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Written By Reigna

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:30 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

I know what it was I said, Your Grace, and no amount of your claiming otherwise or attempting to twist the meaning held within my writing is going to change it. I did not demean, disparage or condescend to anyone, unlike what you are attempting to do to me. I have, repeatedly, explained, that what Baron Clement earned was in no way influenced by my affection for him in any manner. If you can find another situation with another common born person with his record of dedication, responsibility, dignity and service who goes out and secures land and ousts those squatting on that land? I would approve of their promotion as they would have earned it. As Baron Clement has. My feelings for him are moot. If I were prone to overlook my own ethics for those I am close to, then why have I not adopted my ward, Kata Oakheart? I love her as a daughter. I love her the same as my true-born sons. Is she a Lady of Keaton? No. Why? What has she done to earn it? Be loved by me? Not enough.

I do think there is a problem with the Peerage of Arx not taking things seriously. We *should* take things seriously. If we do not want to? Then why are we noble? I think there should be more like your brother, Ettore. He relinquished his responsibility over his March and took a courtesy title instead. While that seems utterly shocking and deeply unsettling to me, it was, in a sense, the responsible thing to do.

Written By Victus

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:28 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

The crown pays me for cat food.

Noble privileges will always be great.

Written By Saoirse

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:24 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I should certainly hope that there is a difference between commoner and nobility, otherwise the whole system kind of falls apart, doesn't it.

Written By Juniper

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:21 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I was born common and remain so, though by the grace of the Whisper House have been raised to excellence in the eyes of Arvum. My toys as a child were fashioned of sticks and rocks and leaves, and I understood the joy of simple pleasures but also what it was to go to bed with an empty belly, and what it was like to lose the babies and the very old in hard winters. As a teenager, I was brought into a noble household and began to learn of finer things, including how to speak properly, how to safely polish jewelry, and how to lift a stain from velvet. As a Whisper, I was taught how to complement (and compliment!) people from all walks of life though the focus was always on the highest. I'm as common as they come though I walk now through splendid halls and wear expensive things. I might be able to run an estate but it would take the help of others who were born and raised to it and if I succeeded it would be due to their assistance, and the Whisper House's education, rather than my own merits.

A person may learn just about anything if they are called to do so and have the will. But I recognize I was not raised from birth with the tutors and examples the nobility have every day. It would not come as naturally to me, I would be donning a costume over those I've already put on in my life and even if I wear it easily, because I have practiced it a thousand times in private where no one may see me stumble, it is still a costume. There are expectations set upon the nobility, and in balance of that, they are born and educated in ways intended to help them achieve those expectations far more easily than a person born among ash and woodsmoke.

Yes, many take the advantages and apply them only to their own pleasures and interests. Many do prefer to indulge themselves. But as a general rule, they are born to their station and they wear it far more naturally than someone raised to it later in life.

It seems to me natural to be alarmed over the raising of a person not raised from birth to administrate. There are many aspects of running a barony or county or march which could be easily overlooked simply because one doesn't understand or realize they even exist. It does not make that person unworthy, or unfit, or a failure, or even a disaster waiting to happen. They may still be brave and honourable and intelligent and a good friend to their friends. It simply means that others recognize the greater potential for slips to be made, for things to be overlooked, for mistakes there to affect the lands around them, rippling up the chain to the higher echelons.

There are many things that could stand to be improved within our society (scandalous, I know!), but being shocked and wary of someone not trained to it suddenly being handed the reins of rulership (including the lives of the people who scrape and toil there) is not one of them.

Written By Edain

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:15 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Not that you, or anyone needs my advice, but I always counsel that one show caution in coveting coin.

You cannot grow crops out of a mound of silver, nor can you harvest lumber or mine iron from it. There are many ways to be wealthy in this world, just as there are many ways to be poor. We all have our smattering of both.

Written By Aureth

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:11 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

At least Master Rook can be relied upon to be generally aesthetic about his absurd wealth. I've never seen him in public and not thought him well turned out.

Written By Mydas

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:10 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Frankly at this rate I'm more likely to be envious about Master Rook's wealth. Even I don't have a giant golden statue of myself.

Written By Aureth

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:06 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I find it amusing that so many nobles are leaping to the defense of the commons because some random commoner was jumped up among them and they desperately need to save face about it.

Ladies, gentlemen: please. You fool no one.

Some random commoner was elevated to the nobility! This happens periodically, particularly when someone decides to piss off all their relatives by doing it by will when they won't be alive to suffer the consequences.

My sympathies to you all. It does, indeed, reflect rather badly upon the Peerage when someone is elevated for no apparent reason, because it highlights how little attention any of you remember to pay to the duties that accompany your privilege. You don't need to worry about the commons having their feelings hurt about this. Instead, I recommend you work to benefit the commons in a concrete way, according to the duties laid upon you by your task as liege and lady, and cease hand-wringing about whether or not we are sad because someone said we aren't nobles.

Most commoners are busy going about their day, working hard at their lives, and are not interested in faffing about with you except to be irritated when you condescend to them about how envious of your wealth they must be.

Death spun every soul and placed it in this world, and she will come for you when you are finished. Each of you began in this life in a particular place, in a particular family, or not. What does that mean? Look to Limerance for guidance; or to Lagoma; and always, remember Skald.

Written By Sable

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:04 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Should anything happen to me, please donate my equipment to the Lodge and return the Thorn of Tor to Archlector Brigida.

Written By Riagnon

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:03 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Wait. Are... commoners NOT unfit to rule?

Written By Edain

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:59 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

The world as we knew it is getting bigger everyday, and though I cling to tradition because it is my bedrock I think we have to acknowledge that sometimes we are going to have to accept unconventional circumstances to find our way forward. There is one thing I want the entirety of the Compact to understand though.

Coronets will chaff the fuck out of your forehead.

Written By Godric

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:58 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

I did not say I don't believe you. I CAN READ OKAY. Sometimes I just need to read twice.

Written By Daemon

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:57 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

Oh are we making coronets now?! Excellent, I knew I stocked up on parchment, sticky paste and small scissors for something spectacular!

Written By Eleyna

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:55 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

The implication that commoners are unable to be as honorable and self-sacrificing as you claim is the epitome of nobility is right there in your words. Thus, implying that you believe that commoners are generally unfit to rule. Unless they are your friend as you so corrected in the very next entry. Then they definitely deserve all the honors and titles bestowed upon them.

Yours words, Marquessa. Not mine.

I don't doubt that Baron Norwood exemplifies the traits needed to be a good member of the Peerage. In general, I believe that some commoners are just as willing and able to commit to the sacrifice needed to be a noble. Just like some born to nobility are utterly unwilling to commit to the same. It's almost like people are individuals that can hold any number of traits and that honor isn't the exclusive domain of nobility. What an odd concept.

Written By Mydas

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:54 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Given the last time I heard of utter chaos in the Mourning Isles came not from His Grace's actions, I have to agree. Though I imagine having a wife who knows how a noble should behave has no doubt aided, yes?

The answer is yes. You don't want to deal with the consequences of a no.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:53 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I wonder what the High Lord of Sanctum would feel to some of the words in the whites. Given that he was born to joust, ride, be the best knight in all of Arvum and support his father and then his brother.

But, that's none of my business is it....

Written By Thena

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:52 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Godric

I said coroneT.

Written By Victus

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:50 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I wasn't born common but I was definitely not raised to be a noble either. I didn't get my title of 'Lord' till I was way onto my adulthood after the Tyde Rebellion. Before then I lived on beck and call of the peerage of the Isles as the serving class, it just so happened my servitude was in the fact that I knew how to swing an axe real good and kill who my Uncle was threatened by.

Then when I /was/ ennobled, I literally did shit all but eat and drink because I didn't have to worry about working for my food everyday when it was just there on a nice silver platter. Which was about the best I could do because being born bastard was still like being a red-headed child of the peerage, just less of one than coming from literal nothing or a Shav tribe.

Now I'm a High Lord and I sit on the biggest chair in my house. I wasn't born into that shit, I wasn't taught how to do anything but be a soldier and a sailor. I got lucky with my bloodline and someone who needed an ennobled thug had a lot of money to give me. To be honest I don't think I do much of a worse job than your average noble either.

Ain't nothing fair and where you came from don't mean shit if your dice roll lucky and you got the drive to back it up. Some folk get it easier, some folk get it harder. When you're dead, we all rot at the same pace. Don't take yourself so damn seriously in the few years to live you get.

Written By Lore

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:44 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I'll take the coronet, but you can keep the titles!

Written By Ida

Oct. 2, 2018, 3:43 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

My skill with jewelrycraft is, at best, juvenile. If you don't mind a vaguely crooked coronet however, I've always kind of wanted to attempt one.

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