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Written By Audric

Dec. 6, 2018, 10:37 a.m.(2/15/1010 AR)

I have, since my denouncement of mushrooms, received several mushroom dishes. I appreciate the artistry, I do, but mushrooms are still, just, the worst. The list goes

1) Unicorns
2) Mushrooms.

Written By Ida

Dec. 6, 2018, 9:01 a.m.(2/15/1010 AR)

Sometimes it seems feast or famine in regard to commissions. I'll have nothing for a few weeks, the shop will remain stocked, and I can just watch the snow or look into other interests. Then there will be a wonderful convergence of people wishing to place an order or discuss a work, and I find myself busy and excited about the different stories to be told with metal. As well, the shop will suddenly be empty and that's when I can do a little indulgence into my own whims in regard to designs. I like the occasional quiet, but love being busy better, I think.

Written By Carmen

Dec. 6, 2018, 8:37 a.m.(2/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

What do you do when hurtful silence is a choice? Drink.

I'm serious. You can't make someone be kind when kindness means "not silent". Can't make people do most things, as point of fact, no matter how much you poke and prod. They get a say, even if it's to say naught. So drink or throw things or be not silent to someone in need or whatever else helps you deal with it.

Assuming, you know, you've told her or him there's a problem instead of meandering over it here. Not to say there is a problem. We're just talking in a general way about kindness or some such.

Written By Kaldur

Dec. 6, 2018, 2:02 a.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

I'd like to thank Lady Kalani Seliki for showing the banner at the Assembly of Peers. I was unable to attend yesterday evening, so I was glad of her ability to be present. Thank you, Cousin!

Also in attendance, my protégé and her most excellent work worn by those Assembled Peers. It is, in general, strange having a protégé, but distinctly humbling to have one whose deeds and work are so highly regarded that esteem for her reflects onto me. I find that I am vaguely uncomfortable with this as I did nothing to support the reputation she has earned, but I am resolved to be worthy of it by supporting her efforts and endeavors in any way possible.

Name it, Guildmaster Joscelin, and if it is within my power, I will see it done. And if it is not within my power, there are still ways.

[SCHOLAR'S NOTE: Lord Kaldur pauses for a long moment]

And now that I've spoken those words, I don't regret them, but I may. I have not taken into account the Guildmaster's sense of humor.

I stand by my words.

Written By Kaldur

Dec. 6, 2018, 1 a.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Sparte, I had come to record some thoughts on the Assembly and will do those separately, but your reflections on silence as it relates to kindness gave me pause to think.

There are times when words can offer no help or no healing. Times when words however well-intentioned are an intrusion. That's why, I think, that the phrase is that you'll 'be there' for someone. My mother used to hate it when she got sick. She hated being fussed over and handled with kid gloves. The biggest kindness we could do her whenever she took ill was to look in on her periodically and let her recover as she chose: in solitude.

So... I guess, to the heart of the question, kindness isn't even the old saw of 'doing unto others as you'd have done to you,' or, rather it is, but even more so... learning what someone else wants done for them and doing that, even - or especially - when it runs counter to what you'd want done. And, of course, it's not as simple as that. Nothing ever is. Now... what was I here for? Oh! New page, please, good Scholar.

Written By Monique

Dec. 5, 2018, 11:23 p.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

The Gilded Page will be closed for the next week. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Written By Acantha

Dec. 5, 2018, 9:04 p.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

It's been snowing so much that I felt like I was back home for a moment. That didn't stop me from visiting some of the local shops today. I wanted to take a few moments and explore the city since I've been doing so much. I found Jyri's Paintings and I have to say that the man is extremely talented and I ended up leaving the shop with two of his pieces. I think they will go well in my room at Clearlake Lodge. I might put the big one in the Great Hall though.

Written By Arik

Dec. 5, 2018, 5:22 p.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

House Halfshav lost over five hundred soldiers in the defense of the Compact and the Lodge. These brave men and women laid down their lives not only for their neighbors in the south but the Spirits and the Gods alike. This white journal is submitted for posterity. House Halfshav honors its fallen in all things. Stipends will be paid to families, memorials held for the fallen, and the blessings of Spirits and Gods invoked upon their behalf.

Whom still draws breath is yet undefeated.

Whose victory is attained after death is ever victorious.

Lord Arik Halfshav
Sword of Whitehold
War Minister of Whitehold

Written By Sparte

Dec. 5, 2018, 5:17 p.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

I have been thinking a lot lately on the way people respond when you try to help someone. When you try to show kindness, or what you might see as that. I've said no to people as a kindness, I've redirected people as a kindness, I've given honest answers and riddles as a kindness. Yet the one thing I have never found kindness in is silence, nor is silence something I am overly prone to.

Yet silence can happen for many other reasons. It can be chance, a misunderstanding, being too busy. There are many ways in which silence is not a choice.

What then, of when it is?

Written By Isidora

Dec. 5, 2018, 5:04 p.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

Rings ordered.
Fecundo's Outfit ordered.

I think I am good and ready to be married. Unless I'm forgetting something.

Written By Dariel

Dec. 5, 2018, 5:04 p.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

It was my cousin Michael's birthday yesterday and foolishly didn't take him out to enjoy it and prove how much better his life is now I have arrived here.

Written By Vanora

Dec. 5, 2018, 4:18 p.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

I am deeply disturbed by what happened to my Uncle Niccolo, especially so soon after losing Uncle Tomasso. Niccolo and my father survive their other two brothers, and I do hope they continue to for some time to come.

Written By Sparte

Dec. 5, 2018, 4:05 p.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

What is kindness?

It seems like such an obvious thing when I see it, it seems like an obvious thing when I give it. Yet to put it into words is difficult, because it isn't quite to be kind. Being kind and kindness, no, they're different things.

It isn't to be good, or generous, or nice. Often they're the same, but not always. So what is kindness?

And is it different to me than it is to someone else?

Written By Adalbern

Dec. 5, 2018, 12:39 p.m.(2/13/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Apparently the Marquessa Reigna wants to know when Vigga can come over and play with her own little ones. I'd honestly not have expected such kindness from someone placed so high in society, especially not towards what they call a Prodigal like myself. I get the feeling she just loves children regardless of whose they are however, which I can't really find any fault with.

Written By Adalbern

Dec. 5, 2018, 12:26 p.m.(2/13/1010 AR)

Right, so how do I do this again?

Apparently I just talk, and they write. Weird. Don't know why they don't let me just write it myself, really.

Anyhow, did something called 'the gauntlet' last night with Lady Shae and Sir Jeffeth. I don't think I did all that well, really. I'd say it was the cold but that'd be a lie. Maybe I just need more practice.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 5, 2018, 11:58 a.m.(2/13/1010 AR)

The second part for the stage play I toyed with over the summer penned itself rather effortlessly, to be quite honest. It has been a time since I entertained myself with its plot given I am utterly incapable at this sort of thing, overshadowed utterly by the excitement of Prince NIklas' innovative designs that will invariably bring society to its knees in delight, or Princess Sorrel's beautiful turns of phrase.

All the same, let it be held in the public sphere. I have naught to lose. This goes as my counterpart to the Song of the Silk Artisans. I shall have to refine something for the spinners, for the clack of spinning wheels or the harsh cut and thrust of the silk marketplace in some decadent imaginary city -- in the Crownlands surely -- ought to be comparable to the most rousing debates.


The Bodice-Rippers: A Symposium

A face, praised for beauty divine,
May bring courtiers to folly,
When rich jewels and slim arms entwine,
Boldly daring as Triscali.

A ream of seasilk long and bright,
Draped whisper thin over a lithe frame
Eager appraisals they invite
Fashion dominates the great game.

Embroidered coats wreath sharpened sense,
Silk diplomacy peers applaud,
Aeterna speaks a rousing defense
Leaving courtly Arvians awed.

Umbra advances grave causes,
An honour woven in rare gems
Passing models bring harsh pauses
Prestige rippling from their silk hems.

Joy brightens ambitious faces,
Whenever princesses meet,
Fortunes of society tilt
On flashing a new shiny treat.

Happy the head with a coronet,
A stutter of gems unmeaning
Armed to contend with any threat,
Our ladies engage, silks streaming!

Commoners aren't left in the shade
With weighty matters to cover,
Trouble waylaid by clothes displayed
Makes a great envoy and lover.

Written By Harper

Dec. 5, 2018, 11:41 a.m.(2/13/1010 AR)

I found a gray hair last night. I'm way too damned young for gray hair. I think I'm gonna blame Magpie and Pie. Though, I reckon Kenna and Josie might also be possible culprits.

In truth, I am a guard and a soldier. I've seen too much crap that would give anyone gray hair. But none of that is as much fun.

I tied the hair around Magpie's finger in a pretty little bow while he was sleeping. I had to get up early to head out for an early patrol though, so I wasn't there when he woke up. I wonder if he noticed.

Written By Corban

Dec. 5, 2018, 8:18 a.m.(2/13/1010 AR)

I commit here for History the official report on the engagements near the Lodge of Petrichor that I delivered at the Assembly of Peers last evening.

* * *

The bottom line is this: The enemy was repulsed at all fronts, and the Lodge of Petrichor remains standing and strong. This report summarizes the engagements and is necessarily limited by the place of its presentation. It is also necessarily an overview, unable to fully encompass the bravery and skill displayed by those involved.

It is worth-while to make clear that we were defending not just the Lodge. We also protected a grove of trees to the northwest, important to the Spirit Walkers; a set of burrows northeast of the Lodge; an old stone watch tower east of the Lodge; a series of caves north-northwest of the Lodge; and a protected pasturage just south of the Lodge.

The engagement began at the Burrows, where the Crimson Blades and and King’s Own both defended the warrens and rode patrols against nearby cultists waiting in ambush. Although the Blades suffered serious casualties, and some among the King’s Own were wounded, the area remained defended. We are thankful, too, for our siblings in arms who call the Burrows home for their assistance and mourn their losses.

The attack then moved to the northern Grove, where the Redrain and Spirit Walkers held the watch. We are told that animals of the forest -- diseased by contacted with the so-called Horned God -- attacked with great ferocity. And there were cultists and other followers of the Traitor who engaged the Redrain and Spirit Walker forces. Although there were losses there, especially among the shamans, the Faith reports that there is Sanctuary at the Grove at last.

There were also attacks near the stone watch tower and the Lodge itself, where the combined might of the Thrax, the Graysons, and the Faith Militant held the line. We remember particularly the loss of six hundred Templars and Knights of Solace in a single engagement. But they did their duty, and they allowed the Lodge to continue to stand.

We remember also the brave Valardian calvary, assisted by the Redrain, that held the pasture, and the Mirrorguard and the Explorers that cleared the caves of the cultist influence.

In the end, the highest leaders of the Horned God’s heretical cult were eliminated and the forces appeared to fracture. Our losses were great. But we have kept the enemy from capturing the Lodge and drawing upon its power and location close to Arx. Once more, the Unity of the Compact has allowed us to remain strong.

Written By Berenice

Dec. 5, 2018, 12:50 a.m.(2/12/1010 AR)

Ah, there is no sweeter feeling in the world than this.

Written By Saoirse

Dec. 4, 2018, 10:34 p.m.(2/12/1010 AR)

With heavy heart do I learn about Romina's passing.

May we all pour one out for Niccolo's faithful servant.

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