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Written By Salvatore

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:31 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

My debut as a Champion did not go quite as well as I had hoped. I was eliminated from the championship in a single blow. Admittedly it was to first blood. I guess I'll have to get used to fighting to first blood not to last man standing. It was a little embarassing but that's just the level of skill in the city. It was certainly enlightening. The crowd did get into it at least hopefully they weren't too disappointed and the healer was quite kind and lovely so it wasn't all bad. Still it's a sign of just how different this place is.

Written By Jaenelle

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:31 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

Ettore wont let me taste it. I have two bottles in the wine cellar if you wish to keep one as a memory to never trust something called Foolsbane.

Written By Starra

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:29 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Ahhhhhh, this weather recently has been quite exceptional! It's important to just enjoy the small things in life sometimes, as I did today. Sure it may seem frivolous and unimportant to then write about it but dammit how else am I supposed to get anyone to care about my inner thoughts? What about when I had an exceptional day? Shouldn't the world have the ability to look back on that? Ahhh, think of the generational significance of our day to day minutia. Perhaps the next step is multiple daily entries tracking the important individual events of the day.

I think maybe we'll go sailing tomorrow.


Written By Jaenelle

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:28 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

Fergus Redrain

We met inside the Redrain Study. It was a fluke, really, a meeting arranged due to the complaints of sisters. Freja and I decided that we would exchange siblings because we always had the greatest ideas when we were together. I am not sure how she fared out regarding Valerius, though I am almost certain she threatened to hit him over the head.

I on the other hand met Fergus, and we talked within that study for hours. He smiled, which I heard was a rare sight at that time, and it was warm and gentle. He was deeper than what he allowed people to see, softer than he wished anyone to understand. He was someone I could speak to about anything, to gauge an honest response regardless of topic. Even after that original meeting, we met often to share a drink when we could before life took hold of both of us, and for those memories I will always have a soft spot for The Spirits.

Written By Rowenova

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:28 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

A rare constellation came together in one place a short while, and it was a great evening: Sir Flop, Duke Vercyn, Vala Khanne, Lord Arik, Lord Percephon, Lord Mirk, and Lady Carita. I truly love such wonderful moments!

Written By Mydas

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:27 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

It's hardly 'trying' if one succeeds.

I am however glad that this learning experience will be remembered. It is the least I can do for one I had the pleasure to work with over a substantial period of time.

Though I will note that you, unlike a distressing amount of the local population, stopped at the first drink.

Written By Merek

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:26 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

I am hoping to write a new book! I need ideas!

Written By Rook

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:21 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

This week I went to the Catharsis. It is not my usual kind of venue, but as ever, I can learn something about myself stepping outside of my comfort zone.

Unfortunately what I learned was that his highness, Prince Mydas Velenosa, is trying to poison me. I hear what he served me something called Foolsbane and, it is true, I was quite the fool to accept.

Never again.

Written By Bashira

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:17 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

It's time to focus on the preparation. Time to set aside little things that distract me. I need to work out things for myself.

Written By Estil

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:12 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Those who insist "it will never work" are usually the first to fall prey to the enthusiasm of success.

Those who pretend to know just how others will behave in a particular situation are the true masters of projection.

Written By Jaenelle

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:11 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Barric

I have been feeling emotional lately, reminiscing of days long gone, when things seemed simpler. So for my first memory, I will write down one of Barric Grayson.

I can not remember the event, a ball of some sort held inside the Velenosa estate. There were so many people there, and I was new to the city and I believe that Calista introduced us. We danced, as is proper, but it certainly was not the dance that was memorable. The three of us sat in an alcove and spoke throughout the evening. We laughed and drank so much that we had not even noticed the rest of the people around us had left. We then had the greatest of ideas, we were going to sneak into the Palace for no reason other than to see if we could. It might not have been the greatest ideas considering, but the three of us were feeling quite brave at this point and we could find no fault in our decision. We tried, and failed among the giggles, to sneak through the city. We made it all the way to the gates of the Palace and then... We turned around and went our separate ways home.

It seems like a lifetime ago, doesnt it? We never did break in.

Written By Bashira

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:11 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

I've made a new friend it seems. One that shares my love of sailing. I think that he shows much promise in his skills on the water. I just need to get him to classes steadily and he'll be just as good as me someday.

Written By Felix

Sept. 30, 2018, 10:56 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

For those in need of any last minute arms or armor -

Seaborn Weaponry has some availability with High Quality Steel armaments. For those who already have such, there is time yet to refine your items to a higher quality. Anyone who might need assistance, or have questions, contact any of your local crafters.

Felix Meadson

Written By Valencia

Sept. 30, 2018, 10:41 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

So many refer to themselves and others as creatures from woods, water and air. I myself have been named vixen or little fox by others, and I wear that name with pride. It is has become a name as natural as my own.

Over the years, it has been my great pleasure to shared company with a veritable menagerie -- wolves, bears of black, cinnamon brown and some snow white, foxes, hounds, dragons, griffons, cats, snakes, wildcats, hawks, minx, stags, bulls, old goats, crows, falcons, badgers, sharks, bunnies, martens, lions, little mice, vipers, songbirds and more. The list goes on and on.

I must admit that I enjoy this menagerie of personalities. Now, often when I meet someone I wonder what creature they are, or which resonates with them, and why.


Written By Josephine

Sept. 30, 2018, 10:31 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

It was a lovely party. Everyone seems to have come for the ring.

Can't say that I much enjoyed whomever dressed their trained pet rats up in children's clothing though. Shameful really.

Written By Kaldur

Sept. 30, 2018, 10:27 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Something really unusual happened. Maybe this is is common place for others, but Sir Matthew Stoatington - a stoat - arrived at the Deepwood-and-Grayson raffle, an event I found both wondrous and unsettling.

He had an eyeglass, Sir Matthew did. Remarkable in its own right.


Written By Valencia

Sept. 30, 2018, 10:23 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

The power of people coming together to make good things happen is a beautiful thing. With this in mind, I would like to thank the following generous and very noble ladies and gentlemen for offering assistance in protecting many of our most vulnerable people and helping to our realm prepare for the upcoming defense of The Lodge of Petrichor.

To my dearest Missere Master Waldemai Isenhu; my most beloved cousin, Prince Lorenzo of Velenosa; the talented and lovely Lady Carissa Malespero; the dashing and brave Missere Jhond Whisper; the very skilled and kind Missere Master Harmon; the bold and darking Sir Corban Telmar; the very kind and inspiring Wolf Scout Rowenova; the gallant Captain Ari Corsetina and his crew; my sweetest and most trusted friend Archlector Vayne and Missere Theodoric Ulbran for their support, kindness, intelligent and generous assistance as we help so many and for heir spirit in rising up to do what is needed to help our fighters see our people safe. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you as well to all those who have risen up to help in this cause. I cannot say how heartened and grateful I am to everyone who has risen to do what they can to help.


Written By Lorenzo

Sept. 30, 2018, 10 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Gwenna

I was just saying the other day I wouldn't mind having a dog to keep my feet warm, especially in the colder months. I suppose we will have to pick one out together before long.

Written By Alexis

Sept. 30, 2018, 9:36 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Kace


I spoke to Princess Kace Redrain. Warrior of the North. I asked her as I've asked others before. She sent me a letter, which I've transcribed:

"A soldier is, to me, one who has chosen to take upon themselves the burden of duty and responsibility to others.
Each soldier in an army has agreed to take up arms against whatever threatens, not just their own families, but the families of those around them as well.
A soldier is someone who is willing to take up arms to defend their rights, freedoms, and way of life against those who would seek to subvert or destroy that.
Not every man or woman in an army is a soldier, and not every soldier is in an army.
I've watched simple folks pick up arms to defend their neighbors against an enemy, and I've watched trained fighters flee a battlefield.
A true soldier is willing to lay down his or her life to protect those around them."

It's an interesting view - especially as so many others have considered soldiers to exist in their capacity of being in armies, in the taking of orders, in the duty laid upon them by their oaths of fealty.

But then, I suppose that is where it comes in as well - not just sworn duty, but a duty to each other. In creating a community we will stand for.

I quite like this answer.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 30, 2018, 9:35 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Etienne

Should you ever feel the urge to start calling it your "precious", I suggest taking a break. Perhaps a walk. I'm told travelling across the continent to climb a mountain does wonders to change one's mind.

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