from the Lowers. Congratulations to the both of them!
Written By Mirella
Jan. 5, 2019, 8:51 p.m.(4/21/1010 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.