Written By Alarissa
Oct. 15, 2018, 3:15 p.m.(10/14/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Darrow
Before he left, he came and stated what he was going to do. I asked him not to, never ordered him not to, but with the understanding that he would need to do what he could for his house. And so I lay favors and promises in his hand that I had garnered from others and that Thrax had as well and a promise that we would come as soon as the battle at Setarco promised.
I gave to him my only blade, meant to ward the mind from the despair. A dagger, something he would be unlikely to use but it was what little that I myself, Alarissa, could give. He stood. He bowed. He smiled.
The last memory that I have of the man is the smile on his face as he held the dagger and his Joy. At least once before he passed, I had the chance to see it.
I pray that when his effigy is erected within the hall should the faith agree that he belongs, that it not be of him smiling. That was not the dour man who lost all he had and yet still carried on. But of the grimness and determination. The Knight of Sorrows standing watch over his island, determined to save it down to the last block of stone and a light shining upon his face from the lighthouse. Waiting.
Written By Tikva
Oct. 15, 2018, 2:28 p.m.(10/14/1009 AR)
How does one measure the stain on one's honor against the black mark against an entire family's?
It surely is tragic that the traitor Everard cannot be called to account. I pray that the wisdom of Limerance and the evenhandedness of the Sentinel will guide the hearts and minds that mediate this matter.
I have no pretty solution for this, or I would already have offered it. But I call for shame to those of you who write as though Bliss should simply be quiet and permit her honor to suffer forever. It's my thought that leaving the insult to her unaddressed would not leave House Telmar's honor clean at all. The stain would merely have been less visible ... but no less a wound.
The gods do not demand or expect perfection. But without acknowledgment there can be no redress. Without redress there can be no healing.
The fact that without position and friends Bliss might have been forever without platform to reveal the harm done to her does not mean there was no harm.
Written By Gerard
Oct. 15, 2018, 1:58 p.m.(10/14/1009 AR)
the amount of vitriol that some people who repreatedly escape or reduce their own judgments due to their own popularity with the powers-that-be (and who are forgiven every insult or horrible behavior due to these connections) are flinging about is astounding and dismaying.
I wash my hands of every single one of you. All of you, although I do hope many will realize why I have to, for a time, take this measure once the fighting is done.
Written By Auda
Oct. 15, 2018, 1:17 p.m.(10/14/1009 AR)
Bashira was a great opponent, even if we are pretty evenly matched, and there was a lot more dancing around the ring than there was anything else! I'm just going to have to get quicker.
Theodoric and Elora were really good sports about giving me a bit of competition for a knife-throwing challenge, too. I'll have to thank them both for the fun, later.
Written By Fairen
Oct. 15, 2018, 12:25 p.m.(10/14/1009 AR)
Written By Riagnon
Oct. 15, 2018, 11:48 a.m.(10/14/1009 AR)
Were I to speak the wrong words while holding this item, it would be our honor speaking. Were I to draw the blood of an innocent with Earthstriker's pointed end, it would be our honor made manifest to strike them down. Swing it upward while someone lay prone or their back was turned away? Our honor.
In such acts, that thing would be diminished... until it and we were worth little more than the metal it was forged with.
Written By Jeffeth
Oct. 15, 2018, 11:44 a.m.(10/14/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Vercyn
I would hope that I would have the fortitude to support an unknown if their cause was just, just as I would support someone in good standing if their cause was just. However, I don't think this is relevant at all to the point. You just seem to be upset that Bliss has support at all, but you're not really addressing the arguments made. I disagree with your assessment that it has been abundantly clear that House Telmar is not trying to weasel out of responsibility. House Telmar has not made a good stance on this. Every apology has been backhanded, every statement has included accusation, and as I said before Bliss Whisper has been more treated as an irritating insect rather than someone that they as a House have committed a crime against.
Written By Fairen
Oct. 15, 2018, 10:30 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Vercyn
Written By Isabeau
Oct. 15, 2018, 9:51 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Written By Corban
Oct. 15, 2018, 9:08 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Isabeau
I am pleased to say that I believe I have an excellent use for the voucher and that I look forward to seeing what she creates.
Written By Elora
Oct. 15, 2018, 8:45 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Sparte
I am never drinking that coffee again.
Written By Quenia
Oct. 15, 2018, 8:35 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Written By Silas
Oct. 15, 2018, 7:21 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Vercyn
You can criticize whether or not someone -deserves- to be popular, but using that popularity is well above board as it's something that's voluntarily given.
Written By Arianna
Oct. 15, 2018, 5:26 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
So when Vowkeeper came out, and this Everard challenged Bliss Whisper to a duel, everyone who witnessed this fuckery might should've spoken up about how indecent it was to even witness the act happening, shame both parties for agreeing to engage in this abominable act in the first place and correct that mishap before it happened. It didn't, Gods only know how, but the onus lies on the Softest Whisper now to act within the accordance of the traditions of the Compact and acknowledge that this was not proper conduct on either sides of this disagreement and neither were her demands because they are founded on false ideals that hold no water within the ancient precedents.
Vowkeeper represents House Telmar's nobility, it is not just a weapon. It is the bravery, glory and validity of their noble House. How can one expect a House to give up it's very claims to the Peerage and for all of us to be okay with setting aside one thousand years of history? To do so is a grave insult to the history of the weapon and all those who wielded it before Everard. As the traditions have dictated and how our history is so plainly written, this is exactly what is being asked. Objectively, I don't think that people are grasping the implications but it is an impossible ask. Bliss Whisper was wronged by Everard and she should be compensated for that act (which Duke Telmar, House Valardin and just about anyone else who has been conferred with seems quite content to do) but never in a thousand years has an heirloom weapon been used for personal glory or vendettas. To start one or to solve one.
Written By Elora
Oct. 15, 2018, 4:12 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Written By Gregori
Oct. 15, 2018, 1:51 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Written By Vercyn
Oct. 15, 2018, 12:47 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
People are backing Bliss Whisper merely because she is popular and she is abusing that popularity and her friendships. Again, if it were not for that popularity... I doubt the majority of you supporting her would care. If a random commoner had gone through the same circumstances, this matter would never have made it to the proclamations nor be discussed at length. Not because of 'noble abuse' or similar (such adorable attempt to throw that around; please remember what my House is), but because they would not be someone you throw yourself at the feet of on a regular basis.
All I am saying is to take a very big step back and look at the situation and ask: if it were anyone else, would you care so vehemently? Because I do not think you would. And that there is where I take the most umbrage with the situation at hand.
It has been made abundantly clear that House Telmar is not trying to weasel its way out of making amends for the traitor's actions. They just do not wish to give up a very important heirloom and part of their history and identity that was not his to give away in the first place and an intelligent person who has appropriate understanding of diplomacy would respect this and accept at least one of the alternatives that has been put forth.
Written By Sophie
Oct. 15, 2018, 12:19 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
As I made my through the recent journals and caught up on the recent public proclamations I became quite vexed with the state of things here in Arx.
It's almost as if the populace has forgotten that we have a much more dangerous enemy waiting for the time in which our bonds weaken and we turn upon one another and become obsessed with selfish needs.
When you wish to deprive a family of their birthright then you also wish to deprive all future generations of it as well.. and for what? Personal gain? Riches? Vengeance?
I fear that they would be cold and lonely bedfellows and I fear that nothing positive will come of such things.
I trust that the faith will come to a fair and reasonable solution to this problem. Whatever that is - I hope everyone involved finds peace and tranquility through this process and that the crimes of the past receive some closure and that all involved can begin healing their souls from the damage that was done.
Most importantly - I hope that all involved remember to be kind to one another, even when kindness seems hard to find in a situation.
May the gods gift us all with more foregiveness for our own mistakes and the mistakes of others and allow those with anger in their hearts to release that and begin the process of recovery.
Written By Sparte
Oct. 14, 2018, 11:45 p.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
The morning coffee tastes better if the soldiers relieve themselves downstream from the camp kitchens.
Written By Coraline
Oct. 14, 2018, 11:21 p.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.