Written By Calista
Oct. 14, 2018, 11:18 p.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Their little voices squeal with delight and fill the garden with the sounds of innocence I long to preserve.
Written By Viviana
Oct. 14, 2018, 10:56 p.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
I've no personal stake, or even interest, in this feud between the Whisper and House Telmar, but I do find myself with a particular thought occurring to me each time the issue comes to mind.
Perhaps you should live with the consequences, if your House is daft enough to appoint as Sword, the sort of person who would gamble away your heirloom weapon.
But, I must admit I'm not terribly familiar with how this 'responsibility' business works, being a Southerner and all.
Written By Rinel
Oct. 14, 2018, 10:56 p.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
Atreke has expressed her opinion that it is more likely that I am being avoided because I have frequently acted rashly and without regard to consequence, and that I have therefore alienated a sizable proportion of the Faith--and thereby the Compact at large. It is her view that this is a good thing--that there is no need to act any other way than how I truly am, and that I will eventually find people whose company I find tolerable.
Atreke informs me that her sole source of social interaction is drinking with a group of three other scribes once every fortnight.
Atreke is very honest. But I do not think I wish to emulate her example with regard to socializing.
There are many kind faces who do not glance askance at me when they see me. They are a blessing from Lord Limerance, and I cherish them deeply--enough so that I will not reveal their names here, for fear of reprisal. Yet they are increasingly rare as my penance drags on.
It is strange how lonely a person can be in a city so full of people.
Written By Jaenelle
Oct. 14, 2018, 10:48 p.m.(10/13/1009 AR)
To another year, and so many more after.
Written By Mayir
Oct. 14, 2018, 10:12 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Perronne
Perronne will be the one to write up the history, shine it up, and sell it.
But it was fun retrieving it!
Written By Jhond
Oct. 14, 2018, 9:51 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Written By Thesarin
Oct. 14, 2018, 9:47 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Their help was past thanks in capturing a hunting party from a hamlet loyal to the Horned God. By our work, there's one less village among his slaves.
Written By Alarissa
Oct. 14, 2018, 9:43 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Klaus
Written By Aleksei
Oct. 14, 2018, 9:13 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
I mean, for one thing, I've seen _plenty_ of stupid nobles gambling away money they don't really have and leaving their house on the hook for it. Are you kidding? Have you never heard of inheriting someone's debt, either? Do you not realize this is a thing that happens _every day_?
For another thing, this wasn't just somebody betting somebody else's whatever. This was a person entrusted with the care and safekeeping of the family's honor: their heirloom weapon. It belongs to the house, but Everard Telmar was _entrusted_ with it. The idea that he had the same relationship with this sword as he might have with some random stranger's coin purse is ridiculous, and, frankly, it makes the entire position of a House Sword to be meaningless. It makes them all just random people who are just holding onto somebody's sword for a minute instead of actual chosen holders of a house's honor. And when the person you choose to hold your honor fails, your house fails. Your honor fails. And you are now responsible for what they've done in your name.
But of course, the real problem is the uppity commoner who's been put off and rebuffed for years in hopes that she'll keep quiet. Can't have that.
Written By Shard
Oct. 14, 2018, 8:06 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Vercyn
He's dead now, so Telmar needs to answer for what he did. It doesn't matter he was a piece of shit. They gave him that position and that weapon. Answer with the House sword? Maybe, maybe not. A lot of her demands sound ridiculous. But a promise was made, and she was wronged. This isn't /nothing/. And this guy got his House into this damned mess because of his own pride. His actions were his own.
Written By Duarte
Oct. 14, 2018, 7:28 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Despite the recent to-do about oaths, swords, bets and what not, I just don't see any reason to lessen my regard for either Bliss Whisper or House Telmar. I trust it will resolve in some fashion, but it has certainly been entertaining.
As for the commoners formerly known as nobles of House Seraceni: I am as perturbed by the severance of oaths as I am by the sheer lack of guile. Running away from your house over a spat? We do typically raise them better than that in the South, I promise you.
Written By Fairen
Oct. 14, 2018, 6:10 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
The humor some Lycene can possess is entertaining in the least. I'll have to collect a list of these new names for myself.
Written By Jeffeth
Oct. 14, 2018, 6:06 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Vercyn
Written By Jeffeth
Oct. 14, 2018, 6:01 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
You can say that it was not his to gamble all you want. But he did. And she had it. She had the blade and it was in her hands. It was given to her, it was in her possession. The traitor then came with aid and robbed her, and injured her severely. I am disappointed in Telmar for apparently wanting to treat this as a nuisance to appease rather than a crime. I am disappointed in the Duke for not being able to read the whole story and misrepresenting it in his response. I am disappointed in all those who are flocking about saying that Bliss Whisper is just trying to get personal gain.
What personal gain? She's made it clear that she is flexible on the resolution as long as the wrong is made right. House Telmar committed a crime. Their Sword, that they appointed, committed a crime(among others). And they're treating it like a fly they just want to go away. House Telmar committed a crime against this woman and their Duke's response is they committed crimes against the whole Compact so she should just relax.
Also nobles can just leave houses when they feel like it?
We're supposed to look up to you. You're supposed to be the examples for us on how to live with honor, you're supposed to lead the way.
Written By Rinel
Oct. 14, 2018, 6:01 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
I have had the opportunity to interact with the Mistress Whisper many times, and though I would not presume to claim the honour of her friendship, I have found her an honest and forthright person.
Yet I was born to a Pacton family, a commoner residing in the Telmarch, and though I was and remain a servant of a mere Telmar vassal, I can think of no house more inflexible in honour and dignity than House Telmar--saving, perhaps, Great House Valardin.
I shall try to address the salient issue with the objectivity demanded of all scholars.
Firstly, the issue of whether Everard Telmar had right to give away the heirloom Sword of his house. Whether he was traitor or no does not, I believe, factor into this analysis--for we are responsible for the actions of our blood, no matter how corrupt or venal. It is true that House Telmar is the proper owner of the sword. It is true that the sword represents House Telmar. Yet it is also true that the title of House Sword represents an investiture of authority and power regarding the honour of the House. Had Everard sworn his service to Mistress Whisper, I believe House Telmar would have found itself bound to attach its Sword to the Goodwoman for the duration of said service--and to accept, however unhappily, whatever dishonour might accompany such service.
I take this opportunity to underscore, for my fellow commoners, the absolute trust that is placed by a House in its Sword, as well as the gravity of the title.
Given my above reasoning, I can find little merit in the arguments against Mistress Whisper's acquisition of the Sword for the duration of her life--within strict limits. It must be understood that her /possession/ of the sword is to be limited. She may not claim true ownership; to sell or otherwise divest possession of the blade must remain outside the purview of her authority.
But Mistress Whisper, I fear, is not wholly blameless in this situation. Having approached House Telmar with her terms, her next step should have been to petition Great House Valardin and present the justice of her cause. The Highlord of the Oathlands is a man of merit and honour beyond reproach. Seeking his adjudication would have undoubtedly been the most appropriate of choices.
As always, these are but the thoughts of a humble scholar of common birth--yet I pray to our Patron Lord that they may prove illuminating to those who, like me, have spent their lives outside of the rarefied social strata of courtly intrigue and law.
Written By Aleksei
Oct. 14, 2018, 6 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Vercyn
That's not a sign of anything right or _just_, though.
Written By Felicia
Oct. 14, 2018, 5:30 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Written By Felicia
Oct. 14, 2018, 5:21 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
There was a little kerfluffle with regards to Master Wild, it seems the blows he took over the course of the melee were more difficult to treat than they seemed, though the Mercies had him well in hand when I left. In all, a good day.
Written By Joscelin
Oct. 14, 2018, 5:11 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
I hope this one does the receiver ... joy. Gives them joy, perhaps. The old word for 'jewelry', after all, stems from the 'joy'.
I'm overthinking.
Written By Joscelin
Oct. 14, 2018, 5:09 p.m.(10/12/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Evaristo
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.