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Written By Aureth

Oct. 16, 2018, 3:35 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

Some scholars have thought for years that it is not actually possible to live a perfect life, paying perfect adherence to each of the concepts of each of the gods, because some of the demands and duties that arise from each of these concepts conflict. A Paragon of Lagoma might well drive a Paragon of the Sentinel insane, for the same reason that a Paragon of Limerance and a Paragon of Skald could easily end up at loggerheads. Yet it is our desire among the Faithful not to achieve perfection but to seek it, for the power of true righteousness is in the journey. We recognize that we are each fallible, that our choices make us who we are and define our lives as much as our beginnings and endings do.

Yet there are clear wrongs that come far from failures to enact a perfect life. When you act in direct opposition to a concept empowered by a god -- when you yield to a lust for power, to an avarice stripped of charity, if you seek to obliviate life rather than to embrace it, when you choose dishonorable murder instead of honorable combat. And those are wrongs. And we understand that when we commit those wrongs, we are seen to do so, in the eyes of gods if not of men and women, for the gods are always _watching_; the Sentinel knows what is done, and the Sentinel may not be empowered to act, and punish, for that is left to us, to the work of our hands, but the _knowledge_ will continue to exist.

When your dark deed is _seen_, then. What does that mean? What does it mean to be known to have done an evil? It does not mean that you are evil. Does it? A human soul is, of the primum from which it was spun, a divine creation, and it is the nature of humanity, beloved or accursed, to grow, to change, to develop, not just to be. So it is the nature of faith that if you have done an evil act, you are not _doomed_ by that act. You can grow and change. It is Skald's gift that you may make a choice. It is Lagoma's gift that you may grow and change.

But the Sentinel is watching. You cannot simply _say_ that you are sorry, and continue to do evil, and be redeemed. Redemption requires labor. The labor required is redress. And before there can be redress, there must be acknowledgment. You can't be sorry generally because evil things may have happened at some point. You must say, I did this evil thing, and I regret this evil thing, and it is my desire to work to undo evil.

In other words, if you don't own your shit, you will never, ever be able to clean it up. The reek of it will stick to you, invisibly. Like it is trapped upon the treads at the bottom of your shoe.

Written By Tikva

Oct. 16, 2018, 3:18 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

I will note in excuse of scarcity that this baby, unlike my previous two babies, has some kind of personal vendetta against my bowels. I will not treat the scholars here to a litany of symptoms, or anything, but please if you are thinking of us, I beg you send fresh flowers to Ainsley in sympathy for having to live with me and whoever this little tyrant is going to turn out to be.

Written By Aureth

Oct. 16, 2018, 3:12 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

No message fails to change when it reaches its audience. Words spoken are never the same as words heard. Intention does not reality make.

A skilled speaker takes into account the prism through which her audience views her words, and accommodates it accordingly. An unskilled speaker expects others to listen with the same ear as with which he speaks.

A skilled listener listens for the intent behind the words. An unskilled listener hears merely what comes out of a speaker's mouth.

The context of a message always changes its contents, either purposefully or without purpose. If you divorce words from their context, you create different meaning than was intended. If you analyze speech within the context of its being spoken, you will be more likely to understand its intended meaning.

The study of history is, generally, a study of fragments stripped of their context, being forced through the prism of the expectations of the present day.

What will future historians make of what we record for Vellichor now? What expectations will these words conform to, a hundred years from now?

Hell, what expectations will these words fail to conform to tomorrow?

What will you be remembered for saying? What would you prefer to be remembered for saying?

Written By Jyri

Oct. 16, 2018, 2:46 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

Many things have happened lately, and I do as Arxians do - I record it in the journals. Maybe some even find it half interesting to read what a Prodigal Iron Guard goes about.

First, I have been running in full armour every day as per Lady Esoka's suggestion. I imagine her running right in front of me and I strive to catch up. Helps me keep going. I am running a bit longer every day.

Second, I have poured a lot of money into a new set of armour. One piece at a time. It's a great armour and it will protect me well. I like my weapons but I need a better one - but right now, survival feels more important.

Third... I could say a lot about the third. The most important thing happening right now. But it will not be for the journals. Not this time.

Written By Karadoc

Oct. 16, 2018, 1:27 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

I took the initiative to design a new insignia for our House signet rings, and brought the drawings to Messere Josephine's shop (the Velvet Box) to see it brought to life by her hardworking apprentices. After its completion, it turned out to be a very good ring -- the choice of emerald and iridescite was just perfect -- and I sent it along with Cypriano to deliver it to the Baroness herself. It's a new start, what with Neilda here at home in the capital city. We needed it. (Yes, Neilda -- you're getting a new ring next, I promise!)

Written By Karadoc

Oct. 16, 2018, 1:23 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliana

I challenged her to do her worst. Or, rather, her best to see if I can be flapped. So, I suppose -- that this means an informal war has been declared between us -- and it's a fine way to make a new friend.

Written By Delilah

Oct. 16, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

With all these dreams recounted in the White's, I wonder whether someone has ever set out to collect them in a book.

Some of them are particularly lovely. Others, imagined not to be so.

Written By Vercyn

Oct. 16, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

It's all in the careful selection of which enemy's blood you oil it with, my dear.

Written By Karadoc

Oct. 16, 2018, 1:20 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

I've noticed of late that the Scholars seemed to have, you know, slowed down some in their work of the Archives. Which is good -- honestly -- these fine academics were working too hard and making me feel like an underachiever. I'd like to imagine that they all met up in the evening after a long day of ink spatters, opinionated peers, and parchment cuts to decide in unison that they were fed up with our shit and decided to take more time to enjoy their work. So, they have. I can state for the record, official like, that it makes me feel better about myself.

Take it easy, Scholars, and enjoy that House Saik wine.

Written By Evaristo

Oct. 16, 2018, 12:15 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

It's pure talent, dear cousin.

I didn't really sneak though. I just walked in, said a cheerful hi and then put nine of the scones into various pockets and then I left. I mean... they were meant for me, right?

As for kissing my own reflection, that is entirely misinterpreted! I did kiss it, but it was because I was quite drunk and wanted to encourage myself - I was looking quite dapper and it deserved some sort of reward. I think. My memory is a bit fuzzy.

I'm glad your assistant noticed I smelled of booze but you should give her a stern talking to for not recognizing that it was EXPENSIVE whiskey I had been drinking! I found it in one of your cabinets, you have excellent taste.

Ah, Arx. I love going through your journals, dear cousin. This is such a brilliant thing.

Written By Miranda

Oct. 16, 2018, 11:57 a.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

I am a storm, raging against the ocean.

The ocean is immovable, but the waves crash upon the shore.

Written By Rosalie

Oct. 16, 2018, 11:47 a.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

I've been putting this off, in part because it seems almost as thought discussing what is to be done with my worldly possessions is inviting it to be a necessity. But I suppose I cannot put it off any longer. So here we go.

Last Will and Testament of Lady Rosalie Redtyde

My wedding band and the necklace given to me as a wedding gift by my husband are to revert back to Lord Alexandre Redtyde.
My gowns, shoes, and assorted other small blades and hairpins should be given to my cousin, Mistress Helia Andrasko.
My armor is to go to the Scholars that another might have better luck with them.
The diamondplate scalpel won at raffle shall go to the Physician's Guild, the Marquessa Keaton may choose a more worthy wielder than myself.
All money, resources, and materials within my bank account and on my person shall revert to Redtyde.
Any other possessions I own will revert to my husband to be dealt with as he sees fit.

I wish for my black journals to remain sealed.

Written By Edain

Oct. 16, 2018, 9:33 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Tesha

In the wake of all that has happened I think Lady Tesha deserves recognition. As a voice of Telmar she stepped into a situation of which she had no knowledge of and has done her best to try and make things right with the victim and do what is best for her family. Sometimes someone causes a hurt that can never be fixed and all we can do is find the best path forward.

Man have claimed that the Telmar have covered this up for years hoping that Bliss would go away. Bliss Whisper, by her own admission only came forward about this very recently, and I commend her for doing so. Everard was a terrifying man we have learned and his influence has found ways to extend well past his death. Who knows what allies he still has out there. Coming forward had to be terrifying. However if you believe Everard Telmar could not have hidden this event from his family, you are vastly underestimating him. Do not forget he was aided in this by Addison Ashford (The man that assault Bliss Whisper with him) and he was also quite adept at hiding what he truly was.

Lady Tesha came into all of this blind as a new born babe. I feel she has conducted herself with honor despite being thrust into an impossible situation. It is very easy to say we know the answer or that the answer is simple, but the truth is that none of us can know that until we are thrust into such circumstances. I do not begrudge anyone sharing thier thoughts on this matter, but I ask that we wait to judge until the matter is finally put to rest.

I do wish to thank Lady Tesha for showing the grit that makes me feel pride in my vassals. When your feet where held to the fire you did not flinch.

Written By Lisebet

Oct. 16, 2018, 8:55 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

I am still wondering how beautiful jewellery with jade in it must be. Perhaps I will get a chance to see some.

Written By Archeron

Oct. 16, 2018, 8:15 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

I am not calling you that. Maybe Lady Amari, She Who Is Quite Alright But With Terrible Taste In Socks. Not all of that though.

Written By Josephine

Oct. 16, 2018, 8:08 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

Such a terrible person I am. The subterfuge. But it worked. They will have to work hard. Squabbles a plenty I see. But between them I see the love. So they shall forge their rings themselves under my eye so that they may better understand just what it will take. Reminds me of my aquabbles with my husband and the hours in the forge after, thinking upon my words and his. But that is how it is. It takes hard work to make a successful marriage.

Written By Domonico

Oct. 16, 2018, 7:54 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

If officers desire to have control over their commands, they must remain habitually with them, industriously attend to their instruction and comfort, and in battle lead them well.

Written By Gwenna

Oct. 16, 2018, 7:24 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

Personally, I've been attempting to conjure up a title that makes managing the finances of the Northlands sound less dull. Mother Bear of the Dancing Silvers? Lead Mistress of the Ledgers? Benevolent Balancer of the Books? The search continues.

Written By Lys

Oct. 16, 2018, 3:57 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

I dreamt last night of standing in a field of wild flowers. The sun long set and the night's sky cold above me. No wind, no rain, no stars. Just a bitter chill and frost upon the petals of the flowers. And in the distance I heard a rumbling, and in the sky a spreading of great, great wings glimmering with white plumage.

Written By Marian

Oct. 16, 2018, 2:58 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

Honor. It's at the foundation of our society. It is a mantle to be worn proudly when it safeguards our people. When it pushes us to be better. To pay homage to the gods with our deeds.

I don't believe that it should be used as a weapon. Nor should one's hubris be able to use it as a shield against wrongdoing. You do yourself a great disservice and rightfully deserve any mockery that follows. These actions do not pay proper observance to our gods.

Sometimes admitting ones faults can defuse a volatile situation. It's sometimes better to admit rather than bury a past wrong. The gods give us opportunities to seek redemption when we falter. Whenever possible we should seek restitution when in the wrong.

Honor is difficult to defend under the court of public opinion, who seeks to name a villain and a victim. Life I'm afraid is rarely that simple. Rarely do our tales unfold in such black and white terms. It is far too easy to slip between the lines in our quest for justice.

There are cases where keeping ones counsel might be the best course of action. Especially when it's not your own in crisis. When your words might stir the flames.

War may be coming to our people again. Some of us may pass in the coming days. May I suggest whatever burdens that weigh on your soul be purged. Get your affairs in order. Leave gentle words to those you love.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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