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Written By Samantha

Oct. 19, 2018, 10:12 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

Let it be known that my brother may come to my home and enjoy the pitter patter of little feet right before they plow into him anytime he likes.

I'm beginning to think Nara has a particular talent for leg-clinging. She even does it when Rymarr is in his armor. In all seriousness, I've seen him take on the forces of the Heralds and guard His Majesty from assassination attempts, but he is devastatingly defeated when a nigh three year old attaches herself to his leg. No force on the continent could pry her off short of bribery.

Written By Kenna

Oct. 19, 2018, 8:40 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

Are wills a thing again?


I actually should think about updating that.

Written By Sabine

Oct. 19, 2018, 2:38 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

The house is opened, the drapes drawn, the furniture uncovered. It's been some time since anyone lived here and the dust had collected in the deep corners, where shadows like to hide. No longer. Light, air, warmth; our coming is the breath of life within these walls. Tessere thrives, all rumours to the contrary aside. Beautiful gossips, I shake you away as my people do the dust from the drop cloths. To the past with you.

We welcome you into our lives, Arx.

Written By Lys

Oct. 19, 2018, 2:18 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

I dreamt of metal pressed into my fingertips, and I thought it was a sword. For the edge was sharp and cut at the creases of my fingers ... But when I opened my eyes it was a crown of glass-- razor sharp and gleaming bright.

Written By Caspian

Oct. 19, 2018, 1:09 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

After meeting Skald a while back, I decided that there are some other people/things I want to meet before I die. Some things are:
Death (before I die please! Not after)
Someone from Weijin
Someone from Jadairal
A sea elf
A griffin
A unicorn
The Queen

There are others, but I won't mention them here!

Written By Karadoc

Oct. 19, 2018, 1:01 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

Maybe I should quit, renounce everything, and live a simple life as a tailor. Albeit one who doesn't sew ...


I'll have to think of some other way to keep myself entertained.

Marriage, perhaps?

(Why do you look SO startled, Scholar?)

Written By Elloise

Oct. 19, 2018, 12:54 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

This is - a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I think that I will winter back home in Leaholdt until these babies are born.

Written By Amari

Oct. 19, 2018, 12:16 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shae

I love you, Shae.

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 18, 2018, 10:49 p.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

I'm devastated I wounded my cousin's feeling.

Just devastated.

On a lighter note, I set my apron on fire this morning. It's big enough to still fit me, thank goodness, but it's also leather. Did you know leather is flame-resistant but not completely retardant? I knew this of course but I've never obtained more than scorch marks, because it takes a very long time and a great deal of heat for leather this thick to catch fire. I wasn't wearing it at the time but I left it by the casting forge. Very close to the flames. Too close. For too long.

I can't wait to give birth to this baby, it's eating up my sense and attention and I don't like that one bit.

Written By Oliver

Oct. 18, 2018, 10:47 p.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

Wills. it seems like the thing to do, and so I will record my own. Thankfully, I don't have very much.

My shop, the Tanned Hide, shall go to Joscelin. She's always wanted a bakery, so I hope she'll use the space for that. My only requirement is that she names the place something hilariously crafty.

My silver should be split equally between the Coldrain family and the Crafters Guild. Any materials I have can go to the Crafters Guild, to be shared for free amongst the members.

To my unborn child, I leave my wedding ring and daggers. I hope they will remember me by them.

To Joscelin, I leave the rest, to do with as she wishes. I ask that on my death, Joscelin be the only one allowed to read my Blacks, and that they not be released to the public.

Written By Dora

Oct. 18, 2018, 10:08 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

With all the seriousness and work lately I have not had nearly enough time for leisure. I dislike this. I know some people get a sense of accomplishment being busy, but I really would rather sip brandy, nibble chocolates, and other things. Though I do admit that exploring is a whole other ball of wax. That is DO enjoy. Finding new things, or old things again, has a sense of fun and adventure that work...doesn't. I think from now on I will stop by Lottie's for a treat after every excursion. And before. Properly treating myself should make it more rewarding.

Written By Michael

Oct. 18, 2018, 8:21 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

Rambling of the Voice of Bisland.

"It is not that I do not want children, I do. The patter of little feet, the giggle of children, the wild shouting of 'We Win Glory!' Before a sweet little girl or boy plows into my knees.""

Written By Shae

Oct. 18, 2018, 5:45 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

I think Geralt felt threatened by my beard and stole it. If we time the next competition for early spring I should have a better one with proper dyes so that the beard matches the ...

... What's the saying? 'Matches the drapes and the curtains'.

Scholar, did I say that right?

Written By Nuala

Oct. 18, 2018, 4:54 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

Something to be found in the satisfaction of sitting here in a heap of leathers, finding ways to patch a seam stronger or add a little more refinement. Didn't think much of it then when I was designing this suit that it would serve so well. It's gained a season of scratches and scrapes from sparring that need to be patched. Fresh dye reapplied to the spaces where the gray shows through and I'd rather keep it black. These are the small signs of honest work and honest practice until a girl is practically falling down tired.

I can name most of the bigger marring signs that batter the surface. This one at Harlex's claws. That one at Domonico's blade, the lovely red one. This from the shav's ugly axe. Another down the side where I wasn't fast enough to turn aside Sir Jordan's steel. All a story. All a minor proof against death if this had been real.

Soon it will be real. Sooner than I expect the frosts will be readily on us. But three weeks into October and it's a near thing which will be first.

So here I sit, waiting for the armorer to get done with my boots and cursing that I chose to chase them in metal and reinforce them with quite so many buckles. He's back there in the sweltering darkness of his shop waiting for my cloak to cure properly with the dyes.

Give me the scent of rum, the bite of cinnamon, and the cool window panes over this. But it's time well spent. I may not achieve much else this week but I can say I'm not longer quite as poorly outfitted as I was.

Written By Domonico

Oct. 18, 2018, 4:40 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

It is a sobering thought knowing that so many people are preparing their wills in the case of them perishing in the defence of the Lodge.
Part of me aches to be there alongside them, fighting so that more of them can return.
However it is not to be, as all have their roles to play in the dark times ahead.

Written By Evaristo

Oct. 18, 2018, 3:11 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I am grievously wounded you would think I would pay your assistants to like something.

They like the cabinet because it is amazing and you can stand staring at it for hours and be lost in tales of what this cabinet has been part of.

That, and I promised them all I'd sing and play for them for free at their evening of choice, at some party or another.

Written By Margret

Oct. 18, 2018, 2:47 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

This is the Will of Margret Greenmarch, daughter of Alda and Malcolm Greenmarch.

If I and my husband Alessandro Greenmarch were both to perish we leave our ward Valarienne in the care of my cousin Marquis Marius Greenmarch and his wife Marquessa Simone Greenmarch. Any funds or financial resources I have, if both my husband and I are dead, are to be used in the upbringing of our ward. We also ask that every effort be made to give the child a trade fit for our beloved little girl who we would adopt as our own if social station were not a factor so she may have a happy and comfortable life.

To Valarienne I leave my iridescite and stygian necklace.

To Alessandro I leave my wedding ring. On the event of his death my ring is to be given to our unborn child. If our darling baby perishes with me I ask that my wedding ring be placed in the Heritage Hall of Greenmarch Lodge.

To my sister Ianna I leave my wardrobe. Could you have ever imagined we would ever have such lovely things when we were growing up in the Greenwood, Ianna?

Save for my green seasilk gown and slippers with the dragonflies. That goes to Marquessa Simone Greenmarch because she looks so stunning in green.

Save for my blue seasilk with the empire waist that looks like a night sky along with my duskstone coronet. I leave that to Princess Elgana Redrain because it would look beautiful on her.

I leave my pewter friendship bracelet to Bliss Whisper so she remembers she always has friends who love her.

I leave my hairpins to my cousin Lady Monique Greenmarch because I know she loves sharp things.

I ask that my wedding gown be displayed in the Heritage Hall of Greenmarch Lodge, and future generations of Greenmarch women should feel welcomed to wear it. I hope they are as happy on their wedding days as I was mine.

I ask that my body to interred in a location that will be known to Marquis Marius Greenmarch, Marquessa Simone Greenmarch, and Lord Alessandro Greenmarch as well as stated in my Black Journal.

I ask that on my death my Black Journals be opened up to Lord Alessandro Greenmarch, whom I never want to keep a secret from.

I ask that on my death my Black Journals always be open to whoever holds the title of Marquis of Greenhaven.

Written By Sorrel

Oct. 18, 2018, 1:33 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)


"Let all flames burn to banish the night
Unified by Faith we fight the good fight.

"To the gods do we pray: hear us every day."

(Original song cut off early.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 18, 2018, 12:24 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

Today I received the following missive:

Lady Isabetta,

While I am well-versed in cup cake combat I am no familiar with any sellcakes that specialize in that ancient martial art.


This missive is perfect context and portrays my frame of mind and the thing I am attempting to currently accomplish. Both sides will likely be seeking to muster their forces and indeed sellcakes maybe in high demand.

Written By Amari

Oct. 18, 2018, 10:36 a.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

It seems we have some very strong contenders for best beard of beards, including the King's beard (that's rumored to hold meetings on its own). I can personally vouch for Baron Norwood's and second Duke Cristoph's nomination, but unfortunately I've yet to see Lord Riagnon's so can't comment on how it may be shaping up. Lord Arik's isn't to be dismissed lightly either, Lord Brogan's is quite fine and I think everyone knows my opinion of Duke Vercyn's.

When the time comes, hopefully Lord Geralt will be free to defend the title he so narrowly won over my cousin Shae at the next competition. Given current circumstances however, I don't imagine this will be any time soon so all the clean shaven out there still have time to grow their face hairs out to properly epic lengths.

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