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Written By Riagnon

Oct. 2, 2018, 11:07 p.m.(9/17/1009 AR)

I wonder what it must be like, to shed one identity for another. One family for another, and to have knowledge of impending challenges but neither lift pen nor finger to do anything other than re-skin oneself.

Written By Modi

Oct. 2, 2018, 10:54 p.m.(9/17/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Yasmine

A prodigal being famous seemed ridiculous yesterday. I was very wrong. Now I have help. Now I have a roof.

It is much to take in. For the first time, I think on with my head on a pillow.

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 2, 2018, 10:50 p.m.(9/17/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Yasmine

Do you still dance? It's been ages since I've seen you dance. You have new bells, too, I hear.

Get it? 'Hear'?

[The scholar notes the Guildmaster giggled like a little girl for the last five minutes and nothing was clear enough to transcribe.]

Written By Shard

Oct. 2, 2018, 9:37 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

My tribe had no dealings with the Compact, except to run and hide whenever we thought their soldiers were near. We were wanderers, and spent most of our time further north, away from any official holdings, but, of course, on land that is claimed by the Compact. All of Arvum is claimed by the Compact. There was no place we could wander, no matter how far north, no matter how hostile to living, to escape this claim. We spent many winters further north than we should have been out of fear of what might happen to us if we came closer to settled lands. More than once our tribe nearly starved to death because the herds dwindled or moved further south than we could semi-safely go. Even so, eventually my tribe was considered inconvenient enough to someone that sellswords were sent to kill all of us. This is what I remember when I read about the lives and responsibilities and 'comfortable living' of nobles. This is what I remember when people talk or write about Abandoned squatting on their lands. Hungry winters. Foreign would-be murderers.

The first description of the Compact that I remember is that of a massive, devouring beast that sought to eat everything and would never, ever be sated. It must have all lands and all peoples and it would do anything to get them. The worst thing that you could tell the Compact was 'no'. You could never defeat it. Never convince it. You could only go far away from it and try to stay beneath its notice.

Reality, of course, is more complicated than that. But when I lived with my tribe I didn't particularly care about those complications. It made no difference to my life or my tribe who the nobles actually were, whether they were born to it or raised to the Peerage, who was honorable and who was not, or which House was behind any particular horror story we had passed along when we met with friendly tribes. Of course we knew there were tribes who tried to fight the Compact...usually after they were either dead or absorbed or dragged into thralldom. Of course we knew about tribes that were hostile--we had to protect ourselves from them. Of course we heard tales about tribes that worshiped dark things, or made pacts with dangerous powers--they were even more dangerous to us. More than once we moved our trails to avoid them.

Why didn't my tribe come and bend the knee? Our ways were so different. Our living was so different. We valued our independence and freedom and we remembered stories about what had been done to the ancestors of the Abandoned. We wanted to keep to our spirits. We didn't want to worship strange gods that we only knew through the battle cries murderers would shout as they cut other tribes down. To join the Compact would be, at least in some way, to end the tribe, and while people here write of the responsibilities that nobles are taught from birth to the people they rule, we were taught from birth that we must work, and hunt, and sometimes sacrifice for the good of the tribe as a whole. There was no survival if we were not all working together. Our choices and our ability to make these choices were important to us, but the Compact has no interest in the choices of outlaws.

When I was young, I wanted to know why. When I grew older, I decided 'why' wasn't actually important to me. Now that I've lived here for some time, the only answer I've really received is that existing that way was and is some kind of threat. Most people here fear possible change, and, somehow, despite never really speaking, the Abandoned will force them to change just by being. The Prodigals will force them to change if they don't force them first. And if they don't have these things, if they don't have all the tribes and all the land of Arvum, the strength of the Compact's ways and Faith is just not enough.

There are good people here. Honorable people here. People who just want to live, and people who want to create, and people who devote their lives to what they believe, and what they believe is kind. It was hard for me to accept that. Harder when they reminded me of people I left behind.

Written By Mydas

Oct. 2, 2018, 8:48 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Ah, Aviaron's Keep. Freja and I had many plans for the place. Projects. Dreams.

And then she was blinded and murdered.

I won't lie and pretend my new life, or old one depending on how you look at it, did not allow me to escape a place that had grown haunted. By false dreams, broken promises and my beloved reduced to ash upon her funeral pyre.

We had been considering having children. Imagine that.

Yet, in the end, what took me away from the march was family. Eleyna is a formidable woman, and I'm sure she proved she could handle things without my being present. Yet is that excuse enough to ignore the duty carried by blood and parentage?

I could cling to my ambitions of old, carry on as if nothing had happened. Shape Acheron as my true legacy. Yet, I chose otherwise.

In the end, it proved salutary.

Written By Luca

Oct. 2, 2018, 8:46 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lou

You could name it None Greater. If it works for my greatsword, it will work for your dire boat.

Written By Lou

Oct. 2, 2018, 8:39 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

The Grayson caravel has been completed, and oh what a beauty she is. The shipwrights put some solid work into her, and she's a good, sturdy, ocean going vessel. She has a deep hull and a wide deck. And on the prow they carved None Greater Than Grayson. She still has yet to be named. We'll need to find a good name for her before her maiden voyage. And, to determine where her maiden voyage will be.

Also, I might need to commandeer her for a time. There are fabled continents to find in Eventide Vast, and I mean to do it some day. Some day has become sooner than later with her existence.

Written By Reigna

Oct. 2, 2018, 8:04 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

I think you summed up the issue rather precisely with a pair of sentences in your last journal.

"I don't begrudge other Houses their outrage but Blackwood is a young House, only a generation old. Our ways are not yet wholly the ways of the compact. "

That is precisely it. House Blackwood is a House of the Compact. Its ways need to be the ways of the Compact. We are bound to one another by oaths and tradition. Once we stop honoring the traditions that founded us, where does it end? We have given our sacred word to uphold the tenants of the Faith and the laws that bound five kingdoms into one.

I have to hope that you have it in you to pull House Blackwood further into the culture of the Compact, that you learn to embrace our traditions as your own. We do not all need to be precisely the same, but we must all be on the same page about what makes us Compact and what makes others not.

When people rail against those strictures, when the lines of right and wrong are blurred it weakens the overarching structure. If a noble does not feel like honoring their duties to their family and instead fritters away their family's coffers on luxuries while their people starve that is obviously worse than a noble refusing to take themselves seriously and act with the dignity of their station, right? When you chip away at the small things it adds up. We hold ourselves a certain way because we need to remember what separates us. We need to remember our choices are not for ourselves. If we make concessions here or there, those concessions will only grow until the most simple truths are no longer simple.

It is about principle and honor and respect.

I know you only a little. And what I do know is that you are an intelligent, brave healer who puts the needs of others above her own. That is fantastic and that strength, conviction and selflessness will serve you incredibly well. I do wish you the best in your future. Never think I wish you or anyone ill. But mine is not a solitary point of view. You are going to be watched, and judged, and likely underestimated. Your successes are likely going to be brushed off as chance, and your failures will be held up under intense scrutiny and will receive more than one smug look of condescension. Your path is going to be a difficult one. If you wish my advice? Marry. Marry soon. And pick someone who was born to it, raised to the life of a noble and knows the way that it works. Lean on them and their expertise until you get your feet under you.

Good luck.

Written By Eilonwy

Oct. 2, 2018, 7:41 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

As it seems people will talk, speculate, and assume, allow me to offer my thoughts on the matter of my recent job change.
I don't wholly assume to know the late Marquis' mind, but I looked on him fondly, and served his family diligently.

I volunteered to go to battles as a healer-because it would look good for Blackwood.
I stepped up as Voice for my House because there were simply no nobles present at the time to do so. When there were, I wrote them with my ideas rather than acting on them alone. I served them when ever they were present in the city.
I have managed accounts, aided, and tasked out my people when appropriate.
I have helped my House to save, so I can use those funds and writs to help my lands thrive.

If you think I can't be selfless enough, or political enough to do this job, get to know me. For I've been here, in Arx, reading whites, watching the nobles whom interact with people of my station. If you can't swallow the idea of speaking to me, speak to my liege lord Duke Asger, or the Voice for the County I now must aid and assist to see their house thrive as well, Lord Cadern.

I came to Blackwood mourning my tribe for their slaughter when Brand's army before it sieged Arx. Since then I have made Blackwood my family and it's success the dedication of many of my waking hours. I don't begrudge other Houses their outrage but Blackwood is a young House, only a generation old. Our ways are not yet wholly the ways of the compact.

If you're looking to cast out shade, try growing some trees, it might well leave you less bitter in the end.

Written By Thena

Oct. 2, 2018, 6:39 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Godric

Didn't the scholars kick you out once already?

Written By Rosalie

Oct. 2, 2018, 6:31 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Oswyn

YAY! You're back!! I got married! And I'm pregnant! You have to meet my husband, he's utterly amazing. And we have SO MUCH to talk about! Your training those first weeks was invaluable to me, I'm so glad to see you return safely.

Written By Oswyn

Oct. 2, 2018, 6:19 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I've returned to Arx. Catching up with the news might take a bit of time; however, I see many congratulations are in order, so I'll begin with those.

Written By Reigna

Oct. 2, 2018, 5:20 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Keaton rarely denies contribution to a sound cause. If you are asking for a goat, I will happily provide one, if not two.

You simply have to ask.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 2, 2018, 5:12 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Thanks to the sale put forth by Rook and Yasmine, I have procured so much in the way of materials to provide for crafters to make things for the auction. Clothing, jewelry, even Prince Galen see's fit to design for a diamondplate weapon.

I cannot write enough about the generosity of others too. The Lady Zoey has produced an outfit that is sure to make bidders weep and throw themselves into a frenzy and as always I count on the Mazetti's to cut me a very good deal on one of their Geldings. I wonder what shade they will send.

The odds of a Keaton Pygmy goat? Very low. I suspect. But I al looking to the Blackrams with the hopes that one of their wolfhounds might spur on some generous donations or bidding.

And I set a scribe to making a singular copy of children's tomes that I have penned for my children. Apt I think. But there's still much time to go and still more things to do. A boat still to come from Blackshore docks for raffle again. Who knows who will be the lucky winner this year.

But much to do and not near enough energy to do it all. Please gods, give me enough energy to do it all.

Written By Victus

Oct. 2, 2018, 5 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Perronne

I like you.

Written By Perronne

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:49 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Nobility. Huh.

I guess I have as much right to be noble as anyone - my mother was! Is. She's still alive! I hope? I mean, I'm pretty sure she is. I'm sure someone would have written if she wasn't.

Being a noble bastard is a weird thing, though, because you have a foot in both worlds, and can see the issues on both sides. I mean, I'm a threat to my half-siblings. I recognize that. I'm the firstborn, and if someone wanted, especially these days when commoners getting a title is becoming pretty commonplace (heh, pun intended!), and there's even some pretty recent precedent with noble bastards, that the NOBLE part entitles you to a title, even despite the COMMON part. In the end, it's one of the reasons I became Crownsworn, so that I couldn't be used like that against that half of my bloodline - as long as I hung around, there was always the chance that my feelings would turn, or someone could talk me into a very bad idea. So, I'm free and I'm happy!

And it wasn't always fair, growing up. The blooded side of my family was dutiful, but always very clear about expectations, and the expectations I could NOT have. I visited my mother regularly, but when we weren't meeting, then I stayed with and was expected to learn the duties of the upper level servants - the gameskeeper, the archivist, the tutors, the seneschal. Respected above a chamber maid, but not Family. I had to ACT like a noble, so I didn't embarrass anyone (and if I ever fell short of expectations, there wasn't anger - just resigned disappointment. After all, no one could expect better.), but they were always very good about making certain that I knew I wasn't one, and was never going to be one. Which hurt, sometimes, even if I didn't WANT to be one.

But I was also close enough to see the WORK that went into 'being noble'. Yeah, you get fancy clothes and food and lessons above and beyond the Church teaching, and servants and all of that. But you also have to take on terrible decisions. When food is short, you decide who eats. When bandits threaten your villages, you decide where to put your forces, knowing that your soldiers will die - and that you might be wrong, and your farmers and villagers might also die when the bandits strike elsewhere. You take on the burden of knowing you can start a war with a single sentence - whether you mean to or not. Your neighbors are always eyeing your land and your people, and the shavs grow bold to prey on any sign of weakness. When your vassals quarrel, you're expected to take a (delicate, respectful) hand in the matter to keep it from becoming a war. It's hard work, and when you get it wrong, people - a lot of people - die. And it all comes down to you, and your leadership. That's not a burden I want! And I feel like it's a burden that very few people, when you get down to it, want - so it's probably best to have a group of people who are (theoretically) trained from birth (and at least in my mother's family, the training to be proper nobility started VERY young) to handle all of that without going crazy or getting kicked out of the Compact or something.

Now, that's not to say a lot of nobles are actually very good at all of that? And a lot of them blow off anything that makes them feel uncomfortable or might make people angry at them so that they can spend taxes and energy on fun times and happy things instead. Sometimes they make huge mistakes, and sometimes they just don't care about doing what's right for the people, so long as they are praised by their friends or get to do something nice for someone they like. Or for themselves. And sometimes it feels like noble families have pretty much stopped preparing nobles for...nobling at things...

Huh. I think that I had started this out as intending to argue that noble duties demanded blooded nobility, but I dunno. I mean, if the nobility doesn't care about who gets to be noble, then why should anyone else? Although, in that regard - if the judgment of a born noble is no better or more worthy than the judgment of a born commoner, then why should they even get to decide who gets ennobled? Or gets to be the heir? Maybe the people in each demesne should choose who they want to lead them, and we can give whoever they choose the fancy title and the lands and the power. I don't think it should apply to their family, though - I mean, if nobility doesn't mean anything, then just being related to the lady in the shiny crown should mean less than nothing.

Although I suppose that really leads to whoever can get the most people with the sharpest swords to stab people for them ending up in charge, and then we're right back to nobility within a generation or two, I guess.

Written By Fredrik

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:46 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I decide to take my rest after a recent bout of ill humors, and come back to the Whites and discover...Well, it appears to be a bunch of wills (including my daughters and Alexandre's), as well as several flung remarks about commoners, nobility, titles, insults about titles, and a tale of a sheep.

Arx is never boring, I will give it that.

Also Rosalie and Helia, take note that your titles are NOT courtesies, and I still expect you to carry them out diligently, including the parts where you come back alive, damnit. I lost all of my family once, I do not think I could survive another round.

Written By Eleyna

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:35 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

A courtesy title? My brother was born a Prince and is currently my Voice. That's hardly just a 'courtesy'. Is your position as Voice of Keaton also a courtesy title given you by your husband?

Written By Rook

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:34 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Coin should never be coveted, it should be spent. It's by Gild's blessing we have formed civilisation and society that let's us be rewarded for what we were born to inherently excel at, or work to be good at. When people come to me to learn about matters economic, or 'how to get rich', I tell them I am someone who understands people better than I do numbers. If they can do the same, nothing will prevent them doing as I do. This is the truest thing I have possibly ever said.

Money is a tool. If you obsess over it, you are unwise, and consumed by greed. If you earn it as fast as you spend it, you can make great works in this world. That is all I do.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:30 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

By cat food, he means fresh live mice brought in daily from the docks, for the demon of Arx to trap and gnaw upon.

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